My Tourniquet

A Miracle




Taemin POV


As the hours passed by in the bar, Taemin sat quietly in the lounge, quietly listening to the passing voices of people, the chitter chatter of high heels, and the wrinkling laughs of the people sitting nearby. 

He started hearing a familiar voice during his space out. 

As he concentrated at the source, he felt a hand touch his side. 




Taemin jerked up. Noticing the voice belonging to Minho's friend. 

"Oh sorry! I think I was spacing out." Taemin said nervously. 

"You think?" Jonghyun chuckled. "Anyway do you wanna hang with me for a while, instead of being here all alone? There's an empty booth near by." Jonghyun said. 

Taemin carefully nodded as he stood up. 

Jonghyun noticed, and remembering his disability, and led him towards the booth. 

As they walked there, Taemin could feel the rush of people gathering towards the area where the stage was being set up. Perhaps Minho was going to perform. 

As they both sat down, Jonghyun couldn't help but wonder about Taemin's mysterious personality. 

He felt daring. 

"Hey, Taemin?" 

Taemin looked up at the direction of his voice.

"Yes?" He answered. 

"I've wondered about you. And, I don't really know much about you."

Taemin only starred at his direction. His empty eyes gathering his thoughts. 

Curtailing an explanation is not an option. Perhaps opening up can be a good thing. 

'Well.." As Taemin proceeded. "I had something tragic happen to me in the past. When I was still with my parents. Someone precious to me left me. And I had no one to cope with, even my parents were changing, their character, their image, and feelings." 

Jonghyun swallowed deeply. He thought maybe this was a bad idea asking. 

But he was curious about it though. 

"I didn't know how to react. And not too far off after that, I became blind." 

Taemin continued, "And that's when I lost everything."





Entering flashback. ( 7 years ago.) 

Taemin POV


"Taemin!"  A middle aged woman yelled out. 

"You and your sister are gunna be late to school if you don't leave in the next 5 minutes! Hurry!"

"Coming!" A familiar younger voice yelled back. 

As the same previous voice approached, with a younger girl trailing behind him, you could see a vibrant boy with glistening light fawn copper eyes. He brushed his hair to the side,  giving the middle aged woman a hug and the younger following suite. 

As they grabbed their bagged lunch, they trailed outside the doorway, waving to the older woman. 

"Take care of Saki Taemin! And have fun, make it a good first day!" The older woman yelled out, smiling. 

"Yeah mom! Thanks!" Taemin yelled back. 

"Tae?" A younger voice called out.

Taemin tilted his head down, "Yeah?"

"Daddy told me he'd come with me to my first day of kinder" Saki said holding her lunch bag closer to her chest. 

"Saki, don't worry about it. He can always come tomorrow. Besides he had to work today." Taemin said patting her head. 

"But still though." She whispered softly. 

Taemin only smiled at her and held her hand. She pouted at his action.


As they walked, they started noticing a trail of butterflies enveloping a tree. 

"Tae, look!" Saki pointed.

They stood there a while looking at the big family. How the different colored wings danced and twirled around the leaves and branches. 

One of the butterflies, rather small, with crimson blue wings, left the tree, and landed near a river over the metal gate surrounding it. To it's end, its wing battled the water for dominance. Lazily moving its antennas, squirming around. Splashing a few drops of the blue clear liquid around it, making little ripples form around it's body. It soon saw the inevitable, and became still like the rest of the water. It slowly sank a little, until only it's shadow was visible. 

"Tae did you see that!" 

Taemin looked at what Saki was pointing at. 


"This really pretty butterfly landed on the water. Didn't you see!" She said ecstatically.

Taemin shook his head, getting a cute frown from his sister. 

"C'mon let's get going. The school's still pretty far."

Saki nodded, smiling. And soon they both carried on, towards their new day. 

As they reached the school, Taemin had to meet up with his new class, since they were on the verge of being late, he quickly pointed Saki to her new class, walked her up until they reached the building and turned back around, running to his own class before he's late. 



Saki POV



"Hello there!"

Saki was greeted by what seemed to be the teacher. 

'Hi" Saki replied shyly. 

