Day One Pt, 1

I'm The New YG Trainee

CH.2 Day One Pt. 1

Dear Diary,

    Today is the first day that I will officially begin working as a trainee and I get to work with Big Bang, Teddy, Perry, and 2NE1! It's like working with all of the YG legends...except YG himself. I'm super-excited but painfully nervous, too. Unnie (CL) told me after my audition that if I want to be the best I have to think that I'm the best and get over my nervousness...and I'm trying. Mi-Young FIGHTING!!!!

    "Mi-Young-ah," Seung-Ri yelled as I walked into the practice room, "Do you want to be in my music video?"

    "Ah...sunbae," I squealed, "stop trying to trick me!!!"

    "Ah...Dongsaeng I told you to call me "Oppa" it's much cuter," he said with a sigh. This guy! Aisht! He's sooo stupid, sometimes, I occasionally wonder how he managed to keep his position in Big Bang when he's such a player...nevermind I realize now that everyone but YB & Dae are players...even my beloved leader G-Dragon. T.T

    "Yes...but "Oppa" is what a younger girl calls an older guy that she is close to...I really don't know you Sunbae," I said with a smirk.

    "Let's get close then..I've never had anyone call me Oppa...not even Minji Dongsaeng," he said with a pout...I kind of felt sorry for him.

    "Yah! Seung-Ri I told you my name is Minzy not Minji," Minzy yelled with an evil glare at him.

    "I'll call you Minji if I want to!" he laughed.

    "Sunbae don't you ever listen her friends call her M-I-N-Z-Y M-I-N-Z-Y yes abi aba let's go," I said with a smirk, "she's more apt to call you "Oppa" if you're her friend first."

    "Thank you Unnie," Minzy sighed giving me a hug, "you totally understand me."

    "It's quite alright, Dongsaeng," I said with a huge smile. This should totally kill that boy..I glanced over my shoulder and saw that his face was completetly flushed. Yesssh!!!!! I win this round!

    "Okay," Teddy said with authority ringing in his voice, "enough teasing Seung-Ri...let's get to work."

    "Okay so we're skipping all of the basic training because we've looked over your dancing, singing, and rapping skills and they are all amazing that you could probably debut now and succeed but we're still waiting to find members for the rest of your group. President Yang decided that you're voice would sound amazing with sweet voices to harmonize with it," Perry said, "so in the mean time you'll come out with occasional singles and you'll be featured in music videos and dramas and maybe even collaborate with people."

    "So, in short she's making a name for herself even before she debuts in whatever group she'll be in," GD stated.

    "Yeah, so what kind of music would you like to do." Teddy asked turning everyone's attention to me.

    "Well, I really like the whole hip-pop sound where it's more pop than hip-hop but I don't really want to do anything that limits me to one genre of music...I'd like to do different kinds of sounds" I said after thinking for a moment.

    "Okay, President Yang already gave the okay for you to do a cover of a song from any YG just have to pick one," Perry said. I nodded and wondered what song I should do.

    "Pick me Pick Me," Seung-Ri yelled, "you should do one of my songs." He suggested with a big smile.

    "It doesn't really matter to me," I sighed "I like all two of your songs." I said with a smirk. A heated blush came to his face as his eyebrows furrowed together.

    "Good, 'cause I like all of your songs many are there? Oh, right, none," he yelled back anger in his voice. Then he stormed out of the audition room. I sighed and then rushed after him.

    "Yah Seung-Ri," I yelled as looked down both hallways before spotting him in the shadows. I walked up to him and tapped him on the shoulder...he was getting some cookies out of the vending machine. Seriously?! I thought he'd be thinking morbid thoughts of shame in a dark corner. "Sunbae....Oppa," I said softly, "I was only kidding...I really do like both of those songs....but I know you don't only have 2...every song that you did with Big Bang is your song, too. Mianhe Hamnida."

    "Ahahah," he laughed, "look at you Dongsaeng...I only stormed out of there just to see if you'd follow me and you did which means you like me! You like me" he said his eyes sparkling.

    "Like you?" I yelled, "How could I ever like a conceited jerk like you? You're a loser and besides ever since I began obsessing over..I mean listening to Big Bang my heart has belonged to Ji-Yong," I shouted then I covered my mouth. Aigoo! Did I just say that? To Seung-Ri who GD sees as his little brother? Oh my GD. What am I going to do?

    "You like GD," he gasped, "Aigoo! This is great! I can blackmail you now," he said with an evil laugh, "Well, tonight we're going to karaoke and play 'Dare or Double Dare' and you're coming with us or I'll tell everyone about your little crush on Hyung."

    "Fine...but I just want you to know I hate you," I growled. Aisht! This guy is mean but I didn't think he would go this low.

    "Oh no you don' could you hate... your boyfriend," he said with a smirk, "you will do whatever I tell you to do or your little secret is out for all of YG Family to know." Then he sighed. "It's nice having a Dongsaeng I can actually pick on. Now come along...let me you back to practice." He took my hand and held on tightly and then we walked into the practice room, him with a huge smile plastered on his face and me with a grimace upon mine.

    "Oooooh, what's this, " YB asked as he saw our intertwined hands, I felt Seung-Ri chuckle.

    "Oh, it's nothing," I said through gritted teeth at the same time that Seung-Ri said "Hyung, it's love."

    "Love?" CL asked "or you found out something about her and you're black mailing her into being your girlfriend?"

    "Tell them, sweetie," Seung-Ri said with a nudge in my side. I took a deep breath before saying the words.

    "It's a LIE! I don't love him," I screamed tearing my hand away from him, "he found out my most important secret!"

    "Let's play a game" Perry said suddenly in the midst of all the drama. Everyone turned to look at him as if he were crazy.

    "The getting to know you take a bottle and spin it and whoever it lands on has to answer the question and then they spin in it...if you don't answer you have to confess you're love to either: SE7EN, Lee Joon, Park Jin-Young,  Dongho, or Park Gyuri tomorrow when we all appear on idol army together."

    We all nodded and sat down in a circle and got an empty bottle....this should be interesting.

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aldimia #1
Chapter 14: HyunA !!..
Chapter 14: update soon plzzz ive been waiting for ages and i think this story is just starting to get really good!!!!!xx fighting!
kwonjiyong28 #4
Chapter 3: OUCH!!!!!!!! IT HURTS!!! NAN MOUDU APPA APPA AAAAPPAA!!!!!!!!
Youngbaesaranghae #5
Please update :)
Minjung99 #6
UpdateXD it's been sooo looooong
@mashimarofan OMG, I never noticed T.T Miaaanhaaeee /too lazy to fix it rn/
chapter 4 & 5 are the same..what happened?
CL !! :D