Chapter 31

Forced Love
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As the week progressed, Kyuhyun found many different ways to try and get closer to Eunhyuk. Every day he would send a flower, not a bouquet or anything, just one single flower and each time something different written in the card.

‘This flower may be beautiful but to me, there is nothing more beautiful then you. I love you. Kyuhyun’

‘Thank you for letting me be a part of your life. I promise never to let you down again. I miss you. Kyuhyun’

‘I can’t describe what you mean to me, but I am sending you this flower, hoping that you will understand my love a little. I love you. Kyuhyun’

‘Give me a chance, give us a chance and I will show you that it isn’t a mistake at all. I will always love you. Kyuhyun.’

‘The fragrance of this flower surrounds me, just the way my love is waiting to surround you. Give our marriage a chance. I love you. Kyuhyun’

It didn’t stop with the flowers, there would be many strawberry treats waiting for him at his office or home. He would have little notes sent to him with little gifts such as the expensive looking silver necklace he had received the other day.


Frankly Eunhyuk was a bit overwhelmed by Kyuhyun’s attention. He didn’t think he would be this persistent. Eunhyuk was pondering upon what to do and where he was supposed to go from here when he heard the doorbell ring. His habit of opening the door without checking kicked in and he found himself face to face with Kyuhyun, the very same man he was just thinking about.


Kyuhyun stood at his threshold looking nervous as hell, before taking a deep breath, lifting his head up and inviting him out to dinner. Eunhyuk looked at the nervous man in front of him and shivered. His initial fainting spells were gone or subsided rather but he still felt fear whenever Kyuhyun was near him. Thinking that it was probably for the best, Eunhyuk refused the dinner invite, saying that he was tired.


Eunhyuk was in for the surprise of his life when a pair of big begging puppy eyes was directed him way as Kyuhyun pouted and begged for him to go out just this once and if he didn’t want to again, Kyuhyun would never ask Eunhyuk out to dinner again. Again for maybe the thousandth time that week, Eunhyuk found asking himself the question, ‘Where the hell was the Kyuhyun he married?’ Needless to say

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966 streak #1
Chapter 35: Thank you so much for this story.
I loved the plot, conversations and the though processes of the characters. It was so hard when Kyuhyun wanted to get him back. That really was so full of angst and difficulty!
966 streak #2
Chapter 29: I love how you spelled out the thoughts of those five people. That was great.
Thank you.
ReadRealize #3
Chapter 1: Wow im late. Im reading this in 2019
KiwiPrincess #4
Chapter 35: Waah its really a rollercoaster of emotion with a happy ending..great story..
Chapter 35: i love the epilogue so much. how kyuhyun patient in every espect. ohh how i love kyuhyuk so much. thanks for sharing this shiv.
Chapter 35: It is an amazing story all the emotions are strong ..and love is in the air ..truly worth reading it ..congrats !!!
Hime-kun #7
More Angst ! !sorrow! fufufu.... *hides somewhere cause of embarrassment* .... -__-"
Hime-kun #8
Chapter 35: Glad that you specified that they are all happy, and have their own mates. Cause i wouldn't take it if you didn't.
wanieyrin #9
Chapter 35: Such a great story..I enjoy it so much..feel happy,sad and a happy ending... I love your story.
bemybaby_love #10
Chapter 35: read it one go!! its really emotional roller coster between kyu n hyuk..thank you for the beautiful story..