"Welcome! I'm Mrs. Jai. You were almost late." She said with a warm smile. 

"I-I- me and my brother got lost a little on the way." Saki said as she made way to the nearest seat. 

As she got to her seat, she saw a group of kids, starring at her. She didn't think much of it, and continued to listen to the directions the teacher was giving.

As the day went on, their lunch break came, and Saki had no one to sit with, so she went to the outside courtyard to eat alone. 


It's just the first day, I'll make friends soon. 

As she opened her lunch bag, the same group of kids from earlier came. 

She smiled thinking they would join her or comfort her. 

"Knock that grin off your face stupid." One of the kids said.

Her smile quickly went south. 

"H-h-huh?" She said hesitantly.

"Don't make me repeat myself. Now, how come you were so late? You pretty much disrespected everyone, and didn't even apologize! I swear." The same kid said snorting. 

"Be quiet! I didn't do anything wrong! Just leave ok." Saki retorted. 

"Shut up! Were your parents though? Everyone's mommy and daddy came, well, all except yours. Is it that no one loves you?"

The boys started whispering to each other. Giggling and high fiving each other. 

"Stop!!! Go away or I'll tell on you guys! And that's not true! My parents love me just as much as yours!!" Saki shouted.

The group of boys only continued laughing. 

"Yeah right! As if. If they did, or if anyone did, you would have been dropped off here directly. And if they did, why couldn't they? I mean it's the first day of school. You know no one loves you."

Saki kneeled, hiding her face from them. Sobs being heard. 

The group of boys only laughed. 

One of them picked her untouched lunch and poured it all over her head. 

Saki jerked up, and ran out of the area, tripping in the process. 

From that most of the students in her class saw her tripping down, and giggled. 

A day that was supposed to be special, turned into her worst one. 

I don't wanna be here. Tae help me. 

As the final hour came, and the school bell rang, she tried telling the teacher about the incident, but Mrs. Jai asked for any proof, and to her misfortune got none. Pretty much the whole class said no one saw anything. The group of boys even said they were inside most of the time during lunch, getting some other classmates to say the same. Now Saki's classmates see her as some liar, who seeks attention. 


When Taemin came to pick her up, the teacher informed her of his sisters claim, and told him that she was causing trouble. 

Taemin nodded in displeasure, and held Saki's hand to go home. 


Once they were on the road, Taemin questioned her from the incident, " Saki?"

Saki's head jolted up. 

"Yeah Tae?" She answered. 

"Why did you cause all that disruption? Was it true?"

"Of course not!! Those kids were all lying to Mrs. Jai. They said mean things to me. And they made me get in trouble!" She said steaming with anger. 

Taemin was wide mouthed. 

"O-oh. I didn't know, I mean your teacher did tell me that. I'm sorry no one saw what really happened, but don't let them get to you. For now, just stay away from them. It's better." Taemin said smiling. 

"Ok. I'll try. But what if they don't stop?" Saki questioned. 

"Well, then I'll go speak to the teacher myself ok?"

Saki nodded weakly. 

As they were walking home, they could see the sun was starting to set, and the river from earlier, making a beautiful reflection of the above sky. 

Saki starred at how calm and solace the river looked. 

"Tae?" She abruptly spoke. 


Saki pointed to the river, grabbing Taemin's attention, "Sometimes, I wish I was fish, so that I can be free and have no worries. Like the ones in rivers, and streams. All they do is just swim around and not worry about school or being hated."

Taemin thought of what she said. 

"Saki don't say that. No one hates you. You shouldn't say things like that. Besides, even fish have worries." He said chuckling. 

"That's not true!!!" Saki retorted wisely.

Taemin laughed. Rubbing his hand over her head. 

"C'mon. Lets get a moving."

Saki smiled and nodded, tightening her grip on his hand.



Once they reached the house, they were greeted by a tired mom. 

She laid on the couch resting from her busy day at work. 

Their father came in not too long after Saki and Taemin arrived, and he too looked tired. 

Saki was happy to see them again after the long day, and was hoping to chat with them. 

"Daddy!" Saki screamed as she ran towards him. 

