
Forced Love
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A/N- First of all, sorry for the late update. Blame my mother for that. i got sick and my mom decided that she knows whats best for me (which she does but that doesn't stop me from rebeling) and confiscated my laptop and tablet. Got it back on Monday and now i can finally say this fic is 100% Complete.


I know this isn’t Christmas season but I feel like writing this around that setting. Maybe because we just had it?? So sue me, I’m still in the christmasy mood. Okay then...to the EPILOGUE!!!!



Two years and six months later.

It was Christmas and everyone was gathered in the living room of the Cho mansion. Now when I say Cho mansion, I don’t mean Mr. and Mrs. Cho, but the home of Cho Kyuhyun and Eunhyuk. Kyuhyun had bought this house once Eunhyuk had agreed to finally move in with him one month after the incident outside the club. He didn’t want to take Eunhyuk back to their old house, thinking that this would be their new start, their new beginning without the dark shadows of their earlier time together. He didn’t want Eunhyuk to be in the house and be reminded of the mistakes Kyuhyun had made. Kyuhyun vowed never to break Eunhyuk’s heart again and this was one of the things he thought he needed to do in order to start right….a fresh start…a new beginning.


Eunhyuk sat on one of the sofas set beautifully in front of the fireplace in the spacious lounge room. He looked down at the little bundle he was holding, smiling at the baby in his arms, his three month old precious daughter and saw the baby looking up at him, gurgling and smiling while waving her little arms cutely. He bent down, placing a kiss on her cheek while tickling her softly on her tummy, giggling as the baby giggled and shrieked with him. He sat up again, this time his eyes roaming the living room, stopping at the messy curly haired man standing talking to Eunhyuk’s and his own father.


Eunhyuk POV

It’s a miracle that we even got this far. He had changed so much from the Kyuhyun I had known in the first year of marriage. He never comes home late, unless necessary and then too he would call me to tell me he would be late, where he would be, who he was with and what time he would come home, even though I never asked. He would eat everything I made for him, no matter what it was, even if it had lots of vegetables which he hates. Sometimes I do that on purpose to annoy him but he eats it all saying that it’s the yummiest thing ever.


Kyuhyun takes me to every party that he had to attend since then and would always introduce me to everyone as his wife. It feels nice, really. He would never leave my side, one hand always on my hip. If by chance I ever strayed from his side, I would just have to look in his direction to see him looking my way and if someone tried to flirt with me, I would know that two seconds later there would be a possessive hand on my hips and a death glare to whoever was talking to me. He would be attentive the whole time, always asking if I needed to eat, something to drink, to sit down or go home if I’m tired. He would kiss me in public and there would be numerous pictures of us in the gossip columns the next day, referred to as the best couple in town.



Kyuhyun watched his wife come out of the bedroom in a suit that he had bought for him. If Kyuhyun didn’t have to attend this party, then he would have most definitely dragged his wife back into the bedroom and had his way with him. he looked absolutely ravishing in the tight black jeans that he was using instead of formal pants, hugged his small like a second skin and a v-neck white sweater that did nothing to hide the curves of his waist and hips. He had a coat with him but Kyuhyun knew that that would be in the coat room and the ravishing beauty would be in display to the whole ball room.


“Aren’t you feeling cold?” he asked in an attempt to make him change his clothes…or at least wear more.

“No. I’m hot actually. Why?”

“No…its just that I was feeling cold a bit…so I thought maybe you might be too.”

“Really are you feeling sick or anything? You do look a bit red.” Eunhyuk put his hands up, feeling for his husbands temperature but felt nothing.

“Ahh..no…I’m not sick…um…are you sure you won’t change?” Eunhyuk looked at Kyuhyun suspiciously and Kyuhyun fidgeted. “No..um…I mean..umm…well..” sigh “You look hot like that. I don’t want anyone else to look at you like that.” Kyuhyun finally said while pouting and Eunhyuk burst out laughing while Kyuhyun pouted some more.


Eunhyuk stopped laughing and slide up to Kyuhyun, wrapping his hands around his body while laying his head on his chest, liking how his husbands’ heartbeat hastened, “you know I love only you. You don’t have to be jealous…and no one will flirt with me. Don’t worry!”


Kyuhyun sighed once again before swooping down to kiss the addictive plump lips. Once at the party, he latched onto Eunhyuk’s hip as if his arms had been superglued there and glared at everyone who dared to talk to Eunhyuk, making everyone scurry away as soon as they had greeted the couple. Eunhyuk didn’t mind though, after all he was used t this. This happened at every party they went to. He, instead, was enjoying how Kyuhyun pouted like a child every time he chatted happily to someone and then smiled happily when Eunhyuk hugged him or kissed him.



