Let's go camping!!

Not if you knew my past

No one's POV: 

It had almost been two weeks since Luo-Yi was attacked. During that time she refused to go to school because from what Kat had told her, word had got around quickly about her being attacked and whilst Kat and Exo M were trying to stop people from knowing... Luo-Yi didn't go in and instead stayed in bed all day not eating or doing anything. 
"You missy need to get out of the house" said her grandmother as she dragged Luo-Yi out of bed and handed her clothes to change into
"Where am I meant to go?" asked Luo-Yi as her grandmother thought for a moment 
"Into town, it's the weekend and Kat called earlier to say she would be down there if you wanted some fresh air" she replied as Luo-Yi thought for a moment before finally deciding to get dressed and go out. 

Once she reached the town centre she stopped and looked around 'If I was Kat where would I be?' she asked herself and then she thought back to her time in school and came to the conclusion that if Kat was anywhere... it was with Exo M whilst they stuffed their faces. After looking through the eigth cafe in town she finally found Kat staring with open along with Lay and Kris as they watched the others devour their food 
"How much more can they eat?" asked Kris as Lay and Kat shrugged their shoulders and Tao looked up to see Luo-Yi walking towards them 
"Luo-Yi" he called as he began waving and everyone whipped their heads around to see Luo-Yi wave back and slowly walk over to them. 
"Care to join us for food?" asked Chen as Luo-Yi sat in between him and Kris 
"If there is any left, they've devoured most of it" added Lay as Luo-Yi laughed and took some food of Kat's plate as everyone began to converse. 

"I'm bored" Tao said a while later as he sat back and began to pout 
"You're always bored" replied Lay as Tao sighed and then an idea popped into his head 
"Let's go camping" he said as everyone turned to face him and then it suddenly became awkward "Camping?" Exo M asked as Kat and Luo-Yi turned to face each other grinning. 
"Yeah let's go" said Kat as everyone turned to face her "You serious?" asked Xiumin 
"Why not? We could go on Halloween and tell ghost stories around the campfire... unless you're all to scared to go" said Luo-Yi as the Exo M memebers looked at each other like they had just been insulted. 
"Us, scared?" asked Kris as everyone shook their heads. 

"We'll take that as a yes then" said Kat as she and Luo-Yi high-fived each other underneath the table and grinned before they ate again and the Exo M members stared at them for a moment before going back to their own business, apart from Luhan he continued to study Luo-Yi for a moment before going back to his own business.
"What now?" asked Lay as everyone began to walk around "We shop for the trip" replied Tao as everyone rolled their eyes and soon everyone split up;
Chen and Lay went one way for the food
Xiumin and Kat went for tents
Kris and Tao went for cheap sleeping bags and 
Luhan and Luo-Yi for anything else that was needed.  

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ItzJaeKay #1
Chapter 30: Woahhh aww sweet haha
ItzJaeKay #2
Chapter 29: Lol omg in her face haha
forever_or_never #3
Chapter 30: That was such a sweet ending. You write lovely epilogues.

A story with Chanyeol as the hero would be nice.
ItzJaeKay #4
Chapter 28: *cries* awww so cute haha and sweet
Sigh, but that Kiri chick is still around, there is still trouble up ahead
forever_or_never #5
Chapter 28: yey!

I'm glad she came back!
ItzJaeKay #6
Chapter 27: Wahhhh she came back... Ok lol I hope it's her haha
ItzJaeKay #7
Chapter 26: so sad.. she really left
ItzJaeKay #8
forever_or_never #9
Chapter 26: WHAT? NOOOOO
ItzJaeKay #10
Chapter 23: Ee-eeh I wonder who