Hope and Purity

A Miracle






"Uhhh Minho, what is this?"

Minho, couldn't answer him. 

He didn't know exactly how to explain it to him.   

Taemin clutched on to the metal piece, and decided to pull on it, to see how long it was. The middle piece had a gap in it and he could feel some of the hilly textures it held. 

Is this a necklace? He thought. 

Then Taemin felt Minho get closer, as if to whisper something. 

"Taemin, uhh, I got us these necklaces we could both wear, they have actual crystals in the middle piece and are different colors. When I first saw them, I thought they were really vibrant, and kinda awing. They kinda reminded me of how I see you, uhh I mean, I kinda thought they were worth buying, and so I bought some, hahaha." The Brunett said nervously.  


(AN: This is how the necklaces look. Both are identical. http://i00.i.aliimg.com/wsphoto/v0/545189888_1/crystal-necklace-fashion-jewelry-Korean-circle-ring-pendant-necklace-wholesale-5-colors-mix.jpg 



Taemin felt a little strange at the remark, but he felt happy at how thoughtful the Brunett was being. 

"Thanks Minho. I like it. Though I can't see it. But if you say it looks beautiful, then I have to take your word." Taemin said smiling. 

Minho shot up a glance to see his face. Only to see his smile plastered on. He didn't look awkward from his sudden gift, but instead looked actually grateful. 

"I'm glad you like it. Do you know what it's symbolic for?"

Taemin looked over at the direction of the Brunett's voice and spoke, "No, what's it symbolic of?"

"It's symbolic of hope and purity." He said smiling. 

"And also, crystals tend to last a really long time, just a little crystal can be around for millions of years. And I like to think that if these little things can have so much strength and endurance, than maybe having some with you, can have you think, of how much more endurance and strength, you're capable of having." 

Taemin had never thought of it that way. If Minho had this much confidence in him, then it only makes sense that he too should have some as well. 

Minho grabbed the necklace in Taemin's hands. "Here let me put it on for you." He said smiling. "That's ok right?"

Taemin looked up, ' Uh yeah! Go right ahead." He said nervously. 

Minho nodded and placed his hands over Taemin's head, and put the necklace over his shoulders, where the strings lay partly on his shoulders and on his chest. 


"How does it look?" Taemin said. 

It looks............ really great on you. The Brunett thought. 


Minho looked back at him. 

"Uhh yeah!? Oh, sorry ahahahaha. But it looks good! No worries." He said. 

"Here let me put mine on too."

As the Brunett put on his necklace he caught Taemin looking at the side of the cart, towards the open  dark sky. 

Come one, you should tell him! He wont  mind!! The Brunett thought.

"Hey ....Taemin?"

His sudden and serious voice caught Taemin off guard, and turned a little alarmed. 

Smiling he answered the Brunett, " Yeah? Something wrong?"

"Uhhh, no nothing's wrong, it's just that, well uhh, .........How is it that you feel towards me Taemin? Do you like me?"

This caught Taemin even more off guard. 

He adjusted, and turned his direction.

"What do you mean if I like you? Of course I do." Taemin said reassuringly. "I've never had this much affection towards someone, other than the people that I've known for years. You're someone I really like, and want to be with."


Minho felt his cheeks burn. The outside air was cold, but felt his whole body tense and heat up.

"I kinda also feel the same way Taemin. Except uhh....."


"Except I,............ have these feelings towards you. I like you more than I should."

Taemin blushed at the comment. 

"Minho..... I think I kinda feel the same way too." He said with a pair of burning cheeks.


Minho felt shocked, but a little relieved at his remark. His cheeks were burning hot, you could probably see some steam coming out of them from the surrounding cold temperature. And Taemin's were no different. 

They sat there in silence.


Then the Brunett thought to himself, Well, better get this done and out of the way.....


Minho leaned in and held Taemin's hands. 


Taemin, felt uneasy. He further shifted his body to the direction of the pianist. He slightly held on to the Burnett's hands. 

