
Barely Here

Seunghyun's POV:



"Umma do i really have to?" I grabbed onto her arm and gave her my puppy dog eyes.

"Honey you know that doesn't work on me." She smacked my head. "Look if you want to date her you need to bring her here first. I don't want the same thing to happen twice. Here eat your breakfast." She placed a bowl of oatmeal with a side of toasted bread in front of me. I picked on my food before deeply sighing.

"b-but she's different! The other one was just a bit- OWW!" 

"No cursing in this house"

"Sorry..." I scoffed while rubbing my head, where she had hit me twice this morning.

"We moved here because you couldn't stand seeing her and wanted to move on. I don't want you to get hurt again."

"Fine. But we didn't move here because of me we moved here because dad got a job transfer."

My mom had a unique way of giggling. She would cover her eyes instead of like most people. In a way it was cute but odd.

"That maybe true." 

"Evil." I bit down on my slice of bread. My mom smiled before sitting down beside me.

"You know your siblings already left to school. You might be late if you don't finish soon."

"Mom you know I would have left sooner if you didn't take your time in MY restroom grooming yourself."

She raised an eyebrow. "You shouldn't complain about that. You spent my youth and my money on you clothing." 

"I did not spend your youth that was dad. The clothes were things you wanted to pay for, I told you I could afford it with my job but you insisted."

"Oh god what did I do to deserve this cheeky child!" She threw her hands in the air dramatically.

"Hahaha what you did was save a country in your previous life. Well I have to go mom or else I will be late." I got up and kissed her forehead.

"Bye sweatie. Remember bring her over!"

"Bye!" I ran out the door and to my car that I had recently bought last summer. It wasn't a new car in fact it was a green 1997 compact car. Most of my money does go into my clothes, my mom didn't lie about that. I work at a part-time job in the local ice cream shop. It wasn't a fancy job but I was lucky to get hired only 8 days after I moved to this town. I used to work at a music shop but moving to a small town meant there was no music shop anywhere near.

The town was average. Nothing fancy or beautiful but also nothing ghetto and abandoned. The town wasn't so small either not everyone knew everyone but it was small enough that you could tell who was new. At school was a bit different since it not only educated students in our town but of another town about 10 miles away. 

I parked my car on the east side of campus however usually I would have parked on the west side. The bell would ring in four minutes so I parked on the side closest to my first class rather than closer to my last class, on the west side. I jogged to my class, which was hard since I wore a blazer today.


I turned around and saw Park Bom running up to me.

"Hey.." I smiled at her. She laughed before handing me a note.

"What is this?" 

"Hmm read it later. I'll see you! I have to go to class bye bye~" 

"Bye" I laughed as she blushed and waved goodbye.

Class was seriously boring. I fell asleep numerous of times even though hyun joong tried to keep me awake. The bell soon rang but before I had a chance to leave I remembered that next week was our test.

"Hyun joong can I borrow your notes?"

"hmm? yeah sure... meet later during lunch?" 

"sure." He walked out the classroom leaving me alone with another kid up in the front row.

I looked down at my book, noticing the stained page. I drooled on it once again...

Maybe I should just copy it at home.

No Seunghyun! You must work on it to ask Bom if she wants to study together!

Bom is the girl whom I'm seriously crushing on. Shes different. Not like her. Shes beautiful, kind, well-mannered, and truly talented with her voice. Its at a pro's level. Who'd knew such a girl could live in such a small town like this. 

I was finished with writing down two problems when I heard sobbing coming from the front of the classroom. I looked up and saw the blonde guy with his shoulders trembling. 

Oh crap does he not know I'm here?

I looked at the back of the classroom and saw the exit to the back door opened. Everyone in the hall way had cleared by now.

Maybe I should go as well. I grabbed my pen and glasses case. 


Something fell out of his desk along with his textbooks.

"AH! !" 

I was a bit stunned from the cursing. I watched him a bit as he kicked his chair back. It took me a while to realize his hands were bleeding. I walked closer and noticed that what had fallen were tick tacks. His books were clearly damaged on purpose. This was serious... I quickly walked towards the kid who was sobbing while trying to clean the mess.

