The Boy to my Right, The Girl to my Left

Apples and Butterflies



Stealing glances


For a few brief seconds

I dare to look to my right

To catch a glimpse of him


Blonde hair

Furrowed brows

Dark brown eyes

Pouted lips

Boyish smile


For the last 2 years

I’ve been stealing glances

At a boy sitting across the aisle from me







Across the aisle


Lately I find myself

Studying the girl sitting to my left

Across the aisle from me


Dark brown locks

Doe eyes

Flushed cheeks

Pink lips

Angelic smile


Wondering why nobody noticed she was pretty.







Along the Corridors


In the morning

I would pass him by

As he hung out with his friends

Along the corridors


In the short-lived moment

That he was within arms reach

I would feel butterflies in my stomach.

A feeling I would carry the whole day

And in my sleep.







Pass me by


I thought I was popular with the girls

But she seems to be an exception


She would pass me by along the corridors

Without even a smile nor an awkward hi


I’m not an attention seeker

But really, is she ignoring me?

Somehow I felt this as a blow to my ego.

And I don’t know why it bothers me.









I dare not speak to him nor even smile at him.

Why would I?

I don’t think he even notices me

Who would?


I’m a nerd. He’s a jock.

He’s popular. I’m not.

I look okay. He’s hot.


I hang out in the library

and my friends are the librarian, the lunch lady

and the janitor who locks up after class.


I fly below radar in stealth-mode.

My status: Invisible









I think she’s oblivious to my presence.

But then why would she take interest in me?


I’m just a jock.

I’m just good at shooting hoops.

I fool around and get detention.


While she’s smart.

She’s always the top in every test.

Teachers like her.


Everyday I would throw glances at her

Waiting for her to notice me.

And it still beats me why I want her to.







A girl’s dream


Everyday I steal a glance at him

And my heart would skip a beat


His dark eyes

Seem to reach my soul


His smile

Makes my knees go weak


I am like moth to his fire

Like an apple falling for gravity

But in reality he is just a dream







A boy’s dream


Everyday she passes me by

Leaving me with a trail of butterflies


Her hair sways

As if carried by a breeze


Her pretty face

Matches her beautiful heart


She’s a goddess, an angel

while I am just a boy

And to me she’s like a dream







Just my luck


I was coming out from the library

Carrying a pile of books


But I was such a klutz

So I tripped


I was silently cursing my luck

As I tried to gather the scattered books


I was surprised when someone helped me









It was an accident of fate

When I saw her trip


I came forward to help her

And she looked surprise when she saw me


As we finished stacking the books again

She stood up to leave but before she walked away

She smiled at me shyly.


“Thanks, Jiyong.”


I felt my heart skip a beat.

         She knew my name.







Across the aisle


Omo! I talked to him today.

My heart has been racing since then.


Will he find it weird

That I knew his name?


Oh dear! I said his name.

I felt my cheeks blush.


I slowly turned to look

Across the aisle to my right


And saw him staring at me

With a smile on his face







Stealing glances


I’ve been stealing glances

To my left at her

Waiting for her to throw me a glance


The happy feeling of her knowing my name

 hasn’t left me yet

and I’m like an idiot smiling.


So she knows me


Slowly she turned to look at me

Her pink cheeks blushed further







To my right


I look to my right and smile

Knowing he’s just across from me

Staring at me with a smile on his face


I could look at him now

If only I could speak up

And tell him how I feel







To my left


Watching the girl to my left

has become addicting

because everytime she’ll look my way

she’d smile


if only I could get to know her more









After classes

I hurried to gather my stuff

So I could go home


I was surprised when I found him

by the schoolgate


Soon he was walking beside me

As he took my books to carry

I turned to look at him

And he was smiling at me.

I smiled back.









I felt the need to get to know her

So I decided to walk her home

And start from there

But I don’t know what to say to her

So I just smiled at her


Thankfully she smiled back.

I was hoping it was a good sign.

Because I am getting used to her smiles.









The walk home was silent

But I was getting deaf

with the loud beating of my heart


Standing outside my house

He turned to me before he left


“See you tomorrow Dara.”


He knew my name.

As if suddenly I wasn’t invisible.









We walked in silence

But somehow I felt

It was the most meaningful conversation

I have ever had.


Weird, but her nearness is comforting

Yet exhilarating at the same time.

I felt a stirring in my heart I haven’t felt before.

And realized what it just might be.







Walking in silence


Walking home with him has become a habit

A habit which I do not wish to break


It starts with a smile and ends with a smile

The gaps filled by a long silence,

Where we both struggle for something to say

But couldn’t


But really, walking in silence is not so bad

When walking beside the boy I secretly love.

The silence is actually comforting,

To balance out the loud pounding of my heart.


Because breaking the silence

Is something I am too cowardly to do







Silent conversation


Everyday I’d walk her home

The silence lingering around us


In my head, I struggle for words

to say how I feel

Afraid that if I speak incorrectly

She would disappear


Everyday, we’d exchange smiles

Hoping that for the meantime it was enough

And that meaningful silence

would pass for conversation









I wish I knew what’s on your mind

If you think of me

The way I think of you

Your silence scares me

But when you smile

I feel reassured

Patience seems to escape from me

As I wait to hear your words so sweet

But I must wait

And pray that my lips remain sealed


Uncertain of what to expect from you

I fear of love unreturned

Hurt me not for my heart is frail

And I may never recover

(with much faith I hope otherwise)

But for now, it’s enough for me

that everytime I turn to look

you are there

and even in obscurity

I’m happy







Breaking the silence


The silence has been hanging around us for a while

And it’s about time I break it

I’ve found the words I have wanted to say

Hoping they were enough

to say how I feel about her

Hoping they mean to her

how much they mean to me







3 words


I Love You









I was much too happy to speak

My heart felt like bursting

I was tearing up even as I smile


I did not know 3 words could move me as much







4 words


I love you too









I didn’t know happiness could be found

In her 4 words







The boy to my right


I was smiling at the boy

From whom I’ve been stealing glances to my right

And whom I passed by along the corridors


The boy who walked with me in silence

Whose 3 words were enough for me


I reached for his hand  

Entwining mine

They fit perfectly







The girl to my left


I was smiling at the girl

Who sat to my left across the aisle from me

Who has been passing me by


The girl who walked with me in silence

And made me happy with 4 words


I leaned in

And our lips

Fit perfectly








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Chapter 5: I love your style in writing!
It's like freshly baked apple pie.. sweet, warm and comforting. ^_^
bienbonita #2
Chapter 3: Awww that was so sweet! :)
Chapter 10: That was so sweet <33
Chapter 10: Love it..
Thank you! :))
so this is the Collection, i see.. i have read those once and won't mind to read it again^^~
you keep your story alive, hohoho.. i don't know how to describe it well, it's just i LOVE most of 'em >_<
keep on your hard work!! i'm look forward to your fics <3 <3 <3
xue_hea #6
_i just finished reading again all your oneshots. waah! im feeling good right now b'coz of your stories. jjang! much love! :)))
Ashyunchick20 #7
Hello hello ~Shinee dance~ :P
I was wondering if you have time, to check out my fanfic bout Shinee ^_^
Thanks :) :)
chunnie-ah #8
you are really good. I love these one-shots, my favorite is the boy to my right and the girl to my left... :D