A Demon

Barely Here
Hey guys!!! I'm in class and using my iPod to update :3 I won't respond to comments this chapter because I won't be home tell 5pm than I have homework so instead to make up fo my lack of organized updating I'll update another chapter tomorrow (no class~!!! Yess) lol I just reeeeally wanted you guys to read this chapter THANK YOU NEW SUBSCRIBERS~ I'll give you a proper thank you to each of you in the next update~

HyunJoong's POV


i tightened my fists against the straps of my backpack. Was Seunghyun really doing this?

He can't. Daesung must be the only one to suffer.

Damn it.

I punched the tree next to me. I could feel my knuckles aching.

I hate you Daesung, Why did you do it? Why did you lie to me? Bastard.

"Hyung, are you okay? What do we do?" one of the guys asked.

"I don't care what you do! Just make sure you don't take it too far with Seunghyun." I ignored his first question.

"But he sided with Daesung."

"He did but he doesn't know what he's doing."


"Are you going to listen to me or not? I don't need to explain myself!"

"Uh! no sorry Hyung-nim!" He quickly bowed before dragging some people away.

. Don't mess with him Seunghyun...


Daesung's Pov:


I was being surrounded. I used to think that groups of guys going up against you would be the worst situation but in this case I wished they were men. Women can be more vicious, at least those in my school, that is what I had learned during my time here. They know I won't throw a punch or kick or try to resist. They know that and because they know they never go easy on me. With guys usually they punch and kick around five times with these girls nothing ever seems to stop them other than the bell ringing or they simply lose their interest.  

And of course in the middle of it all was my sister, their leader. 

She may have the face of a princess, the body of a model, and the voice of an angel but I knew what she really was. A Demon.

I couldn't help but feel pity for her. She was full of hatred.

"That's how you should always look. Covered in trash. Don't you dare embarrass me again my dear brother."

She slowly lowered herself to my level.

"Dae, stay away from him. You'll only drag him down along with anyone who comes into contact with you." 

She stood up and dusted her skirt. 

"Do what you want with him. I have no use of him."

"Suzy... Why are you like this?"

I always asked her this question. She would always reply the same.

"Because I can."

She walked out leaving me alone with the these predators.

I shouldn't be surprised. She never felt any love for me, just pure hate.

I sighed as I slowly pushed my self up against the wall. I smirked at the girls who looked at me with eyes clouded with disgust.

"So what are we using today? Bats? Whips? Books? Scissors? ..." they simply responded with a smile.

"oh? Is it bare fists and nails? Hmmmm that's rare. Well do your best, you know I won't fight back." I couldn't help but laugh at this situation. I've seen it many times. Practically everyone used me to vent out their stress. 

"The teacher is coming!" The girls suddenly turned their heads to the door. "Aish! Last time they said they would give us detention for causing this type of scene! Daesung you're lucky this time!" One of the girls yelled while walking out the door.

Soon enough the bathroom had cleared. 

"Dae?" Youngbae stood by the door.

"Bae..." He grinned lightly.

"Come on Dae, let's go to class." He walked over to me, slipping his arms around my shoulders. I couldn't but blush at the contact.

"H-how did you know I was here?"

"Zico. He ran to me and told me a bunch of girls surrounded you and dragged you to the bathroom."


"Yeah Zico is waiting outside so don't think he just left you alone."

"I know... I'm sorry." I couldn't look at him. I was dragging him down.

"Don't worry Dae. I'm okay. As long as you keep smiling I'll be fine." He laughed.

We walked outside where Zico was waiting by the door biting on his fingernails.

"Daesung are you okay?"

"Mmm I'm fine." I smiled lightly.

"But you stink!" He laughed. 

"Right?" I couldn't help but break into a smile.



Youngbae's POV:



Zico came rushing into my class just as I was about to sit down.

"BAE! DAE!" He was clearly out of breath. The whole class fell silent.

