
A Miracle



The wind started blowing. 




As the thief approached the van, he couldn't help it but look back at the dying Brunett. 

"Shut up! Your gunna get it now! Right after I torture your little friend back here. hahahha"

Although sore and damaged Minho shouted at the thief, " STOP! *cough cough* DON'T YOU DARE GO NEAR THAT VAN!"

"Or else what? Are you gunna attempt to beat me up again?? HAHAHAHA"


"Then come over here and stop me! Loser."


The thief pulled on the back door's handle and to the scenery, came an image of a boy tied up, sobbing. 

Taemin looked up as soon as he heard the door open. 

"Who's there? What's going on?"

The thief made his way unto the back of the van. 


Taemin weakly replied "Minho? What's going on?" 


"'Shh Shh Shhhh. I'll make this nice and slowly for your friend's enjoyment. " The thief said cruelly. 

The thief placed his bloody hands on Taemin's long hair and dragged him out of the van, throwing him on the outside floor.

"Ahhh Ahh!" He squealed. 

"Taemin! You scum!! Don't do this to him!!! If you want someone to mess with, mess with me!!!!!" 

"Quiet! Don't worry, you'll get what's coming to you soon." 

Grinning, the thief went out to the driver's seat, appearantly, getting a hold of something. 

"Taemin, taemin I'm so sorry. I should have brought you with me inside." Tear , the brunett tried to move closer to Taemin, only to be exempted from doing so, for the deep wound in his body was consuming him with pain. 


Minho caught sight of those silky grey eyes.            So beautiful.


"Minho, I'm scared. Why is he doing this? Minho, please, don't move anymore" 

Then the thief interrupted, and before proceeding, gave them a wicked smile.

"Chit chat's over."

By that, the thief moved in and was holding a small garden fork. 

"Here. You see this Minho, your friend wont be alive for very long."

With the garden fork in sight, the Brunett's eyes widened, and feared what was about to come. 

The thief quickly grabbed Taemin by the wrist, and then switched to holding him up from his neck, straining out the the breath in him. 

Only Taemin's gasps were heard.


Minho felt so frustrated. 

He started to use up the little energy left in him, and started to crawl towards the wicked man. 

Stop.                 Stop                          STOP!!


Minho put his hands forward, stretching them towrds Taemin. 













The Brunett opened his eyes, back to the still world of the empty cold park. 


Why?          Why on Earth........


 Minho was holding the long piece of the metal  key he used back at the bar, it was dirty from his opponent's blood. He wiped  most of it off, and put it back in his back pocket. 

The Brunett looked back, making sure the thief was still unconcious. 


Minho opened the back door's of the van. 


Putting on a weak smile he spoke, "Taemin? It's me"

Taemin jerked up, but to his dismay, the effects of the drug injected in him were still there, slowly lingering out. 

Minho quickly went on to capture him from collapsing.

"Taemin, please don't strain yourself." 

However, the Brunett was also physically damaged, if anything more than Taemin. 

"Minho, I'm sorry, I don't know why, but I couldn't defend myself. I caused you so much trouble. But, I'm grateful I'm alive. Thank you."

"Taemin, it's ok. I understand."

Taemin slowly nodded.

Both of them sat there still, Taemin in Minho's arms. 



"Uh? Oh, yes?"

"I think we need to leave this place, and fast."

Taemin nodded.

"Here I'll carry you on my back."

With a few moments passing by, they were departing the crash scene, and also the thief. 

"Taemin, once we get out of this secluded part of the city, I'll get us a taxi to your house, ok?"

"Ok...............But wait, how will you get home?" 

The Brunett didn't even know himself, his car is at work, but he needed to get Taemin home first, and as quick as possible. 

"Actually, I'm not quite sure myself" said the Brunett chuckling. 

"But it's ok, don't worry, I can just walk back over the bar, and I'll be good. That man didn't take my keys or anything, so I can still drive my car." He said re-assuringly. 

"Oh alright. Oh umm Minho?"


"Who was that man?"

"Oh, yeah, I almost forgot to tell you. He used to work over where I do now, he was there longer than I was.He was uhhhh actually the pianist before I came in. They put me as the new pianist. I ended up replacing him, and they put him on other duties. He probably had a strong disliking towards me. One day, I caught him attempting to steal the money from this room where we keep our earnings, we usually by the end of the week put it in our bank account, but you know how busy our place gets. I reported him the next day, and he lost his job. He had a strong disliking for me to begin with, I'm guessing he has some kind of grudge on me know....."


