Two Paths

Barely Here

Hello readers~ before you continue reading i wanted to inform you guys that I've decided (kinda not really 100% positive though) to change this fic's format. I decided to make it into a 3rd person point of view. I thought It would be easier to write it in this format so that i may be able to show you a variety of emotions that I can not show using only first person. First person usually stops me from writing what i want to or it makes me take longer trying to express them and sometimes it may even drag the story longer. Also if I were to change it I would be using italicized writing to indicate a character's thoughts and/or flashbacks. if you guys feel that I shouldn't write it in this format please tell me~ I would like your feedback. I dont mind continuing writing in first person but i think 3rd person MIGHT benefit all of you~ Please tell me your thoughts so that i may deliver you guys the best fanfiction I can offer~!! <333



Seunghyun's POV:


"Why are you staring at like that?" Daesung slowly backed away from me. He looked terrified.

"Huh?" The look on his faced snapped me out of my trance. "What do you mean?" It was my turn to be confused. I didn't what kind of look I was giving Daesung but it left me feeling uneasy.

"You were glaring at me..."

"Oh god! I'm so sorry Daesung! I swear I didn't mean to glare!... I think it's because I fell so stressed out by Hyunjoong, his crew, and everyone in this en town." Who am I kidding Hyunjoong wasn't the one disturbing me... It was the whole situation with Daesung and Youngbae. I didn't know know why but it was seriously ticking me off. This was so unlike my usual self and I couldn't figure out why... honestly I was a bit scared of finding out the reason for my behavior. I knew that if I discovered the truth it would change everything that I knew.

"Daesung. Please forgive me. I promise I didn't mean to hurt you." I tried taking a step closer, only to have him back away further. "You know I would never ever intentionally hurt you right?" Daesung stared at me for what seemed like for eternity before sighing deeply. He nodded slowly with a small smile on his face.

My chest... it feels like it's fluttering?

I shook the thoughts away as I grabbed Dae arm. 

"Thank you my DaeDae! That's why you are my number 1! You are kind and generous and forgiving!" I preformed my goofy dance in front of him knowing he loved it when I acted childish.

"You're so dumb hyung!" Daesung laughed hearty. "I'm sorry for making you go through all of this hyung." Daesung stopped laughing. He looked at me with an odd expression. Before I could register anything he grabbed my hands into his. "Sometimes I wished you would have turned your back on me once you learned the truth. Just like everyone had in the past because at least that way you wouldn't be hurting."

"Don't say that. I wanted to help you! I knew what I was getting into when I came here. I knew Hyunjoong was going to target me but even so I wanted to help you Daesung. I know that deep down you are a thousand times stronger than that blood thirst mob..."

Daesung smiled shyly. "I'm not."

"You are.... You know what I'm going to prove it to you AND to Hyunjoong. I will make it my mission to help you accomplish it. With a gorgeous, courageous, and strong sidekick like me, you won't lose. I'll forever be on your side!"

"You can't make a promise like that Seunghyun!"

"Why not?"

"Well because you can't make promises you can't keep. I mean you should say that to your future girlfriend or wife."


"No buts!"

I sighed before giving into his pouting face. "Fine. The next time I say that it will be to someone special... Happy?"

Daesung smiled brightly. "Yes.. Very!"

"Enough chit chat lets go look for the others. I think we need to have a talk with them don't you think?"

"Yeah I think that would be for the best." 

"Oh! But before we go can we stop by somewhere?"

"Sure....Where though? I didn't bring my car today since I forgot to put gas on it yesterday."

"It's fine it's only few blocks away. You'll see. I'm sure you will like it!" Daesung grabbed my hands, leading me throughout the town. Even though I've already been here for more than 3 weeks everything still felt odd and fake. It hurt seeing the way Daesung had to walk through this town with his head held low and his shoulders sagging beneath him. Everyone would eye him suspiciously or curse him without any shame. Daesung took it all. No protest. He simply walked ahead. 

I made a mental note to speak to him about this later.

