Fright in the night

Not if you knew my past

No one's POV: 

Soon a campfire was underway and marshmallows were being roasted whilst some food was edible enough to eat. Everyone was huddled around the campfire and each took it in turns to tell a scary story, so far nobody really had a story that was scary enough... until Kat began to tell hers and soon Luhan, Lay and Xiumin were huddled up against Kris (much to his disapproval) and Chen, Tao and Luo-Yi were huddled together all becoming increasingly scared. 
"And do you know what the scariest part of this story is?" asked Kat as everyone shook their heads 
"That thing which killed those school kids years ago.. IS RIGHT THERE" she screamed as she pointed out in front of her and all the Exo M members screamed and fell over in a rush to get away as Luo-Yi looked around and she and Kat began to laugh hysterically. 

"It's not funny" Tao said as he began to pout 
"One of the scariest stories of my lifetime... but I wasn't expecting them to scream like girls" said Luo-Yi as she and Kat began to laugh even more which embarrassed the Exo M members and soon it was time to call it a night... something that Luhan and Luo-Yi had been dreading because now they had to share  a tent together. 
"Cold?" Luhan asked when he saw Luo-Yi in a jacket and huddled up in her sleeping bag 
"Just a bit" she replied as Luhan laughed and pulled a small blanket out which he laid over Luo-Yi 
"What are you doing?" she asked as she sat up "We don't want you freezing to death do we?" Luhan replied as Luo-Yi tried to offer him some of the blanket but he refused as he climbed into his sleeping bag and the two tried to sleep. Luo-Yi woke up a short time later and turned to face the shadow next to her that was Luhan, 
"Luhan" she whispered and when he didn't reply she took some of the blanket and wrapped it around him so the both of them were now sharing it before lying back down and going to sleep. Meanwhile Luhan laid there smiling for a moment before closing his eyes and going back to sleep. 


" stay away" was all Luhan could hear as he was woken up by Luo-Yi who was mumbling next to him. Before he could wake her to stop her mumbling she suddenly kicked out ad began to move around crazily before she buried her head into the pillow she bought with her and began screaming into it and digging her nails into her arm. As quickly as the screaming stopped the kicking began again and then as that stopped the screaming began again and Luhan watched her for a second in utter shock before he decided to intervene. 
"Luo-Yi, wake up" he said as he began to shook her and feared that if she didn't wake up soon the others would run in thinking he was doing something to her 
"Wake up" he shouted and at that moment Luo-Yi shot up and her eyes widened in shock and she began to breathe heavily before holding her head in her hands and crying. 

When Luhan saw her begin to cry he slowly crawled over to her and hugged her as she hugged him back and cried into his chest 
"He's coming to get me" she whispered before crying again and Luhan's heart broke when he heard this before he tucked a strand of hair behind her ear 
"Nobody is coming to get you, I promise" he said and he continued to hug her until she stopped crying and finally fell asleep as Luhan applied plasters to where she was bleeding from digging her nails into her skin... 

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ItzJaeKay #1
Chapter 30: Woahhh aww sweet haha
ItzJaeKay #2
Chapter 29: Lol omg in her face haha
forever_or_never #3
Chapter 30: That was such a sweet ending. You write lovely epilogues.

A story with Chanyeol as the hero would be nice.
ItzJaeKay #4
Chapter 28: *cries* awww so cute haha and sweet
Sigh, but that Kiri chick is still around, there is still trouble up ahead
forever_or_never #5
Chapter 28: yey!

I'm glad she came back!
ItzJaeKay #6
Chapter 27: Wahhhh she came back... Ok lol I hope it's her haha
ItzJaeKay #7
Chapter 26: so sad.. she really left
ItzJaeKay #8
forever_or_never #9
Chapter 26: WHAT? NOOOOO
ItzJaeKay #10
Chapter 23: Ee-eeh I wonder who