
Barely Here

Seunghyun's POV


As much as I wanted to say I understood I couldn't bring myself to tell Daesung such a lie. I could never understand what is going through and I would never like to know, as selfish as that sounds. I wanted to take away his pain and fear but I was of no use. It hurt knowing what he had been through but at the same time I was utterly shocked. I watched him as his breathing slowly began to become stable.

"Daesung... I don't know what to say. I'm sorry."

He wiped his tears before looking at me. "It's fine. I didn't expect you to even respond. I'm just glad you didn't leave."

"Of course not! How could I after you told me your deepest and darkest secret? I'm incredibly happy that you decided to confinde in me. Although I probably shouldn't be happy after hearing that... Can you just answer a question?"

"Y-yeah. What is it?" Daesung fiddled with his fingers.

"Do you umm... Do you still get those blackouts?" I stared at him directly at his eyes. I knew the question would cause some uneasyness for him but I had to know. I wanted to know what I was dealing with.

"Occasionally. Not as serious most of the time it occurs I'm always in my house."

I  wanted to ask him if he had hurt anyone else after that incident but I could tell Daesung was starting to feel uneasy.

"Are you frightened?" Daesung looked at me full of concern and anguish.

Honestly I was a bit scared but not because I believed Daesung would hurt me I was afraid of what I might discover down the road. To think I got swept into this whole ordeal because of my backpack.

"Not really. The only thing I'm afraid of right now is the fact that you haven't eaten anything and our break is almost over. Come on DaeDae. Let's get lunch before we completely run out of time."

Daesung tried to open his mouth to say something but I gave him no time to respond since I was already running out the door.

The rest of the day flew by very quickly. I couldn't concentrate on any of the lectures. Daesung kept making his way into my thoughts. Something very fishy was going on. I wasn't sure what it was but it left me feeling like I shouldn't be letting my guard down. It was an odd feeling, I had never felt this uneasy.

Why couldn't have I moved to a regular school? Why couldn't Daesung be a regular student who could smile brightly every day without having to deal with constant harassment?

What I also didn't understand was why I couldn't pull myself away from all of this? Before coming to this school I would simply turn the other way when I would encounter any type of bullying or injustice. It's not something to be proud of but that was the type of person I was. I never wanted to get involved in somebody else's business nor was I really bothered by it. As long as it wasn't me I didn't care.

I was an egoistic, self-centered, shameless type of guy. Thinking back I detest the type of guy I was.

When did this I change?

It felt to sudden. A bit unnerving and unnatural.

"Hey Dae are you ready to go?"

"Yea. Oh but I can't go with you today."

"Why is that?" I felt a small pang inside my chest.

What the hell is happening to me?

"I-I...can't say." Daesung looked down. "I'm sorry. I'll see you tomorrow!" He ran out the door before I could say a single word.

I sighed deeply, moving my brown hair behind my ears.

"Seunghyun!" Bae came in running.

"Hey what's wrong?" He grabbed my shoulders tightly.

"Where's Dae?!" He asked frantically.

"Calm down. Why are you looking for him?" I didn't know know why but i felt a bit irrated from his outburst. 

"Its very important! I think he might be in trouble!" 

"What?! Why?!"

"I don't know well I kinda know but it's a long story. Do you know where he is at?"

"No he left a while ago! Just tell me what happened" Now it was my turn to grab onto his shoulders.

"Ughh fine well basically earlier when we got to school I lost him for a spit second. When I turned around I saw a horde of students right behind me. I tried to get through as quick as possible but it was very difficult. Than out of nowhere they all moved out of the way and continued on with their buisness without bating an eye! Once they left I found Daesung sitting on the floor looking deflated. I asked him if they did anything but he denied it all than during lunch I had heard a group talking about some type of gathering but i ignored it all thinking it was something stupid. But soon! right after class I was walking out my classroom when a large group of students along with Hyunjoong began walking out the school building! Than it all clicked the incident in the morning, the gathering, and Hyunjoong meant something was going to happen to Dae at that gathering with Hyunjoong and I'm sure it doesn't revolve around a cup of tea. I came running here as soon as I realized this, hoping Dae was still with you cuz if not... if not I think something bad is going to happen!"

"You talk too much!" I quickly pushed passed Bae and ran out the door. 

where could he be! 

I ran as quickly as possible, checking every classroom.

Bae was following quickly behind me.

"Bae go to the nearest parks and alleys. I'll check up the around campus! Call me if you find him!"

"Okay!" With that Bae sprinted out the corridor and down the stairs.

Once I find you I'm going to give you so much for not telling me this Dae!

... Okay calm down Seunghyun. Where would Hyunjoong go to... The en courtyard! Last time they were there. I'm sure they wouldn't change the location in short notice.

