What's wrong with her?

Not if you knew my past

No one's POV: 

It was getting to the end of the lesson just before lunch, art. Luo-Yi was assigned the task of cleaning up the paintbrushes in the sink and even though she didn't want to do it but she had no choice. "Your sleeves are going to get wet if you don't roll them up" came a voice from behind her a she jumped and dropped a paintbrush to the bottom of the sink 'Great' she thought as she turned around to shout at the person who scared her and when she turned around saw Luhan staring at her. 
"Aren't you going to get that?" he asked as Luo-Yi blushed 
"A-after I've finished with the others" she said as she went to reach for another paintbrush and Luhan pulled her arm away and tried to roll up her sleeves but she jerked her arm away 
"What are you doing?" she asked as Luhan looked at her suspiciously 
"Rolling up your sleeves so they don't get wet" he replied before walking away. 

As he sat down he continued to watch her as she rolled up one her sleeves to get the paintbrush but left the other sleeve down 
'Something is up with her' Luhan thought as the bell went and Lay and Tao were outside his classroom waiting for him. 
"Kat can I ask you a question?" asked Luhan as she was waiting for Xiumin to arrive 
"What's wrong with her?" asked Luhan "With you?" asked Kat 
"Luo-Yi, she keeps rubbing her arm and when I told her to roll up her sleeves so they wouldn't get wet she freaked out and wouldn't" he explained as Kat's expression changed 
"That isn't for me to say Luhan but for her to say" she said and said no more as Xiumin arrived with the others and Luo-Yi arrived shortly after. 

Halfway through their lunch Lay, Chen and Xiumin couldn't stop laughing over something and even started producing tears of laughter 
"What are you three laughing at?" asked Kris as they tried to explain and couldn't stop laughing 
"Our new music teacher... he's brilliant" Lay managed to get out before he started laughing again 
"What's he called?" asked Luhan 
"Mr Chan" replied Chen and at that point Luo-Yi choked on her water and Kat patted her back. 

"Are you alright?" asked Tao as Luo-Yi nodded "Saw a spider" she said as Tao and Chen jumped out of their seats 
"WHERE?" they both shouted as Kat grabbed a napkin and smacked it onto the table before rolling it up 
"There got it" she said as she walked over to the bin and chucked it away as Chen and Tao sat back down but Luhan wasn't convinced... Luo-Yi was shocked about something... what it was... he wasn't quite sure yet... 


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ItzJaeKay #1
Chapter 30: Woahhh aww sweet haha
ItzJaeKay #2
Chapter 29: Lol omg in her face haha
forever_or_never #3
Chapter 30: That was such a sweet ending. You write lovely epilogues.

A story with Chanyeol as the hero would be nice.
ItzJaeKay #4
Chapter 28: *cries* awww so cute haha and sweet
Sigh, but that Kiri chick is still around, there is still trouble up ahead
forever_or_never #5
Chapter 28: yey!

I'm glad she came back!
ItzJaeKay #6
Chapter 27: Wahhhh she came back... Ok lol I hope it's her haha
ItzJaeKay #7
Chapter 26: so sad.. she really left
ItzJaeKay #8
forever_or_never #9
Chapter 26: WHAT? NOOOOO
ItzJaeKay #10
Chapter 23: Ee-eeh I wonder who