Something Real

Barely Here

Daesung's POV



It felt good being in Seunghyun's arm. I couldn't bare to tear away from his warmth.

As much as I wanted to leave Seunghyun out of this, there was another, larger more demanding, part of me that wanted him to be the one to save me. It pleaded me to not let this one go. I was already dependent of him. Being alone all this time made me weak... defenseless. I desperately wanted someone I could call a friend.

Foolishness at its best.

Seunghyun slowly pushed me away as he stood up.

"Well since you are now my friend I think it would be best if you would meet my family." He offered me his hand but I couldn't bring myself to accept it. I simply stood up on my own. 

From the corner of my eye I could see him frowning. It made me feel guilty but I couldn't fully trust him.

I could never fully trust anyone.

I walked behind him as he lead me out his room. The house gave off a warm vibe feeling. It was covered in white wallpaper with things still in boxes. The room was styled with an 80s theme while keeping it very modern.

Seunghyun lead me to his kitchen where a girl with dark long blonde hair and pale skin, almost like Seunghyun's skin tone, sat at the edge of the dinner table. Across from her sat a boy who look no more than 3 years younger than me. He had short spiky hair and wore a white t-shirt under a grey blazer. Another guy stood by the refrigerator eating a banana. He had a mohawk and wore a black tank top with baggy black sweats.

"Daesung this is my sister, Chaerin. My younger brother and the youngest in the family Seungri. This guy with the mohawk is Youngbae, he is also my younger brother." He walked up to Youngbae and slung his arm around his broad shoulders.

I was a bit to nervous to be able to greet them. I tried speaking up but I was a lost for words. It had been years since I had a single pair of eyes looking at me with pure kindness. 

Its going to kill me when they change...

"Oh! Can I call you Dae?" Seungri  jumped out of his chair as he ran up to me. He reached out to grab my hands but I quickly pulled away making him fall face flat. 


I felt fear run through me. Great job Daesung! Already starting off on the wrong foot with a family who you've barely met! 

I ruined this. I ruined it.

"Pfft! hahhahhaha! Great job Daesung! Ri can be a bit too pushy!" Chaerin laughed from her seat.

I looked over at Youngbae who was bitting on his lower lip. At first I thought it was due to anger but soon I could his lips twitching into a smile. He looked at me with warm and kind eyes. Seungri slowly stood up. I could see anger in his eyes. 

"Chaerin! Don't embarrass me in front of my new friend!!" I looked at him in bewilderment. He slowly looked over at me with flushed cheeks.

"Dae~ I swear I'm not pushy! Don't listen to that thing~" He pouted.

"Hey! Panda! Dae will be mine not yours!" Chaerin pointed her finger at him.

"Guys..." Youngbae tried to interfere but was completely ignored.

"CL don't call me Panda! You meanie!"

I was truly at a lost for words. I had never been around such a rowdy family.

"All right. All right... Ri you are not pushy so drop it. Chaerin you can't own someone. Now Daesung you've been asleep for an hour or so. Do you want to eat here or want me to take you home?" Seunghyun smiled as he walked back to my side.

"I-I NICE TO MEET YOU!" I shouted from the top of my lungs. Again Daesung? Embarrassing yourself?

"Awww How can you be so cute!" Chaerin spoke from her seat.

"Hahaha Chaerin seems to be taken a liking to you. I guess that means your staying here Daesunggie" Youngbae stated from his position.

I couldn't help but blush from the new nick name.

"Daesunggie! I like that!" both Chaerin and Seungri said in unison. 

I could tell they were good people but I really wanted to run out. The only thing that stopped me was that Seunghyun was standing by my side. It was starting to be too much for me. It scared the crap out of me. 

I shouldn't get attached.

"Youngbae can you please cook tonight?" Ri ran up to Youngbae. He began yanking on his arm to try to convince him.

"hmmm? Well if Daesung stay and eats I will." He smiled at me warmly.

"O-okay." Something about Youngbae made me feel relieved. 