He could almost hear the Brunett's heavy breathing, despite the noise from underneath. Slowly, the noises under were becoming more noticable, 


Suddenly, the noises, were becoming distant. For a second, everything went still and silent. Only the natural sounds of some occassional wind picking up was all that any of the two could pick up. 

Taemin jerked up. 


Minho leaned closer to him. 

"Can I?"

Taemin could feel his presence in front of him. He could feel the way his hands were shaking. 

"I've never really ummm kissed someone before." Taemin admitted. 

Minho, though he anticipated such an answer, replied back, " Tae, it's ok. It doesn't matter to me that you haven't kissed anyone before. In fact...... it's kinda cute. I actually admire that fact."

Taemin felt embarrassed but stunned at the other's comment. He would have expected anyone else to feel a sense of pity over him, from that fact.  

"Do you really, Minho?"

"Yes. I do." He replied wholeheartedly. 

"Thank you" Taemin said smiling.

Taemin closed his eyes.

The Brunett took this as a signal, and proceeded to shut his eyes as well. He slowly neared himself more.

Minho placed his two lips over Taemin's.  

The both of them sat there, in an ocean of darkness. Embracing themselves in a totally different way, in the limitless dark sky.  Above them, a glistening pair of gold torches, sending down their arrays of mystique. 




Jonghyun POV



As Jonghyun and Trish walked out of the theater arena, he couldn't help but have a feeling of unsettlement. 

The past 2 weeks, him and Trish have been having quite a few arguments. Jonghyun has been getting to know a side of Trish he doesn't like at the slightest. Though he's tried to change that part of her, his attempts haven't proved successful. 

As they were both walking, he caught sight of Trish giving some vile look towards a couple in front of them. The woman, being slim, was holding hands from someone a bit over weight.  

"Something wrong?" Jonghyun questioned.

Trish looked over at his direction, and abruptly answered him still possessing the same vile look on her face, " It's just that, that couple Jjong! Can you believe them!?" 

Jonghyun though confused on her previous remark, replied back, " What do you mean? I don't see anything wrong with them." 

Trish looked back at him with a shocked face, " How could you not? I mean just look at them. Doesn't she not feel embarrassed from being with someone totally different from herself. I mean with all that weight he's carrying, doesn't that annoy her? Ugggh, I can't bear watching them any longer." With that Trish shifted her head somewhere else. 

Jonghyun was stunned. 

How can she say that about them? If any one's being unbearable it's her. 

"Trish are you serious? So, if I became a little over weight, would you feel the same way towards me?"

"Oh Jjong. Don't be so silly."

Jonghyun sighed.

"You would never turn overweight. So there's nothing for me to worry about." She said chuckling. 

Jonghyun stuttered a bit at her remark, and choked a little from his swallow. 

"T-T-Trish how could you say that?" He questioned.

"Jjong calm down."

"No!" He snapped. 

"No, what you said about that couple and to about countless other people is not okay. I'm sick of hearing your criticism. I'm sick of it! And now you just proved to me that you only care about appearances. Do you even like me for, what I am? or is it about something else?"

"Jjong! Don't be so childish! I only speak my mind! And I do love you!."

'Then why didn't you answer me?!" Jonghyun yelled.

"Jonghyun...... just take me home."


"What?" She said loudly in disbelief. 

"I said no. I don't want to be with someone that can't even have the slightest bit of respect towards others. I mean you can't even respect people with illnesses! Just get a taxi or something. I can't take this anymore."

"Jonghyun you can't do this! I know deep inside you do care about me."

"I thought I did. How can I care about someone that only cares about herself, with no self conscious. Minho was right, you're insane."

"What! How dare he say that! That filthy--"

"Trish stop! Don't you dare insult him! At the moment, he's probably the only person I want for to be happy."

"What how could you say that? What's so great about him? So you don't care about me then, huh?"

Jonghyun only gave her an eye full of disappointment and walked away. Leaving her sobbing.