"What about Daesung?" I stood up from my seat.

"He was dragged out of his classroom!" The class suddenly erupted to laughter while others continued with their conversation. Disgusting. 

I walked up to Zico whom was already walking in the hallway.

"By who?!? To where?!" I jogged along his side to the third floor.

"To the girls restroom... by his sister."

"His sister?!" Zico stopped running and began speed walking.

"Yeah... You might have seen her before. She has long blonde hair, thin, pale skin, top of her class, and she is the vice president. No one can deny her beauty and to everyone else she seems like an angel but she is amongst those at the top teir, those who control this school. She's one of the main leaders."


"Sooo that means that amongst those whom are Daesung's main nemeses... she's the main one but there are rumors its someone else."

"What?! Why?" I pulled onto his arm to make him stop walking.

He sighed while pushing his bleached hair behind his ears.

"I can't say for sure but it seems as if she was some how involved with Daesung during his uhh incident. Not only that but before that even occurred I heard that she had already gained a pure hate or disgust towards him. Rumor has it that Daesung supposedly stole something from her but there are a few people that are saying she never even owned whatever he "took" that it came to his hands without him stealing it."

"Wait. There are people defending Daesung?" 

"Mmm yeah you can say that. People like me. We know it's probably all just a misunderstanding or just a matter of being at the wrong place and at the wrong time. Even if we think that it's only like a few handful of us. We have almost no courage to stand up against the students and less to stand up against the teachers and the parents... Youngbae, I want you to know that we, although  we are hiding behind walls, are supporting you guys. I think a couple us are even willing to stand up against them but please just be patient. They need courage. In order to get that courage they want to see if you guys can handle all the pain you will receive. I know it's selfish but please be understanding."

"I get it. I would do the same, except my brother has involved himself in it so there is no way I can let him stand alone. Just make sure they don't hid for too long."

"Yeah... I'll do my best."

"Good. Oh and one last thing before we go inside... You know what happened to Daesung, don't you?"

"...Yeah... kind of."

"...Well what happened?"

Zico rubbed the back of his neck. He was hesitating.

"I don't know if I'm the right person who should be saying anything."

"I need to hear it from someone who isn't go to tell me lies. I know Daesung is too sensitive to say anything and everyone else will probably exaggerate things or make it seem as if it was Daesung's fault. So I need you to tell me. I have to know what it is that is so horrible that turned everyone against him. I can't not know. I made myself a part of this. I don't want want to be ignorant of what's going on around me. Please just tell me." I pleaded him.

He sighed deeply. 

"I'll tell you...but please don't speak of this to anyone. Not yet. I'm sure Daesung is carrying a lot of weight on his shoulders as it already is."

"I promise."  

He didn't seem convinced. He eyed me carefully as if to make sure I wouldn't blab or turn against Daesung. I admired Zico's belief in justice. It was what drove him to come out of his shelf. He was desperately trying to prove someone's innocence despite all the dangers that came along with his conviction. 

"Fine! I guess... well It began 4 years ago..." 

Zico told me everything.

It was as if it was out of a movie. It didn't seem real. I couldn't believe what he had told me. It was a rather short narrative but it was enough to make me fall on to my knees. I couldn't breath. For a second I also doubted Daesung. Zico must have noticed what was going through my head since he stepped away from me rather than try to help me get up.

"You weren't ready were you?" He asked some what disappointed. I looked up at him and saw anger in his eyes.

"I-I don't know..." I looked down. I noticed my hands trembling.

"I knew it. I shouldn't have said anything." He backed up even further away from me.

"N-no thank you Zico. But-"

"Just stop it. If you really want to help Daesung than help him. If you don't....just please stay where you are. You will only add more fuel to the fire if you betray Daesung." He glared at me.

He stood still for a second before walking away; leaving me at the end of the hallway. 

I never felt this scared.

Did he really do that? Was he capable of doing that? So many questions ran through my head.