"Seunghyun! Hey~" I looked down the corridor and saw Bom waving at me with a dazzling smile.

"Hey Bom sorry I can't chat bye!" I continued my way past her.


She tried to stop me but I really couldn't stop to talk to her. Daesung was currently my priority. 

I ran into the courtyard where there was already a group surrounding Daesung. I could barely see Hyunjoong standing beside his minion who stood in front of Dae. As soon as I saw another newly formed cut on Daesung's lips I lost my cool.

"HYUNJOONG!!" I Screamed from the top of my lungs. I didn't where this huge sense of anger formed inside of me but the sight of Dae helpless probably had something to do with it. The adrenaline probably aslo came from the running through out the entire school.

Everyone quickly turned their gazes towards me.

"I told you to not en touch him!" I no longer felt in control of my emotions. Something was stirring inside of me and I couldn't seem to contain it.

Maybe it was the sense of wanting redemption. Whatever it was, it suddenly gave me the courage to confront this mob.

"Seunghyun. I told you to stay away-"

"Like hell I'm going to listen!" I walked next to Daesung and quickly helped him up.

"You guys have no en right to act like vigilantes when you have no evidence!"

"Y-you know?" Hyunjoong stared at me, shocked.

"Yeah I do but unlike you idiots I actually think with my head and not with my fists." Daesung was clinging onto the back of my shirt.

"It's not black and white."

"For that exact reason I don't plan on becoming a barbarian." I gritted through my teeth. I suddenly felt like a lion protecting her infant.

"So what your choosing him over everyone else? Your going to believe him over every single person in this town?"

"Seunghyun don't" Daesung whimpered behind me.

"... If you put it like that than yes." I clenched my fists tightly.

"You're skating on thin ice."

"Well I'm a very good swimmer and I can hold my breath for a very very long time."

"Fine... we will no longer hold these reunions anymore... No instead why don't we just make this a battle. Seunghyun, you and anyone else who dares to make contact with Daesung will now become the targets. I won't go easy on you any longer. For the sake of Yunho, his family, and the rest of this town I will bring you down to your knees."

"Go ahead and try but be sure that I am not as defenseless as you take me for. In the end you might be surprised who is the one who ends up on their knees."

Hyunjoong grabbed my shoulders as he made his way out, whispering "You don't even know half of the story." 

"See ya Dae. Thanks to you we now have new playmates in this game." Everyone pushed past me mumbling indecent words. Some of the girls, whom used to follow me, gave me deathly glares, while others stared at me with disappointment written all over their faces.

As they cleared out I sighed deeply. My legs turned into jelly and I collapsed on the green hard ground. I threw my arms over my eyes to cover the blinding sunlight. 

"I need a break." I mumbled.

"Seunghyun... I'm so sorr-" Although I couldn't see him I knew that Dae sat right beside my head. 

I chuckled, inturrupting his sentance.

"Don't apologize. I choose this path. Plus somehow I feel like this is where I should be at this point in my life. Maybe destiny wanted me to meet you... Who knows maybe this is something that I couldn't avoid... you know like those key event in your life that change everything, I think this might be one of those." 

"But your not risking just changing your life... you are risking your life." Dae tugged on my sleeve.

"Don't be silly... even if I did just wager my life, if I come out on top it will be worth the risk... I think its worth risking my life..."

"What is?"

Your smile.

"... I-I'm not sure, but I think the outcome will be worth it... It's just a gut feeling of course."

"I don't get it." I blushed under my arm. What the hell are you thinking about Seunghyun?

"It's nothing. Don't think to much about it. I'm just being weird..."

"Okay." I felt a small breeze as I laid in silence. It was nice to take a breather after you've had a huge confrontation. The sun and the breeze seemed to cool me down. The sun... also known as 'sol' in spanish. In our family we always had secret nicknames. These nicknames were formed through a game that we used to play. We used act as secret agents who tried to save any person who was being hurt through those of higher powers. 

Seungri was known as our Victory or V.I. for short. I on the other hand choose 'TOP' since I always desired to come out on top. Yougbae  was known as 'Sol' since he smiled as bright as the sun, although Dae would probably be able to give him a run for his money. Yeah Youngbae was probably the most reliable out of all of us. I wonder if he was home alread-.

"!" I sat up abruptly, scaring Daesung.

"What happened?"

"I forgot! . I need to call Bae."

"What? Why?" Daesung pulled on my sleeve.

"Well Bae was the one who told me you were in trouble. He and I went looking for you but I forgot to contact him to let him know I had found you! He's probably looking for you all over town!"

"H-he was looking for me?"

"Yeah! He was very upset and worried! I had never seen him look so very-..." I looked at Dae who stared at me, wide-eyed with his lips partly parted and a light blush across his cheeks. "....very...frantically." He blushed deeper and more uncontrollably once I mentioned Bae's worrisome composer over Dae.. He quickly averted his gaze but I could still see the faint blush on his ears.

