The Beginning (originally chapter 1)

Barely Here



Daesung's POV


I have been awake for an hour now. Simply laying in bed, waiting for the sounds outside my door to seize. I glanced at my clock for the hundredth time. Only seven minutes left tell I am officially late to school. Running won't be enough to get there on time if they don't leave soon.

I took a deep breath, closing my eyes and focusing on the sounds.

I could hear feet padding against the hard wood floor. Their laughter proof of their pure bliss and care-free world. Jealousy is horrible sin...

Soon enough the door were slammed shut. I could hear the faint sound of the engine to their car speed off out of the garage.

I sit up straight and peak at the clock which shows me that I have four minutes left before I have to be out the door and run as fast as I can to my school that is four blocks away from my house. 

Luckily every time before I slept I had laid out my clothing, packed my backpack and prepared my lunch, which was stored in a small refrigerator that I had bought to keep in my room about a year ago. 

I was ready in less than a minute but I still had to brush my teeth so instead I opted for mouthwash. I ran to the kitchen and saw a neon green sticky note telling me what time I had to be home and a list of endless chores that I should complete before everyone else would get home. Luckily today was their dinner night out so they wouldn't be home till almost eleven at night. 

I grabbed my  spare keys, making sure to lock the door before leaving the house. I checked my watch to make sure I had managed my time. I grinned before jogging to school rather than running at full speed. 

I could feel the stares of the neighbors burning on my back. It forced me to cover my eyes with my blonde bangs.

Maybe I should dye my hair darker... but it's not like that would make a difference. Everyone already knows who I am.

I could see finally see the school gate, which was no further than a block away. Again I checked my watch to confirm I was on time, sadly I was a bit early.

I slowed down and walked slowly closer to the school, dreading the moment when I have to enter the campus.  

I looked around the area. Smiling at the group of students hugging, laughing, talking, and fooling around with each other. I envy them. One of the girls caught my gaze. I bowed a bit before she turned to her friends scoffing at me.

The rest of the way to my classroom I kept my gaze down focusing on the outline of tennis shoes. The walk to my class was calmer than usual. No one had spit at me which meant less chores when I got home. I crossed my fingers hoping the rest of the day would follow the same.

In the classroom I stayed in my seat, that was located in the front of the classroom, face down.

As I reached for my book inside my desk I felt a sting on my index finger. Fear spread throughout my body.

Crap they are starting with violence today. I quickly took out my hand and saw blood ooze out of my finger. I grabbed a Band-Aid that I always carried around with me in case for emergencies, making sure to wrap it around my finger tightly.

I deserve this. 

The noise around the room quieted down as the teacher walked in the classroom. I could hear the girls giggle at the sight of his "handsome" appearance I, however, avoided looking at him and most adults. Never trusted them... 

"Morning girls! And fellas! Okay lets take roll and than get rolling hahha"

The classroom erupt into laughter and teasing at him for acting young.

I took out a pencil and notebook from my backpack as he continued to take attendance. I doodled on a page waiting for this section to be over. He never calls my name. Always skips past it but never failing to pick me out of the crowd.

"Take out your textbooks and pick up on page 182."

I ignored his command since I knew my desk was most likely filled with tick tacks.

"... Kang Daesung!" 

I shiver at the sudden focus on me.


I slowly peek through my blonde bangs and catch him sending me a fierce glare.


"Why aren't you taking out your book?" 

I gulp. I can feel my feet begin to tap against the tiled floor.

"I uh... I c-can't"

"And why is that?"

I steal a quick glance at my partner sitting next to me but they simply send me a look of disgust.

"I um forgot it."

I look back down at my notebook that is covered with black circles. So close to making it completely black.

"Well since you are the only one to not bring their books to classroom you will stay after school and help clean up the classroom! Understand?"

I nod in response.

I can feel my hands shake uncontrollably.

I deserve this.

The bell soon rang the students along with the teacher quickly departed the room. I knew they wanted to be no where near. I mean... I wouldn't either.

I checked my watch. Noting down that it was barely lunch time and still had a couple of hours before I could go home and clean the place before my mother and step dad came home with their precious daughter.

I sighed thinking back to when my real dad was living. I was 3 years old. I'm surprised I remember but at the same time it was logical since it was the happiest moment in my life. He, my father, used to carry me on his back while my mom would walk ahead of us, giggling at the cute items visible in the windows for various department stores. I don't exact remember when it was or how it happened but one day my father was simply gone. No warning. No goodbyes. Nothing.