"What the hell are you doing?! Your hand is bleeding! Are you an idiot?" I couldn't but let the anger fill me up. I narrowed my eyes at him while he fell back down. It felt like I was bulling him from the way he whimpered silently. His eyes roamed around the room as if checking if I was talking to him.

"W-what?" He looked like a deer caught in front of a pair of headlights. Some how this made me even more angry. Did I look that scary?

"Are you an idiot? You're bleeding!" I said in bit more calmed voice. 

He continued to just stare at me which truly frustrated me... I took a deep breath and rubbed my hair. 

Calm down Seunghyun!

I was about to yell some sense into the kid but I looked at his hand which was still bleeding. 

I bent down to try to sooth this kid. He, of course, backed up hitting his head against his chair. It was kinda cute. I looked at his blushing tan skin. I immediately calmed down. His eyes where of a dark chocolate color with his hair swooping to the right side. 

I grabbed his arm slowly so that he wouldn't start screaming.

"Get up." He seemed hesitant before slowly pushing himself up while not taking his eye off of me.

"Sit." I pointed towards my seat. He slowly stood up and proceeded to my desk. I chuckled a bit before carefully grabbing his books from the ground. 

His books were torn up with words such as Die, Freak, Disgrace, and other similar words were written all over in red ink. 

What the ?

I could feel my breathing become unstable. 

Who the hell would do such a thing?

It was hard to believe something like this could occur. Everyone had been very kind to me. And from what I could tell there where no fights that occurred. It was pleasant. I looked back at the kid who was staring at my desk. He was still trembling. 

I swallowed the lump in my throat. I carefully laid the book ontop of his desk. When I laid down the books I noticed my hands were trembling.

Since when was I this... this scared? 

I flipped the cover of the book.

Kang Daesung...

I shook the thoughts away before grabbing the broom and sweeping the tick tacks off the floor. I threw them in the trash can bin. 

I made my way over to Daesung.

I had to ask him. I can't let this go so easily. This is wrong.

"I- uh... I'm sorry but I couldn't help but read the cover of your books...."

His eyes widened in shock. I carefully kneeled down in front of him.

"D-do you want to talk about it?" 

Seunghyun stop stuttering!

He stayed silent.

"I mean we can go talk to someone. I think it would be best to tell someone about this."

I felt the sweat buds start to form on my forehead...

Why isn't he answering?

Maybe he's nervous! I should offer to go with him

"Hey... I can go with you if  you can't do it yourself." I placed my hand on his shoulder to show him comfort.

He quickly pulled away and stood up abruptly.

:Don't. Don't ever come close to me. You don't know and I don't care if you are just trying to lend a helping hand. I don't need pity from someone like you. I can deal with it myself. I always have and always will. Don't you dare try to cross paths with me. Never again!" He pushed me back and made his way to his backpack and torn up books.

He stormed out of the classroom before I had a chance to say anything.

"Your hand..." 

I sat on the floor trying to absorb everything that had just exploded. 

What the hell is going on?

I got off of the floor and stuffed my backpack with my notes and books. I knew I wouldn't be able to concentrate right now. After seeing Daesung like that... it made me shiver at the thought that someone could actually do that. I mean sure I had a cheating girlfriend who I was seriously considering getting married with after we graduated but comparing that to bullying... I'd rather have the cheating girlfriend.

The rest of the day went on pretty quickly. As the day went by I thought of Daesung less and less. I tried to talk to him once again after I met with Hyun Joong for lunch but he simply ignored me. It wasn't the ignoring or flinching that made me give up on him but the way he glared at me from the corner of his eyes. I mean if his situation was horrible he would have let me help him... right?

I was in my last class when I remember about Bom's letter. 

I withdrew it from my pocket. It smelled like lavender. I smiled a bit before carefully opening it. I could feel my heart thumping in my chest. Could she be the one?