"Yes! Youngbae is the best cook~" Seunghyun squealed.

"While Youngbae cooks lets set up the table Ri." Chaerin stated.

"Awww why not Seunghyun?" 

"You know he is to clumsy to touch anything that is breakable." Chaerin giggled.

"Whatever! Come on Dae lets go look at my Bearbrick collection!"

"Oh god Seunghyun try not to bore him please?" Chaerin face palmed herself.

"I won't! I won't!" He waved her off before leading me back to his room. He lead me to his wardrobe.

"Daesung, No one else knows of this except you and my family so don't tell anyone. okay?" 

"Okay." He ruffled my hair and opened his wardrobe. Inside where about 8 bearbricks. Bearbricks were basically action figures in the shape of bears and each were designed differently. 

"Aren't they beautiful." 

They really were. Each uniquely different. 

"Yeah very..."

"In the past I was a bit on the chunky side. Not the most popular kid at my school, I had a friend and family but deep down I believed I had no one. I bought my first bearbrick during that time. Just at the spur of the moment. As sad as this maybe each of these bearbricks became my friends whom I spoke to everyday. I gave them names...personalities... voices. They helped me feel less lonely but even so I knew what I really wanted was a human to talk to. In the end I confided in Youngbae who simply held me that night. In my bro I found the warmth that I could not find in my bearbricks...I-I... Daesung I want you to open up to me. I know you won't for the time being. I won't pressure you but just know that I'm here. I won't push you away or pull away. Don't go believing that no human cares for you."

"Crying again?" I quickly wiped my eyes. I hadn't noticed I was crying. Seunghyun is really the epitome of strength.

"Dinner is served!" Youngbae yelled from the kitchen.

"Lets go cry baby." He laughed, skipping out of his room. 

I stood there for a bit. I observed his bearbricks for a minute. They were truly amazing objects. Amazing.

"Thank you." I mumbled before running out the door to catch up to Seunghyun.

Dinner was great. I didn't speak once. I simply observed the family. I learned more about Seungri. He was going to junior high school for his last year before heading to high school. He really liked to stay on the latest trend and dance. He was very comedic. Chaerin was a freshman in high school who loved to shop, rap, read, and dance. Youngbae was a year younger than me. He was a sophomore in high school. He also loved to dance. I learned that he was a talented singer and an amazing artist. It was cute the way his sibling teased about never having a girlfriend. Seunghyun was a fashionista however unlike the rest of his siblings he didn't dance. He was also the child of the family despite being the eldest. Their parents had taken the week off to go overseas for their vacation.They called regularly but mainly to check up on Seungri.

Seunghyun had driven me home but I refused to invite him inside. I really didn't want him to see me barricade myself in my room. He wouldn't understand. I walked into my dark house and quickly set my backpack and coat in my room before beginning my chores. Luckily I had finished before my parents had arrived. I didn't stay awake to hear them enter since once I had laid on my bed I had fallen asleep. 

In my dream I met Seunghyun. He was kind and helpful before becoming an org. He accused me of being a criminal. He blended into the mob of people while yelling the loudest. In the sea of hateful eyes his voice stood out the most.

"Liar! You should have told me!" I ended up in a fetal position. I tried blocking out his voice but it never seem to fade even for the slightest.

"No Seunghyun not you..."

"You don't deserve anything!"

"Why?" I cried into my arms. "Y-you said you would stay."

"Not after what you did!"



I reached out into the air. I quickly sat up on my bed, clutching my drench shirt while trying to catch my breath.

"No you can't change Seunghyun... Please..." I cried into my blanket, trying to silence my sobs. The last thing I wanted was to wake up the others.


The rest of the night I refused to sleep. I didn't want to have that same dream twice. Instead of sleeping I stayed by door, listening to the sounds occurring outside of my room. My family had woken up not to long ago and were having their breakfast.

I sighed before slowly standing up and changing my pajamas into my school uniform. I combed my hair and put on my shoes. By the time I finished the noise had ended and the front door was slammed shut. 

