Just Friends?

A Miracle




As the Brunett was making his way to the stage, after talking to Taemin, he was remembering the chat he had with jonghyun about a week before;




"I know what you're thinking, why didn't I tell you I was dating someone, but I can explain"

"Ok, go on then"

As Jonghyun swallowed deeply, he continued;

"I haven't really been talking with even my family, and I've kinda just kept everything bottled up. It's been a little stressful ever since I got here, sooo I kinda just 'wanna get through my days easily. I actually started dating Trish a week after you picked me up from the airport. I know it was a little sudden but... I don't know...... She kinda asked me, and I thought she was cute, so I said yeah. Uhh, but there's been some things about her though....."

"Like?" The Brunett questioned. 

"Like her attitude. I kinda don't like how mean she can be at times."

"She's mean to you-?"

"No not to me, but like to other people. She can be a little cold....."

"Well, I was kinda upset at how she talked about Taemin. I couldn't believe it."

"Yeah I know, and I did talk to her about it. Well, I don't know, I'm just gunna see if I can change that side of her." Jonghyun said smiling. 

"I hope she doesn't bad mouth Taemin like that again. I don't ever want to hear it."

"Ok ok ok, I know. Hey! How about you tell me about this Taemin guy. Why so caring for him anyways? I know he's disabled, but like you don't even care for me that much!" Jonghyun stated playfully.

"Hahaha, not true! I do.   He--..........



-End of flashback-


As Minho walked over to the stage and sat down in front of his piano, all that was on his mind, was a pair of  silky grey eyes.





As morning hit, Taemin woke up, and quickly got out of the silky bed sheets.

Ahhh, today's the day. I wonder what he has planned........

As he undressed, he cautiously made his way over to his bathroom. 

Though Taemin usually didn't care what kind of clothes he would wear on a normal day, today was different, he needed to wear something impressive. 

He so decided to call Key over to help him choose what to wear for the night. 

As Key went over his closet, he was determined to wear something, not knowing for what the occassion was. 

"Hey, Taemin?"

Taemin jerked up, sitting on the edge of his bed, "Yeah?"

"Why do you wanna get all fancy tonight? Something going on?"

"Uhhhh. Kinda."

"Like what?"

Taemin appeared flustered,

"Um well, I'm kinda going somewhere with Minho, uhh he hasn't told me, because it's a surprise."

"Wait what! You don't even know where he's taking you. Do you really trust this man that much? What's so great about him anyways?"

Stuttering Taemin replied back, " Well, yeah, I do trust him. I trust him enough to believe he wont harm me or anything, I think he's a reliable guy. And I don't know. He's just, for once, someone I can call a good friend. He's really nice, and treats me as if I wasn't disabled. He thinks I'm a strong person." 

Key only wondered, why this guy would be so clingy to Taemin. He didn't understand, not that he didn't want Taemin not to have a friend or anything, why he would go to such heights, just to be with Taemin.

Although Key did like seeing Taemin this happy, he did enjoy his sweet mood, why fight him? If this is a way he can make him feel better about himself, then he would. Even if the Brunett got on his nerves. 

Sighing, Key lifted his hands to Taemin and threw a pack of clothing on his lap, "Here, let's get you ready for tonight then."

Smiling, Taemin stood up with his arms open, signaling a hug. 

As they seperated, Key ruffled his hair he spoke, "Now c'mon, you don't want to be a late do you, let's get this done."

Taemin nodded, and they both headed to key's master room, where he had a large bathroom, suitable for a situation like this. 


* This is what Taemin will be wearing -----> http://media-cache-ec5.pinterest.com/192x/3e/e6/84/3ee684492cf4d9e672eedf739e358252.jpg  Feel free to have your own imagination run wild on what shoes he could be wearing. I can't do all the thinking right? lol fit him in your image, so that all of you can experience this story, a little differently. ;)   * 

As Taemin was fully cologned and clothed, Key was headed into his drawers to fix Taemin'a hair. Not single strand of hair could be standing up or misplaced. 


"Am I all done?"

"Yup. Oh wait hold on..."

Key one of his fingers, and placed it under Taemin's cheek, "Sorry, ya had a little smudge there."


"Hahahaha, what? I gotta' have my fun too!"

Whining, Taemin continued, "So what time is it now?"

"It's 4:05." 

"Oh. He said he wouldn't pick me up 'till 5. Now what?"


"Hmmmm how about I make you something really quick."

"Huh? mmmm, ahh  fine, but not too much to eat, I don't wanna have a full tummy that I can barely even move my arms."

Chuckling, Key continued, "No, just a quick snack."

"Alright then."


As they both headed out to the kitchen, Key heard the house phone ringing, "Oh! Let me go get that."

Taemin nodded.


As a few seconds passed by, Key handed the phone to Taemin, "Here, it's Minho."

At the sound of him, Taemin couldn't help but, smile a little.

As their conversation ended, Key quickly questioned the younger male, "Sooooo, what 'he say?"

"He said that he's ready whenever I'm ready, he asked if I was done getting ready and stuff, and so yeah, he's on his way now."