Of course my mother, very quickly,  remarried a "handsome" younger man. They were a lovely and beautiful couple that one would think came out of a fashion magazine or a fairytale. They had a daughter, who is my younger sister. She was also an angel since child birth. A family of beauties. 

I never really fit in with them. THAT event only furthered our differences...

I continued to look down at my notebook.

I noticed the black ink beginning to expand on the white sheet of paper. I touched my cheek. I felt myself let out a soft barely audible sob.


I quickly whipped the water dripping out of my eyes. 

Stupidly, I reached for my textbook that was required for my next class. 

"Ah! !" 

The tick tacks fell out of my desk along with my damaged books.

"So stupid..."

I kicked my chair back and began to bend down to clean up the mess.

"What the hell are you doing?! You hand is bleeding! Are you an idiot?!" 

I fell back down from the impact of being yelled next to my ear. I looked upwards to my left. It felt like a dream to be acknowledged. I pushed my bangs out of my eyes to make sure the person was in fact speaking to ME. 

There he was, wearing a grey sweater over his long blue sleeve collared shirt, his shoes sparkled brightly and his jeans neatly fitting and emphasizing his height. Dark brown haired, styled perfectly, looking as if he had a bed head yet clearly done on purpose. His dark brown eyes piercing my own. Standing angrily with his nose flared upwards and his thin lips twitching. His strong presence forced me to back up a bit more.

"W-what?" I whimpered unknowingly.

"Are you an idiot!? You're bleeding!"

I am.

I stayed quiet, still quiet shocked from this sudden turn of events. 

He ruffled his own hair, in frustration. He opened his mouth as if to yell something but instead bend down to my level. His eyes suddenly went from almost going ballistic to having a nurturing gaze. I backed up more, hitting my head against the chair I had kicked earlier, from the fear that struck my heart. He smirked a bit before slowly and gently grabbing my arms.

"Get up."

I was hesitant since usually people would only pick me up to kick me back down but the look in his eyes allowed me to confide in this man.

"Sit." He pointed at another desk, which had a backpack and books laid out. I assumed he was in my class. I obeyed and sat at the chair. 

On top of the books was a notebook with several moist paper. 

How could I be so dumb and not check if everyone had left?

The corner of the paper I could make out his first name, since the ink that stated his name was now just a blob of blue ink. 


I looked back at my desk and saw that he had placed my, ruined, books neatly on my desk. He had also already cleaned up the tick tacks and was disposing them into the trash can bin. 

He walked back to me, standing sheepishly.

"I-uh... I'm sorry but I couldn't help but read the cover of your books..."

I felt my heart drop.

"D-do you want to talk about it?" he kneeled down to face me at eye level.

I couldn't find the right words in vocabulary.

"I mean we can go talk to someone. I think it would be best to tell someone about this."

I scoffed at his foolishness.

He must be new.

There is not one person in this damn town who gives a flying rat's .

"Hey... I can go with you if you can't do it yourself." He placed his hand on my shoulder.

I quickly withdrew and pushed my self up. 

Seunghyun, it won't be long before you turn to one of them...

"Don't. Don't ever come close to me. You don't know and I don't care if you are just trying to lend a helping hand. I don't need pity from someone like you. I can deal with it myself. I always have and always will. Don't you dare try to cross paths with me. Never again!" I pushed him back, making my way to my backpack and torn up books.

The halls where empty. Luckily no one saw the scene that had unfolded. 

I shook my head trying to get rid of the images of Seunghyun's hurt expression. He was a good man and for that I won't blame him when he turns. I always treasure his helping hand after it converts into a strangling hand.

Throughout the entire day Seunghyun's image and smiling face would always find a way to invade my mind. How I wish I could be closer to him. It is impossible. These people would never let me. Not after what I have done.

I had also discovered several facts about Seunghyun. He was a year older than me. He was intrigued with music and had an awkward personality that would draw everyone near him. He had also become the most popular guy in school with many girls chasing after him. The guys did not hate him in fact they probably loved him as much or even more. 

He had also once came to school with his shirt inside out from waking up to late. He however did not become the laughing stalk of the school but a risk taking fashionista. Its funny how is a grand idol while I am the most hated human being in town.

I walked past Seunggie, since he is always in my mind I decided to give my new best friend a nick name. Sometimes I think I'm deranged...

Anyways Seunggie and I walked past each other after school. I could feel his gaze on me while I traced the outlines of my tennis shoes for the  tenth time today. 

He must have found out.