At least today they left early enough for me to walk to school rather than run. I got out of my room with my backpack and house keys. I checked the refrigerator for any posted notes. There was a list of my chores and telling me that they were going to be stay at my aunts house tell 8. I grabbed a toast and jelly before walking outside.

The morning air was cold despite that the sun had risen. I could feel everyone's stares at me. At least in public the adults had the decency to just stare rather than commit any physical harm. I walked past the school gate with students keeping their distance. As soon as I had stepped inside the students began to part into two groups. They avoided trying to get no closer than ten feet from me. 

I could feel the stares and whispers. Some did not keep quiet, rather they spoke loud enough for me to hear their words. After years of this, I could never become accustomed to their taunts. I was truly the odd one out. 

Keeping my head low was the best way to avoid their harassing, however that didn't always work. 

"Oh great. Why did you have to come back? Can't you ever leave?" One of the students from another class, probably younger than me, mumbled. 

"UGH!! So frustrating!" He quickly kicked me with full force on my stomach. In less than a second I was on the ground coughing out blood.

"Disgusting." He walked past me along with his friends who simply ignored me all together. 

After a second of gathering myself together, I stood up, holding on to my stomach from the pain. It was going to bruise... again. I was going to clean up in the restroom but the bleeding stopped when I had entered the school building. At least his kick wasn't really hard compared to other students. In my head I couldn't help but laugh that he was actually pretty weak. If I was a normal I could take him on, but I wasn't so if I tried I'd only get it worse.

I made to my classroom without that much trouble. Hopefully that would be the worst I'd get today. Despite making it to my classroom I noticed that my desk and chair were covered in flour. I looked up to see if I could spot the culprit but everyone simply laughed or averted their gazes.

I grabbed my towel out of my backpack and began cleaning up the mess. 

"Daesung?" All movements seized. He is not supposed to acknowledge me.

"Aish! Who could have done this?" Seunghyun quickly bend down to my level. "At least its just flour... Hold on I'll be back in a bit."

"N-no." My voice was barely audible. "I can clean it. I have my own towel."


"Its fine. Just go sit." Resist Daesung, resist.

"... I get it." I could feel my heart break as I watched him walk away from me and move on to his desk. 

I wanted to be strong enough to talk to him but I really wouldn't be able to protect him. I would ruin his life.

After a couple of minutes I finished cleaning. Class was about to start and my heart was jumping out of my chest. I would have to see him again. I could feel my hands begin to tremble and my head began to ache. 

Thump Thump Thump

I looked over at the door to see if I could still run out. 

"Damn it! I forgot my glasses! I can't see anything from this seat!" I could hear Seunghyun yell.

"Why don't you move to the front?" Hyunjoong suggested.

"Ugh I hate sitting up there!" The whole class erupted in laughter.

"I guess I really have no choice."

"Why don't you take my seat?" The girl who sat next to my desk offered.

"mmmm Yeah i wouldn't mind Thank you!" 

"No problem." The girl blushed before gathering her books and backpack to move to the back of the classroom. 

He sat down next to me. I looked at him only to see him staring at me with a warm smile on his face. He mouthed a 'don't worry' while taking out his notes and textbook. He smiled one last time before he was interrupted by the sound of the door opening. I was still a bit nervous but having Seunghyun by my side made me feel safer.

A substitute teacher entered the room causing me to let out my breath that I was holding in. 

My heart beat dramatically slowed down back to its regular pace. I looked over at Seunghyun who released his tight grip of his broken pencil. I blushed when I realized he was also relieved to not see our regular teacher in class. He sighed before putting away his pencil and taking out his pen. 

I couldn't help but grin at the thought of someone worrying about me enough to sit by side and become angry enough to break something. It was an odd feeling. I hadn't felt it in years...

The class ended very slowly. I could tell Seunghyun was desperately trying to stay awake but failing when the sub would turn her back away from the classroom.  

After class Seunghyun whispered a "I'll take you home after school" before running out with Hyunjoong.

