You and I

When she turned around, she noticed she had not only bumped into a person BUT, bumped intot he one and only Gdragon!

Unlike her friends, Hye Ri doesnt really care for the big time aritsts and only respects people for their quality of the music. Don't get her wrong, she has heard that Gdragon does compose most of his songs and in fact, she loves those songs. When she listens to them, she just feels so... Good. She can't explain the feeling. For example, when she first heard Haru Haru, she was in tears and felt moved. She couldn't tell the others because she knew they would question her. Therefore, she decided to keep this feeling to herself.  

"Oh my gosh! I am soo sorry" Hye Ri said nervously while grabbing napkins trying to help clean him up.

Gdragon flicked her hand away and gave her a cold glare.  He sighed and just walked away....

He just walked away....

As he looked into your eyes, you could feel a strange feeling in your stomach and you didn't know why. You also didn't know why you felt sad when he turned away. 

You shook yourself out of it and got back to reality.

He had just very rudely walked away not even saying a word. She did it by accident and apologized multiple times. He could at least smiled polietly or even said "its fine" but no, he just walked away. You were angered that someone could be so rude. You thought: He probobly thinks hes all that because of how famous he is. But, that does not give him the right to act like his don't smell.

"YAH!!" you yelled after him.  What did I just do? you thought. Well, no turning back now.

Gdragon turned around with disbeleiving eyes that read, This did not just yell at me...

"Yeah thats right im talking to YOU!" you said completely reading his eyes.

You slowly walked closer to him. You chose to walk slow unpurpose to hopefully buy you some time to think about what your actually gonna say.

The moment has come... uh oh  you though.

His eyes locked with yours. He stare was deepening and you were starting to get lost in his beautfiul brown eyes. It almost gave you the impression of sour and sweet. Like, as if he was just putting up a cold front.  NO HYE RI! YOU CAN'T GET LOST! you mentally smacked yourself bringing you back to reality.

"I said I was sorry... isn't there anything you should say to me?" you ask looking innocent.

he doesn't answer..~~ but, he doesn't have to, his eyes say it all.

"I don't care"

He turned around and walked away and never looked back

you just stood there. Frazzeled at what just happened.

When you had first called his name his eyes should hope, but it was like he was dead.

He definitly was not the charasmatic preformer that he makes himself out to be when he preforms.

He was cold and broken but, at the same time secure and warm.

You tried to shrug it off and just walked back to your seat. However, he never left your mind.

"hey, wheres the smoothies?" Injee asks.

"Oh yeah! sorry, ill go pick them up" you reply deciding that you shouldn't tell them about the incident because of their fangirling.



~~~~back at the dorm~~~~

You were all sitting down and watching tv.

Sudenly the door bell rang.


Gdragons POV-

Go get some smoothies from the cafe downstairs. he thought about the task he was assigned to by his manager.

He got on the shortest line that only had one girl ordering. Even from the back he noticed that she was quite beautiful. Everything was, her body and hair and he could tell that she also had a pretty face.

"1 small banana strawberry and 3 blue rasberries please." The lady in front of him spoke to the cashier.

Her voice. When he heard her speak, there was somthing so familiar about it but, he couldn't remember. He liked her voice. It for some reason didn't bother him, in fact, he liked it.

Lost in thoughts about her, he was not paying attention and suddenly stepped closer to her. Her aroma filled his nose, vanilla, his favorite.

His thought was interrupted when she turned around and spilled all of her smoothies on him. 

"OH MY GOSH! I'm sooo sorry" she said nervously while grabing napkins

it was his fault, why was she apologizing? he thought

he couldnt say anything or hide anything either. For some reason, when he saw this girl, he didn't want to hide his emotions like usual.

He could tell that he was glaring at her with cold eyes, thus showing her his pain from the past. He had never done that before, he usually just covers it with shyness.

He didn't say a word, which was common.

He felt her touch that sent a million shocks throughtout his body.

In shock, he pushed her away. He would regret that later.

he turned around and just walked away leaving her.

He was set on just leaving when all of a sudden he heard voice, yelling.

"HEY!!" she said

he turned around surprised that his glare didn't scare her away and make him look like a monster.

"Yeah i'm talking to YOU!"

She walked closer...

"I said i was sorry... isn't there anything you want to say to  me?" she said

he didn't say a word.... he was terrified...

how could one girl make him so nervous.

He never felt this way before.

He just looked into her eyes, searching.

He couldn't find anything except confidence.

He shot her one of his signature "I don't care" looks and walked away.

Leaving her....

As he walked further and further, he grew to feel some sort of emptiness.

He liked it.

All of a sudden he got a call from YG telling him to visit the new girl group.

Considering he was the one who picked them... he should congratulate them.

He remebered hearing the main vocals voice and felt amazing. They had sent in a sad song and he was moved so much, that he was in tears.

He immediatly decided that he had to meet her.

All excited he took the elevator to their floor and he got there and rang the door bell.


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update soon. Lol
Chapter 5: Oh... okay.
Chapter 4: *^* he was moved...he was moved...
Chapter 3: AWWWW This story is getting so gooood! Update sooon, Tsampas4...
HM... I really like Injee!! She reminds me of someone..haha! Update more <3