We reached a small brick building that was hidden behind a large garden of bushes and flowers. It surprised me that it was located beside the bridge we had crossed earlier. 

"Come on Seunghyun!" Dae smiled as he pushed past the double wooden doors and into the building. There was no sign indicating what place was and it definitely did not look like a regular house.

"O-okay," I hesitantly took a step through the double doors. The first thing I noticed was the enormous amount of books. Although the building was very small from the inside it was still completely filled with countless of books."What is this place?" 

"It's a bookstore of course."


"Yup and it's own by my uncle!"

"Uncle? I thought you only had your parents and sisters in this town."

"Well he's not really my uncle uncle."

"What do you mean?"

"Umm I'll explain later. I really need to pick up my books before my uncle gets cranky. You see he takes his naps around this time. I think he's still waiting for me. I'll go get him. He's out back. Look around see if you find any interesting and I'll ask my uncle if he can lend them to you."

"Really?" I wasn't much of a reader but some how this place seemed to call. It was as if I would find the answers to many of my questions here at this shabby bookstore.

"Yup! I'll be right back!" Daesung put his backpack on the counter.

"Okay. I'll be here." I smiled at him while he walked over a couple of books stacked on the ground and quickly out the back door.

"Well I might as well look around..." The amount of books was overwhelming I didn't know where to begin looking. 

Ahh what should I look at... horror? no in all honesty horror never interested me. It was like watching a children's cartoon on replay. Mystery made my head hurt too much I could never understand them even if the answer was obvious. Sci-Fi was just as frustrating probably even more than mystery. 

I walked through the aisles searching for anything that would catch my attention. Towards the back of bunch was a small of section of "How to's." There was a variety of selection from cooking to sewing to using the latest technology. I never really learned how to do any of these since my parents and Youngbae would always take care of these things for me. 

Maybe I shouldn't depend on Bae so much. I should at least learn how to do some of this stuff by myself. I should become more like Youngbae. Even if he is younger than me he seemed more mature than I would ever become. Maybe thats why Daesung liked him. 

Should I try to be more mature?

I grabbed a few how to books not really bothering to read what was the main subject. 

Six should be enough right? Wait didn't Daesung say I could only take one? I'll just pay for the rest from my own pockets... thinking about it maybe two more would be useful.

"-It's good that you finally decided to show up but you didn't have to come during my resting period!"

I grabbed two more books and followed the voices.

"Sorry. I was busy... You know how it is at school."

Daesung and another guy were standing near the front counter. The guy seemed to be around two years older and a bit taller than me. He was indeed very handsome and had strong features although his clothing style wasn't much to look at. He wore a loose white t-shirt with grey sweats and sandals, despite that if he were to dress up he might even be able to look like a model. Now I began getting curious as to why such a guy like this was working in this environment. Maybe he's love for books goes deeper than normal people.

"I guess I can't be mad at my cute Dae."

Cute Dae? What kind of person calls someone as old as Daesung cute? Not only that using 'My' Daesung doesn't belong to anyone!

Fury burned inside of me. Another mystery added to my book of 'What the hell?' I really should write a novel with that title ever since Daesung came into my life I think enough things have occurred to write an entire series.

I quickly tried to find a hiding place but since this place was very small the only location I could find was behind a card board poster.

"Stop it Dongwook! I'm not small anymore!"

"But you still look the same!"

"No I don't!" 

"Hahaha! Okay okay I get it! You're a grown man... So what was the trouble you ran into at school? Was it bad?"

"You know... the usual but it wasn't bad. I mean it was bad but it would have turned out worse if it weren't for my friend. He pretty much saved me from going to the hospital."

"Is it the new friend you made a few days ago? He's stinking around?"

"Yeah I was surprised too. I thought for sure he wouldn't be by my side once he heard about... what I did. I expected him to react like Hyunjoong. You know?"

"... Do you still miss him?" Daesung sighed deeply, leaning onto the counter.