I flinched when I saw him reach for me at the corner of my eye. Seunggie sighed deeply before mumbling a "whatever" and stomped his way out of the building.

I looked up to see a couple of students whispering about the safety of Seunggie and the bad influence I was to society.

I sped walked to the classroom where the teacher had told me to stay after class to clean up. He looked up at me before grabbing a trash bag and leading me to the court yard. He pointed at the trash scattered on the grass. Without a word to each other I set my backpack aside as I proceeded with my punishment. 

Again I continued to think about what life could have been like if I had a friend like Seunghyun. Not that I never had best friend or a close friend who both at different points, one before the event and the other after, had turned their backs on me.

I could feel someone gazing at me as tried to focus on my punishment. I began to shake uncontrollably. Fear was striking up my back. 

Two strong arms wrapped around my chest.

I whimpered at the contact.

"Shhh. No ones here." 

"N-no. Don't. Please." I could feel my vision begin to blur.

"I'm tired of waiting Dae. You know I'm the only one who cares. No one else will ever look at you. Only me." He started creasing my shoulders before grabbing the trash bag, that I had tried to use as a barrier, and threw it on the ground. 

"No! Get away!" I pushed his arms apart and started speeding towards the gazebo on the other side of the courtyard. I couldn't even make it half way. I was tackled to the ground. I squirmed and kick and yelled but nothing seemed to work. 

I sealed my eyes shut when I felt him turn me around. He has down firmly on my waist while holding my hands above my head. 

" NO!!" I yelled at the top of my lungs. 

I felt a pain in my stomach that forced me to open my eyes at the impact. My teachers had kneed me on the stomach. I felt the taste of iron make its way out of my mouth.

"Oh Dae... You know I didn't want to hurt you but you forced me too. Now hush before I truly hurt you even more." He grabbed the tie off of his suit shirt and tied my hands together. I squirmed but was responded with another blow to the face. 

My eyes widened at the realization that I had no control. Even if someone heard my screams they would think I was being beaten and rather than help simply turn the other cheek around. 

He quickly tore my shirt open. Scratching my skin. I muffled a cry. 

I deserve this.

Maybe life really wasn't for me. I never  wanted this. I never wanted to continue... I should have let the darkness swallow me that day.

I looked to my left side, trying to avoid the sick freaks touches as started to unbuckle his pants. For a second I regretted that move. Seunghyun stood there with his bag on the floor and his eyes and mouth wide open. I closed my eyes to clear my vision and let the tears in my eyes fall to the side.

I opened my eyes and saw his fists clenching.

Please just leave. Seunghyun. Don't come. Save yourself. 

I tried to plead to him to leave with my eyes but Seunghyun seemed to zone out off me and focused on the teacher above me who had finally managed to undo his belt and proceeded to touch my own.

I looked back at Seunghyun who was no longer at the other side of the court yard but only a few feet away from me. 

It happened in a split second. Seunghyun had pushed my teacher off and threw a blow at his stomach. I crawled away from the duo to a near by tree and cried as I watched Seunghyun's face become overcome with anger and disgust. 

"Don't you en touch him ever again! I swear to God if I see you next to him I will ruin you and your family!" 

The teacher simply smirked as he slowly stood up holding his stomach.

"Soon you will see what that kid really is! Just like everyone else does!" he laughed as he walked away from the area.

I drew my legs closer to myself. I was biting on my arm, trying to hold in the scream I had kept in. The blood from my mouth and arms soon became one. I must have looked like a blood thirsty vampire from a fictional novel.

Seunghyun turned slowly towards me with the same look. I held in another cry. I was scared of him. He covered his face with his hands before falling to his knees.

"Oh god..." He looked up at me with a more gentle look but the image of his angered face over ruled his now more friendly facial expression.

He slowly reached up to touch me. I flinched away and bit down harder on my arm.

"More blood?!" His loud voice cause me to sob at the fear that he was angry with me.

He quickly wrapped his arms around me. I squirmed, punched, bit, and kicked to try to push him away from me. 

"GET AWAY! GET AWAY! GET AWAY!"  He tightened his grip but at the same time left me room to breath.

"Daesung... shhh it's okay shhh.. go ahead cry." I continued to punch him as he hummed a lullaby and gently my back.

"Ughhh." I felt my arms weaken. I couldn't resist him.

I cried. Very loudly. I was surprised Seunghyun didn't even flinch or go death due to my loud voice. It was a deafening cry, to the point where my mucus and tears mixed. My blood had dried and my throat was sore. My lungs hurt and felt heavy. Breathing was becoming more difficult as I started to loose my voice and my eyelids were becoming heavy.

