Chapter 30

Forced Love
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“These are just like you, sweet on the outside but sweeter on the inside. I miss you. I love you. Kyuhyun”


Eunhyuk still couldn’t get over the two gifts that he had received from Kyuhyun. Had he always been this romantic? Why couldn’t he do this when they had been together? Had he really changed? He wanted so much to believe that that was true but somehow his heart wasn’t letting him forge the wounds it had be dealt with over the course of one year. He had forgiven Kyuhyun but forgetting and moving on was something that would take a little more time.


Eunhyuks cracked heart didn’t stop him however from enjoying the gifts. He popped a chocolate strawberry into his mouth before turning back to his computer and started tapping away again; pouting some time later when he realized that he had unconsciously finished all the strawberries in the little box.


Kyuhyun sat in his office, deep in thought, well day dreaming basically, about his cute little wife. He wanted to give him the world but what’s the use of giving his something that he would probably throw back at him. He had raked through many online articles on how to be romantic, signing in frustration that most about married couples were doing romantic little gestures at home. How could he do that when his Eunhyukkie was even at home? How could he when his wife was jumping away every time he tried to come nearer. He had almost thrown his laptop out the window when he saw some of the cheesy lines written, knowing that if he tried those, he would probably have Eunhyuk running for cover in the opposite direction and probably think that Kyuhyun had been possessed by Casanova’s ghost or something. He thought maybe he should go surprise him for lunch but turned down that idea, his father would probably have his thrown out in the pavement from what he had told him the last time he had met him.


Frankly, Kyuhyun was scared. Scared of Eunhyuk’s family, scared of Eunhyuk’s friends and scared of Eunhyuk himself. He knew deep down that they all resented him, hated him to some extent, even Eunhyuk. He didn’t want Eunhyuk to run away from him nor did he want anyone else to take him away, but this was something he could do nothing about. Nothing except perhaps show Eunhyuk that he was serious this time and that he had changed and that he could trust him this time and his trust would never be broken…not again…never again.


Groaning in frustration again, Kyuhyun banged

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966 streak #1
Chapter 35: Thank you so much for this story.
I loved the plot, conversations and the though processes of the characters. It was so hard when Kyuhyun wanted to get him back. That really was so full of angst and difficulty!
966 streak #2
Chapter 29: I love how you spelled out the thoughts of those five people. That was great.
Thank you.
ReadRealize #3
Chapter 1: Wow im late. Im reading this in 2019
KiwiPrincess #4
Chapter 35: Waah its really a rollercoaster of emotion with a happy ending..great story..
Chapter 35: i love the epilogue so much. how kyuhyun patient in every espect. ohh how i love kyuhyuk so much. thanks for sharing this shiv.
Chapter 35: It is an amazing story all the emotions are strong ..and love is in the air ..truly worth reading it ..congrats !!!
Hime-kun #7
More Angst ! !sorrow! fufufu.... *hides somewhere cause of embarrassment* .... -__-"
Hime-kun #8
Chapter 35: Glad that you specified that they are all happy, and have their own mates. Cause i wouldn't take it if you didn't.
wanieyrin #9
Chapter 35: Such a great story..I enjoy it so much..feel happy,sad and a happy ending... I love your story.
bemybaby_love #10
Chapter 35: read it one go!! its really emotional roller coster between kyu n hyuk..thank you for the beautiful story..