I watched him walk out of class with Hyunjoong who stood by the door observing me. I knew who Hyunjoong was... he had changed so much. He was now of course the class president with the highest scores in school. We simply stared at each other for a minute before he averted his gaze. 

I sighed deeply, returning to my belongings. The rest of my classes went by slowly but less eventful than my morning classes. There are days in which everyone tends to leave me alone and ignore me, sometimes it even lasts for days, however there are days in which everyone seems to release their stress on their punching bag. I felt as if today was the day. 

I was packing up my things and siting in my class to waiting for Seunghyun before a girl walked up to me. She stayed five feet away, like usual.

"By the-"

"I know." I quickly grabbed my things and passed her before heading to their gathering. I could easily avoid these gathering but I felt I need to be condemned. I wanted to be accepted. I hoped that one of these days they would simply forget or forgive, I never expected the latter. 

I fiddled with my finger as I stood in the middle of a crowd of students. I wanted to run. I start regretting coming but if I got over this I would be clear of their harassing for at least 2 weeks. 2 weeks in which no tick tacks nor flour would be found anywhere near my table or locker. Of course their stares and verbal harassing would not cease but at least I would be physically free. 

"You know what to do." I slowly nodded before kneeling down.

"You're a ing idiot!" one of the students yelled next to ears. I cringed at their squeaking voice. He punched my face, making me cough our blood. 

"Bastard!" He grabbed my by my collar before laying two punches on my right cheek. I could feel it begin to bruise. I touched my cheek notice blood begin to drip down my cheek. 

I looked at the guy who was hitting me. He had a menacing smile and eyes that only showed amusement. I began coughing again, spiting out blood. This was going to end worse than last time. 

I could hear the chanting increase the guy was about to give me his final blow. I closed my eyes waiting for the collision. 

Ah I was supposed to meet with Seunghyun... well at least now he will think that I hate him, maybe than he can save himself. 

Rather than feeling the impact I could hear gasping. I slowly opened my eyes expecting to see him either laughing at my defenseless situation or getting ready to throw a punch. Instead I saw Seunghyun standing in front me holding onto the guys balled up fist.

"Se-Seunhyun?" I stared up at him he swiftly lower kick the man's shins.  

"Ughh! What the ?!" He screamed when he fell onto the ground. 

"W-what..." was all I could manage to say.

"Don't. en. Touch. Daesung." Seunghyun said with a steady yet threatening voice. Even I felt myself shiver from him the venom that was dripping through each syllable.

He steadily turned away from the guy on the ground. He kneeled down in front of me, smiling with a warmly like he had when he first hugged me in his room. My heart literally skipped a beat. 


He carefully wrapped his arms around my waist and lifted me up. 

"You're my friend of course." There were whispers going on and clearly confusion written on everyone's faces. 

"Seunghyun, you don't know what you're getting yourself into. Don't do this. Leave me." I whispered harsly at him. I tried yanking myself away from him but he refused to budge.

"Seunhyun it's not only this people! You don't understand the scale of this!" I yelled at him. I was loosing my patience. I swear I never wanted to involve any single person. 

"So what? It's the whole school?" Seunghyun smirked.

"No. It's the whole en town! You idiot!" I screamed. I felt tears begin to stream down my face. 

Seunghyun's smiling face soon slowly fell into a frown.

"This will ruin your family..." I whispered so that only he could hear. I was now sobbing and couldn't control my emotions. I was confused, frightened, and felt somewhat relieved. 

"Seunghyun, I truly care for you but I can't pull your family into this. Please leave, I'll always remember your helpful hand but please just be happy." I begged him. I could feel my other half yelling, screaming at me for pushing him away but my morals were to strong. 

"Leave me..."

Seunghyun had stayed quiet the whole, he was simply absorbing everything that I had thrown at him. 


"Daesung... I can't." He carefully let go of my waist. I could feel him pulling further away. I wanted so bad to grab a hold of him but instead a balled my hand to a fist to prevent myself from doing so. 