Darkness embraced me. I had no choice but to let it enfold me. It swallows anything around me yet I continue to draw it nearer. I knew it was the only thing that would keep me going... but why now... why do I want to be selfish.


Did you know that in fact before today I did know who you were but I would simply ignore you just like everyone else but since today all I want is to be near you... Is it okay to drag you down with me? ... I shouldn't. I can't. I won't but I want to. It's better to stay away... but I can't. I'll apologize once I wake up from this dream. I'll apologize to you for the rest of my life. 

I just need you to keep me from going insane.

Just before I was completely engulfed by the darkness I could feel your warm breath near me cheek. I felt you whisper that you would be there when I awoke than your lips fell against my sore eyelids. 

I fell into a deep sleep that I had never had since my father had left.

I fell into a deep and wonderful sleep in his warm arms, hoping that I would awake soon.



Completed~! keke well maybe hahahhahahah since i am seriously considering making this a chaptered fan fic since i left many thing unresolved on purpose xD keke we will see after i finish my first (main) fan fic and being on my second (chaptered) fan fic :) hehe but yeah i don't know if this will be good enough for you guys but I for one am a bit satisfied muahahhah lol any ways thank you for taking your time to read this (btw if this turns to a chaptered fan fic than I will update on here and not continue as a new story... most likely) lol.

PS. I just noticed im very indecisive xD sorry!

PSS. do you guys think it should be a chaptered story??



Comment replies!~~! <3 <3 <3 <3

pinkcloud  hehe thank you for your complement!! i hope you enjoyed this :3 keke 

Rirakuma  awww thank you ahhaha i hope i didn't disappoint! xD i tried my best

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Chapter 11: ohmaigadd ! this is too cute >< i can't even handle it :))
hanalovebigbang #2
Chapter 11: Is this the end????noooo......... please.I'm begging for more
cottenstuff #3
Chapter 11: *coos over Todae fluffiness* They are too cute (>^_^<) btw excuse me while I die from that last line. I dunno If my theory is true or if you are just trolling me XD Anyway, this is the part where I paitently wait for more (which I am totally willing to do 'cause this fic is awesome. One of my favs actually***----*** So glad I clicked on it oh and sorry for flooding your feed with sleep deprived rambly comments but I can't help myself I am tired. I have never commented this much on a story before which is probably for the best. Wow my sleepy reading is hella slow okay that is the end of my ranting for sure now okay byyeeeyeeye (i have to wake up in an hour :'( It was so worth it)
cottenstuff #4
NOOOOOOO was I right about the theory I made before? I hope not 'cause I want happy tutor times not sad mean ones ;;;;;;;;;-------------;;;;;;;;;;; feeling like a beached whale of sadness. That is how you tell a fic is good XD The sadness. P.S: The pictures you put in are so pretty that my heart has a spazzm every time I change a chapter *-* my heart can't take the pretty people XD
cottenstuff #5
Chapter 9: OHHH LOOK WHO FINALLY GETS MENTIONED IN THE STORY XD *such excite for the tutor student to be introduced to the gang* -possible but not really spoiler mostly just a crackpot theory- ...Do you think maybe Jiyong is the head of the nasty violent school group thing? That would be a twist >_< Sorry for commenting so often but I am getting super enthused over this fic it has so much cute but also angst like WOOOAAHHHAH Ok rant over for now
cottenstuff #6
Chapter 7: I have to wake up in two hours but reading this fic is worth the tiredness *-* Seunghyun's betting jeaaalllooouuusss. You master troll, author you XD
cottenstuff #7
Chapter 6: I'm reading this at 4:31 and I haven't had any sleep yet 'cause the feels are to much to handle. First I'd be like "Why you do dis to yourself Daesunggie" and the I'd be like ooooh dat BaexDae tho. Then all of a sudden Bae is feeling guilty about something, and I just can't imagine what he's done. This whole time I have been wondering why the town was so dang ruuuude. This is getting really rambly but I am tired so whatever. I am soooo glad you didn't leave it as 2(ish) chapters! I kinda called what Daesung's secret was during this chapter. ;-; Poor Dae. TIME TO READ THE REST OF THE FIIIICCCC K BYE xoxoxoxo
xtavista #8
Chapter 11: todae is tooo cutee..dae is too innocent^^
Chapter 11: OMG TODAE so cute :3