You and I


We have been walking for a 5 minutes or so. Finally, this Gdragon guy takes out a a key and puts it in the key hole. I really don't like him. I am the producer and song writer for our group. And now, I have to have this guy's permission. Wow, the tables have turned.

Sure, before during our one on one meeting he was okay but, we weren't comfortable with eachother so its obvious that is not his really atitude.

When we got into the room, all of us gasped. Except for me of course, I already had been here. But, the first time I was here I could not capture the true beauty of it all. The room was amazing. It has so much equipment, I can't wait to learn what each of them do. I can imagine myself, making music, creating art. It is a dream come true for me.

Without knowing, I am smiling to myself, amazed.

As I was looking around, I meet Gdragons eyes. Our eyes lock for a good few seconds and I can't read his expression but, I feel uncomfortable under his gaze and I quickly avert his eyes to avoid any further awkwardness. I also turn back to my cold stone gaze.

"WOAH! UNNIE! CAN YOU IMAGINE MAKING MUSIC HERE!!?!?!" Chae ri chirps at me excitedly.

I simply nod and look at the rest of the members. My eyes soften because I know that this is their dream too. I mean, we are not sisters for nothing.

I think Gdragon caught my act of softening and now he was gazing at me with that same unreadable expression. AWKWARD. I was always the type to be SUPER uncomfortable with people... if you haven't noticed. I'm not anti social or anything its just that I don't trust easily. I mean, why should I? People are cruel. 

However, for some reason, I can't seem to move away from his piercing stare. I am completely lost in his dark orbs.... 

WHAT ARE YOU DOING HYE RI!! GET A HOLD OF YOURSELF i mentally wake my self up and was saved.

"Hye ri-ah! Come check this out!" Hana comes over to me and pulls me toward some of the equipment.

How the hell do I work this?? I ask myself as a curiously try to figure out the new technology.

"Its not that hard... I can help you." A voice from behind me startles me. I quickly turn around and see that it is Gdragon. 

"It's fine" I quickly retort coldly. I do not want to spend my time with a stranger.

"If you want to go anywhere in your career, I strongly advise you learn the basics" He said, clearly not taking no for an answer

I look at him in disbelief. He takes that sign as a "yes" and says: "Great, meet me here tomorrow, at 4 pm" 

BEEP BEEP My phone vibrates signaling that I got a text message.

I see the text is from "BOSS"  

The text reads, "Your are late." I sigh to myself, I totally forgot about my "Job"

"Hana! I have to go out for a bit. Ill meet you in the room, okay?" I whisper in her ear.

Although she nods, she has a curious look on her face and I know that I will have so explaining to do once I get back.

But, for now, I dash out of there as soon as possible. 

As I exit the building, I run for the nearest bus station. My workplace is 3 stops away.

Now that we are in the "shady"  part of Seoul. I know I have arrived.

Well, I work at bar. The girls don't know, they think that I am a waitress somewhere but, we needed cash and I don't have the people skills to become a waitress.

I see the sign that says: EXOTIC and I enter the building. I can already smell the alcohol and in the air. I almost gag at the thought.

"YAH! LEE HYE RI! LOOK WHO DECIDED TO SHOW UP! GET TO WORK, YOU !" My boss, Kris, screams as he sees me. 

I hate this place... always have.... always will.


Look at my clock. It reads 3 am. I decide that I need water so I start heading downstairs as quietly as possible.

Thats strange... a light is still on. I Look to close the light when I see Hana still up doing work. 

Hana sighs to herself. I wonder what she could be doing at this hour. Me, being the curious cat, move closer to see what she is working on. 

I see that it is our bank account status and from the looks of it... its not doing to well. I sigh quietly and head upstairs.

The next day, I head out early to go look for a job. While walking, I see a HELP WANTED sign for a restaurant. "This could work" I silently hope.

I decide that I should give it a try and walk in to the establishment. It is very clean and organized, it seems very prestigious and expensive.

"Excuse me?" I ask one of the people in uniforms. Who I am assuming work here.

"How may I help you?" The lady responds rather chirpy. 

"Ah, yes. I am here to apply for the job." I reply shyly. The lady looks me up and down, as if she is judging me. Her smile falters slightly and as if I wasn't confident before, I feel myself dwindle down even more.

Now completely self concious, The lady leads me to the back, where there is a office. "This is the owner's office. Knock before you enter" She directs in a much less friendlier tone than before.

I take a deep breath and knock the door. "Come in!" I hear from the other side. The voice is very low and husky. I open the door and keep my head low as I take a seat in one of the chairs.

"Whats your name?" He asks in a monotone voice. "Lee Hye Ri imida" I reply quietly. What am I doing? I should be confident... but I can't. I wish I could announce my name loud and proud screaming "HELLO! MY NAME IS LEE HYE RI!" but, I can't. I'm just nothing.

The owner, just like the lady at the front, judges me from head to toe. Analyzing my torn clothes and uncombed hair. 

"You can give it shot, I guess" He asks as if he was questioning his decision. I simply nod.

2 agonizing hours later... and I have managed to get yelled at by a customer at least, 15 times. The owner, along with all the staff, are not pleased.

"I don't think its going to work out." The owner says with absolutly no sympathy in his voice.

Well... now what? I've failed. With that, I take the bus to a club that I know. They hire everyone. And right now, I need to stoop a little lower for my family.

With determination, I walk in and ask for job. They accepted me right away because of my good looks and cold attitude. At first, I was afraid. The uniforms were too revealing and every man was drunk and always hitting on you. But, I needed the cash and at least they didn't make me strip like some of the other girls. Instead, I would serve as a bar tender. Even thought I'm only 17, and you need to be 18 to legally sell alcohol, they said I can easily pass as a 19 year old. Plus, this whole club was illegal.

"Hey doll face!" My boss, Kris, calls his favorite pet name for me. I glare at him in response and he merely chuckles. He walks closer to me and I step back, only to be met by the wall. Now, there is only very little space between the two of us. 

He lightly my face and I try hard to keep my cold stone glare and not whimper in fear.

"Your mine forever..." and with that he slaps me right across the face and leaves.


end of flashback~

"No" I firmly say as surprise flashs through Kris' face.

"HAHAHAHHAHAHA, did you just say no... to me?" He laughs hysterically

"You heard me. I'm done with your abuse. I found my own way now" With that I try to leave as soon as possible before he gets a hold of me.

To my surprise, Kris just stands there in disbelief. It wasn't until I was halfway out the door that I hear him say somthing along the lines of: Once your in... you never get out


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update soon. Lol
Chapter 5: Oh... okay.
Chapter 4: *^* he was moved...he was moved...
Chapter 3: AWWWW This story is getting so gooood! Update sooon, Tsampas4...
HM... I really like Injee!! She reminds me of someone..haha! Update more <3