"Honestly... I do but I can't receive his forgiveness. He decided on his own to believe their words not mine, I don't blame him. I just wished we could spend one last day like we used to after all he saved me when I was about to you know... do that thing."

"What about your new friend? Is he any different from him?"

"Mmmm. In a way they are exactly a like. Both are brave, strong, stubborn, fearless, and kind. But in many ways they are also completely different. Its hard to explain for example Hyunjoong can be very quiet. He would prefer to stay at home and read while Tabi likes surrounding himself with people. Also Hyunjoong was someone who I could trust but only to an extent. I was always cautious when I was with him. I felt like I could have lost him at any moment, which happened eventually, I was always on edge. I never wanted to lose him. With Tabi I feel more relaxed. I think that the biggest difference with Tabi I can feel more like myself. Its weird even I don't get it."

Whoes Tabi? It couldn't possibly be me right? Maybe it's Youngbae but that wouldn't make sense. 

My faced burned from Daesung's sudden confession to Dongwook.

Could I possibly be Tabi?

The grin on face was beginning to hurt my cheeks.

"I think Tabi is trying to hide behind that poster board that can barely cover half his size." 

I stumbled away from the board. Blushing, I ran up to the counter.

"What?! I'm not hiding! I-I just didn't know if I should have interrupted!" 

"Pfft! Well I can say he is cuter and clumsier than Hyunjoong." I blushed uncontrollably. 

How many freaken times do I have to blush today?!

I looked at Daesung ready to try to clear things up but I couldn't since he hid his face behind his long blonde hair. His ears gave away his reddened face, they were covered with a pink tint. 

"Ahhh How lovely it is to being young!" Dongwook winked at me. I blushed once again. 

"What do you mean? Aren't you still young?"

"Yes I am but Dae here ages me very quickly. It's nice to know someone like you will help take the load off of my shoulders. I'm Choi Dongwook by the way. I'm Dae's uncle."

"I'm Seunghyun. Choi Seunghyun."

"I know who you are, Dae talks about you all the time. He even gave you a nickna-"

"Uncle! Can you give me my books now?"

"Of course!" Dongwook turned around and grabbed a stack of books, carefully placing them in a bag before handing them over to Daesung.

"Thanks. Oh and I told Seunghyun he could borrow a book. Is that okay?"

"Yes! It is but by the looks of it I think he found more than one that he would like to borrow."

"Sorry I'll pay for the rest."

"No! it's fine I'm only teasing you. You can take as many as so long as you continue being Dae's friend."

"That won't be a problem!"

"Good! Please come visit me again even if Daesung doesn't come along I'd would be glad to have you over."

I smiled in return. "Thanks. I'll keep that in mind."

"Daesung make sure you come visit me from time to time! I can get lonely here!"

"Yes uncle! Bye!"

We waved goodbye and parted ways from the bookstore. Our walk was quiet. I really wanted to talk to ask hi about Dongwook but I had no clue how to begin the conversation.

"Dongwook isn't my real uncle. He is only four years older than me so he'd be only 3 years older than you. The thing with Dongwook is that I've known him since middle school. He dropped out of high school and opened up his own bookstore. I met him when he first set up his shop. Turned out he knew my father."

"But didn't your dad leave when you were barely two?"

"Yeah. Thats what makes everything odd. I think my dad may visited this town sometime after my parents divorced. I'm not sure if he still visits but I need to figure it out. I need to know what happened. I feel like my dad's life is a mystery that I have to discover."


"Don't worry though knowing this doesn't bring my mood down. Instead I'm hopeful and a bit curious. I want to know what my dad has been up to. Why he did visit me while he was in town? If he saw what happened during that time..."

"Hey if he did know I'm sure he would have tried to help you in any way possible but I think something is fishy about your dad. Maybe something prevented him from doing so."

"Yeah... Maybe." Daesung smiled halfheartedly.

Maybe I should try lightening up the mood.

"Sooo. Who is this amazing Tabi that I heard so much about?" I smirked. 

"I-I don't know what your talking about!" Daesung picked up his pace.

"Really? I could have sworn Dongwook and you were praising him."


