"After this, Explanations I Promise..."

The Houses of Agape and Polemos

From behind someone choked me. Locked me in a sleeper hold. From behind I felt that it was a man. I focused on Taecyeon and tried to yell through the choke hold my attacker got me in. The build of the man felt familiar. He felt like.. He must've been my first attacker too.

He locked hi right arm with his left to perfect the choke hold. Then I felt three stabs to my left rig cage. He cracked my right knee with his and then tried to pull me with him.

Before the man could do anything else to me. Taecyeon punched him square in the face. And I crooked my elbow and rammed my attacker in the chest. I realized too that the Parks could take this chance to kill me now. They could have hired my attacker to be a diversion and blame him for killing me. Why am I thinking like this when surely Taecyeon had just saved me.

Then I spun behind me and saw that the twins were chasing down my attackers. I felt dizzy and saw that three knives stuck out from my rib cage. Taecyeon took two steps towards me as Mir shouted over Taecyeon's shoulder.

Mir: JB, Jr, bring him back alive!

Over Taecyeon's shoulder too I saw Jay.. He was running towards my direction. Towards me. He definitely was going to kill me. These siblings are going to kill me for hurting Taecyeon. Earlier today too I heard Jay and Taecyeon had an argument during one of their classes and Jihyun told me that she heard Jay say "She's mine.." and Taecyeon answer back angrily, "She is mine and don't even think about touching her.. Don't even think about her.."

Taecyeon: Yoona run! Suzy, Mir, Chansung go for hyung!

Taecyeon shouted and I complied. Suzy and Mir tried to go for Jay but he was sleek and sly enough to weave through the restraining arms of his siblings. Even the bear-like Chansung was no match for the Lion-like Jay. Must be because of the football skills. But these siblings don't move like humans now.

Jay: I'll kill you Yoona!

I ran, bolted out of the parking lot and straight to the direction of our bakery. I wanted to go there for my parents. How could these weird things happen to me. I decided I had to put my foot down on my parents and ask them to move us again. Now, why do we keep moving you say? I have these... freak abilities. Inhuman abilities even and my parents try to protect me by running away from the people who want to hurt  me back in Jeonju. And this is a perfectly good reason to move again right?

I ran for the Han River. And saw behind me that Jay was catching up. Above me I heard the sonic boom of a jet. I ran towards the road where I could hide and realized that I needed witnesses in case Jay caught up with me and he wold do something to me. From behind me Jay called out my name in a sing song voice.

Jay: Yoooooooonaaaaa... You can run but you can't hide!

He shouted the last sentence as if he was pissed off that I was faster than him. He was running at top speed but I was just practically jogging. How come? And I just realized this but, hadn't my attacker cracked my right knee. I looked down on my right leg and sure enough a bon protruded in a funny way where my knee should be also out of my pants.

The pain, it wasn't there. I was supposed to feel that right? But I thought, maybe the adrenaline in my body, if anything is left even, could be numbing me all over. I tried to run faster as I see and hear Jay come closer to me. Then my energy started to fade. I stumbled once but regained balance immediately.

Jay: I'll kill you! Right here and now!

Then with his words I pushed what little energy is left inside me I tried to make a jump over a thrash bin. My body felt light and I felt like I was flying. I heard the sound of concrete cracking and the sound of a bones breaking. I closed my eyes and tried to accept the fact that Taecyeon must've caught up with me too and this is my doom. I wanted to see my killer's face before I die.

I opened my eyes and got shocked.

I'm flying.

I looked down and saw a dark shining line and realized it was the Han River and I was flying really fast. I looked at an unconscious ant-like body near the concrete pavement and made out a crack, crater underneath it. Then the image faded as I flew faster. I couldn't control it. Is this all real? Then I fell. 

Like a vertical drop. Like a sinking rock.

Wow, I didn't know my life would be this short? 18 years for nothing. Well here I go. I waited for the impact to come. For the death of me, the death which I served myself. 

Before my body felt the concrete I was tackled left and then I dropped.

In the moment of me being unconscious. I had a dream. I was back in the barren strip if land that lead to nowhere. I was again and from afar I could see that Taecyeon was on his knees, stark too. He was crying and walking with his knees towards a sinkhole in the sand. Before I came to the conclusion that he was walking towards the hole to fall I ran for him.

I pulled him back and into my arms as he lay on top of me. And then he kissed me. And then I woke up. I woke up to the sound of breathing, and the motion of rising and falling.





I inhaled and it hurt and exhaled and it hurt equally as well. My vision is obstructed by something. A mound. My left eye is covered by something and my right eye cold see the calm Han River.

I'm not dead yet.


Someone saved me.