"Oh, I'm sorry I didn't know. Wait, but that man's dangerous! Your not really safe........"

"Taemin, it's ok, I assure you he doesn't even know where I live, I'm too worried about you right now. Uh I mean, I'm not sure why he went after you and not me......"

Taemin just kept silent.

A few moments went by, and luckily, Minho spotted a taxi heading the opposite side of the street they were in.

Minho started to wave his hand for it to stop, and seconds later, it came to an abrupt halt.

Minho ran to the other side, making sure he still kept Taemin on his back. 

The taxi doors automatically opened, and he sat Taemin in the backseat first, and then joined him in.

Minho gave the taxi man directions to Taemin's house, and obeyingly, started the car and drove away.

"Uhh, if you two don't mind me asking, but, are you two alright?? You look a little shaken, and all scratched up."

"Oh, well me and him were looking for uhhh our lost cat, but we kinda ran into some trouble with this other animal and uhhh yeah. He can't see and you see, I had to take most of the heat."

"Oh, I see." Said the taxi man.

Lost cat? Really?! Well atleast he bought it. Or so I think.........


It wasn't too long before the taxi man pulled over and parked infront of Taemin's house.

Minho got out his wallet and gave the taxi man the specified amount of money. Minho frowned at the little he had left. As both got out of the vehicle, the Brunett noticed a light upstairs. 

Oh god, of course he'd  be awake still. 

"Wait Minho." 


"What are we gunna tell Key once he sees us like this?"

The Brunett was struck at the moment by the realization of a furious Key. 

He hadn't thought of something to tell Key.

"I really don't know. Ummmmm............................... What if............. "



"I think it would be best to tell him the truth."

"Taemin, are you sure?? Wont he be really mad?"
"Well, he'd be more mad if he found out we lied to him."

Minho swallowed in deeply, "That's true." 

That weirdo is gunna strangle me.........

 Minho pressed the door bell. 

Seconds later, they both heard heavy footsteps coming down the stair way. 

Oh god.

The door opened, and a worried Key stood in front of them. They both walked in. 

Oonce Key took  closer look, he was in awe and in shock at what he saw. 


"Taemin! What happened!?! What did he do to you!!?!!"

Key then sat Taemin down on the closest sofa and made his way towards the Brunett.

"Why you little!!!!!!"

"Key stop!"  Taemin cried out. 

"He didn't hurt me!!! Stop being like this! In fact, he saved me from danger!!!"

Key stopped. He saved you?? This man here??

Key turned. "What danger?"

".............He saved me from this bad man, he kidnapped me............... and Minho was brave enough to go after him and save me......"

"YOU WERE KIDNAPPED!!! Taemin, oh my god, why? How!! Who was he!!! Oh my god, what on Earth" Turning swiftly towards the Brunett, "You better give me an explanation to this kidnapper"

Swallowing in the Brunett spoke out, " There's this man, he used to work with me at work, he used to be the pianist, and I ended up replacing him. To cut a long story short, he has some kind of grudge on me and, I don't know why but he targeted Taemin out of no where."

"But, where were you when this happened??? I mean you should have been with him the WHOLE time!"

"I was, but I uhhh kinda had him stand outside the door entry, while I locked up inside. I mean there wasn't anyone else outside and it wasn't gunna take me too long to lock up, just 2-3 minutes or so"

"Mmmhhhhm, except those 2-3 minutes were enough to get my baby kidnapped!!" 

"I want you out of here and---"

Key took a closer look at Minho's hand. His hands were dried up with blood, and one of his hands was holding a part of his hip. 

Is he bleeding down there?

"Uhh Minho right?? Why  are you holding your hip like that?"   Key felt it proper to help the man out. *Sigh*  "Here, both of you come with me." 

Key quickly took Taemin's hand and made way towards the kitchen.

Once in, he sat Taemin down, and went over a large closet to get some medical supplies. 

Walking back towards them Key motioned for Minho to allow him to take a look at his injuries, and to his surprise, what he saw, was horrible.

His right hip was all bruised up with some glass  puncturing it, it was still bleeding, and his hands were scratched up and were dry in blood. 

Taemin's injuries weren't too bad though. A few srcatches here and there, but no bleeding spots, although Taemin said he had a headache. 

Once key wrapped up Minho's hands, after washing out the blood, he sterilized his right hip and washed out all the remaining blood. Removing the glass was the hard part.

Minho at times in air very deeply, bitting his lip afterwords.