"Don't tell me your falling for this Tabi guy."

"N-No! O-of course not! I-I have to go home! Bye!" Daesung ran away before I could say anything.

Heh! he looked cute blushing like that!


Ke! I watched Daesung halt on his running spree causing him to trip on his own two feet.

"Haha! Dae! Watch where you are going!" I ran up to him to make sure he was fine.

"Seunghyun~ Please don't tease me like that..." He pouted cutely.

"Heh! Okay okay just don't go running away like that. I don't want you to get more bruises than what you already have. But seriously Dae Thank you. I never had someone comment about me with so much ...  so much pride. Thank you."

Daesung sat on his knees with his mouth hanging open.

"W-what are you talking about? Youre popular... surely someone has complimented you before." He looked down at his knees.

"Yeah but only about my looks and pretty much anything superficially. You're the first one whose ever truly complimented me so sincerely."

"L-liar." I grinned. Daesung was really bad at hiding his true feelings. Such an innocent person.

"Heh! I'm not... Anyways we have to go! I already texted everyone and they have agreed to meet at the house."


"... But please call me Tabi."


"Why not?"

"Its embarrassing!"

"Awww .... fine but I won't drop it!"

I helped Daesung get up, leading him to my place. My house was two stories tall with a white grey and burgundy color scheme to it. We did have a big family after all and our parents worked for a friend of the family. It was a well paying job mainly focused in agriculture but my parents were in charge of the branch that was based in this state, which meant they only showed up once in a while to check up on us. 

"I'm home!"

"Seunggie!" Chaerin came running up to me giving me a big hug. "I was beginning to worry. Why did you make us gather?" 

"I'll tell you in a sec. Is everyone already here?"

"Yeah we were just waiting for you."

"Okay. Hey Daesung! Please come inside." Chaerin pulled Daesung along with her. We walked into the living room where everyone was already sitting down. They quickly hushed once they saw the two of us walk into the living.

"Hey Seunghyun What's going on you made us worried." Bae asked.

"Well I don't really know how to say this so I'll just say it straight forward. I won't sugar coat it."

"Tell us." Seungri sat up on his seat looking at me expectantly.

"Always impatient... I met with Hyunjoong today. Bae and I went looking for Daesung since he had been captured by his men. Hyunjoong has set his eyes on me."

"W-what do you mean?" Bae looked at me worriedly. 

I sighed deeply rubbing the back of my nape. 

"You guys have to make a choice. Either stick with Daesung  and me and live a life probably filled with bullying and stress or leave a peaceful school life."

"We already made our choice." Bae answered.

"This time it's different. From here on out Daesung and I will be going against them head on. If any of you decide to help Dae I can not guarantee your safety... As much as it pains me I can only hope that you guys won't be dragged into this. I don't want any of you to get hurt. I'd rather you guys stay out of this."


"No Seunghyun's right. We discussed this before coming here. I completely agree. Hyunjoong is more than serious about this. I would rather have less people become involved in my mess."

"Please think carefully. We will try our best to look after you guys but we cant guarantee anything so please I beg you guys to think carefully. As much as it pains me I'd prefer if the girls would stay out of this. We aren't asking you to cut off connections with Dae just to not acknowledge him or me in public. I'd rather you guys be safe than eat together during lunch at school. I won't ask for your response right now. Instead if you decide to continue with us than tomorrow during lunch either sit beside us on the table or text me but only before."

"We won't blame you for your decision so don't feel pressured." Daesung added.

Everyone stayed silent.

"We get it." Bae stood up. "At least for now lets just enjoy today! Sleep on it everyone! Don't let this bring you down. We are after all family! Can you stay over Daesung? I'm gonna be cooking dinner for everyone!"

"I-I can't."

"Really? Thats too bad..." Bae looked a bit disappointed

"Yeah..." I could tell Daesung was wavering whether to stay or not because of Bae. 

I clenched my fists shut.

"I'll give you a ride home. I need to put gas in my car anyways. Bye everyone." I immediately offered.