And this someone is under me breathing softly as if it was hard. As if breathing was lifting weights. And this someone felt like he did lift weights. I realized that the mound covering my left eye is his chest. He was breathing creating the illusion of my sight rising up and falling down. He was breathing. I could tell that this someone is a he since my broken left arm and hands lay on his neck and I felt his Adam's apple.

Then a slow, excruciating exhale cam from that someone. And then it spoke up.

Taecyeon: Yoona.. are you okay?

His voice sounded loving and caring though pained as well. Must be hard breathing with a cracked body. I mean, everything in both of us is cracked. I tried to turn my head. But I failed and then I tried to speak.

Yoona: Taec... What happened..

His voice fell husky as he replied.

Taecyeon: Let's lay here for a while. Till the sun comes up.. Let's hope my siblings would find...

He breathed in. He must be hurt as he speaks. I tried to feel where my right arm is and realized it was bent behind me in a very odd and funny way. My right knee cap was sticking out my leg and rested on his left leg. I felt that his chest sank a little. His chest concaved a little must be from the impact of our fall.

Oh yeah!

I was flying.

But where are we? What happened? I don't remember anything. The last thing I remember was the beautiful view of the city and falling towards it. Could he have cushioned my fall.

Yoona: D- Did- y-you s-save me?

I asked trying hard. Trying to choked down the pain I felt.

Taecyeon: Let's heal now..

He said, his voice faltering a little. I heard the sound of the rushing waters of the Han River. I wanted to look around but then the Sun started to rise. It was beautiful. I wish Taecyeon and I cold appreciate it's beauty at a better angle.

Not in an angle where we're both bent in an odd and funny stance. And I realized, the Furies.. They're gone.

Taeyceon: ..after this, Explanations..

He said snapping me out from looking at the rising sun. The Furies no longer bothered us. I know that if we both hear them now, we'de still be going at it even with our mangled body not minding the pain.

Taecyeon: ..I promise.

He said as if he really meant it. No, not as IF he meant it. I know he really did mean it. He really did mean his promise. I know it's nothing but I felt the sincerity of that promise. After all we've been through, our fights we can finally put them to rest but why? 

Questions still clouded me. The questions, the dreams, everything. Could he also hold the answer. I tried to talk to him. I sighed at first knowing that as I try to speak my ribs would prod my lungs which they've pretty much stabbed now and miraculously are still functioning.

Yoona: Taecyeon..

I said breaking the silence.

Yoona: ..I don't see them anymore. The Furies..

Taecyeon: Good.

I can't believe this. We're having our first normal conversation. I tried to keep the conversation alive despite our situation. Despite his chest being closely pressed to my left cheek.

Yoona: Waeyo?

I asked genuinely concerned of his situation. I wish I could turn my head and lift it to face him. I wanted to save him from his pain.

Taecyeon: Mollaeyo.. Gwenchanayo. I like it this way.. We could start..

He coughed and howled in pain.

Taecyeon: ..fresh.

I was concerned again. I wanted to. Aish. I can't explain what I'm feeling right now.

Yoona: Are you hurt?

I asked, slightly hurt with the pain  in my chest and the rising and falling action of his breathing.

Taecyeon: Not much..

We tried to converse despite me being on top of him. This is a very compromising position. Compromising, ual. Whatever. Then I remembered that I was running from Jay. His brother who was about to kill me but then I flew and he caught me and we fell and yeah.

Yoona: Jay..

Taecyeon: ..would have to go through me before he could touch you.

He continued my sentence and then he said.

Taecyeon: You smiled. I felt it in my chest. Your left cheek slightly moved and I am pretty damn- !

He shouted mid sentence and I knew that as he spoke it must be really painful.

Taecyeon: That hurt. Anyway.. I am pretty damn sure you smiled.

Yes I did. I smiled. I could only smiled at what he said. Remember the murderous rage we both felt back then? Well I'm sure that's gone now. And I'm also pretty damn sure it's been replaced by giddy, happiness, caring, kindness and many more positive emotions towards the other person. I'm positive, 100 hundred percent.

Taecyeon: I'll explain everything to you when we get healed and when we..

He groaned and moaned a bit.

Taecyeon: ..get found by my family. You know how I feel now?

Yoona: In pain duh you big oaf..

Taecyeon: Whoa.. We just made-up and you're all grouchy again..

I didn't realize, I haven't even seen or heard or felt this side of him. Not when we're trying to kill each other all the time.

Taecyeon: Go sleep Yoona..

He said. I felt he tilted his head a little to look at the top of my head. I felt his breath on it. And shivers ran down my spine. This very close skinship, it's amazing yet exhilarating to the senses.

Yoona: Taecyeon.. Tell me everything okay.. You've messed up my life too much and I don't want to miss a detail..

He sighed. And it hurt us both.

Taecyeon: Okay.. Everything..