I held my fist to my chest.

Another pang. This time sharper and more... painful. 

If I didn't know any better, I would have said I was on the verge of having an emotional breakdown. But I knew better.

This wasn't pain from seeing Dae so happy over Bae, no this was just from the guilt of not having called Younbae.

I quickly took out my phone and texted Bae. He responded quickly with a quick report of his now relieved state and heading back home along with a thank you for informing him.

I looked over at Dae who was now smiling down at his palms. There was still a slight blush spread across his cheeks but it was less noticeable.

Another heavy pang.

My breathing was suddenly becoming unstable and my chest felt as if it was being crushed. I had never felt this way in my entire life.

I tore my eyes away from Dae and focused them on the cellphone that was in my hands.

"A-are you happy that Bae was worried about you?"

"HUH?!" Dae scooted away from me with his eyes bulging out and another deep shade across his face. The blushing was starting to get on my nerves.

"Are you?"

"I-I-I... N-No!! Of course not! Ha. Ha. Ha!" He twisted the grass beneath his palms.

"You like him... Don't you?" I watched him go pale this time. His reaction was enough to confirm my suspicion.

I couldn't help but glare at Dae who swallowed the lump in his lungs.

I didn't feel happy for knowing that I was right, which was unlike my usual self. I was far from feeling happy. 

I felt completely and utterly bitter. 




Finished.... it is 12 am.... T~T I should sleep... I have to wake up at 5am so I'm sorry for not thanking my new subs. or replying to comments right now but I'm really worn out. I have exams coming up but I haven't updated this in a while so I felt like I should just upload it now or I won't do it till next weekend.... Sorry!!!! D: please forgive me!!  I beg you T~T!!! Also sorry that this isn't a very long chapter!! I'm truly sorry!!

Ps it's not edited well enough so i apologize for any mistakes you may encounter while reading this chapter. I promise the next chapter will be more detailed, edited, longer, and thought out more! I hope you all bear with me for a bit! 3

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Chapter 11: ohmaigadd ! this is too cute >< i can't even handle it :))
hanalovebigbang #2
Chapter 11: Is this the end????noooo......... please.I'm begging for more
cottenstuff #3
Chapter 11: *coos over Todae fluffiness* They are too cute (>^_^<) btw excuse me while I die from that last line. I dunno If my theory is true or if you are just trolling me XD Anyway, this is the part where I paitently wait for more (which I am totally willing to do 'cause this fic is awesome. One of my favs actually***----*** So glad I clicked on it oh and sorry for flooding your feed with sleep deprived rambly comments but I can't help myself I am tired. I have never commented this much on a story before which is probably for the best. Wow my sleepy reading is hella slow okay that is the end of my ranting for sure now okay byyeeeyeeye (i have to wake up in an hour :'( It was so worth it)
cottenstuff #4
NOOOOOOO was I right about the theory I made before? I hope not 'cause I want happy tutor times not sad mean ones ;;;;;;;;;-------------;;;;;;;;;;; feeling like a beached whale of sadness. That is how you tell a fic is good XD The sadness. P.S: The pictures you put in are so pretty that my heart has a spazzm every time I change a chapter *-* my heart can't take the pretty people XD
cottenstuff #5
Chapter 9: OHHH LOOK WHO FINALLY GETS MENTIONED IN THE STORY XD *such excite for the tutor student to be introduced to the gang* -possible but not really spoiler mostly just a crackpot theory- ...Do you think maybe Jiyong is the head of the nasty violent school group thing? That would be a twist >_< Sorry for commenting so often but I am getting super enthused over this fic it has so much cute but also angst like WOOOAAHHHAH Ok rant over for now
cottenstuff #6
Chapter 7: I have to wake up in two hours but reading this fic is worth the tiredness *-* Seunghyun's betting jeaaalllooouuusss. You master troll, author you XD
cottenstuff #7
Chapter 6: I'm reading this at 4:31 and I haven't had any sleep yet 'cause the feels are to much to handle. First I'd be like "Why you do dis to yourself Daesunggie" and the I'd be like ooooh dat BaexDae tho. Then all of a sudden Bae is feeling guilty about something, and I just can't imagine what he's done. This whole time I have been wondering why the town was so dang ruuuude. This is getting really rambly but I am tired so whatever. I am soooo glad you didn't leave it as 2(ish) chapters! I kinda called what Daesung's secret was during this chapter. ;-; Poor Dae. TIME TO READ THE REST OF THE FIIIICCCC K BYE xoxoxoxo
xtavista #8
Chapter 11: todae is tooo cutee..dae is too innocent^^
Chapter 11: OMG TODAE so cute :3