Chapter 8

Cuteness Is Justice


         Hurrying out the Customer Service door, Jieun was surprised at how quickly she was able to find JTune’s file. Within a few minutes, she had already located and taken pictures of the information.


         And it didn’t take long for Jieun to find Junho and Thunder either. They were next to the front desk, chatting a bit, and soon, Thunder was walking out the door. After waiting for Junho to leave, Jieun hustled out the door to find Thunder. 


         While following Thunder on the streets, Jieun ped her skirt to reveal a pair of gym shorts, and opened off her blouse to reveal a t-shirt. Then she stuffed those painful pumps into her bag and pulled out a pair of tennis shoes and the earpiece. People barely noticed her because she.. well… let’s just say she could be a ninja whenever she wanted to.


         “So? Did you learn anything?” Gain asked after Jieun clicked on the earpiece.


         “They’re going to be assassinating someone at a party hosted by Choi Dongwook,” Jieun reported.


         “Jinja?! That guys a billionaire!” Gain gasped.


         “And he’s a trafficker,” Jieun muttered, noticing Thunder walk off the main street and into a smaller and darker street.


         “Yeah, I know,” Gain muttered. “Yah, Jokwon. I’m trying to do my job here, so stop sabotaging my computer with your stupid games. Anyways, so why are you on the street right now? Why aren’t you coming back to headquarters?”


         The earpiece had a GPS system installed in it, so whenever it was , the partner who was on the computer could instantly locate where the partner in the field was.


“Because I’m following Thunder right now,” Jieun answered.


         “Wait, Thunder was there?! Wow, you really are lucky!” Gain chuckled.


         “People always say that,” Jieun snorted. “It’s not just luck. I have skills too.”


         “I’m sure you do… Why are you quiet? And why’re you stopping?


         “Shhh!” Jieun shushed Gain as she ducked behind a dumpster. Thunder had stopped walking and looked at his wristwatch, as if waiting for someone.


         Jieun lifted her head just a bit- enough so that she could see what was happening. While she hadn’t been looking, another person had appeared next to Thunder, out of nowhere. The new person had his back facing Jieun, so she couldn’t really tell who it was.


         “I can’t believe I have to walk with you whenever I have to go somewhere,” Thunder sighed.


          “It can’t be helped,” a gruff voice that Jieun recognized as Lee Joon’s answered. “Boss doesn’t want to see you captured again. That girl is probably still after us, anyways.”


         “She’s still alive?!” Thunder squeaked.


         “I never said she was dead, did I?” Lee Joon snorted.


         That girl… Were they talking about her? Lee Joon turned around, and Jieun ducked.


         “Oh, it’s just a cat,” Lee Joon sighed in relief.


         Surprised, Jieun noticed that there indeed was a cat on top of the dumpster’s lid. She hadn’t even noticed it because she was too concentrated on listening to the two assassins’ conversation. Instead of peeking over the dumpster again, Jieun decided to just stay hidden.


         “Those sharp senses of yours come with bad sides too, don’t they?” Thunder teased. “Why isn’t she dead, though?”


         “You know the rule,” Lee Joon whispered.


         After a minute of silence, Jieun wondered why the two were so quiet. Were they just going to stand there and do nothing? Confused, she sat there for a while, listening closely to catch even a rustle of cloth.


         But there was none.


         “Hey Jieun,” Gain rasped through the earpiece, but Jieun didn’t answer, scared that any noise would give her away.


         “I hacked into the security cameras in the street you are right now. And there’s no one there,” Gain said. “Aka, they escaped right under your nose.”


         “WHAT?!” Jieun spluttered, immediately standing up and banging her head on the dumpster. “%*$#())(*%!!!”


         And Gain was right. The alleyway was empty except for Jieun and the cat.

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petitebluehawk #1
Chapter 11: I don't like your chapter, I LOVE it
petitebluehawk #2
Chapter 10: Omo! you got me hooked on this fanfic! I'm waiting for your next update!! Can't wait :D
Chapter 10: Awesome chapter...I'm completely caught up in it :D
HanLuNa #4
Chapter 9: Can't wait for the ball ~~~♡♡ update soon~ fighting!
HanLuNa #5
Chapter 7: Sooooo cooool!!!! Please update soon~ ([¤.¤]/
Chapter 5: haha city hunter moment there ;) ahhh lee joon! iris 2 is coming out soon! you know in like 17 days not that i've been keeping track or anything...then you can use some of those lovely pictures ;)
suju4lyfe #7
Chapter 4: O M GEE :D UPDATE PWEEZEEEE ^^ I'm expecting something cute from this story.... right? lol