Then one of his hands, his better hand, his right hand moved from his side. I saw it and he put it on my back. He lay it there and then he put pressure to it. Pressing us to each other. He hugged me. And then the pain again.

Yoona and Taecyeon: OWWWWWWWWWWWWWW!

We both howled in pain.

Taecyeon: Okay maybe that wasn't such a good idea.

Then the sound of someone calling for Taecyeon's name came from outside the rim of the crater we had created as we fell. I noticed this just now, the width of his body was enough to be unseen inside the crater and enough to make me look at the sunset.

Taecyeon: We're here!

He called out to the voice. Then all around us feet slid down and I looked at the pair that obscured my vision of the sunset. It's Jia. She crouched to look at us.

Jia: Hey there sleepyheads.. What are you doing down here?

Taec made a sound that was unreadable.

Taecyeon: Don't make us laugh Jia.. It hurts.. Who's here?

He asked as I stayed silent.

Jia: Mom, Dad, Jay oppa, Minjun oppa, Wooyoung, Junho, Chansung, Lee Joon oppa, Suzy, Mir and the twins. We've been looking for both of you. Then suddenly.. It felt like something came to our senses.. And here we are as the young lions told us everything.

Taecyeon: I asked who was here.. Not how you found us..

Then he called out to his mom and dad.

Taecyeon: Mom, Dad..

Hyori: We're here son..

Jihoon: Gwenchanayo? This must be miss Im Yoona? Pleased to meet you..

Then I realized his father talked to me.

Yoona: Pleased to meet you too sir, but can you get us out of..

I was cut short by the growing pain in my.. everywhere.

Jiihoon: Aish.. Arasso arasoo.. Mianhaeyo Yoona-ssi..

Then he called out on his sons to bring out some boards to carry us out of the crater as we shouldn't be moved much or we would sustain more injuries.

Taecyeon: It'll hurt for a while.. But Minjun Hyung will help us both heal.

Then I felt boards go under me and a voice saying.

Chansung: Mianhae noona..

Mir: This'll hurt a bit.. Minjun hyung!

The other voice called out on this Minjun hyung.

Minjun: Take her quick and then straight to the vans. We'll heal them there. You'll help right Suzy?

Suzy: Neh.

They all said as they had lifted me carefully from Taecyeon's arms and I felt sad. I felt like a baby and someone took my bottle from me. I looked down on Taec and saw that he had a Yoona-sized crater around him as well.

Suzy: Unnie, I'll heal you a bit for now okay? It'll feel a little hot but you could help with mending your broken muscles and bones.

Then she rested her hands on my chest and it felt hot. Painful even, but not as painful as when we had fallen mid-flight. Then she took away her hands and said.

Suzy: That'll help your breathing for now. We'll continue your healing later on.

Then she smiled at me. Back then she would only look at me with venom in her eyes in school but now she gave off this sisterly aura towards me. Jia was doing the same too. Then the other guys started to lift Taecyeon up.

His body broken everywhere, his face swollen a bit and his jaw line protruded in a funny way. His shoulders were dislocated too. His wrists dislocated even the phalanges on both his hands were broken and ripped the skin all over his hands.

Then they steadied me for a while as Taecyeon's mom and dad reassured us that everything would be okay.

Hyori: Don't worry dear.. You'll both be fine..

Jihoon: Everything will be..

And then they lifted Taecyeon with another long piece of wood that was fashioned into a board. He howled in pain as they carried him. But he held out a hand to me as they carried us both at the same time out of the crater and rested us behind a pick up truck. As they rested us I took out my hand and held his.

Then through out the ride to their house Minjun and Suzy had been with us behind the pick up truck.Through out the ride home both of us slowly lost our consciousness again. This time I had no dreams. Not even one. Just his image burned in my eyelids and it felt great. Oh and I seem to have forgotten to tell Taecyeon that I see three ladies still.. But they called on for something else. The Fates appeared this time.

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Chapter 18: Hai... I really love your story.. The 2 unfinished story.. please continue to write the stories.. I really miss to read Taecyoon story.. and I think you are among the best.. I really hope you can update this story..
light_love #2
Chapter 18: Wow...this story is really cool
Please continue author
I'm back. Here I am, back with book 2 of this story. Sorry, I might discontinue SCS.
yoongcat0512 #4
Chapter 15: Not gonna update again?? :( update please authornim~
yoongcat0512 #5
Please update soon :-)
Authornim.. please update soon. I'm hungry for this story.. :D
Chapter 15: Update sooon plisss <3
Chapter 15: U left it at a cliffhanger?! *gives you the death stare* You better update soon!
LuvFFWorld #9
Chapter 15: I wonder if Taeyeon will fight back to get her daughter back. I hope she will unite with the lions to fight back the wolves.