"Hey!" Her dad yelled out.

"I missed you." Saki said.

"I missed you too." Her dad said. 

He let her go to Saki's disliking and went to his office in the house to do paper work. 

Saki stood there in the living room wishing she could spend more time with him.

Taemin was asking their mother for help on homework, and soon, Saki was left alone to mind on her own. She ate alone again, and had  thoughts from earlier coming across her head. 

You're not loved! As if...................... No one loves you. 

She got up and quickly went to her room, coming to contact with her bed. She lay there hugging the sheets, crying the night away, with tears filled with sorrow and disgrace. 


For the next week Saki went through the same things as the first day went. 

She went to school, got bullied, told the teacher, but got rejected. As the bullying furthered, she completely ignored her, thinking it was, at this point, make belief. She ate alone in school, and worked alone too. Once home, she got a couple minutes of attention from both parents, and then rejected for the office by her father, and by Taemin from her mother. All were unaware of the shattered spirit that was becoming of her. She found Taemin to be the only source of comfort, but even at home, he would also reject her, for his studies. Though she understood that, it still hurt. The solemnity and discomfort was what started to make up her days. She didn't get any homework, so all she could do was wait. Wait to see if maybe, by chance, her mother wanted to play with her. But if she wasn't with Taemin, she would be resting in her room.  


The next morning, as Saki woke up, she heard voices next door. She walked out of her room, and trailed into her brother's room. She saw both her parents around Taemin's bed. Her mother had her hand on his forehead and her father was talking to someone over the phone. 

What's going on?

As she took a step inside, her mother noticed, and stood up. 

"Saki, you're going to have to walk to school by yourself today. Your brother's sick, I'm taking him to the doctor. He's burning up." She said. 

Saki ran over her brother's bed. 

"Tae?" Saki cried out.

"Saki please go to school. Go on. I'm taking Taemin to the doctor, and there's not a minute to loose. You have your phone with you right?" The mother questioned.

Saki nodded. And obediently made way to get herself ready for school. 

Now I can't even walk with Taemin. I'm really alone this time. What ever happened to Tae taking care of me?! 

Saki felt frustrated, but couldn't help feel selfish, since her only method of getting appreciation and attention has now been taken away from her. 

She hesitantly left the house.

As she walked towards school, Saki felt grief take over. She saw some kids around her walking to school holding hands with their parents, laughing, running, some were with older relatives, and seemed just as happy and excited to see their friends at school again. Or maybe they were just happy to go to school.  

She felt sick to her stomach. 

She had no one by her side. No friends at school. And no one by her side.


Saki walked her usual path back home, like she did with Taemin, but walked a bit slower this time. She wanted to have some time and enjoy the view of the river at sunset. 

She opened one of the gates leading inside the river. She walked down the crumbling concrete steps. She took her shoes off and placed her feet inside the river.

She sat there, admiring how perfectly still the water was. It was blue with some reflection from the above sky, making it have a lavender'ish red washing on it's surface. She broke a weak smile, tilting her head to the side. 

A small grey fish suddenly swam into her view. It pointed its trout towards her foot. But then at a moments notice, swam away. 

Saki frowned. 

Not even a fish......


As night was approaching, she started walking a bit faster back home. 

Oh no...... I think I'm gunna be late. Mom and dad are gunna be mad. 

Once Saki caught sight of her house, she ran the remaining distance.


Saki tried closing the house door as quietly as she could. To her misfortune though, her mom was simultaneously coming down the stair way, which allowed her to catch sight of the young girl.

"Saki..... Where have you been?"

Saki turned around hesitantly, facing her mom.

"I was only looking at the river a little on my way home. I didn't think I'd spend so much time there."

"Saki stop! You can't have us worrying like that. You seem like it isn't a big deal that you're late!.............. It's bad enough that you're getting in trouble at school." Her mother stated.

"Huh? Who told you I'm getting in trouble?" Saki questioned

"Your teacher. Apparently you like accusing people of wrong doings. Can't you behave, even a little bit? Can you do it at least for your sick brother? It's enough for us to worry about him, but now you. You can't be misbehaving Saki." She said sternly. 

