The Return

I'm The New YG Trainee

Ch.5 The Return

    After Seung-Ri and I finished our very silent dinner (I was too embarassed to talk and everytime I looked at him I would blush and he would laugh.) we began walking home....we were almost there when it began raining.

    "Aigoo! My stuff will get wet!" I screamed throwing my body over my manga. Seung-Ri quickly picked up both me and the bags. Who knew the skinny boy actually had muscle?

    "Are you crazy?" he yelled as he let me down against some wall away from the speeding cars that had surrounded us only moments ago. "These are material objects, they can be replaced, you on the other hand cannot. How do you think you're friends would feel if they had to go to your funeral at age 17? Huh. How do you think I would feel? Think a little, Mi-Young," his face turned red as he yelled at me and then he took some deep breaths and picked up my bags and started walking again.

    "Seung-Ri," I yelled, but he didn't stop he just walked into the apartment leaving me to scramble after. Is he really mad at me? I didn't do anything wrong...did I? I was just trying to protect my mangas.

    "Yo! Mi-Young!" TOP greeted me when I entered there floor, I smiled weakly, "what's with Seung-Ri? He just bit Dae's head off. That kid screaming and yelling for no reason. Tsk tsk. I knew it involved a girl."

    "I don't know. He just got mad at me for no reason. We were almost here and then it started raining and I jumped on my books to keep them from getting wet and then he started yelling at me," I said with a sigh.

    "Where were you when you jumped on the books?" GD asked, jumping into the conversation.

    " the middle of the street...ohhh, it would have looked bad if I had died while he was around. I should go apologize," I said coming into the know.

    "It was because you put your pretty little self in danger," Teddy said with an exasperated sigh from the living room. He was watching a football game while drinking the middle of winter. Who plays football in the winter? How American.

    "I don't think so, but I'll go apologize," I said looking around for Seung-Ri's room? I looked at YB who pointed to the second to last room in the hallway he had just emerged from. I smiled in thanks and then headed down to the room of doom...heh heh that rhymed. I sighed before knocking on his door.

    "Come in, it's open," Seung-Ri's muffled voice said from inside his room. I opened the door and closed it before facing him.

    "Oppa," I said turning around, suddenly. Aisht! He dowsn't have a shirt on..only boxer shorts...and his hair is dripping wet with a towel drying it. Aigoo! Nosebleed! A crimson blush appeared on my face pretty much instantly. "Uhhhh...I'll come back later."

    "No, it's fine, I'm not , just tell me what you want," he said walking over to his dresser and pulling out one of those tank top shirts for guys.

    "Well, I just wanted to say I'm sorry for worrying you," I said softly, trying to stop my eyes from roaming over his abs while he pulled on his shirt, "I wasn't trying to get killed out there...I just wasn't thinking. Mianhae." I said with a bow, then I turned to leave but Seung-Ri's hand grabbed my arm and pulled me back to him, and when I say "to him" I mean his face and my face were almost touching, I could feel his heartbeat.

    "Are you really sorry," he asked, his dark lashes stilll wet, " I don't believe you are."

    "But I am, Oppa, I'll prove it," I said the competitive side of me coming out.


    "I dunno...I didn't think about that part," I said slowly, "what do you want me to do?"

    "I want you to finish what we started," "You can sleep in here. I'll room with YB," he said, "use anything you need. Clothes, boxers, tank, whatever...get some sleep. You have to come to the MV shooting, tomorrow." he said leaving the room, suddenly.

    'What was that about? Oh, well' I thought as I headed towards the bathroom. I turned the water on hot and took a long shower, washing my hair with his shampoo. It smelled really good. I dried off with some towel and then went to his dresser and took out a pair of silky black boxers (out of a package. heh heh I get the new ones. ^.^) and a tank. I put it on and thought about laying down but I was really hyper so I went to see who all was awake. I only saw one light on and I went to the door and peeked it open. It was YB & Seung-Ri...I mean Lee SeungHyun. HE was talking.

    "Hyung, I think I really like her and I don't want to lose her, what should I do?" he asked looking for advice in YB.

    "Do what your heart tells you..."

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aldimia #1
Chapter 14: HyunA !!..
Chapter 14: update soon plzzz ive been waiting for ages and i think this story is just starting to get really good!!!!!xx fighting!
kwonjiyong28 #4
Chapter 3: OUCH!!!!!!!! IT HURTS!!! NAN MOUDU APPA APPA AAAAPPAA!!!!!!!!
Youngbaesaranghae #5
Please update :)
Minjung99 #6
UpdateXD it's been sooo looooong
@mashimarofan OMG, I never noticed T.T Miaaanhaaeee /too lazy to fix it rn/
chapter 4 & 5 are the same..what happened?
CL !! :D