A new beginning

A Miracle





Minho POV



"Hey, HEY! Wake up!"

The Brunett opened his eyes.

Ahh. mmmmm.  "Key?"  

"Morning" Key said smiling.

"Uh, morning?"  

What's up with him?

"Get up"

With that the Brunett got up from the couch. He took a look at the kitchen and saw Key walking over to Taemin, serving a plate of food to him.

Taemin was eating by himself, to the Brunett's surprise. Minho has never really met a blind person nor would he know their habits or way of living. Taemin struggled a little bit at the start. But it seemed that once Taemin got used to where the cup, food and other items were arranged, he could distinguish them by touch alone. 

Amazing. Taemin, although you struggle, you can still overcome obstacles. 

The Brunett starred at the blind boy for a while, admiring the strength he possessed.

After a while, Key barged back in the living room and the Brunett snapped out of his trance. 

"Are you just gunna sit there?"

"Huh? Oh! No, I'm actually about to leave." The Brunett said, chuckling to himself. 

"Ok then. Well when your done sitting there, just pile the pillows and blankets right over there in that corner." 

Pointing to the corner Key flashed back into the kitchen.

Jeez. What a fiery guy. He's happy one minute and then he's all moody. 

The Brunett stood up and started packing his night stand. Once he piled all the covers and pillows in the specific corner, he made his way to the kitchen. 

To his surprise, Taemin was holding his plate and cup walking towards the sink, however he was cautious at doing so. He was taking one foot at a time, once stopping feeling around the area with one foot to make sure he wouldn't trip. 

Taemin was really something. 

The Brunett moved closer to Taemin. "Here, I can put those in the sink for you."
"Oh! Minho! I didn't notice you there, good morning! And it's ok, I can do it" Smiling, Taemin kept moving closer to the sink. 

The Brunett only nodded. 

Minho pulled out his phone, deciding he would txt a friend and see if he could catch a ride from him back over to his work.

Once he sent the message he quickly put his phone away.

Once doing so, he turned around only to see Taemin has made his way over to the dining table, playing with something in his hands. 

"Hey Taemin. Umm I'll be leaving in a little bit. Take good care of yourself, ok?"

Taemin jerked up, seeming a little shaken. "Huh? Why are you saying it like.... it's the last time we'll be meeting?" 

"Well. mmm i'm not sure if we will. I mean, we might! It's just, I'm not too sure."


Taemin only looked back down, over the silky white table cloth covering the wooden surface of the table.  Clenching his hands on it.


Smiling, the Brunett tried to brighten up the atmosphere, "Taemin, you can always stop by my work, you are always welcome. Okay?"

Taemin looked up, smiling, and nodded. "I'm sure Key wouldn't mind if I visit you."

Minho only nodded, "Right."


Taemin, I hope your right.................



"You're still here?" 

The Brunett turned, and saw Key standing near the kitchen's exit.

"Umm yeah. I'm waiting on someone."

"Well then, would you mind waiting in the living room?"

The Brunett grinned, "Taemin, would you like me to leave the kitchen?"

The younger boy giggled, "No, I don't think you should."


Key just stood there dumbfounded. 

"Oh yes you are!" Growled Key.

"Fine fine. Would you like to join me then , Taemin?"

With that Taemin nodded and made way over to the adjacent room.

Perhaps this wasn't what Key had in mind, both of them sitting on the couch together. It wasn't something he wanted to see any longer. 

"Taemin, why don't you go upstairs."

No response.



Taemin, startled, looked over at the direction of Key's voice, " Keeeeey, can't I go once Minho leaves? We never have company over anyways....."

Minho spoke up as well, " Why can't he stay? Don't you think he's old enough to think and act for himself? Let him be independent."


With that reply, Taemin looked up at the Brunett's direction, startled by the comment. 

No one has given him any motivation in doing things single mindedly. 

"Minho, you stay out of this, it's none of your business."

"But Key, he's right............. I do need to be more independent. Is letting me stay here, to much to ask?"

Key was puzzled at Taemin's change in attitude. 