Hi! :3 I couldn't tell you this in person cuz you know how shy i can get (>^ _ ^<) kekeke 

I don't know how to write this. my hand is trembling :O 

I like HyunJoong! I know this is sad, maybe even cowardly but can you please set me up 

with him?? ( ' O' ) please oppa~! if you can't I understand! I think Hyun joong won't feel the 

same but I at least want him to know... I'll be by the neighborhood park with Dara. If you forget

to tell him or something comes up please call or text me~

I'll see you later~ Text me if he will show up or not ^^~ Byebye~ <3

I folded the paper up again before passing to Hyun Joong.

He looked at me confused before grabbing it. He read the cover before carelessly opening the letter. I examined him while he read the letter but to my surprise he had a blank stare. He passed the letter back to me before shrugging and going back to copying down the notes.

I sighed as pushed the letter inside my pockets. 

After a long time of waiting the bell finally rang!

"Hyunjoong... what do you think?"

"Mmm well the project seems easy. I might be able to do it all myself than I can call you to meet up so that we can review it together." 

"No I mean... about Bom and you."

"That. I'm not interested."

"What?! Why? She's perfect! Beautiful, smart, and kind!" He looked at me before smirking.

"You like her?" I blushed deeply.

"N-no. I'm just saying..."

"Seunghyun... If you like her go after her. I don't. I'm not interested in a relationship right now." 

"But you can't break her heart!" 

"Fine... I'll go. I'll meet her at 4. If shes still there I'll ask her on a DATE not to be my girlfriend. If you tell me not to I won't. I'll be waiting tell 4. I'm only doing this since you look like your about to cry..."


"Whatever... Walk me to my car?"

"Yeah Yeah." I grabbed my backpack and made my way to the East side parking lot.

"Want a ride to your car?" If i go I can avoid taking the long trip...

"No its fine I need to drop off my form to get reduced lunch to the admissions office."

"You sure?"


"Okay... I'll be waiting for your text. Come to your senses before its to late! Later!"

I watched him as he drove off of campus. I could turn the form in later but I need the walk to clear my head a bit. 

Bom and Hyun Joong....

They'd make a great couple...

I could go through the science building to get to the office quicker but some how I feel like the courtyard sounds very tempting. I can probably rest while watching the scenery...

The thought of Bom with Hyunjoong really hit home.

It was truly depressing.

"NO!" I was stunned by the sudden sound. I froze for a bit before trying to find the source.

What is going on today?

I looked around the hallway but couldn't find anything out of the ordinary. For a while I thought it was all in my mind that is until I made my way into the courtyard. I dropped my bag at the scene in front of my. My homeroom teacher on top of Daesung. He had his hands fumbling with his shirtless. I looked at arms which were tied above his head. I could see Daesung's cheeks glistening in the sun. His head slowly turned towards my direction. 

He was truly frightened and horrified. My body froze. He was helpless. He was pleading me to leave. I looked over at the teacher who was smirking at Daesung and soon it hit me.

This wasn't consensual.

I didn't know how it happened but I was pulled my teacher off of Daesung and threw one of the hardest punches I could at his stomach. I had no control over my body or my brain. All I could feel was anger boiling inside of me. I don't even know how I didn't kill the man. 


"Don't you en touch him ever again! I swear to God if I see you next to him I will ruin you and your family!" I know he was single but I couldn't help but threaten him this way.

The teacher slowly stood up clutching his stomach.

"Soon you will see what that kid really is! Just like everyone else does!" he laughed loudly before limping away from the area. I watched him leave to make sure he wouldn't come back. 

I turned around at Daesung who had blood all over his arms. His legs were drawn up to his chest. He whimpered as he watched me move closer to him. My anger disovled and was quickly replaced with the desire to held Daesung close to me. I heard him cry when I took a step closer to him. 

How could I fix this?

I covered my face with my hands to hold back the tears. He was so broken. My knees caved in before me.

"Oh god.." I could see Daesung was still terrified. I reached up to crease him but he flinched and bit hard on his arm. He kept hurting himself!

