D-10: Fixing the Mistake.

25 Days 'Till Christmas

Listen to- "Is This Love" by Coffee Boy ft. Haeun

It's been eating Yookwon alive all night, the fact that he possibly ruined anything he could've had with Hani. "To think I was starting to like you." Kept going off in his head.

He sighed and plopped back into bed. What was he going to do to fix this? Thinking her cousin was some boy toy or something was something he shouldn't have jumped to conclusions about. 

He washed up, got dressed, and headed to the flower shop. He picked out some beautiful, pink flowers that he was sure Hani would fall in love with.

After, he headed to the bakery and picked out some of her favorite cupcakes. He walked to her house thinking about what he was going to say to get her to forgive him. 

As he arrived on the front doorstep, he took a deep breath and rehearsed his lines. As he was doing that, the door opened revealing Hani. Her eyes widened when she saw Yookwon. "What are you doing here?" She asked as she closed the door behind her.

Yookwon took steps back and cleared his throat, "Are you going somewhere?" He asked.

Hani rolled her eyes, "Why do you care? If you think I'm going out with some guy, you're wrong." She said in a mocking manner.

Yookwon sighed, "I'm sorry I thought of you that way before even knowing the truth. Please, let's just forget yesterday." He handed her the flowers and the cupcakes. She looked at them then back at him.

She scoffed, "Buying me things to make me feel better doesn't work, just so you know. But since it's your first time, I'll let it slide."

Yookwon looked up with a wide smile on his face and hugged her so tight that she almost passed out. "You won't regret it Bae Hani." 

Hani laughed, "You have 10 more days and you're slowly but surely getting there." 

Yookwon raised a brow, "From what I remember, you said you were starting to like me."

Hani's cheeks went red, "Y-Yah! When did I-? Liar." She headed to her car and Yookwon followed after her with a smirk on her face.

"Admit it, you're starting to like me! No, you do like me!"

"Stop it!" Hani whined and got in her car. She drove off leaving Yookwon there laughing.

"I don't just like you... I think I'm falling in love with you." Hani thought to herself. She bit down on her lip. "I'm scared." She said to herself out loud. 

She looked over to the passenger's seat which had the flowers and cupcakes Yookwon bought for her. She gave a small smile, and looked back up. She let out a deep sigh and massaged her right temple with her free hand.

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Awwww <3

That is all I can say <3
muzikkluvrr #2
Chapter 26: Too fluffin' adorable <3
Chapter 26: Yayyyy it finished! Chukkae authornim! :)
Chapter 26: Too freakin adorable~ >.<
heheheh.. ^^
What a great ending!!!
I love love love love love love it!!
You did an awesome job writing this story.
Very well-detailed and full of cuteness!!
Thanks so much for writing such an ahh-mazinggg story!!
Chapter 25: *spazzinglikecrazy*
Kwonnie, why are you so freakin sweet?!?!
Aigoo~ Too much adorableness happening in one chapter! XP
Chapter 24: Cute cute cute cute!!!
Thats all i can really say!!
Shoo~ id be embarassed to face my
bf's mom too if she caught us makin out! XD
So funny..
Chapter 23: LMAOOOO ^^
Chapter 23: Omg!!
I think this chapter has to
be my favorite of all!!
So hilarious..
Kwonnie Oppa, jus a little heads up,
you do know why they invented door knobs with locks right??
Thanks for the awesome update!!
BdAilee #9
Chapter 23: Update I love your story's so much!!