"Well, no, b-"

Taemin interrupted, "Besides, I just came from downstairs not too long ago. And I don't see anything wrong with staying here with Minho. He's a good guy." Winking a precious smile at Key. 

Sighing, Key resigned his posiition, "Ok, ok. I get your point......... And you!" Pointing at Minho, " You better not make anything worse. I'm warning you."

And with that said, Key stormed out of the area.

"Is he always like this?" Whispered the Brunett.

Taemin turned towards Minho, " No. He's actually really kind, but, he's been really cautious when it comes to me, ever since we left highschool."

"Ever since you guys left highschool? Did something happen?"

"Well, umm yeah. It was during the time I, uhhhh became like, this. Blind."

"Oh sorry! I really didn't mean anything."

"No, no! It's ok, you didn't know." Taemin said, smiling weakly.

"Sorry Tae."

Taemin was flustered at the sudden name.

Tae?? What the hell did I just say? Get it together, why am I all nervous..............

"Ummm, sooo, how are you getting back to work? Is someone really gunna come?"

"Huh? Oh! Yeah, my friend should be on his way. Hahahaha."

Taemin only nodded.

Before the Brunett could say another word, the sounds of a car parking in front of the house were heard.

"Oh, and there he is!!"

Getting up the Brunett helped Taemin towards the front door.

Although once outside, Taemin couldn't see the guest, but he sure could hear him.

"Minho!! I found ya! Hurry up and get in!"

Smiling Minho replied back, "Ok! Just wait a sec Jongg."

But, Minho also made shape of another person sitting beside Jonghyun in the car. A delicate looking figure with rather long hair.


Minho turned to see Taemin, "Hey Taemin, I gotta go now. Promise you'll take good care of yourself?"

Though Taemin wasn't all at the most excited to see the Brunett go, he quickly nodded and gave him a smile, "I promise."

The Brunett nodded. His eyes made one last meet with the younger ones. 

Those eyes. They're still as vibrant as I recalled.

"Minho! Come on!"

The Brunett was taken out of his trance, "Oh! Right!"

"I'll be leaving now Taemin. Kay?"

Nodding, Taemin replied back, "Kay. But Minho?"

Minho looked back, 'Yeah?"

"Will you promise, that, we'll meet up again, that this wasn't som-"

Before the younger one could finish, he was caught off guard by the warm embrace Minho gave.

"Tae, I promise we'll see each other again."

Taemin only held on tighter at those words.

Holding Taemin by the shoulders, Minho spoke up, "Kay, now I'm really leaving ok? Tell Key I said thanks."

Taemin nodded.

And with that, all Taemin could hear were the sounds of Minho's footstoops, and the closing of a car door.


Minho looked out the window.

At the sight of Key coming out, getting Taemin to get back into the house, Minho looked away.

Key, however, took a look at the departing car, making eye contact with the driver.



"Hey Minho. Uhhh who was that guy?"

Accompannying Jonghyun was the sound of a female, "Yeah, who is he? He was waving straight a head of his house, even when we left. Kinda creepy."

At the sound of them Minho looked up at the woman, "Uhh, and you are?"

"Uhh, I kinda asked you something first. Jeez Jongie, your friend has no, manners."

Minho was a bit ticked off at her remark.

"That guy's a friend of mine. And don't call him creepy. He can't help himself if he's blind." Minho blurted out.

"He's blind?" The woman started laughing a little. 

"Is that funny?" Minho shot out.

"No, it's not that it's funny." Holding in her laughs with her hand she continued, "Weeeelllll, maybe just a little."

Then, all that was heard was the synical laughter of the woman. The way she semi-blocked with her hands was as if she didn't care whether or not her laughter was noticable or not. 

Minho only clenched his fists at her disrespect.

"Jonghyun, who the hell is this tramp?"

And then, the laughter died out.

"What did you just call me?" 


"Do you want me to slap you! You have some nerve !"

By the second the woman moved, Jonghyun stopped the car to an abrupt halt, causing both to shift their attentions.

"Minho, I don't want to see you disrespecting my girlfriend like that. And Trish, what the hell is wrong with you? Don't laugh at that guy becuase he's blind, that's so messed up!"


