
Not if you knew my past


OMG AUSTRALIA IS AMAZING!! We're now what... our second week into the trip and yet it feels like we've been here for a while.
So, what have done so far? Well so far we've been to the Sydney Opera House and Luhan went photograph overload!! He must have like a million if not more pictures of the two of us there alone! We've also been to Bondi beach... I want to live on there forever but I don't think Luhan would... he got jealous when I asked for a picture with the lifeguards and then EVEN MORE jealous when they kept speaking to me :P 

But he also has his romantic side believe it or not, just yesterday (or the fourth day... depending on when you get this) the two of us had a meal on the beach at sunset... courtesy of him ^.^ 
Also... as per usual... we've had some mishaps... Like for example I got scared by a dog and ran into a lampost -________- Luhan couldn't stop laughing but I can asure you I WILL get my revenge >:D When that will be? I'm not sure... yet... 

Anway, both of us cant wait to see you lot again sometime soon. Give my love to the guys and Luhan says to tell them he said, and I quote, HHEEEYYY!!
Tell my grandparents that their postcard will arrive soon... if it hasn't arrived already... and that I love them and can you believe that I've managed to fit this much into this postcard... amazing huh? XD Anyway... again... We'll see you soon! 
Dont miss us to much! :P 

Love Luo-Yi and Luhan 

When Kat finished reading the postcard she smiled as Chen and Luo-Yi's grandpa bought in the last of the boxes. Since New Years Day Luhan had told the others that he was planning on getting Luo-Yi to move in with him in the house that his grandparents had left him, to his surprise his friends and her grandparents told him that they would move all of her stuff and his stuff into the house, all he had to do was bring her to the house when they arrived back in China. 
"When will they be home?" asked Xiumin as Kat helped him to decorate the living room 
"From what I remember Luhan telling me, the two of them should be getting onto their flight right about now" she replied as she read through the postcard again and smiled when she found a tiny picture stapled to it of the two of them on the beach and Luhan was kissing Luo-Yi's cheek. 
'You two are almost as cute as me and Xiumin' she thought as the house was soon finished and a few hours later the taxi containing the two love birds finally pulled up outside their house... 

And that is it!!! 

Have you guys enjoyed it? 

I know I have because I've been waiting for your comments and for those of you who did comment, they have kept me entertained and have helped me a little in writting the story :D 

So, for my next story I want to do an Exo K member this time... which member should I base my story on? I'm torn between Kai and Chanyeol... what do you guys think? 

And finally!!.... 

Thank you for reading my story XD WO AI NI!!

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ItzJaeKay #1
Chapter 30: Woahhh aww sweet haha
ItzJaeKay #2
Chapter 29: Lol omg in her face haha
forever_or_never #3
Chapter 30: That was such a sweet ending. You write lovely epilogues.

A story with Chanyeol as the hero would be nice.
ItzJaeKay #4
Chapter 28: *cries* awww so cute haha and sweet
Sigh, but that Kiri chick is still around, there is still trouble up ahead
forever_or_never #5
Chapter 28: yey!

I'm glad she came back!
ItzJaeKay #6
Chapter 27: Wahhhh she came back... Ok lol I hope it's her haha
ItzJaeKay #7
Chapter 26: so sad.. she really left
ItzJaeKay #8
forever_or_never #9
Chapter 26: WHAT? NOOOOO
ItzJaeKay #10
Chapter 23: Ee-eeh I wonder who