2 Months Later: Pt. 1

I'm The New YG Trainee

"Dongsaeng, are you ready for your debut." Taemin asked as we left the practice room together.

"I hope so." I replied with a smile, "and I told you not to call me .Dongsaeng!"

"I'm sorry, it's just that I always have to call girls 'Noona,' you're the only one who is younger than me," he said with a chuckle and a sheepish grin. "Oh yeah, Hyung wants to know if you're coming with us for dinner? We're meeting with some other idols and he wants to introduce you to them."

"Sure." I said wondering who it could be. Rain? Lee Joon? Lee Hyori? Jinwoon? The Wonder Girls? Ahh, the possibilities.

"Okay, dress up then...but not TOO dressed up!" he said trying to pass as "the boss"...how cute, but it'll never happen.

"Yeah yeah, Sunbae, what time do we meet up?

"45 minutes. Key Hyung is driving so don't be late, you know how he is."

"Divas," I said with an exaggerated tone and roll of my eyes. We chuckled and then went our separate ways. I was running to my dorm room and nearly ran into Jessica.

"Watch it Mi-Young," she said in that nasally voice of her's with her cold eyes looking condescendingly at me. I just ignored her, though, and continued to my room.


To Be Continued....

A/N: Sorry for the late update, I had school work (in the summer...i know FAIL, right?) and I started an apply fic. called Kpop High. This series will probably be ending soon and the way it is in my mind I doubt it will be a happy ending but keep reading if you want and read my other, ff, too!!! Oh WOW this is really short, it was a whole page on paper T.T Sorry again >.<

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aldimia #1
Chapter 14: HyunA !!..
Chapter 14: update soon plzzz ive been waiting for ages and i think this story is just starting to get really good!!!!!xx fighting!
kwonjiyong28 #4
Chapter 3: OUCH!!!!!!!! IT HURTS!!! NAN MOUDU APPA APPA AAAAPPAA!!!!!!!!
Youngbaesaranghae #5
Please update :)
Minjung99 #6
UpdateXD it's been sooo looooong
@mashimarofan OMG, I never noticed T.T Miaaanhaaeee /too lazy to fix it rn/
chapter 4 & 5 are the same..what happened?
CL !! :D