While Trish was pouting, Minho was shocked to hear jonghyun's statement. 

Girlfriend? Since when?

The car resumed to move. The ride over to Minho's work place was a long but quiet one. The Brunett could almost hear the woman's thoughts, those being ones of hatred towards him. He didn't like this woman, she braught an urge of distractions to him in her presence, she braught in aura of wickedness with her. 

Once the car reached the Brunett's workplace, he got out of the car. Jonghyun lowered his window to have a quick word with him before leaving. 

"Hey Minho."


"I know you probably have some questions to ask me, but I just want to apalogize about what she said. And um, I'll tell you whats up later, when I get the chance, ok?"

Minho smiled at Jonghyun, "Yeah, thanks for the ride."

As the car drove away, Minho made his way over to the gloomy blue entrance of the lounge. 

As he was walking in, he couldn't help but spot the car of his boss parked near the entrance.

Weird, he's usually not here until noon.


As the Brunett walked in towards the stage, he was caught off guard by one of his fellow workers.

"Oh hey, Minho! You're kinda' late today, that's unusual." Chuckling.

The Brunett turned.

"Huh? Oh! Hey Miyagi, you caught scared me there."

"Hahaha sorry, 'something the matter?"

"Well, no. Just some things I 'gotta clear out, that's all"


The Brunett smiled meekingly, "Just on some stuff. Oh, hey by the way, don't tell chief I was a little late today, ok?"

Rolling his eyes, Miyagi couldn't help but chuckle a little, "Oh Minho."

Minho isn't usually late to work. He's a good employee, and does his parts to help out the lounge. Perhaps that's why Miyagi complied to his request.

The Brunett went to the back room to get his music notes ready. And at the moment, contemplated on which notes to play for the night.



I guess I could play these.




3 weeks later




Taemin sat in his bed, the silky sheets covering his body.

The past 3 weeks, have been a great experience for Taemin. Ever since the Brunett gave him his schedule, he's been visiting Minho at work a couple times a week. Though it bothered Key to see Taemin spending so much time with the pianist, he had no  good reasons on not letting him go. Taemin would often spend hours past closing hours, simply listening to the Brunett play. On the occassion, the pianist would take Taemin out to a park for a while too, both enjoying the cool air lift their worldly troubles, away. Taemin hasn't experienced so much joy in a long time, and it's becoming clear, just how much the Brunett makes Taemin, happy. 

Although Taemin's never been in a relationship before, he certainly has thought of being in one, and with the intimacy that comes with it too.  How could a teenager not think of such things? Though Taemin has never been touched by anyone, ually speaking, he has thought of it. 

Minho on the other hand, has openly spoken to Taemin, of his past relationships, and Taemin has gotten the feeling that, those relationships were intimate ones. 

Though Taemin doesn't precisely know, how exactly he feels towards the Brunett, he hasn't really given his own uality much thought neither. Even through his highschool years, uality hasn't really crossed his mind. So Taemin in fact does not know, of whether he's heteroual, bi-ual, or just homoual, it hasn't mattered to him at all, he has better things to do. 

But what he does know, is how happy the Brunett has made him, and how relaxed and open minded he can be towards him. What's even better is how both of them can just be themselves around each other. 

Though Taemin could hear how happy he could make the Brunett, he only wished he could see his facial expressions. He hated not being able to see. It made him frustrated. Ever since he lost his vision, he hasn't seen the faces of the people he loves, nor his own. Having no vision is perhaps one of the cruelest punishments anyone can endure. Living day and night not being able to cope with yourself, not being able to see your own self, nor the outside world. What Taemin would give to be able to see, even a little flower again. He has trouble sometimes, even remembering how he looks himself, well how he looked during highschool, who knows how he looks now. He's always wondered whether he looks ugly now, though his friends tell him  the opposite. Now Taemin carries his vulnarability on his shoulders, and can quickly get hurt, and depressed. 

But, he's at last found something that has changed the way he feels. It's something that may only come once.

As Taemin moved around his bed sheets, he heard the ringing of a phone next to his bed.


"Tae? It's me."