I understand. I'm sorry too.

"I can't listen to you. I can't give up. Daesung... I've been there. I told you something I never told anyone. You need to be more honest. Come here." I looked up to see him opening his arms. "You take the next step." 

I glanced around me noticing everyone's eyes narrowing at me. They intimidated me.

"W-what about your chaerin, seungri, and youngbae?" 

"Hmm I'm sure they can handle themselves."

I could feel my tears begin to fall once again. It was odd but even with their stares I couldn't deny my feelings anymore. I wanted a friend. 

Once I took my first step forward, I couldn't stop. I ran to Seunghyun. 

"S-Seunghyun!" I sobbed onto his broad shoulders.

"Lets go." I kept my head down while he lead me through the crowd. He suddenly stopped on his tracks and squeezed my shoulders. I looked up to see what had halted him. 

Kim Hyun Joong.

"Seunghyun... Don't do this."

"Joong... What are you doing?"

"You shouldn't do this."

"I'm sorry I can't let him continue living like this! They're going to break him! Kill him!" 

"You don't know the story. You don't know him! He tricked everyone! He tricked his family! Friend! ME!"

Seunhyun stared at him completely taken back. 

I wanted to run away.

I looked up at Seunghyun who simply stared at me with shock. 

"I-" I was desperately trying to explain but I couldn't. I couldn't tell him. I wasn't worthy of him.

I pulled away from his embrace and made a run for it. I didn't know where to go. I just wanted out. 

I ran to the park in a local neighborhood. Somehow I made it to the lake. I couldn't run anymore. I looked at my reflection noticing the bruised cheek, the cut lip, the purple eye. 

Why? Why did I do it? Why can't I remember?

I felt the strong wind starting to blow dust into my cuts. It stung but it didn't hurt as much as seeing the disappointment in Seunghyun's eyes. I lost him just like Hyunnie. I had no right to call him that anymore but I couldn't stop myself. In my head I would imagine he was still beside me.  

I shoved my head into my hands. 

I don't understand why continue trying. Why am I still searching for answers for questions that are impossible to answer? 

Why do I look for someone's warmth when I know I am not meant to.

I continued to cry quietly and alone.

I looked up to see the sun was starting to set. My parents would be home in about two hours. I sighed while watch the pond slowly light up with fireflies. Everything seemed peaceful. Everything was beautiful and I knew I was the only tainted thing in this scenery. 

My cheeks were starting to ache. I knew I had to leave soon but my heart felt heavy. My eyelids were now puffy. 

I heard rustling behind me, which truly frightened me.

What if they are coming back? I have nothing to use for protection. I'm tired. 

"Daesung?" I was taken back. 

Seunghyun was standing there breathless.

"Oh thank god I found you!" He ran towards me and pulled me into a tight hug. 

"W-what? W-why?" 

"I don't are about what Hyunjoong said. I know I will hear the truth from you in the future. I'll put my trust in you. I can't believe anyone who has ever bullied anyone. So please Daesung don't run away. You worried me sick." 

"I don't deserve you." I began crying again for the hundreth time.

"I'll decide who I will stand next to. I'm a big boy." He laughed.

"Seunghyun! You found him?!" I looked over Seunghyun's shoulder to find Youngbae and Chaerin standing breathless as well.

"Yah! You guys left me behind!" Seungri and another girl, holding his hand, ran up to the other two.

"Ha! It's your fault for being slow!" Chaerin stuck her tongue out at him. 

"CL! You left me behind!" Another guy came out of the trees looking equally exhausted.

"I never asked you to come." CL mumbled while walking towards Seunghyun and I.

"But I love you!" He yelled. CL lightly blushed.

"S-shut up Zico. Oh Daesung what have they done to you?" She slowly creased my cheek while help me stand up.


"Oh this is Zico, I met him in class last week."

"H-hey Daesung... Sorry about that." He pointed at my bruise. "I swear I've never thought anything negative about you. I don't know if you remember but I used to send you bandaged in your desk after ... you know their gatherings."