Key replied  then pouted at the end, "Oh. Oh wait, that means I can't make you anything."

The younger male only chuckled, "It's ok, I'm sure I wont starve."

"Yeah yeah. I guess you better go sit in the living room then."



It only took a rough 8 minutes for the Brunett to get to the blind male's residence. 

As he got there, he gave his promises to key, stating he would protect him with his life, but also having Key get Taemin irritated at the ridiculous promise. 

As they walked outside to the cold outside temperatures, Minho opened the car door for the younger one, setting the stage for their big night. 



As Minho began crossing several street lights, Taemin decided to let his curiosity be heard.

"Umm, Minho?"

"Mmm? What's up?"

"Where exactly are we going?"

'Mmmmm, just wait a little bit longer Tae."

At the sound of being called Tae, the younger male turned a birght red.

The Brunett only chuckled. 


16 minutes later

As Minho began to stop the engine, he couldn't help but notice the younger boy had fallen asleep. 

Awww, even when he's sleeping.............

Minho leaned in closer to tap on his shoulder, "Hey, Tae, we're here. C'mon." He whispered.

As Taemin let out a few yawns, he quickly jerked up and tried to open the door. With no success however. 

"Hey, hey, don't rush now. Here I'll go around and open it from the outisde, hold on."

Chuckling to himself the Brunett walked outside to the cold outdoors, and unlocked the door for Taemin.

"There." Minho said.

Pouting, Taemin only replied a little irritated, "I could of done it myself, but whatever."

"Awww, it's ok Tae, we all need a little help once in a while."

But before Taemin could reply, he felt a pair of strong hands pull him out.

"Ah! Wait Minho, hold on!"

Minho was dragging him somewhere. But Taemin still didn't know. 

Slowly though, he began hearing the voices of many people from a far.

As Minho began to slow his pace, Taemin could hear machinery running and the screaming voices of children, screams of excitement, and thrill filled his ears.

He heard adults too, electric games, chitter chatter here and there, and the sound of a waterfall near by, maybe it was some kind of game, or ride he thought to himself. 

And then he heard the voice of a woman approach him and Minho, "Hello and welcome! How many tickets?"

Tickets? Taemin thought to himself. 

"2." Replied the Brunett.

And with that he had his hand held out, and felt  some kind of stamp push on his right hand. 

Taemin pulled his hand into one of his pockets, deciding to pay for his expenses, only  again to be pulled away by a familiar hand.

"Hey! Minho, I could have payed you know!"

"Naw, it's ok Tae, everything's on me today. Besides, I don't wanna wait all day for you to make a payment." He said playfully. 

"Hey!" Said Taemin lightly smacking the Brunett's back.


As, Minho's laughter died away, he stopped. "Hey, do you wanna eat something really quick?"

"Mmmmmm, don't you wanna wait a little longer? Aren't you gunna go on some rides?"

"WE are gunna go on some rides, but there's this one ride where they let you take food with you, and it's kinda long and comfortable. Yeah?"

"Uhh, I guess so then. Wait, what ride are talking about?"

"Hahaha, you'll see." 

As the Brunett guided the younger male to a nearby food stand, he began to smell a flush of smells coming at him. He smelled cotton candy one second, heard the crick crackle sounds of popcorn, sizzling sounds of something greasy, then an aroma of melted hot cheese filled the air, but once he came to a stop, he smelled something that smelled baked. Something that was getting baked or maybe even fried, but he would occassionaly also smell something fresh, like the smell of a grocery store's veggie section. 

"Hey Tae, you you like baked potatoes?"

So that's what it is. Taemin thought.

"Uhh, yeah."

"Cool, I'll order us two, with the cheese and beef inside it, with veggies on the side, is that ok?"

"Uhh, yeah that's fine."

"Ok, good." Smiled the Brunett.

As he ordered, Taemin couldn't feel but a bit uncomfortable. He felt uneasy being around so many people. He was just standing there as he waited for the Brunett. 

Thosefew minutes of waiting seemed like hours to Taemin. 

And as the pianist came with the meals, Taemin was quick to get closer to him, he was feeling uneasy and needed comfort and security. 

"Something wrong Tae?" As he held up the plates of food. 

Taemin got a few inches farther at the question, "Uhh, no, I just still gotta get used to being around all these people."

Lowering the plates, Minho responded, "Oh, it's ok Tae, just hang in for a little bit k'?"

Taemin nodded. 

As Minho was guiding him somewhere, Taemin was hearing the sounds of a motor grinding, and chatters of people everywhere. He could even swear he even heard them from above too, distanced chatters.

"Hey Minho, what is this? Is this the ride you talked about?"

"Yeah. It's a ferrice wheel. it's really big actually. The lines are really long, but I bought us a ticket that could get us to ride it with no wait." He said chuckling. 

"Oh. A ferrice wheel? How big is it?"

"Hmmmm, le'mme see.......... There's a sign that reads that it's 545 ft. tall. And it's.......... 150 m. in diameter. Big isn't it?"

Taemin was a little taken back from it's size.

He looked amazed. 

"What else does it look like?" Taemin asked.