There still are people trying to get him but he would harshly put a stop to it, telling them frankly that he was married and that he loves me. Every time this would happen, I would find myself blushing impossibly red. It’s embarrassing but it also felt good for him to declare his love for me in public like that.



A beautiful girl with raven long hair, pretty big eyes and a seductive body walked up to where Kyuhyun was sitting with his wife. She slide on the chair beside Kyuhyun and batted her eyelashes at him and flipped her hair before putting her elbows on the table and resting her chin on her knuckles, lightly leaning forward showing her cleavage. Kyuhyun gagged at the girls’ behavior. He felt Eunhyuk stiffening beside him but he didn’t say anything. Kyuhyun turned to face his wife, begging with his eyes not to misunderstand and received a strained smile from Eunhyuk. Kyuhyun was about to say something to reassure his wife when he felt a hand slide up his arm slowly. He jerked his arms away, glaring at the girl while she smiled coyly at him.


“Can you leave? This is a private table.” He said rudely, not even boring to look at the girl. “But I want to talk to you. Why don’t you leave that man and we can go ‘talk’ about more interesting things? She asked, her voice dripping with honey. “Get the hell away from me. I’m married.” Kyuhyun pulled Eunhyuk closer, “to him. Get you ugly away from me before I call security to do it for you” the girls mouth opened wide in shock as she stared at the couple. She had never been treated like that before. She was fuming when she stood up, stamped her foot before stomping away while Kyuhyun turned to Eunhyuk, ready to grovel and tell him that he does not know the girl, only to see Eunhyuk laughing, yet trying to hide his laughter behind his hand.



Every Friday, he would bring me flowers, something different every time, telling me what the meaning behind them was, and at the end of the day, they all meant love. He would find little presents for me and surprise me by putting them in random places with a little note. I would find them on top of the laundry machine, between the sofa cushions, in the fridge, under the pillow, on the kitchen shelves, pinned to the clothes line or inside the cabinet or in my bag. He even put one in the cereal box once.


Every morning when he showers while I make breakfast, he would write ‘I love you’ on the steamed up mirror and then say it again and again throughout the day.


Every Thursday night is our date night. It can’t be weekend because he might have to attend a party, which he would drag me to, and pout when I don’t want to go, which always made me give in to him. He would take me out, and every time it would be something different. A five-star restaurant, blanket in the park, a picnic on a canoe on the lake, table set on the beach, standing at the street side vendor, a candle lit picnic in the backyard garden, eating while holding hands, it could be anything but he made each time special. Every date would have numerous kisses, hand holding and back hugs that told everyone how much he was in love with his wife.


When we first started off, I still couldn’t really be with Kyuhyun in an intimate way. I could kiss him and hug him but every time he would try to go further, I would find myself retreating. I wanted to be with him but my body just won’t listen. It would still flinch when his hands would go under my shirt to caress the skin underneath. Kyuhyun would always stop. He never tried to force me. He would tell me that he can wait, that he can be celibate for life if he

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960 streak #1
Chapter 35: Thank you so much for this story.
I loved the plot, conversations and the though processes of the characters. It was so hard when Kyuhyun wanted to get him back. That really was so full of angst and difficulty!
960 streak #2
Chapter 29: I love how you spelled out the thoughts of those five people. That was great.
Thank you.
ReadRealize #3
Chapter 1: Wow im late. Im reading this in 2019
KiwiPrincess #4
Chapter 35: Waah its really a rollercoaster of emotion with a happy ending..great story..
Chapter 35: i love the epilogue so much. how kyuhyun patient in every espect. ohh how i love kyuhyuk so much. thanks for sharing this shiv.
Chapter 35: It is an amazing story all the emotions are strong ..and love is in the air ..truly worth reading it ..congrats !!!
Hime-kun #7
More Angst ! !sorrow! fufufu.... *hides somewhere cause of embarrassment* .... -__-"
Hime-kun #8
Chapter 35: Glad that you specified that they are all happy, and have their own mates. Cause i wouldn't take it if you didn't.
wanieyrin #9
Chapter 35: Such a great story..I enjoy it so much..feel happy,sad and a happy ending... I love your story.
bemybaby_love #10
Chapter 35: read it one go!! its really emotional roller coster between kyu n hyuk..thank you for the beautiful story..