:But I'm not! They're the ones that don't wanna see the truth!"

"That's enough! You go and march off to your room!" Her mother said firmly. 

Saki frowned and hastily ran up the stairs, slamming her door shut. 


Why wont anyone believe me!!!!! I hate this. I wish those kids never bothered me on that day. 


She stained her pillows with tears, and she lay in her room crying herself to sleep, hungry, and heartbroken.


The next day, she had to walk to school by herself again, and before she left the house, Taemin patted her on the head and told her everything would be fine. He told her he'd get better soon, and sent her on her way. 

Once the school bell rang, she was walking out of the class. She started making her way for her usual path, when the same group of boys started trailing her. 

Saki could hear the whispers and sounds of footsteps getting nearer and nearer. 

When a sudden touch knocked her to the ground. 

"Hey. What happened to walking with someone? Did your friend also leave you like your parents did?" One of the boys said laughing bitterly. 

Saki lay there, starting to sob at the cruel words. 

"N-n-no!! And he's more than a friend to me!! He's my brother!!! And he would never leave me! Now get lost!" Saki commanded. 

As Saki started to get up, one of the boys pushed her back down. 

"You don't tell us what to do!! And sure. You know he left you. Or else he would have walked with you to school and home. You're totally alone now, you loser. And stop being so miserable. You're ruining the whole mood in class. "

With that they spat at her and left her. 

Saki formed fists over the soft soil. 

She couldn't take the lies, the mistreatments, and the loneliness. 

Once she got home, she was a complete mess. She had cuts on her knees and hands, but to her relief no one noticed her come in. 

She swiftly went upstairs and closed the door in her bedroom. She, like the past days, jumped on her bed and lay there still, still as the dark blue river. 


She looked out her window. Saki was transcending beyond average thinking. She looked out again, hesitantly.

She crooked a look of despair. The rush in her heartbeats were almost taking over the still empty room. She could almost feel her blood circulating throughout her small body.  She could feel the lies, the deep hallow insides of the damnable kids in her class. 

Save me from this lie. Capture me. Please. I don't ant this to be my whole year, or worse, the rest of my school years. 

She sealed her dark blue gems, and drifted into another realm. 


Once an array of gold light hit her face she woke up. 

She took a glance at her clock, and she was already half an hour late. She quickly got dressed and went to her bathroom, swiftly leaving her room. Leaving it behind completely. 

Once down stairs, she saw her mom talking on the phone with someone, looking a bit worried yet upset. 

She hanged up. 

"Saki, that was your teacher. She was wondering where you were. I've been busy taking care of your brother, I packed you your lunch. And now I have to drive you to school. I'm late to my job now." She said stressed out. 

They both made way outside, not before, Saki took a glance inside Taemin's room. 

He was awake, but looked weak. 

"Tae!!!" Saki cried out.

"Oh! Saki! What are you doing here? Shouldn't you be in school?" Taemin asked.

"O-o-oh, I woke up late today. Mmm, don't worry though." She said creeping up a weak smile. 

Taemin looked at her again, a little worried, but also disappointed. 

"Saki? C'mon. Don't be late ok? Mom and Dad have been having a hard time with me. I know you didn't mean it, but let's both try to make things better ok?" Taemin said smiling. 

Saki nodded and left the room, taking one last look inside, unto her brother. 

How can I make them feel better, when I'm not feeling good inside.


"Apologize to the teacher on your and my behalf ok? And please behave ok?" Saki's mother said with a stressed face.

Saki nodded weakly and got out of the car. 


She did what her mom said and apologized to Mrs. Jai privately during the lunch break. Class was almost over, and no clashes have happened between her or the bullies. 

A little bit less than half an hour until class was over, Mrs. Jai had everyone do a coloring assignment. 

Everything seemed fine. 

As a bit more time passed on, Saki was coloring her picture. When a sudden scream was heard next to her. 

"What?! What's going on!?" Mrs. Jai questioned panicking. 

A boy from the group of bullies was crying out, "Saki ripped my picture!"