At the sound of the Brunett's voice on the other line, Taemins previous thoughts and worries went away.

"Minho! Are you working again tonight?"

"Yeah. Pretty late too. I think you should stay at home and rest tonight though."

Though Taemin was actually at the point of going to sleep, it didn't mean he didn't want to visit the Brunett that night, it's not that hard to get dressed after all.

"But, I wanna visit you tonight. Can't I please?"

"Naw, c'mon Tae, I need you to get a full night's sleep, there's a place I wanna take you out tomorrow, and I'll need a fully functional Taemin in order for that to happen."

Pouting Taemin disagreed with him not being functional from only missing a couple hours of sleep.

"Aww, fine then. Hmp!"

"Awww, it's ok, you'll thank me tomorrow."

"Why, where are you taking me?"

"It's a secret! Now I gotta go now, sleep away! Don't try coming over ok?"

"Ah, but!-"

"No butts, sleep tonight ok? I'll come over to pick you up at 5 tomorrow, alright?"

The younger one sighed, "Alright. Goodnight."

"Goodnight Tae."

At the sound of the other hanging up, Taemin threw the phone over his counter, uncaring of where it landed.

Smiling at the ceiling, Taemin couldn't hide his excitement as much as he wanted too. He wanted to go to that place already, and see what Minho has planned. He crawled under neath his covers, closing his eyes, imagining how the next day could turn out.








So, things have taken a bit of a swing now. This chapter should have revealed everything that will affect the in the near future. I hope you guys have caught on to possible issues that can arise from what is known. 

I revealed how Taemin feels about Minho, how he hasn't even figured out his own self. This should only show, how being blind, can impact you in many ways. His blindness has affected the way he thinks and ultimately the way he reacts to certain things. He can be stubborn, but also very vulnerable. Imagine being blind for a whole day, and only seeing darkness at every moment, that's how Taemin feels. 

Minho though, has no problem with Taemin's disability, except, Taemin has yet to notice.

I've made Minho to be a very open character in this fic, he's open minded and someone that is admirable. 

I already know exactly how this fic will end, but before this happens, lots of things will happen between all the characters (which I already thought of).  What I can tell you guys is that, this fic at the least, should be around 30 chapters long, I want to aim for higher, but who knows. :)

This fic is involving a situation where two people come across an un ordinary boundary. A blind person, and a non- blind person. A relationship can be held by anyone, regardless of race, gender, or uality. It all comes done to how you deeply feel towards someone. I hope that through this fic, you realize that love has no boundaries. 


Please comment and subscribe, and I'll see you all, on the next chapter. :) 


Usagi out~






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minsagi #1
Thank you for all the kind comments <3
I hate Trish too! lol but we will see what I have planned kekekekek
keep on reading, and supporting my story!!!! Love you guys!!! <3
Chapter 9: I LOVED this chapter!! With the couple necklaces and THE KISS. OMG THEY FINALLY CONFESSED AND ASDFGJJLL. LOL. and I'm glad Jonghyun finally broke up with Trish, but now I'm scared for what she's planning. T-T all in all, great chapter as always! :D I can't wait for you to update soon!!
Chapter 8: Things are heating up! And it's so good! Update soon! I'm anxious for the next chapter!
Chapter 7: I agree with the comment below! I really like the story so far and the things you revealed in this latest chapter show that it's going to get even better~~ I can't wait until you update!! ^o^
JumpIntoMyCore #5
Chapter 3: Minsagi! I'm still reading. :D I thought I'd let you know what I thought so far. And this story is so great! Really! It's so interesting. I hope you can update sometime. ^.^.
Chapter 4: Usagi! :D I really enjoy your fanfic so far~ The plot proved to be interesting from your foreward, and I love all the fluff in your chapters! I love how you describe scenes really well so we could experience what Minho and Taemin are feeling hehe and of course a fanfic wouldn't be complete without diva Key kekeke I can't wait until you update, you left me hanging there with the end >< hehe
Chapter 1: This looks interesting ~ Can't wait for more! I really wanna know how the story would go. And update soon if you can!! ^^
minsagi #8
So guys, there will be more characters soon!!!^^