And it all goes up here...

Not if you knew my past

No one's POV: 

Christmas had ended and now everyone was getting ready for the New Year, Chen and Xiumin's parents had extended their stay and the others were now beginning to return to Beijing. Luhan and Luo-Yi hadn't told anyone that they were a couple yet, everyday they would act just as they did before everyone left and at every oppurtunity they had they were spending time together. 
"Somone is very happy" said Kat as she and Luo-Yi were spending a girls day out 
"Can't a girl be happy once in a while?" asked Luo-Yi as Kat studied her for a moment before shrugging and the two of them sat down to rest for a moment as they began to chat about... whatever... As Luo-Yi looked around the two of them she noticed a group of girls staring at her and Kat before whispering stuff to each other and one of them walked over and stood in front of Kat. 

"We were wondering if you would like to come and hang around with us for a while" she said as Kat shook her head 
"No thanks I'm with Luo-Yi today" she replied as the girl turned to face Luo-Yi as her face turned to disgust 
"Why would you want to hang around with a girl who self harms herself and makes up the excuse that she did it because her uncle her when she was younger?" she asked as Luo-Yi froze... how did she know?... 
"Come on we're leaving" Kat said as she took Luo-Yi's arm and led her away. As the two of them walked down the road they bumped into other people from their school who either said the exact same thing or just pointed and stared to the point where Luo-Yi had to hide herself to save her from even more embarrassment. 

"How did everyone find out?" she asked as she began to panic 
"I dont know... I haven't told anyone and I'm sure your Uncle at school wouldn't tell anybody" replied Kat as Luo-Yi began to think, her aunt in England considered her a second daughter and wouldn't do something like to her and her grandparents would DEFFINITELY NEVER do something like that so it only left the one other person she's ever told... Luhan 
"I need to go talk to someone" Luo-Yi said as Kat nodded and as she walked away she text Luhan telling him to meet her at the park. 


"Hey" Luhan said as he walked over to Luo-Yi but when he saw the look on her face stopped in his tracks 
"What's wrong?" he asked as he saw how red and puffy her eyes were 
"I trusted you" was the first thing she said as Luhan looked at her confused and as he walked to her she walked away "I told you all about my past because I thought you would have kept your promise, you were the first person I could trust outside my comfort zone... and then you go and tell everyone at school" she said as she began to cry and as Luhan went to hug her she pushed him away. 
"Luo-Yi I didn't tell anyone" he said as Luo-Yi shook her head. 

"Everybody in my small group swore to NEVER tell anyone about my past... if you didn't tell anybody then how did everyone find out?" she asked as Luhan sighed and ran a hand through his hair 
"I don't know... someone must have been listening from school the day you told me" he said 
"I AM NOT A LIAR" he shouted which made Luo-Yi jump a bi 
"Yes you are, I checked the little cafe we were in to see if anyone from school was there and there was NOBODY there... so it had to be you who told them" she said as she began to cry again. 

"Luo-Yi please" said Luhan as Luo-Yi pushed him away again
"STAY AWAY FROM ME.... I actually thought that when I told you I could open myself up to the public again... begin to feel normal for once... but no all of that is gone now because of you... and to think I was beginning to fall in love with you just as you were falling in love with me" she said as Luhan walked towards her and she stepped away from him 
"Dont come near me again... dont talk to me again... if you try to do any of that... God help you" and with that she ran of before he could do anything else as he stood there both confused and angry. Meanwhile hidden within the shadows a figure grinned to themself and walk away from the scene with satisfaction written all over their faces.... 

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ItzJaeKay #1
Chapter 30: Woahhh aww sweet haha
ItzJaeKay #2
Chapter 29: Lol omg in her face haha
forever_or_never #3
Chapter 30: That was such a sweet ending. You write lovely epilogues.

A story with Chanyeol as the hero would be nice.
ItzJaeKay #4
Chapter 28: *cries* awww so cute haha and sweet
Sigh, but that Kiri chick is still around, there is still trouble up ahead
forever_or_never #5
Chapter 28: yey!

I'm glad she came back!
ItzJaeKay #6
Chapter 27: Wahhhh she came back... Ok lol I hope it's her haha
ItzJaeKay #7
Chapter 26: so sad.. she really left
ItzJaeKay #8
forever_or_never #9
Chapter 26: WHAT? NOOOOO
ItzJaeKay #10
Chapter 23: Ee-eeh I wonder who