"That was you?" 

"Yeah. I'm sorry I never had the same guts to stop them like Seunghyun, but I swear for the love of my Chaerin I will help the two of you as much as I can." I smiled warmly at him. I could tell he was a good person.

"Thanks. The more the merrier right?" 

He smiled widely while nodding his head furiously.

"Daesunggie this is Minji. Gong Minji. I also met her in school."

"Daesung I'm sorry."

"Don't worry Minji you've never done anything to me. We never even crossed paths so please don't worry."

I saw a tear fall from her eye. "I know how you feel Daesung before Seungri-shi, I-I was a loner but I was never harassed. Now that Seungri is with me I feel more confident." She lightly giggled. "This is the first time I gathered with this many people after school." She smiled sweetly.

"Same here." I laughed.

"Omo! Daesung looks cute when he laughs!" Youngbae yelled standing next to Seunghyun.

"Wah! It's true!" Chaerin yelled.

"Can you guys help me get home?"

"Of course!" They all said in unison. 

I couldn't help but grin though the walk home. We had separated along the way. Minji and Seungri left to the train station, where Seungri would take her home. CL went to the local drug store to buy a poster board for her project while Zico tagged along. It was now just Youngbae, Seunghyun, and I. Despite it being quiet I was relieved. I never had two close friends. I didn't know how to feel. They were risking their own happiness to help me cope. No one had ever done that. It was wonderful yet heartbreaking.

"Thank you both," We we were standing at my porch and saying our good nights.

Youngbae smiled before walking up to me and pulling me close to his chest. "Daesung, we all care about you. I'll admit I was hesitant when Seunghyun was about your situation. I didn't want to begin in this fashion at a new school but when I imagined you suffering in the same way you were yesterday... I couldn't bare it. No one should ever go through that. I would feel ashamed if I chose to ignore you."

"Youngbae... I'm sorry."

"Don't ever apologize to me again. Just smile more." He pulled away before grabbing my cheek with one hand, on the side without the bruise. He carefully placed a light kiss on my forehead before walking out the gate. "I'll wait outside Seunghyun! Bye Dae!" 

"Daesung. It's exactly like what Youngbae said. I felt the same way but I do think you're good person. If not almost a saint. Don't feel like a burden. We choose to be here. okay?"

I nodded in response.

"Good. See you tomorrow Daesunggie~" He laughed before hugging me and walking out the gate.

I remembered about my chores and finished them in less than an hour. I took a shower, cleaned my cuts, just in time to make it into my room without having to face my family. In a way I didn't feel lonely. Sure having a family would be great to spend time with but having made a friend really made me feel like something might go right in my life. 

It was the first time in years were I felt a weight lift off of my shoulders. I just hoped that I could keep this feeling till the end.




Wooo finished~ i think this is the longest chapter I have ever written. I was going to divide it but decided not to sorry :o

I think I confused people ahhah what happened with "The beginning" was that when I had "posted" it up, the story was supposed to end there. Later I decided to make it to a chaptered fanfic which is why I posted "Bonding." so Originally it was supposed to be "Chapter 1: The beginning" and "Chapter 2: Bonding," HOWEVER i made a mistake I forgot to to "unhide" the chapter "The beginning" therefore the story only showed "Bonding" as chapter 1. Sorry! it was my fault for causing confusion D: 




















COMMENT REPLIES~!!!!!!!!!! (> ^3^)> 

BlueJohnXD Updated~! :3 hope it is to your liking ^^

Zimmy02 hmmm well if i told you i'd ruin the plot :o please continue reading to find out more hehe~ don't worry it's always the darkest before the dawn! ^^

MizzOgawa aww thank you~! i'm trying to keep it good! hehe slowly i will add some twists. :D

KangGwisoon I fixed it~! it was my mistake. thank you for pointing it out! without you i probably wouldn't have noticed that I hid the chapter :O thank you so much~!!!! <3

SkyeV6927 it is a bit sad but I'm going to make sure to add some humor and fluffy scenes~ :3 (in reply to your second comment : haha you compliment me too much~! awww shucks it's not that good but I will continue writing to improve~ hehe i won't let you (more like try ahhah) what did you think of hyun joong???)

