You and I


Gdragon was teaching me about the equipment in the recording room. But, I wasn't paying attention. All I could think about were his words.  "I was moved...'.

That was my intention when I wrote the song, right? So why was I so affected when he said it? "I was moved"

You unknowingly smiled.

"Are you okay?" Gdragon asked

"what.... oh yeah" you replied embarrassed "eh... Gdragon..."

"You can call me jiyong" he cut you off.

"Oh, okay jiyong, when will we actually record a song?" you replied sheepishly.

"OH YEAH!! We want to start with you recording the song you guys sent in" He replied excitedly.

You nodded polietly however, your mind was racing GEEZ way to answer the question, I asked when!! I still have to take  care of my mother.....

"And your parents"  Gdragon said. what the hell, did he read my mind.

"You all need to have permission slips signed because your still young" Gdragon replied to your dismay

"WHAT!!" you replied in shock.

"Is that going to be a problem?" Gdragon asked worridley.

"umm.... its okay we will figure it out" you replied not wanting to continue to conversation further.       Luckily, Gdragon got the hint and dropped the conversation although he was still curious.

"Okay, well thats it for today...." he was cut off by his phone ringing

"Hello" he answered. "Okay...hyung, i will be there in 10 minutes" Gdragon replied than hung up.      "I got to know where your dorm is right?" Gdragon asked slightly upset he couldn't take you back to the dorm to learn more about you.

"Oh, of course your very busy ha~ well... ill see you" you said and walked off kind of relieved. You didn't know why, but, you cared about Gdragons opinion. Unlike usually when you could care less what anybody thought about you or your backround. But, you didn't want to tell gdragon about your parents..

Yes, she was still alive... or atleast you think she is. She would leave you at home with no way to contact you every since you were 8. She would come back usually every 2 years or so but recently, you havn't seen her in 2 and a 1/2 years.

~flashback 2 and 1/2 years ago~

the doorbell rung.

You went up to get it. All the other girls went to the supermarket.  You decided to stay behind.

you opened the door to see a smiling-like-nothing-happened-parents.

When you were younger you didn't know any better just was glad that they came home at all. But now, you had a friends and you didn't want to see them. Your hatred has built up too much.

"Oh our daughter!! we've missed you so much!!" you mother cooed

"Your kidding right?!" you yelled. "Im not 8 years old anymore, Mrs. Lee! you can't just walk in here and expect everything to be okay!"

"Can we use your bathroom?" she said non-chalantly.

"Wow... you 2 are a sorry excuse of a mother and father" you replied coldly.... and with that, you shut the door.

You were hurt.... but the worst part was.... she didn't event try to make amends.

~end of flasback~

When you reached the dorm you immediatly went to your room not wanting to answer all the questions the girls had about your "date", as they called it, with Gdragon.




A/N: hey guys, sorry I havn't  updated for such a long time DX i've been REALLY busy with midterms and school work and also a lot of my family have been visiting. Those of you who have subscribed I THANK YOU SOOO MUCH~~!!~~!~ i know i don't have a lot but, even if i only had one subscriber i would write :) plus, im am very new to this writng thing and hope i will improve over time!! 


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update soon. Lol
Chapter 5: Oh... okay.
Chapter 4: *^* he was moved...he was moved...
Chapter 3: AWWWW This story is getting so gooood! Update sooon, Tsampas4...
HM... I really like Injee!! She reminds me of someone..haha! Update more <3