"More blood?!" I could hear my voice crack. This wasn't good he could hurt himself!

I didn't care anymore. I had to stop him I quickly wrapped my arms around him.

He was squirming, punching, bitting, and kicking all to push me away from him. 

"GET AWAY! GET AWAY! GET AWAY!"  I tightened my grip but made sure to leave room for him to breathe. I felt the tears falling down. I couldn't help it. I had to do something. Everything about this was wrong.

"Daesung... shhh it's okay shhh.. go ahead cry." 

He continued to resist while I tried singing a lullaby to him. Singing isn't my forte but this seemed like an exception.

"Ughhh." His punches were slowly becoming weak. His cries were another thing. Rather than quieting down they rose in volume. 

After a minute of holding him in place I felt him go limp. He was sobbing a bit but soon it turned to slow, even breathing.

I rocked him in my arms for a minute longer just to make sure he had fallen asleep. Once I was sure he was deep sleeping, I laid him on the grass and ran back to where my backpack laid. I took out my car keys and put on my backpack before going to Daesung who had huddled on the grass. I gently tried lifting him up and carried him to the parking lot. 

It was a lot of work but I was able to safely put him on the passenger seat.

Once I drove home I kicked on the door. I couldn't open it since Daesung was in my arms. I knew my sister and my brothers were home by now since their bikes were laying on the grass.

The door was quickly opened by my sister who had a smile on her face. It quickly faded once she noticed Daesung and the blood all over our clothing.

"Oh ." She mumbled before quickly moving aside and running towards my room to open the door.

"I'll go get the first aid." She mumbled before running off to the restroom.

I laid Daesung on my bed and quickly changed before my sis came inside my room. 

"Seunggie go outside. Close the front door and tell Youngbae and Seungri to turn off that loud tv or to put it on mute."

"Kay'" I didn't want to leave Daesung but I knew that if I didn't tell Bae or Ri to shut up Daesung might wake up. I closed the front door and walked to my little brothers room. I turned off their tv.

"Hey!!" They both yelled in unison.

"Shh. Be quiet. We have a ...guest." 

"huh?" Ri stood up from the floor before pushing me out of the way. Bae shrugged before following behind me.

Ri gasped when he saw Daesung laying on my bed. My sis had already finished bandaging his wound and was now cleaning up the mess.

"Bae please bring me a pair of your sweat pants and a shirt... maybe a sweater." 

Bae quickly ran to his room to retrieve his items.

"What happened Seunggie?"

I rubbed my forehead. "Its a long story. I'll tell you later." She smiled lightly before nodding understandingly. Ri was still standing at the same place.

"Here." Bae handed Sora the items. 

She blushed at the action.

"I-I can't change him! He's a guy! Seunggie you do it." She pushed the clothing to me before grabbing Ri by the collar and pulling him out the door. "Come on Bae. Seunggie can take care of the rest."

I thanked her as she walked out of the room.

I looked back at Daesung who was deeply sleeping. His eyebrows were furrowed. I walked over to his left side and carefully pulled off his torn shirt. 

I'd be lying if I said he didn't have a great body. 

I pouted at the thought of my own compared to his. After thirty minutes of struggling I was able to put him fresh and clean clothing. I discarded his old ones in my trash can. All that was left was to wait for him to wake up.

I sat beside him, looking over his arm. My sis had done well in cleaning his wound. I tilted my head to get a clearer view of Daesung's face. He wasn't bad looking. In fact some could call him handsome. I would call him handsome. He had full pink lips, which is always a plus. Although when he has his eyes open they look small but right now that they are closed they look big and cute. His eyelashes were also long and black. He had a sharp jaw line and his blonde hair seemed to emphasize his beauty. 

"Mmmm" Suddenly I was becoming very nervous. I walked to my mirror checking if my hair was fine, which it was. Maybe I should have worn more stylish clothing instead of sweats.... Seunghyun! What are you thinking?!