"Jjong you'll regret this! You w-w-will!" 

"Trish, just stop. And please don't bother calling me anymore."

With that he left. 

As he drove away, thinking he ended something dreadful, is in fact the start of the beginning of newer hardships. The beginning............of something evil.




The next morning, Taemin woke up with thoughts from the night before. 

I guess I'm not single anymore. He thought giggling.

The kiss lasted quite a bit. 

After they got off the ferris wheel, they got on a few more rides and played a couple arcade games together. Once Minho dropped him home, before getting out of the car, he gave Taemin a peck on the lips and wished him goodnight, for he wouldn't be able to do the same enactment in Key's presence. Key had work the next day and was too tired to question his lateness. 

Today Taemin was gunna be at Minho's work. He insisted the night before, and wouldn't stop pleading him until he complied. 

As he got up from bed he tugged a stuffed animal under his bed sheets, it was a prize that Minho won, or in fact, that they both won, since when they played those arcade games, Minho would guide Taemin's hands through, while describing it. Minho gave that stuffed toy to Taemin, and Taemin only held on to it all night as a memoir from the night. 

He made his way to his bathroom, with one hand feeling for directions, and the other to his necklace. 


Once Minho picked him up, they both got off the car and held Taemin's hand to guide him out of the cold weather, and into the warmth of the bar, when Jonghyun spotted someone familiar at the entrance, waiting. 

"Jonghyun!" Minho shouted while waving.

"Minho!" Jonghyun said smiling.

As the pianist and Taemin got closer, Jonghyun gave Minho a look at how Minho hadn't let go of Taemin's hand, even when they  stood in front of the entrance. 

jonghyun eyed their entwined fingers. 

"Ah, oh! I'll tell you inside." Minho said blushing.

Huh? Taemin thought.

As they walked inside, Minho led Taemin to a nearby stall and asked him to give him a moment with Jonghyun.

Taemin nodded and sat there, playing with a nearby napkin,molding it into different shapes. 

The Burnett led Jonghyun into the kitchen.

"So Minho what's going on?" He said grinning.

"Well, I don't know if you suspect this already, but, I'm not single anymore."He said smiling meekingly. 

Jonghyun smiled back, "Hahahaha, and is the young prince outside this kitchen that belongs to you then?"

The pianist blushed at the remark.

"Hahahaha I'm just teasing you. But I'm really happy for you though." Jonghyun said. 

"Kinda wish things could be the same for me though" Jonghyun continued. 

"Huh? What happened between you and Trish?"

"I kinda broke up with her last night. You were right about her though. She can be so cruel."

Minho frowned and patted Jonghyun in the back.

"You did something hard Jjong. Here I'll treat you to something nice, on me!" The Brunett said.

Jonghyun chuckled, "Hahahaha thanks!" 

As they both walked back towards the kitchen their smiles faded away at the sight of someone coming in.


"T-T-T-Trish?" Jonghyun said shocked.

"Hey Jjong. I'm here for you to take  me back." She said in an irritated expression. 

"H-h-huh? Wait did you follow me here!? Well never mind that, what are you talking about? Stop. I really meant what I said yesterday. now do us all a favor and go."

Trish's eye twitched at the remark.


"How could you say that Jjong!? I thought you would be in your right mind today, but it seems like your not."

'And you! It's all your fault he's acting like this!' She said pointing at Minho. 

Minho glared at her, "You're so pathetic you know that! How is this my fault!?"

"Of course it's your fault! You have nothing better to do than to ruin things for others! You little-"




Someone unexpected butted in, causing all attention to shift. 

"Stop! Don't yell at him!" Taemin pleaded.

"Huh? You shut up you bucket of pity!!!" Trish yelled out.

At that remark, both Jonghyun and Minho snapped, both making way towards Trish.

"Huh? What are you doing?"

They both grabbed her and headed towards the exit, "Hey! You can't throw me out!"

"Oh yes I can!" Minho shouted.