"Hmmmm it has these red highlightes on the side doors, the underneath is blue with a silver pattern, and............... it has a sort of balcony look to it on the side. Oh! It also has these gold lights inside it. Oh and they have a roof too!"

Taemin really loved the way the Brunett explained his depiction of things. It was almost as if Taemin could almost see it in a clear image just from his description. 

"Ooooo, can we go on it!"

Chuckling at the younger's enthusiasm, the Brunett nodded, "'Course!C'mon!"

Smiling, Taemin nodded

As they approached what appeared to be the entrance to one of the wheel's passenger cars, Taemin listened to the instructions, Minho was given.

"Hello, please keep all personal items close to you at all times, and please don't lean on the doors. A full rotation of the wheel is expected to take around 20 or so minutes. Any questions?"

"No." Replied Minho.

"Ok, well then enjoy your ride!"

As the doors to the inside of the passenger seat opened up, both Minho and Taemin made way inside, sitting on the comfortable seats provided. 

As the door behind them closed, the wheel resumed to circulate, at a modestly slow pace. 

"Do you wanna eat those baked potatoes now, Tae?"

Nodding, Taemin replied a gentle yes.

As they both started chewing on their meal, Taemin couldn't help but entertain himself with the noises going on in the world underneath them. 

As the crunching sounds faded away in Taemin's mouth, he spoke up, " Hey Minho, can you describe how the sky looks from this height?"

"Hmmmmm, it's still kinda hard, since we're still pretty close to ground, but you can kinda see the roofs of some of the food stands in the bottom."


"But no worries, I'll keep you updated." Chuckled out the Brunett. 

Taemin jerked his head around and nodded.


As Minho looked into Taemin's eyes, he couldn't help but notice all the ecstacy in his silky grey eyes. 

God Tae, why do you always look so aroused. 

His stare was deepening, and the older male felt tingles in his abdomen. 

Gahhh, no, not now. 


It seems the older male has something in mind, but expressing it, seems to bring some trouble.

As more and more time passed, Minho kept his promise and explained every single movement the wheel made, how much the sky was changing into a light violet red, and how higher they were getting.


C'mon, now's your chance! Go for it!

This is the perfect moment!

 As the sun completely set, all that was visible was the illumination of the the golden lights above their heads, and the strong illumination of the colors beneath them, that sprinkled their presence on to the sky. 

Minho began to sweat, he was nervous for some reason. He wanted to move a little, but something in him was holding him back from doing anything. His state of mind, was only set on one thing. And that was the third illuminating light in his presence.

This light had a strong attraction to it, with a passion behind it. 


"Hey Minho? What's going on outside now? Is the sun gone now? Are we all the way up?"

A couple seconds went by, with no responce following it.


And with that Taemin was cut off;


Taemin jerked up to the direction of his voice, " Yeah? Something wrong?"

"I've been.... uh......... meaning to uhhh,..... mmmmm I don't know how to put this......"


"What? What's wrong? You're kinda freaking me out. Is something going on? Wait, you're not leaving the country or something right??"

"No, no, I'm not, it's just..........."

And at that moment, the Brunett pulled something out of his pocket, handing it to the other. 

Pulling Taemin's hand closer he handed him, something long , it had a couple openings in it, and it felt smooth.



Looking at Minho's direction, Taemin asked, puzzled, "Uhhh, Minho, what is this?"


No response.













I've been busy ignoring my story  doing school work



Anyways, i hope you all enjoyed my update!!! And I'll see you all again, my wonderfull subscribers readers, on the next SOON update 


Usagi out!~

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minsagi #1
Thank you for all the kind comments <3
I hate Trish too! lol but we will see what I have planned kekekekek
keep on reading, and supporting my story!!!! Love you guys!!! <3
Chapter 9: I LOVED this chapter!! With the couple necklaces and THE KISS. OMG THEY FINALLY CONFESSED AND ASDFGJJLL. LOL. and I'm glad Jonghyun finally broke up with Trish, but now I'm scared for what she's planning. T-T all in all, great chapter as always! :D I can't wait for you to update soon!!
Chapter 8: Things are heating up! And it's so good! Update soon! I'm anxious for the next chapter!
Chapter 7: I agree with the comment below! I really like the story so far and the things you revealed in this latest chapter show that it's going to get even better~~ I can't wait until you update!! ^o^
JumpIntoMyCore #5
Chapter 3: Minsagi! I'm still reading. :D I thought I'd let you know what I thought so far. And this story is so great! Really! It's so interesting. I hope you can update sometime. ^.^.
Chapter 4: Usagi! :D I really enjoy your fanfic so far~ The plot proved to be interesting from your foreward, and I love all the fluff in your chapters! I love how you describe scenes really well so we could experience what Minho and Taemin are feeling hehe and of course a fanfic wouldn't be complete without diva Key kekeke I can't wait until you update, you left me hanging there with the end >< hehe
Chapter 1: This looks interesting ~ Can't wait for more! I really wanna know how the story would go. And update soon if you can!! ^^
minsagi #8
So guys, there will be more characters soon!!!^^