I looked up and saw Zico was only a few feet from the bathroom. I stood up ready to walk back to my classroom. He was right. It was too soon for me. I couldn't handle this. I looked back at Zico who was still making his way to the bathroom entrance. A girl with long blonde hair walked out of the restroom. I believe that was Daesung's sister. She was giggling to herself as she pushed Zico to the side. She walked past me down the stairs. I saw Zico glaring at her back while he was clearly shaking. He looked back at me with the same glare. He walked closer to the bathroom.

I looked back as the girl who was already down the fifth step. It hit me. I was no longer on the same side as Daesung, Zico, Seunghyun, or everyone else. I was turning my back against everyone I knew. Why? Because of fear. I was nothing like Zico. I was nothing like Seunghyun. If I was in Daesung's shoes I would have long been gone... How could I have doubted someone who was that strong?

Stupid Bae! How can even think Daesung would be capable of that!? He would never push around some like Zico the way his sister did! You're a first class idiot! 

I ran back up to Zico and pulled him aside. 

"I'll do it."


"No. Let me. I need to make it up to him for doubting him."

Zico smiled pulling his arm out of my grip.

He patted my back gently.

"I knew you weren't like the others, although you did give me a scare, I thought you were going to turn your back on us. Just please trust Daesung. I'm sure it wasn't his fault. I just need to find a way to prove it."

"Why don't you ask him yourself?" 

"Thats another problem... I'll tell you more later now go before those wenches do something to him!"

"Thanks again Zico! You're amazing!"

"I know just don't fall for me~ I already have my Chaerin~"

"Tsk.. this kid." I laughed.

He cleared his throat before yelling into the restroom. Causing the girls to run out. I think I can deal with some adventure in my life. You're never young forever.



Daesung's POV:



The two lead me to the locker rooms where I changed into my P.E. clothes and took a quick shower.

I finished by the time our lunch ended. Zico ran off five minutes before I got out since he had class two floors down. Youngbae carried my bag to my locker and walked me to class. The students would stare at us the entire time but Youngbae seemed to ignore their stares confidently.

"Bae, don't their stares intimidate you?"

"Not really. I like the attention."

"Well since we are here, I'll talk to you after school." He smiled. 

"O-okay." I watched him walk away with his head held up high. I couldn't help but feel envious. 

I didn't know anyone in this class. Unlike in my first period and last period Seunghyun wasn't in here.

Soon Suzy walked into class. She eyed me and I could have sworn she grinned. It sent shivers down my spin. 

Right after Suzy walked in I saw Hyunjoong. I practically had all my classes with him. I stared at him, he looked back at me with no emotion. 

How long has it been? Days?... No. Weeks? No... It's been months. Months since I last spoke a word to him... well since he spoke to me.

Like how I feel about Seunghyun, I could never come to hate Hyunjoong. Not for a second.

I knew that lately he was the one in charge of the kids who would make my life a living hell, it kinda comes with becoming the school president, even so I noticed that the kids wouldn't attack as often as before. Once the amount of harassing toned down, after he took control, It gave me hope that he would one day give me one last chance.

He finally broke our eye contact and walked to the back of the classroom.

Why didn't I just tell him? 

It all happened very quickly. I didn't have enough time to fix things. When he confronted me I couldn't explain. Words escaped me.

I looked over my shoulder to find him laying his head on his table. He was looking out the window with his eye brows furrowed... He must be under a lot of stress. I wonder what has him all riled up. Ah! Maybe it's because of Seunghyun and me! I really wish he would just listen to me at least once. Maybe than we could be like how we were back then, maybe we could be close one more time, maybe we could-

My thoughts were interrupted when the teacher walked into class demanding attention.

At least this teacher wasn't as bad as the others. In fact I knew she pitied me. Everyone knew. For that no one messed with me in this one class. She never really enforced anything on the other students but her background, having a grandfather that was a former high level gangster, truly scared the students.