Once she fell on the cold outside floor Minho also took a step outside, "If I ever hear you say anything negative to him again, I swear I wont hold back, and don't ever set foot in this bar again!"

And with that he slammed the door shut. 

It was an hour before opening the bar so he could lock the doors. 

Outside lay a bitter Trish, getting, up and giving dirty looks to the blue entrance as she left the area. 





That night Trish went over to her mother's house. 

As she rang the door bell her mother found a sobbing daughter. 

"Trishy? Oh my, what happened to you?"

As Trish walked in her mom continued, "Here come in, let me make you some tea."

Trish nodded, still thinking about the incident earlier that morning. 


As time set in Trish finished telling her mother the whole story, starting from last night. 

"Horrible." Her mother commented. 

"I know. And then Jjong and his little friend threw me out of that bar this morning! And they were both defending this little blind boy, I don't know why!" 

Her mother gasped at the remark and widened her eyes. 

"How dare they! And how pitiful. I swear this world is just going down hill. How could they defend that thing. It's so disgusting! Trishy, I think you need to get back at Jonghyun for wronging you in so many ways." Her mother said wisely. 

"Yeah I know. I don't even know what's so great about that kid anyways. He's completely useless!"
"Agreed" Trish's mother said in confirmation while sipping on her glass of tea. 

"And about getting back at Jjong. I don't really wanna directly hurt HIM."

As Trish kept thinking, her dull face suddenly crept up a smile. A smile full of disgust. 

"What is it dear? Any good idea?" Her mother asked.

"I got just the thing to get back at Jjong. And with this I wont just be getting back at his little friend too, but it'll make him feel empty and notice just how much he needs me." She said grinning.

"And that is?" Her mom asked smiling. 


"I'm gunna terminate a little someone. Yessss, this should do it mom. They're gunna wish they never embarrassed me."

As they both grinned at each other, they continued to sip on their tea.


Trish looked out the window. Chuckling to herself she thought;


Hehehehe. Oh Jjong. I'll make you come back to your senses. One way or another. I'll just at aim at your source of what you call happiness. 



yes.......  You both will pay dearly.











I will go punish myself now 


I hope you all enjoyed this new chapter :) 

Please comment and subscribe and I'll see you all on the next chapter kekekekekeke

And yes,

 I hate Trish too!!!!!  I just had to do what I had to do ok!

Love you guys!


Usagi out!!!!!

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minsagi #1
Thank you for all the kind comments <3
I hate Trish too! lol but we will see what I have planned kekekekek
keep on reading, and supporting my story!!!! Love you guys!!! <3
Chapter 9: I LOVED this chapter!! With the couple necklaces and THE KISS. OMG THEY FINALLY CONFESSED AND ASDFGJJLL. LOL. and I'm glad Jonghyun finally broke up with Trish, but now I'm scared for what she's planning. T-T all in all, great chapter as always! :D I can't wait for you to update soon!!
Chapter 8: Things are heating up! And it's so good! Update soon! I'm anxious for the next chapter!
Chapter 7: I agree with the comment below! I really like the story so far and the things you revealed in this latest chapter show that it's going to get even better~~ I can't wait until you update!! ^o^
JumpIntoMyCore #5
Chapter 3: Minsagi! I'm still reading. :D I thought I'd let you know what I thought so far. And this story is so great! Really! It's so interesting. I hope you can update sometime. ^.^.
Chapter 4: Usagi! :D I really enjoy your fanfic so far~ The plot proved to be interesting from your foreward, and I love all the fluff in your chapters! I love how you describe scenes really well so we could experience what Minho and Taemin are feeling hehe and of course a fanfic wouldn't be complete without diva Key kekeke I can't wait until you update, you left me hanging there with the end >< hehe
Chapter 1: This looks interesting ~ Can't wait for more! I really wanna know how the story would go. And update soon if you can!! ^^
minsagi #8
So guys, there will be more characters soon!!!^^