"Uhh Key? How's Minho? Is he really that in bad shape?" Taemin was worried.

"Well, yeah. A lot worse than you."

Once Key finished getting out all the glass, he looked up at Minho. 

Key felt some sympathy for him. After all, he did save his Taemin. What else could he do other than treat his wounds?

"Minho? Thank you. Thank you for saving Taemin, I uhhhh was quite a bit shocked when you told me all this, I mean I still am, except I'm a bit more calm now. Thank you. I don't know how I could return the favor."

Taemin interrupted, "Well, Key, I think I know how. He doesn't really have a place to go right now. Isn't he in really bad condition too? Could we let.... him stay the night here? Please?"

Key looked at Minho. *sigh*  I guess he does have a point. 

"Fine. BUT only for tonight."

At that, Taemin sprung up a big smile and stretched his arms out for Key. Key only smiled rolling his eyes and returned the favor. 

How cute. The Brunett thought. 

"Here Minho, you'll be sleeping in the living room. Once I get Taemin upstairs, I'll get you some blankets and some pillows."

"Key I think I can go upstairs by myself." Taemin said securily. 

"No Taemin, your still recovering from your injuries, I'll walk you up there, besides I still need to go up there anyway." 

Once they settled out of the kitchen, Taemin called Minho over and also stretched his arms out.

Minho smiled and embraced the younger one. 

Taemin, you've really opened up to this man.....

"I'll see you in the morning Taemin." 

"Yeah. Have a goodnight." Taemin said smiling.

"Thanks, you too." 

The Brunett saw both of them disappear up the second floor, and sat down on one of Key's couches. 

mmmm This is actually really comfortable. 

Minho heard a few wispers upstairs and once they stopped he heard the same heavy footsteps as before, and in no time, Key was infront of him with a couple rounds of blankets and pillows. 


The brunett took them, "Thanks."

"I'll be getting to bed now, so yeah. Don't make to much of a ruckus down here!"

"Don't worry, I wont." the Brunett said chuckling.

Key nodded and headed towards the stairs.


Key turned his head, "yeah?"



He nodded and began climbing back up the stairs.


Minho layed there, looking out the window, into the starry night.




Today was just,.............. unreal.








A/N :      OMG OMGOMG !!!!!!!!!! I spazzed out myself while writing this chapter!! LOL

Sorry if I had ya there at the beginning ;D I gotta get some fun out of this too you know!!! lol

I love you all!!!!!! Keep supporting my story!!! I appreciate comments and subscriptions :3 <3

(And to one of my loyal readers, I told you Danait!!! I promised I'd update this week! <3 This is dedicated to you for being so patient with my previous update <3 )

And I have one more announcement, I will be joining "Asianfanfiction.com" You will also be able to read this story through there now too ^^ You guys may thank a special person that persuaded me to join, --------------> "JumpintoMyCore"  

I really enjoyed our talk ceil and hope you are reading this message!!! :) Thanks again!!

See you guys in the next update. <3


Usagi out!

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minsagi #1
Thank you for all the kind comments <3
I hate Trish too! lol but we will see what I have planned kekekekek
keep on reading, and supporting my story!!!! Love you guys!!! <3
Chapter 9: I LOVED this chapter!! With the couple necklaces and THE KISS. OMG THEY FINALLY CONFESSED AND ASDFGJJLL. LOL. and I'm glad Jonghyun finally broke up with Trish, but now I'm scared for what she's planning. T-T all in all, great chapter as always! :D I can't wait for you to update soon!!
Chapter 8: Things are heating up! And it's so good! Update soon! I'm anxious for the next chapter!
Chapter 7: I agree with the comment below! I really like the story so far and the things you revealed in this latest chapter show that it's going to get even better~~ I can't wait until you update!! ^o^
JumpIntoMyCore #5
Chapter 3: Minsagi! I'm still reading. :D I thought I'd let you know what I thought so far. And this story is so great! Really! It's so interesting. I hope you can update sometime. ^.^.
Chapter 4: Usagi! :D I really enjoy your fanfic so far~ The plot proved to be interesting from your foreward, and I love all the fluff in your chapters! I love how you describe scenes really well so we could experience what Minho and Taemin are feeling hehe and of course a fanfic wouldn't be complete without diva Key kekeke I can't wait until you update, you left me hanging there with the end >< hehe
Chapter 1: This looks interesting ~ Can't wait for more! I really wanna know how the story would go. And update soon if you can!! ^^
minsagi #8
So guys, there will be more characters soon!!!^^