I wanted Daesung to stay but not to stay because of Bae...

"Bye! Take care." Everyone yelled out simultaneously causing laughter to erupt. 

I grabbed my keys from the table and headed outside. I knew Daesung was still mopping over Hyunjoong. I didn't know how to comfort him. All I could do was simply be there but lately simply being here wasn't enough. I needed to figure this out soon. I can't let him suffer like this.

"Daesung. Don't get down. I'm going to help you I promise."

"You always promise."

"Yeah but I never break my promises."


"Yeah. Don't worry."

"Thank you .... Tabi."




Guys it's super late hahah its 1 am and I'm updating this again without replying to comments cuz I'm to tired. don't worry though the next chapter will be more detailed but I wanted to upload this since I'm gonna be out of town all day tomorrow and wont be able to do it than I have to go to my sis's graduation (~ -_-)~ so i have to wake up early noooo good news is im finally done with finals which means vacation till sept. which also means more updates~ woot woot! well goodnight to everyone! or good morning! or good evening or good afternoon lol whatever time frame you guys are at i looove you all <33 i can fall in love with my readers right? ;) kekeke jk jk also sorry for not thanking you guys individually yet I'll do that in the next chapter~ please forgive any errors or mistakes found in this chapter I swear next one will be better written since im in my summer vacation~

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Chapter 11: ohmaigadd ! this is too cute >< i can't even handle it :))
hanalovebigbang #2
Chapter 11: Is this the end????noooo......... please.I'm begging for more
cottenstuff #3
Chapter 11: *coos over Todae fluffiness* They are too cute (>^_^<) btw excuse me while I die from that last line. I dunno If my theory is true or if you are just trolling me XD Anyway, this is the part where I paitently wait for more (which I am totally willing to do 'cause this fic is awesome. One of my favs actually***----*** So glad I clicked on it oh and sorry for flooding your feed with sleep deprived rambly comments but I can't help myself I am tired. I have never commented this much on a story before which is probably for the best. Wow my sleepy reading is hella slow okay that is the end of my ranting for sure now okay byyeeeyeeye (i have to wake up in an hour :'( It was so worth it)
cottenstuff #4
NOOOOOOO was I right about the theory I made before? I hope not 'cause I want happy tutor times not sad mean ones ;;;;;;;;;-------------;;;;;;;;;;; feeling like a beached whale of sadness. That is how you tell a fic is good XD The sadness. P.S: The pictures you put in are so pretty that my heart has a spazzm every time I change a chapter *-* my heart can't take the pretty people XD
cottenstuff #5
Chapter 9: OHHH LOOK WHO FINALLY GETS MENTIONED IN THE STORY XD *such excite for the tutor student to be introduced to the gang* -possible but not really spoiler mostly just a crackpot theory- ...Do you think maybe Jiyong is the head of the nasty violent school group thing? That would be a twist >_< Sorry for commenting so often but I am getting super enthused over this fic it has so much cute but also angst like WOOOAAHHHAH Ok rant over for now
cottenstuff #6
Chapter 7: I have to wake up in two hours but reading this fic is worth the tiredness *-* Seunghyun's betting jeaaalllooouuusss. You master troll, author you XD
cottenstuff #7
Chapter 6: I'm reading this at 4:31 and I haven't had any sleep yet 'cause the feels are to much to handle. First I'd be like "Why you do dis to yourself Daesunggie" and the I'd be like ooooh dat BaexDae tho. Then all of a sudden Bae is feeling guilty about something, and I just can't imagine what he's done. This whole time I have been wondering why the town was so dang ruuuude. This is getting really rambly but I am tired so whatever. I am soooo glad you didn't leave it as 2(ish) chapters! I kinda called what Daesung's secret was during this chapter. ;-; Poor Dae. TIME TO READ THE REST OF THE FIIIICCCC K BYE xoxoxoxo
xtavista #8
Chapter 11: todae is tooo cutee..dae is too innocent^^
Chapter 11: OMG TODAE so cute :3