The bell rang for our twenty minute break. Than we would have our last class. I looked to my back to see if everyone had left. Everyone did in fact clear out from the room, except Suzy and Hyunjoong. Hyunjoong was sitting behind Suzy, sleeping. I could feel Suzy's eyes scanning me. My sister was the vice president of the school. She had managed to jump a grade when she was younger and was placed in all the Advanced courses.

She walked up to my side. 

"Daesung, my mom and dad are going to be home today. Make sure you're not around. I don't want to deal with all the stupid you bring into our home. Alright?"  

I nodded in response. 

"You're lucky I'm in good mood that I'm warning you. I'll be leaving than!" She walked up to the door.

"And remember! Don't ruin anyone else's life like you've done with ... well you know with who." I looked at her baffled. 

"Oh! Don't look so innocent! You know whose life you messed up!" I quickly averted my gaze from her. I was glad Hyunjoong was asleep to here this. It had always been a sensitive topic for him. Girl or Guy, it didn't matter. No one should ever bring up that topic in front of him.

"Stop it Suzy." I mumbled.

"What? Are you trying to deny it?" She walked back in front of me. She grabbed my chin and forced me to look up at her. I bit my lip and told myself to apologize but she was pushing it far.

"No, just stop bringing it up." She laughed lightly.

"Oh brother! You can't run from what you did."

"Suzy!" I said firmly. I really didn't want Hyunjoong to wake up to this. It was enough that he was always being burdened by me.

"Oppa. I'm not the one who manipulated Hyunjoong. I'm not the one who-" It happened very quickly one second Suzy had her fingers tightly holding my chin and in the next she was pushed up against the wall with Hyunjoong grabbing onto her collar, tightly.

"What the are you spouting out of you mouth Bae Su Ji?" I knew this was serious from the way he called her by her full legitimate name.

"O-oppa" Her voice trembled. I wanted to stand up and pull him away from her but by the way he was furiously glaring at her and the way his free hand twitched I knew he wasn't going to take this further. If he really wanted hurt her he would have done it by now. He would never hit a girl despite coming off as the guy who didn't care about anything. I knew Hyunjoong.

"Don't you ever talk about this again. If hear another single word about this know that I won't hesitate to make sure you won't ever speak a word." He pulled away from her, not waiting for a response. Suzy looked at him in disbelief. She looked back at me with fire in her eyes.I gulped in response.

She made her way out of the room.

Hyunjoong was packing up his books and notes. I observed him for a while. He had grown a few wrinkles since I last spoke to him. 

"Hyunjoong, I-I can we talk?"

He paused for a while before continuing cleaning.

"You're talking aren't you." I was taken back. I never received any reaction from him before today.

"Look... I'm really sorry about everything. I didn't-"

"Didn't i just tell Suzy never to bring that up? Same goes to you." He lifted his backpack over his shoulder.

"But Hyunjoong! You don't know-"

"I don't know what happened? I don't know your side of the story?! What I saw told me a completely different story! What I heard coming out of your mouth said the contrary!! YOU don't know what I went through! I risked everything for you! Than you went behind my back and betrayed me! You knew! You- About You! That what I...how I... about you! You're a bastard." He pushed me aside and ran out of the classroom. I didn't want him to leave me. I wanted to explain. I just didn't have the courage. I'm a coward...a bastard. 

I fell to my knees. Maybe I should stop trying. I should stop trying to remember. 

I can't remember anything. I don't remember.

I started sobbing in the middle of the class. I couldn't hold it in. I messed up for something that I don't remember. I dug my nails onto my thighs. 

"Uggh... Why can't I remember? I'm so stupid."

"Daesung?" I wiped away my tears to find Seunghyun standing by the door with his backpack.

"Oh! H-Hey!" I tried to sound as happy as I could. He didn't seem to buy it.

"What happened?" He dropped his bag to the floor and rushed to my side.


