He Likes Me!!

I'm The New YG Trainee


Dear Diary,

    Seung-Ri and I have been dating for 3 months already and I rarely think of GD anymore...maybe it's because he barely talks to me anymore. I have no clue what I did but CL says she knows and she's being mean and won't tell me. Mean Unnie! I wish he would talk to me but I confided a lot in him and now he wants nothing to do with me. Somehow I feel guilty and I don't even know what for. Life is complicated...I'm debuting tomorrow on the M!net countdown. I'm sooo excited but none of the BIGBANG members can come, not even Seung-Ri, they're performing in Taiwan for the next three days.

    At the airport:

    "You guys had better bring us lots of gifts back from Taiwan," Dara and I said in unison and then giggled.

    "Of course we'll bring back some...we read the death threats that happened to appear on our bathroom mirrors, mysteriously, in the middle of the night," YB said with a smile.

    "Our flight is leaving in 10 minutes, you guys," GD said loudly, "it's only 3 days we don't have to say goodbye."

    "GD, don't be a downer, we're going to miss Mi-Young's debut, we atleast have to say bye," Dae said kindly. Aww he really is the sweet one.

    "It's fine, Dae, it'll be on the YG website, you guys can go," I said giving Dae a hug.

    "You guys go on ahead I'll be there in a minute," Seung-Ri said grabbing my hand and pulling me away from the group and near a secluded group of really tall fake plants. "I'm gonna miss you, Mi-Young," he said pulling me into a hug, I hugged him back deeply.

    "I know," I whispered,"I'll miss you, too, but it's only 3 days you'll be back in no-time and then we are going to a special place." I said giving him the best smile I could manage and then he kissed me, not deeply or passionately, a good sweet kiss and then he smiled.

    "Don't mess with any boys while I'm gone," he said with a lopsided grin and then he left, I walked up to 2NE1 who were watching them. Seung-Ri stopped at the little gate thing and turned back around.

    "SARANGHAE, MI-YOUNG-AH," he screamed and then he left.

    "Aww, who knew Seung-Ri would be the sweet one that makes you feel like you're in a shojo," Dara squealed. I laughed and then linked arms with them and we left the airport, but not before someone spotted 2NE1!

    "AIGOO!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! 2NE1!!!!!!!!!! SARANGHAE! CAN I HAVE YOUR AUTOGRAPH, HEAR SIGN THIS." some little teenage boy shouted. Dara looked like she was about to run as a group of people began to surround us.

    "HEY LOOK EVERYBODY," I screamed, "TEDDY AND PERRY OF YG FAMILY...THEY'RE GETTING AWAY," everyone looked and saw them escaping and ran after them.

    "Wow, you turned against your family," CL muttered, "I love you." she said laughing.

    "That's what families do," I said hugging her back even though I had no clue if that's what families would do. "Let's go to an amusement park," I said suddenly, having the urge to ride a roller coaster.

    "Yeah," Minzy and Dara yelled, looking to CL and Bommie for permission, who nodded, and then we left not even bothering to see if Teddy and Perry made it out okay. We were in a taxi on our way to "Big Amusement Park" the best one in Seoul when I got a text:

Seung-Ri: I miss you, already
Me: I miss you, too, how's the flight?
Seung-Ri: Boring. Everyone is sleeping except GD...and he's not talking to me. :(
Me: I'm sorry, babe, I'll take you out when you get back.
Seung-Ri: Promise?
Me: Promise. Now get some sleep, b/c I'll break my promise if you don't look pretty. ^.^
Seung-Ri: I always look pretty tired or not but ok. Night, I'll be dreaming of you.
Me: Night, you better be.

    "Hey who are you texting?" Bommie asked trying to take a peak at my phone.

    "Seung-Ri. Everyone was asleep, so he was bored." I said nonchalantly. Then I decided to text GD...we had atleast 15 minutes until we got to the park.:

Me: Hey, how's the flight?
GD: Fine.
Me: Are you sleepy?
GD: No
Me: Are you mad at me?
GD: Duh.
GD: I meant no. I have no reason to be mad at you. Night!

    "Who're you texting now," CL asked, also trying to look.

    "GD....does anyone get the feeling that he's mad at me?" I asked.

    "It took you awhile,"Minzy said,"you're even more dense than Dara."

    "He's been mad at you for about 3 months, now," CL said quietly.

    "What happened 3 months ago? The only thing of significance is that me & Seung-Ri started going out," I said honestly confused.

    "There ya go," Dara said.

    "Wait, GD is mad at me because I'm going out with Seung-Ri? Why?"

    "He likes you!!!!!" CL yelled.

    "What?!" I asked my entire world breakiing

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aldimia #1
Chapter 14: HyunA !!..
Chapter 14: update soon plzzz ive been waiting for ages and i think this story is just starting to get really good!!!!!xx fighting!
kwonjiyong28 #4
Chapter 3: OUCH!!!!!!!! IT HURTS!!! NAN MOUDU APPA APPA AAAAPPAA!!!!!!!!
Youngbaesaranghae #5
Please update :)
Minjung99 #6
UpdateXD it's been sooo looooong
@mashimarofan OMG, I never noticed T.T Miaaanhaaeee /too lazy to fix it rn/
chapter 4 & 5 are the same..what happened?
CL !! :D