I heard fumbling on my bed. I looked back and saw Daesung yawning. He slowly sat up with his eyes still closed. 

He rubbed them before opening them slowly. His eyes widened when he realized he didn't know where he was.


He turned towards me. It seemed as if he was remember everything because he slowly went from shock to confusion to panic and finally to relief.

"I-I... Thank you." He looked down at his fingers. I could clearly see the blush on his ears.

"Your welcome." I smiled happily. "Daesung" I walked to the chair beside the bed. I sat down and grabbed one of his hands. "Lets be friends." He seemed hesitant, like usual. He slowly nodded his head.

He covered his face with his hands. His shoulders were slowly rising up and down.

"Don't cry idiot..." I teased lightly. I stood up from my spot and wrapped him in my arms. His arms made his way around my waist. I could hear him sobbing while tightening his grip on my sweater. 

"Thank you." 

"Don't thank me."


Finished chapter 2 ^^ I will update when I can but Im mainly focusing on my other fanfic. so please be patient :3 Hopefully this wasn't too disappointing. I went back to my first chapter and found many errors *sigh* there is probably some in here to but im so sleepy im sorry!! i'll edit this later so in the mean time i'll post it up :)

























BigBangObsessed HEHEH yay~! thank you for uploading it~! ^^ i'll give you credit for it in my next update :)

AniDarckSugaR updated~! :D


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Chapter 11: ohmaigadd ! this is too cute >< i can't even handle it :))
hanalovebigbang #2
Chapter 11: Is this the end????noooo......... please.I'm begging for more
cottenstuff #3
Chapter 11: *coos over Todae fluffiness* They are too cute (>^_^<) btw excuse me while I die from that last line. I dunno If my theory is true or if you are just trolling me XD Anyway, this is the part where I paitently wait for more (which I am totally willing to do 'cause this fic is awesome. One of my favs actually***----*** So glad I clicked on it oh and sorry for flooding your feed with sleep deprived rambly comments but I can't help myself I am tired. I have never commented this much on a story before which is probably for the best. Wow my sleepy reading is hella slow okay that is the end of my ranting for sure now okay byyeeeyeeye (i have to wake up in an hour :'( It was so worth it)
cottenstuff #4
NOOOOOOO was I right about the theory I made before? I hope not 'cause I want happy tutor times not sad mean ones ;;;;;;;;;-------------;;;;;;;;;;; feeling like a beached whale of sadness. That is how you tell a fic is good XD The sadness. P.S: The pictures you put in are so pretty that my heart has a spazzm every time I change a chapter *-* my heart can't take the pretty people XD
cottenstuff #5
Chapter 9: OHHH LOOK WHO FINALLY GETS MENTIONED IN THE STORY XD *such excite for the tutor student to be introduced to the gang* -possible but not really spoiler mostly just a crackpot theory- ...Do you think maybe Jiyong is the head of the nasty violent school group thing? That would be a twist >_< Sorry for commenting so often but I am getting super enthused over this fic it has so much cute but also angst like WOOOAAHHHAH Ok rant over for now
cottenstuff #6
Chapter 7: I have to wake up in two hours but reading this fic is worth the tiredness *-* Seunghyun's betting jeaaalllooouuusss. You master troll, author you XD
cottenstuff #7
Chapter 6: I'm reading this at 4:31 and I haven't had any sleep yet 'cause the feels are to much to handle. First I'd be like "Why you do dis to yourself Daesunggie" and the I'd be like ooooh dat BaexDae tho. Then all of a sudden Bae is feeling guilty about something, and I just can't imagine what he's done. This whole time I have been wondering why the town was so dang ruuuude. This is getting really rambly but I am tired so whatever. I am soooo glad you didn't leave it as 2(ish) chapters! I kinda called what Daesung's secret was during this chapter. ;-; Poor Dae. TIME TO READ THE REST OF THE FIIIICCCC K BYE xoxoxoxo
xtavista #8
Chapter 11: todae is tooo cutee..dae is too innocent^^
Chapter 11: OMG TODAE so cute :3