Our Date pt. 2

I'm The New YG Trainee

Ch.7 Our Date pt. 2

    "Aigoo! Run," I screamed at the screen where the stupid little kid was walking right into the trap of the monster, "stupid kid! The monster's right there!!!"

    "Mi-Young, you're just like Dara...screaming at the movies," Seung-Ri whispered into my ear, his warm breath tickled my ear.

    "Ahhhhhhhhhh!" I screamed as the monster grabbed the kid, I jumped and grabbed Seung-Ri's hand. Ah ha ha...awkward.

    "It's just a movie," he laughed, shaking his head.

    "I don't like scary movies, in case you haven't noticed I have a very active imagination...I'll probably be seeing things at every corner, now."

    "Would you like me to put my arm around you for protection, Mi-Young-ah?" he whispered slowly, I felt my face go beet red. It's a good thing we're in the dark, but I decided not to answer and apparently he took my silence as a "yes," because he did. I have to admit, I did feel safer, I liked having the weight of it on my shoulders to bring me back to reality. After that I fell asleep because I kept closing my eyes at the scary parts and the next thing I knew he was pulling me onto his back.

    "What are you doing?" I muttered groggily.

    "I was going to carry you since you were out cold, but you can walk if you want," he said setting me onto the floor. I grabbed his arm and leaned on him as we walked into the bright afternoon and headed for the MV shooting place.

    "What song are you guys shooting for," I asked rubbing my eyes, trying to awaken myself, fully.

    "Oh, it's my solo, the guys might show up, it's for the Japanese version of 'Strong Baby' (A/N: There's not a Japanese vers. it's just for my story.). "I wanted you to be there," he said with a smile.

    "Ohh! I love that song," I said, instantly excited. I have a friend back home in the states, her name was Ayaka, and she was in love with that song to the point of obsession...it was crazy.

    "Well, we're here, and I have to go into hair, make-up, and change so you do whatever just make sure you're there for the shooting, " he said squeezing my hand. I smiled as he walked away with a silly grin. Gosh, this boy, I shouldn't feel like this, but I can't help it, he is really sweet...I think I may like him!

    While he was getting ready, I walked around seeing what was going on and who was here and I saw my Unnie's, and my Dongsaeng, 2NE1!! I haven't seen them in like a month!!!

    "Unnie," I screamed at CL, as I ran across the room to them, "I missed you!!!!!!!!!!"

    "Mi-Young! I missed you, too!" she squealed hugging me, then the others joined in and we had a great group hug going on.

    "How was your Asia Tour?" I asked excited to find out about their adventures.

    "We'll tell you when he's finished..we can't stay the entire time, actually we have to meet with Teddy now, but we'll back before he finishes," Dara said with one of her famour pouting faces.

    "Aww, I'll miss ya'll, hurry back," I said as they left me. Then the director called for complete silence as the shooting began. Seung-Ri was all over some chick! What the --? What is this? I did not come here to see some bimbos get their hands all over him,I came here to see him shooot an MV! I don't like this one bit, I sent death glares to all of those girls, and Seung-Ri, everytime he touched one of them or smiled or anything that made it look like he was enjoying those girls falling over him. For god sake! He is only 19, how could they let him do a suggestive MV like this? I'm not talking to him, now. It'd been about an hour of non stop filming and now it was time for a break, Seung-Ri got a water bottle and then headed over my way but I pretended not to see him and ran for the bathroom. I heard him shuffling around outside as he waited for me to emerge but I didn't until I heard the director say the break was over. Now he was shooting the scene where he was in the club where all those air heads were in trampy outfits and dresses..who would ever go for girls like that?

    "Hey Unnie," a familiar voice cried, I turned to see Minzy running towards me with a bright smile.

    "Hey," I said trying to give a smile in return but the death glare wouldn't leave my face, I hope she didn't notice.

    "Dara Unnie, look at Mi-Young's face, she looks P.O.ed," she said in a stage whisper. Dara glanced my way and saw and they continued to study me until the next break. CL & Bom were talking with themselves the entire time. Seung-Ri came running over again but Dara was talking to me.

    "Hey, Noona, Dongsaeng, Mi-Young," Seung-Ri said cheerfully, the other two greeted him back but I ignored him.

    "Unnie is mad," Minzy stated when he gave me  a questiong look.


    "You honestly don't know?" Dara asked in surprise, "you're a dumb little Dongsaeng, then." I decided to leave then, yes he was irritating me.

    "I'm leaving, I think I'm sick," I said as I turned to leave but Seung-Ri grabbed my hand.

    "Don't go, yet, it'll only be an hour more," he said in a pleading tone.

    "I can't, I don't feel good, besides it looks like you were having enough fun without me, why don't you go ask one of your fan girls to chat it up with you, they seem pretty easy to me," I said before leaving. Once out of the suffocating building I decided to walk around Tokyo for a bit and I realized I was close to the manga store. Ice-cream always makes me happy so I decided to go. I ordered a strawberry cone with nuts, but it wasn't that good without someone to share it with and I want my special someone...maybe some manga will do the trick.

    "Aigoo. He's Dedicated to Roses," I said flatly, picking up the manhwa, "I should go buy it."

    "I had a feeling you'd be here," a voice said out of the blue, making me jump.

    "What do you want?" I said coldly.

    "I want to talk."

    "Well, I'm busy, we can talk later," I said picking up another manga but he pulled it out of my hand.

