Chapter Thirteen

Taeyeon Power
After the tensed dinner with some small talks, Taeyeon stood up and asked Jessica for a dance when the orchestra started playing some classical songs.

Jessica took it gladly and Taeyeon led her to the small stage. "Put your hand on my shoulder," whispered Taeyeon

Taeyeon put her hand on Jessica's petite waist and they started dancing. They went with the flow even though they didn't really know how to dance.

Jessica giggled quietly when she stepped on Taeyeon foot. Taeyeon wrinkled her nose at Jessica and the two broke into laughter.

Taeyeon had requested the manager of the restaurant not to let Suzy serve them as it would give her problems and she would need to explain more to Jessica.

Finally, their night ended and Taeyeon kissed Jessica deeply under the moonlight. Jessica blushed furiously and pulled away after some time.

"So.. do you like it Mrs Kim?" asked Taeyeon after they got into the car. Jessica clapped her hands together and brought it to her cheek as she tilted her head to that direction. She smiled sweetly as she recalled the event just now.

"I like it so much. But I'm not Mrs Kim yet," she replied cheekily. Taeyeon used the other hand that was not on the steering wheel to intertwine her fingers with Jessica's.

"You know, i don't think anyone else can make me as happy as you can," Taeyeon smiled and brought their entwined hands up to kiss on Jessica's smooth hand.

"Really?" asked Jessica skeptically. She had just remembered that Taeyeon owed her an explanation.

"Don't you trust me?" Taeyeon pouted and she looked at Jessica for a quick while.

"I trust you. You still owe me an explanation, Ms Kim," said Jessica seriously and she pulled her hand away from Taeyeon before she crossed her arms in front of her chest.

"Aish.. can we talk about it at home?" pleaded Taeyeon. She really didn't want to talk about it when she's driving as she knew Jessica would probably get angry about that but she couldn't pacify her.

"Fine." replied Jessica shortly and she stared out of the window. Taeyeon bit her lip and sighed inaudibly after she glimpsed at the sulky Jessica.


"No explanation, No sleep," stated Jessica after the duo had taken their baths.

Taeyeon was about to snuggle close to her fiancee on the bed but Jessica pushed her up.

"Argh okay fine." said Taeyeon in frustration and she sat up straight.

"So tell me. Who is.. Suzy?" asked Jessica a little too sourly.

"You must not get angry ok?"

Jessica eyed her for awhile and then nodded reluctantly. She waited for Taeyeon to start explaining but Taeyeon kept opening and closing without uttering a single word.

"Is she your lover?" asked Jessica with her eyes squinted and she sounded almost like a hiss.

"WHAT!? NO! n...o?" Taeyeon smacked her forehead and sounded so guilty. She looked at Jessica's expression and saw that she was displeased with her answer.

It was time for her to woman up, she had to explain to Jessica sooner or later anyway.

"Okay fine.. She wasssss my loverrr. BUT! we were together because of our friends!" said Taeyeon and she quickly explained so that Jessica wouldn't be furious. However, Jessica had the straight face and she waited for Taeyeon to continue.

Taeyeon gulped and continued,"i.. we were from the same high school.. my friends challenged me to ask her out.. and her friends challenged her to accept me.. but she told me that she really liked me.." mumbled Taeyeon

"So you two got together?" asked Jessica.

Taeyeon nodded and she further explained,"we were together for a week. I didn't like her at all.. because she was cute, my friends asked me to take the challenge. So i did.."

"I see." Jessica simply said and then spaced out. Taeyeon groaned as she knew that Jessica wasn't satisfied with her explanations.

"Okay look." said Taeyeon and she held Jessica's hands in hers. "I know that she was obviously hitting on me just now and you aren't pleased with it. But, i really don't feel a thing for her at all! i swear!"

Jessica slowly broke into a smile and she stayed quiet. "So..are we okay now?" asked Taeyeon unsurely.

"Of course we are. But, you have to tell me who were your ex before. I believe you have never talked about it for the past 4 years before!" demanded Jessica.

Taeyeon gasped and coughed to clear the phlegm in . "Can we sleep now?" she begged cutely.

"What about no?" Jessica replied sweetly and Taeyeon's smile turned into a frown. She mumbled inaudibly and Jessica hit her forehead.

"Owwwww. okok i will tell you.." sighed Taeyeon.

Jessica stopped her from starting and she grabbed a pen and a paper before she settled back onto the bed.

"Are you serious?" asked Taeyeon in disbelief when she saw Jessica had the paper and pen with her. Jessica ignored her and asked her to start listing down the name.

"Okay.. in high school.." Taeyeon started listing down the names and she had to stop to recall the order of her ex girlfriends which earned a glare from Jessica every time. But Taeyeon wasn't aware at all as she was too into the small activity that they're having.