"What! That's not true!! He's lying!!!" Saki retorted. 

"No, I saw it too Mrs. Jai!" "Yeah me too!!"  And soon the whole table where Saki sat at, was also agreeing to the false accusation. 

Mrs. Jai grabbed Saki by the wrist and led her to her desk, and proceeded in dialing a number. 

She called her home, but got picked up by a younger voice. She informed Taemin of her misbehavior and asked him to relay the message to his parents. He reluctantly agreed. 

The phone was passed to her and she spoke a word to her older brother, "Tae..." She said sobbing. 

'Saki, I'm not sure what's going on with you, but I think I have to take your teacher's side on this one. Please, just please, start cleaning up your act a little, I love you Saki, but this can't go on." Taemin spoke hesitantly with a disappointed tone. 

Saki only handed the phone back to Mrs. Jai, with not another word. 

The whole class looked at her with bewildered eyes. Some with a look of disgust. 

She sat away from them, loathing the few minutes left of class. 

Once the bell rang, she made way for the exit, not before Mrs. Jai had one final word with her though. 

Once she heard her threat of putting her in detention, she proceeded on leaving the school grounds. Before though, she hastily grabbed a pack of thick string she glanced at, on the teachers desk and ran away with it. 

"SAKI!!!!!" Mrs. Jai yelled out. 

Once outside, she stopped when she saw the same kid from earlier that accused her of ripping his work. This time, with his parents. 

His mom neared Saki, and pointed a cursive finger at her, "You stay away from my son ok! I've had enough of how he tells me of how poorly you treat everyone, including your teacher, but this was out of line! Do not dare hurt my boy again or else!" The mother spat out. With a look of disgust all over her face. 

Then Saki looked around seeing that many of the other kid's parents were looking at her like some beast. Quietly whispering to their children, scooting them away from her. 

She felt so hated.

Saki broke their stares and ran from the area. 

She ran until she reached the river.

The sun was getting ready to set. She turned into the opposite side of the river where there lay a small array of trees, almost like a little forest. She crossed the pathway, and walked towards it. 

She sat down in the solitude the miniature forest had to offer and dozed off. 


You're not wanted! 

You're such a loser...........

Leave us alone

Start behaving.........

Get lost

Don't come near us 

How could you

.............No one loves you............................


Her eyes opened up when a leaf suddenly hit her face. 

 She was frightened. 

She couldn't bear with the painful feeling inside her. 

She grabbed her bag and pulled out the string inside. 

It was already dark now, the moon in plain view. 

She made way towards the river, leaving her bag behind. 

Once she made it across the pathway, and opened one of the metal gates and quietly closed it behind her. She slowly walked down the broken steps. 

She walked around for a while. 

Saki gathered some heavy stones, and rolled them near the river. Saki started tightening the string several times over the stones, making a several knots around every stone, and then connecting each string to a different part of her body. She tied one on her right and left arm, and on both her legs. Then the final knot over her abdomen. She made several knots for extra security, and she could feel the cold lacing entwined on her body, suffocating her limbs. 

She hastily made way towards the night blue river. The cold words from her school mates and their parents haunting her mind. 

She felt the water leveling higher up her body. 

Once it reached her chest, one last voice popped up her mind. 

Saki.......................... What's going on with you? 

Tae ; She thought. Streams running down her cheeks meeting with an engulfing blue body, slowly consuming her. 


I tried. 


Blue enveloped her, and only a bit of her hair flowing upwards was visible, then just a reminiscent shadow of the past. 




Now, no one can feel me holding them down. 





Taemin POV



That night, Taemin sat at the edge of his bed. 

Taemin looked outside, seeing  a trail of smoke dancing with the gloomy moon. 

A sudden scream downstairs caught his attention and he quickly ran down. 

His mother stood there shaking. While his father was sobbing. 

"What's going on!?" Taemin demanded.

His mother started to speak, "W-w-we didn't want to tell you Saki wasn't home yet, we thought she was messing around again.*sobs* B-b-but, it turns out *sobs* s-s-she took her own life!" She screamed out sobbing. 

"W-w-what?" Taemin spoke out weakly. 

