My Side Your Side

Apples and Butterflies


My  Side Your Side


They say

There are two sides to every story

My side and  your side


I stay on the left.

You stay on the right.

My side and your side.


So tell me

What about the space between

My side and your side?


Somehere between

my side and your side

lies our story









I was 12 and the new girl in town

when I met him.


“Hi! I am Jiyong. What’s your name?”


“Sandara” I said,

mesmerized by the raven-haired boy.


“That’s an odd name for a girl” he said


“Maybe I am an odd girl”


Dark brown eyes stared into mine.

I wondered what he saw?


“You’re not” he said softly.


I blushed.


“Want to be my friend?” he asked.


“Sure” I gladly accepted.


“From now on I’ll call you Dara”


So I was.

So we became friends.




Used to Be


I would sit on a swing

and you would push me


When you have an apple

you’d cut it in half

and give the bigger part to me


I would tell you my problems

and tell me not to worry


We used to be friends

            You and I


But time passed by (4 years)

and you outgrew me





G Dragon


I am the “It Boy”

Mr. Popular


I hang with the popular crew

I date the most sought out girls

I party like there’s no tomorrow


But I wasn’t always like this

I used to be Jiyong

Simple and ordinary


I got bored and decided to change

I dyed my hair blonde


That was 2 years ago




Sick and Tired


I never knew being popular

could be suffocating

Maintaining my image

Means I have to watch out

for my every move


Being at the top is lonely

When everyone else befriends you

For whom they think you are

Not for whom you are


Come to think of it

I’m not sure who I am anymore

But I don’t know who else to be


I am sick and tired of this crap

But it’s all I have







I don’t know when this chasm

appeared between us

A huge rift has opened

that I could not cross


You’re down with the cool kids now

G Dragon, they would call you


While I am still me, Sandara

The girl with the odd name

Dara, once your friend

Now just a nobody


And like a nobody

You no longer saw me


Social convention states that

The likes of you and I don’t mix

Must be why the rift has turned

Into this Grand Canyon of distance


With me on my side

And you on the other




 From Afar


I can’t recall when was it

that we stopped talking?


Maybe it was when I started to change

Without meaning to,

I pushed you away


Time and neglect

has put this distance between us

And social rules forbid me to cross it


I can’t go back to the way things were,

Knowing I left you behind


So I contented myself watching you from afar

And sending you my smile

when you feel lonely







I was used to being on the outskirts

of everyone’s attention

until I accidentally bumped into him

and spilled strawberry slush

on his crisp white shirt


The shirt was suddenly stained red

like the blooming embarrassment

on my cheeks


“Mianhe” I said.

My first word to you after 2 years


Your friends got angry and called me names

I wanted the ground to open up and swallow me


“Enough” you said and left


I was surprised when you took my hand

and pulled me with you







Away from the crowd,

I studied her closely

She seemed the same

yet prettier than I remember


“Mianhe” she apologized again


“It’s alright, Dara”

 I used the name I gave her after a long time


Brown eyes stared into mine,

filled with question and surprise


“I thought you’ve forgotten about me”


“We may have stopped talking,

but I have never forgotten you.

I am sorry for being a rotten friend.”


“It’s alright Ji. You should go back to them.

I don’t want you to suffer because of me.”


She used my old name.


“No, this is where I should be”







My so-called friends were mad

that I chose Dara over them

and the girls that used to follow me

ditched me upon learning about this

I have stopped being invited to parties


I dyed my hair black






You were used to a crowd

surrounding you,

admiring you

 You were always on top


I’m amongst the crowd

surrounding you,

admiring you

but you didn’t notice


It’s alright

It doesn’t hurt

I’m used to being alone


The crowd parted

and you’re left in the middle,



Tell me,

Does it hurt to be alone?




Back to You


Now that I am not Mr. Popular

I could hang with Dara again

I hope I was not too late

I hope she’d still accept me


I wanted to make up for the lost years

I wanted for things to go back

to the way they were


Truth is, I’ve missed her







He’s back.

My friend Jiyong is back


A bridge has formed

between the rift between us


Problem is, I am in love with him

A secret I have kept to myself






She grew in front of me

But only now do I see her truly


Fair skin that glows

Long flowing hair

Smooth cheeks that easily blush

Lips tainted with strawberries

Eyes that speak of innocence

A smile as bright as the sun


My heart races when I look at her

like a switch has been


Love is set into motion





The Proposal


I love her

I know I do

And I want her to love me too


But what do I do to make her mine

How do I propose to a friend of mine?





The Word Unspoken


Yesterday you smiled at me

I smiled back



I saw you again smiling

And I smiled back


Tomorrow’s just another day

You’d smile again

And I’d smile back

Waiting to hear

The word unspoken







I gave you an apple


“Just like the old times?” you asked.


“No, It’s all yours.”


You were puzzled


“Have you ever marvelled how a human heart

is almost shaped like an apple?

Like this apple, I’m giving my heart to you”







There were butterflies in my stomach

and butterflies in my heart

This fluttery feeling that wouldn’t stop


He pulled me close as he leaned in

I closed my eyes and waited for him


I felt the butterfly in his kisses over and over again.






“I love you Dara”


“I love you too Ji”


There’s no my side or your side


Only the two of us with love in between





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Chapter 5: I love your style in writing!
It's like freshly baked apple pie.. sweet, warm and comforting. ^_^
bienbonita #2
Chapter 3: Awww that was so sweet! :)
Chapter 10: That was so sweet <33
Chapter 10: Love it..
Thank you! :))
so this is the Collection, i see.. i have read those once and won't mind to read it again^^~
you keep your story alive, hohoho.. i don't know how to describe it well, it's just i LOVE most of 'em >_<
keep on your hard work!! i'm look forward to your fics <3 <3 <3
xue_hea #6
_i just finished reading again all your oneshots. waah! im feeling good right now b'coz of your stories. jjang! much love! :)))
Ashyunchick20 #7
Hello hello ~Shinee dance~ :P
I was wondering if you have time, to check out my fanfic bout Shinee ^_^
Thanks :) :)
chunnie-ah #8
you are really good. I love these one-shots, my favorite is the boy to my right and the girl to my left... :D