"Okay and before you, i was with Hara. That's all." Taeyeon smiled proudly when she was done.

She took a glance at the paper and jaw dropped when she saw the length of the names. Jessica underlined some names which Taeyeon supposed she hadn't heard of before.

Taeyeon slouched and felt herself getting smaller under Jessica's intimidating stare.

"22 girlfriends before me, are you serious?" questioned Jessica and she poked the paper angrily. Taeyeon bit her lip and didn't dare to look at her lover.

"You have never had a boyfriend before?" asked Jessica. She started interrogating Taeyeon for the night.

The next morning, Taeyeon couldn't get her lazy bum out of the bed and Jessica had already gone out shopping with her friends since she didn't have to work anymore.



"What the ? why are our bills so high?!?!!" exclaimed Taeyeon and she double checked every bill.

Phone bill and utility bill were the same but credit card bills were shocking.

"SICAAAAA!" yelled Taeyeon from the kitchen.

Jessica came out from the bedroom and leaned against the door lazily. It was just morning.

"Y-you spent this much last month?!" asked Taeyeon shockingly. She remembered Jessica hadn't gone out for shopping for a long time already and she only did so last week, when she brought back so many bags and she told Taeyeon most were on sales.

So Taeyeon wasn't really bothered. But now, she realised that those goods on sales still cost a bomb.

"I went out shopping last week," said Jessica sleepily and she rubbed her eyes. Taeyeon smacked her forehead and felt her heart ache a lot when she looked at the figures on the bills.

She punched in some numbers onto the calculator and the total sum made her almost faint on the spot. $1804.39

"Look at how much you've spent just last week!" scolded Taeyeon.

Jessica walked towards Taeyeon lazily and took a look at the calculator. she shrugged and that made Taeyeon even angrier.

"You just spent our hard earned money away sica!" Taeyeon raised her voice and that startled Jessica.

Jessica's tears started battling in her eyes and her lips slowly creased downwards. Taeyeon was flustered when she saw this and she scolded herself mentally for being so stingy.

"You're scolding me because i spend your money now? fine then. Let me go to work. I didn't say that i wanted to quit for your information!" spat Jessica and she wiped away the tears on her cheeks.

Taeyeon's heart softened at this sight and she quickly apologised to Jessica and tried to hug her but Jessica pushed her away.

"I'm sorry baby!" apologised Taeyeon again and she pleaded Jessica to look at her.

"That's your first time shouting at me Kim Tae Yeon. You, good." said Jessica sarcastically and she did a thumbs up to Taeyeon.

Taeyeon sighed drastically and hugged Jessica tightly from the back even though Jessica kept pushing her and struggling.

"I'm sorry baby. I'm sorry for raising my voice over such trivial matter. I'm sorry. I will earn the money and your job is to spend them okay?" said Taeyeon earnestly and she kissed Jessica's tiny ear from the back.

"Happy 4th anniversary, baby," said Taeyeon gently while she was still back hugging Jessica. Jessica had relented long ago and she leaned her head back on Taeyeon's shoulder. "Happy 4th anniversary too meanie."

Taeyeon chuckled and turned Jessica around,"don't you ever think of going to work. You can only stay at home to work for ME! and your work is to.. enjoy everyday!"

Jessica giggled and gave a soft peck on Taeyeon's lips. Taeyeon grinned and kissed her back.

"So.. shall we discuss about our wedding now?" asked Taeyeon and Jessica nodded excitedly. Taeyeon ruffled Jessica's fringe and added,"first, you have to brush your teeth. Morning breath stinks."

Taeyeon quickly ran away as Jessica tried to hit her. She giggled as she watched her lover from the sofa and Jessica gave her a deathly glare before she went to the bathroom.

"No more kisses for you today then," said Jessica evilly and she shut the door behind her.

"NOOOOOOOO." protested Taeyeon dramatically and she heard Jessica giggle from the room.



tbc.. probably some NC17 scene soon? HAHA
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the next chapter will be the last one guys


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Chapter 15: this is sooo good, author. thank you for sharing!
Mihyun101 #2
Chapter 15: Awww this is so cute???????
Mihyun101 #3
Chapter 10: U don’t have to punch taengoo tho
Mihyun101 #4
Chapter 7: Oh god what’s wrong with you krys?
Mihyun101 #5
Mihyun101 #6
Chapter 5: Oh no
Nivetha_nive #7
Chapter 15: It's really good author...I love sica character she is so in love with her taengoo...taengoo is very lucky to have sica
Chapter 15: Very good story, I really like it. the three of them are my favorite pairing but I'm sad when my pairing can't have each other. taengkrys and yoontae I'm really sad they can't unite, but really really love the story
My three Otps in one story!? Hell yes!
Chapter 15: It hurts to see sica hurt and all but, well a story has to have drama right? Loved it author-ssi! Thank you for the great story!