"It's clearly not nothing." He grabbed onto my shoulders and lifted me up.

"I-I just... Seunghyun..." I whimpered without realizing it. I looked up to see him looking at me tenderly. It was enough to bring back the tears.

"Seunghyun!" I wrapped my arms tightly around his waist and dug my face onto his shoulder.

"Seunghyun..." He slowly wrapped his arms around my shoulders trying to shush me.

"Don't leave me." I tightened my grip on him, if that was even possible. "If I turn out to be in the wrong will you still be by my side?"


"Would you?"

"But you won't."

"Just please answer me."

"Dae... you won't and since you won't I'll never leave."

"I doubt myself sometimes."

"I will never doubt you."

"But you already have."

"And I've learned from my mistake. I promise you I won't ever doubt you. I'll be there for you even when you think the worst of yourself."

I chuckled. "That's a bit cheesy."

"I guess... but I like being cheesy when it comes to my loved ones." I was happy that my face was still buried on his chest. He couldn't see me blushing. 

Dumb Cheesy Seungie.


Did you guys notice the baedae/sundae hehe ;) if you didn't now you know lol muahahhaah I'm gonna troll you guys~ keke jk jk jk
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Chapter 11: ohmaigadd ! this is too cute >< i can't even handle it :))
hanalovebigbang #2
Chapter 11: Is this the end????noooo......... please.I'm begging for more
cottenstuff #3
Chapter 11: *coos over Todae fluffiness* They are too cute (>^_^<) btw excuse me while I die from that last line. I dunno If my theory is true or if you are just trolling me XD Anyway, this is the part where I paitently wait for more (which I am totally willing to do 'cause this fic is awesome. One of my favs actually***----*** So glad I clicked on it oh and sorry for flooding your feed with sleep deprived rambly comments but I can't help myself I am tired. I have never commented this much on a story before which is probably for the best. Wow my sleepy reading is hella slow okay that is the end of my ranting for sure now okay byyeeeyeeye (i have to wake up in an hour :'( It was so worth it)
cottenstuff #4
NOOOOOOO was I right about the theory I made before? I hope not 'cause I want happy tutor times not sad mean ones ;;;;;;;;;-------------;;;;;;;;;;; feeling like a beached whale of sadness. That is how you tell a fic is good XD The sadness. P.S: The pictures you put in are so pretty that my heart has a spazzm every time I change a chapter *-* my heart can't take the pretty people XD
cottenstuff #5
Chapter 9: OHHH LOOK WHO FINALLY GETS MENTIONED IN THE STORY XD *such excite for the tutor student to be introduced to the gang* -possible but not really spoiler mostly just a crackpot theory- ...Do you think maybe Jiyong is the head of the nasty violent school group thing? That would be a twist >_< Sorry for commenting so often but I am getting super enthused over this fic it has so much cute but also angst like WOOOAAHHHAH Ok rant over for now
cottenstuff #6
Chapter 7: I have to wake up in two hours but reading this fic is worth the tiredness *-* Seunghyun's betting jeaaalllooouuusss. You master troll, author you XD
cottenstuff #7
Chapter 6: I'm reading this at 4:31 and I haven't had any sleep yet 'cause the feels are to much to handle. First I'd be like "Why you do dis to yourself Daesunggie" and the I'd be like ooooh dat BaexDae tho. Then all of a sudden Bae is feeling guilty about something, and I just can't imagine what he's done. This whole time I have been wondering why the town was so dang ruuuude. This is getting really rambly but I am tired so whatever. I am soooo glad you didn't leave it as 2(ish) chapters! I kinda called what Daesung's secret was during this chapter. ;-; Poor Dae. TIME TO READ THE REST OF THE FIIIICCCC K BYE xoxoxoxo
xtavista #8
Chapter 11: todae is tooo cutee..dae is too innocent^^
Chapter 11: OMG TODAE so cute :3