"Where is she now!!" Taemin spoke out in grief. 

"We don't know where her body is. The police, though, found some of her clothes on the surface of that lake near the school.  Her shoes were just on the shore of the lake too. " She broke down sobbing. 

She drowned herself! Taemin thought in disbelief. 


Taemin kneeled down weakly, crying out.



N-n-no...... This can't be real



2 days later the corps finally found Saki's body. Her heart became still. Still with grief and regret. The string had cut through her skin, and had disassembled the flow of blood in her body. 

Her body became bruised after it was taken back to the hospital, and her arms and legs were purple in color from the stop of blood. 

She was then declared dead, and not too long her funeral was held. 

After the dark ceremony ended Taemin's house became dark as well. The life in it had lost it's core, and only broken prayers laid inside the residents minds. 

Taemin, a day after the ceremony went back to the gravestone for another visit. 

The sky became dark and grey. He could feel a storm coming, but he didn't care.


Once his feet reached the dark plaque, he kneeled in front of it, face tilting under, facing the engraved name.

He felt Saki's murderer hitting his body, and his surroundings. Laughing at him. Trickling down his chin, joining his shedding tears. 

The murderer though was also responsible for the lush green life around him though. It can take just as it can give.




Please don't turn away.

Don't close your eyes. 

As the rain drops hit the flowers on the gravestone, Taemin could swear, he saw the red roses he brought, bleeding  away its color, staining the gravestone. Soon turning white. 


My God........ Will you forget me?

Saki don't go. 

Will you be on the other side?

Please don't leave me!!!!!

Return to me!

I should have believed you......

Is it too late to forgive me?

Is it? 



I'm pouring out crimson regret

I'm screaming, I'm praying, I'm suffocating out my from my betrayal. 

Come  back.....


Come back....


You were my world

You were my happiness





You are my Tourniquet










Here is my way of bribing for forgiveness 


Don't you just love dat body.... *O*


Though no 2min in this chapter, you got to learn a little bit more about our precious Taemin. ;)

I've been readying myself for the   future chapters that are coming. More drama and romance guys!!!! Kekekekeke


Anyways, thank you for still supporting my fic, and I hope you guys enjoyed this chapter. :) (And I cried buckets too!!! lol) Hopefully I tickled your sad bone with this chapter bwahahahaa. 



*AHEM* Anyways, please COMMENT and SUBSCRIBE!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!   I stress these both!!!!

Usagi commands you too!!!! Now do it!! Do it!!!


Please keep reading my future chapters. And everyone stay well. And keep shipping 2min!


Usagi out~


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minsagi #1
Thank you for all the kind comments <3
I hate Trish too! lol but we will see what I have planned kekekekek
keep on reading, and supporting my story!!!! Love you guys!!! <3
Chapter 9: I LOVED this chapter!! With the couple necklaces and THE KISS. OMG THEY FINALLY CONFESSED AND ASDFGJJLL. LOL. and I'm glad Jonghyun finally broke up with Trish, but now I'm scared for what she's planning. T-T all in all, great chapter as always! :D I can't wait for you to update soon!!
Chapter 8: Things are heating up! And it's so good! Update soon! I'm anxious for the next chapter!
Chapter 7: I agree with the comment below! I really like the story so far and the things you revealed in this latest chapter show that it's going to get even better~~ I can't wait until you update!! ^o^
JumpIntoMyCore #5
Chapter 3: Minsagi! I'm still reading. :D I thought I'd let you know what I thought so far. And this story is so great! Really! It's so interesting. I hope you can update sometime. ^.^.
Chapter 4: Usagi! :D I really enjoy your fanfic so far~ The plot proved to be interesting from your foreward, and I love all the fluff in your chapters! I love how you describe scenes really well so we could experience what Minho and Taemin are feeling hehe and of course a fanfic wouldn't be complete without diva Key kekeke I can't wait until you update, you left me hanging there with the end >< hehe
Chapter 1: This looks interesting ~ Can't wait for more! I really wanna know how the story would go. And update soon if you can!! ^^
minsagi #8
So guys, there will be more characters soon!!!^^