    "Dara told me why you were mad."

    "Oh, and why might that be?"

    "She said you were jealous of all those girls that I was messing around with for the MV," he said, staring into my eyes.

    "Why would I be jealous of them? We're not going out, I don't care." I said trying not to let any emotions escape.

    "Oh, okay, well good 'cause I'm going out with the bed girl, tomorrow, she wants to go clubbin' " he said while his lips. What happened to him liking me?

    "Have fun," I said walking quickly away from him before the tears escaped. I didn't go to Big Bang's apartment instead I had Teddy bring my stuff to a hotel that I found. It was pretty nice until Seung-Ri showed up instead of Teddy.

    "What are you doing?" I nearly yelled.

    "Bringing your stuff here. How come you're not staying with us anymore, GD wants to know, he said you could have his room."

    "Well, since you're going clubbing I thought you and you're girl would like a bit of privacy since you'll probably end up drunk, It would be weird for me to be there," I said, looking away from him..

    "God, Mi-Young, I am not going out with that girl," he yelled grabbing my wrists roughly, " I don't care about her, I only want you," he nearly yelled.

    "Well, you're the one who was touching all over the other girls, I didn't do anytthing wrong," I yelled back, struggling to ge away, but his grip was strong. The tears had been pouring since he started yelling, I tried to push him away but he only pulled me closer and he crushed his lips onto mine. They moved with a hard forcefullness now and I couldn't help but kiss him back but then I remembered what he did and then I pushed him away.

    "I love you," he breathed heavily and he pushed his lips onto mine. Love me? No.

    "You're lying," I cried out, "no one could ever love me, not even my parents, much less someone who's known me only a month, you don't love me."

    "Mi-Young, you are the only person who's made me feel like this, before I would fool around with those girls and I didn't feel anything, you, though, you're different you make my heart pound faster, I think about you all the time, I always want to be with you, I never want to hurt you or be the cause of any of your pain, I want to make you happy because just seeing you smile makes me happy, I want to do things with you, take you places, I want you to be mine, now don't tell me that's not love," he growled in my ear and then he kissed me again, softly this time, and wiped my tears. I wasn't sure whether to start crying again or to hug him so I chose to hug him.

    "I'm sorry," I whispered as he held me in his arms, "I wasn't thinking."

    "Don't apologize," he said before kissing me tenderly, "let's go back to the apartment," he said breaking the kiss and grabbing my stuff but I wanted my kiss. He had spent all afternoon getting showered with kisses, it's my turn now, so I grabbed him and I pushed him against the wall and started kissing him again. I felt his lips curve into a smile at my actions and he kissed me back, deeply, as he pulled me closer to his body.

    "You are mine," I growled, remembering those bimbos, as I took a breath and then I started kissing him again and we didn't stop. He continued kissing me and tell there were a million butterflies in my stomach.

    "You are so hot when you're jealous," he mumbled in my ear when he pulled away. I smiled and then grabbed his hand. "You know it, too, don't you?"

    "Duh. Lots of people hit on me so I figured it was my hotness," I said as we left the hotel together. We took a cab back to the apartment and before we went up Seung-Ri stopped me.

    "I think I know your answer, but I still need to ask, Mi-Young, will you be my girlfriend?" he asked a blush crossing his features.

    "Yes. You didn't need to ask but do we have to ask President Yang?" I asked curiously.

    "Forget him," he said gruffly as he pushed his lips to mine, again, this boy must like kissing not that I mind, and then we went up hand-in-hand.

    "Hey look the love birds are back," TOP shouted as we entered. All of 2NE1 & Big Bang were there, "and look..they're holding hands. How sweet, ya'll goin' out?"

    "Yeah, hyung, we're together, don't be jealous," Seung-Ri said with a smile, I looked at Dara Unnie who winked and smiled at me, and then Seung-Ri took me back to his room, "hey listen, I know you may think this is cheesy but when I was younger my dad gave me his & mom's old couple rings and made me promise that when I found a girl that I really cared about that we would wear them, so will you?" he asked his eyes sparkling.

    "Of course, I don't think it's cheesy..I actually find it rather romantic," I said with a small smile and blush, Seung-Ri pulled out a black velvet box from his drawer and in it were two silver rings. The girl ring was swirly and dainty whil the guy ring was thick and just a band. He took my left hand and stuck it on my ring finger.

    "One day, I'll put another ring on that finger," he said before kissing my hand and then we went back to where the people were and I couldn't get rid of my smile. He loves me, he loves me!!!!

A/N: Long chappie, I know, but I think it was worth it. I had fun writing this one. Do you guys like the Mi-Ri moments? My favorite parts are the hotel kiss and the couple ring bit. What are ya'lls?

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aldimia #1
Chapter 14: HyunA !!..
Chapter 14: update soon plzzz ive been waiting for ages and i think this story is just starting to get really good!!!!!xx fighting!
kwonjiyong28 #4
Chapter 3: OUCH!!!!!!!! IT HURTS!!! NAN MOUDU APPA APPA AAAAPPAA!!!!!!!!
Youngbaesaranghae #5
Please update :)
Minjung99 #6
UpdateXD it's been sooo looooong
@mashimarofan OMG, I never noticed T.T Miaaanhaaeee /too lazy to fix it rn/
chapter 4 & 5 are the same..what happened?
CL !! :D