Vrydae They are evil and cruel bullies!! T~T sometimes I feel like I should just give dae super powers to defeat all those people lol but than i would be changing the entire plot line... lol

sha753 because... I can't reveal it just yet D: please wait a bit longer. I'll reveal it soon :3 mmm no not the same. what I meant was that chapter 1 is written in Seunghyun's Point of view while chapter 2 is in Daesung's Point of view of the same situation. Same situation just told through their own point of view.

noozles ehehe i'm glad I was able to capture your curosity~! ahhaha i hope you continue to enjoy this fanfic~ i have decided to make it a chaptered fanfic so that I won't leave you guys hanging keke. and thank you for explaining it to sha :) and i love you! hahah xD 

VIPn8vSuperSTAR hehe i will let it tell itself :3 thank you for your support~! I hope you liked this chapter! :D what do you think of hyun joong?

diefordae updated~!!!! i will make it chaptered~ hehe im just hoping i don't dissapoint you or the other readers :o was it weird to pair up chaerin and zico? lol i don't know why but I thought they would be a cute couple xD

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Chapter 11: ohmaigadd ! this is too cute >< i can't even handle it :))
hanalovebigbang #2
Chapter 11: Is this the end????noooo......... please.I'm begging for more
cottenstuff #3
Chapter 11: *coos over Todae fluffiness* They are too cute (>^_^<) btw excuse me while I die from that last line. I dunno If my theory is true or if you are just trolling me XD Anyway, this is the part where I paitently wait for more (which I am totally willing to do 'cause this fic is awesome. One of my favs actually***----*** So glad I clicked on it oh and sorry for flooding your feed with sleep deprived rambly comments but I can't help myself I am tired. I have never commented this much on a story before which is probably for the best. Wow my sleepy reading is hella slow okay that is the end of my ranting for sure now okay byyeeeyeeye (i have to wake up in an hour :'( It was so worth it)
cottenstuff #4
NOOOOOOO was I right about the theory I made before? I hope not 'cause I want happy tutor times not sad mean ones ;;;;;;;;;-------------;;;;;;;;;;; feeling like a beached whale of sadness. That is how you tell a fic is good XD The sadness. P.S: The pictures you put in are so pretty that my heart has a spazzm every time I change a chapter *-* my heart can't take the pretty people XD
cottenstuff #5
Chapter 9: OHHH LOOK WHO FINALLY GETS MENTIONED IN THE STORY XD *such excite for the tutor student to be introduced to the gang* -possible but not really spoiler mostly just a crackpot theory- ...Do you think maybe Jiyong is the head of the nasty violent school group thing? That would be a twist >_< Sorry for commenting so often but I am getting super enthused over this fic it has so much cute but also angst like WOOOAAHHHAH Ok rant over for now
cottenstuff #6
Chapter 7: I have to wake up in two hours but reading this fic is worth the tiredness *-* Seunghyun's betting jeaaalllooouuusss. You master troll, author you XD
cottenstuff #7
Chapter 6: I'm reading this at 4:31 and I haven't had any sleep yet 'cause the feels are to much to handle. First I'd be like "Why you do dis to yourself Daesunggie" and the I'd be like ooooh dat BaexDae tho. Then all of a sudden Bae is feeling guilty about something, and I just can't imagine what he's done. This whole time I have been wondering why the town was so dang ruuuude. This is getting really rambly but I am tired so whatever. I am soooo glad you didn't leave it as 2(ish) chapters! I kinda called what Daesung's secret was during this chapter. ;-; Poor Dae. TIME TO READ THE REST OF THE FIIIICCCC K BYE xoxoxoxo
xtavista #8
Chapter 11: todae is tooo cutee..dae is too innocent^^
Chapter 11: OMG TODAE so cute :3