A Choice

A Miracle

Dang it! Why can't I find him!

 Minho is in the brink of insanity. His morning so far has been quite the experience. Not only is he having trouble in finding his friend, but he has opened a new feeling, one that he's still unsure of. 



It was then that the brunett's cell phone started to ring, he quickly and frantically, slammed it open, and answered.


"Where are you? I thought you said you knew where you were going" said the man.


"I do, it's just that......." Minho paused.

"It's just that what?" said the man.

"It's just that I've had a bit of a weird morning... that's all" Minho stated.

"I don't know what your talking about, but anyway, maybe if you'd stop running like an idiot and turned around, you might just find me" the man said meekingly. 


Minho without notice, turned and found him. 

"JONGHYUN!" exclaimed the brunett.

It's been a while since Minho has seen Jonghyun, and he was happy now, happy to have the chance to finally catch up to the person that's helped him since the dreary day of him loosing his mother, never to have seen her, with no one to comfort him. 

It was Jonghyun, however that became someone that took the place of a paternity figure towards him, although they were the same age, he still considers him his only "family". 

Minho was though, a little "ticked" off from Jonghyun's previous comment. But nevertheless, he was happy. 

"Jjong!!" Minho rushed over to him, and they both took a moment to embrace each other. 

"Wow Minho I can't believe I had to find you, you really are something" sneered Jonghyun besides Minho's ear. 

Minho only did little to react to that comment. He was being consumed with joy. 

Since Minho's incident, a friend of his mother took him what was then a little home where a young Jonghyun resided. Since then, Jonghyun has been one of Minho's biggest blessings. Hence his current state.


Minho would have asked Jonghyun to stay at his place, if only it was a little bigger that is, unless of course the two of them would sleep in ONE bed, which wasn't a very likely outcome.

"So! Shall we get going?" said the brunett enthusiastically. 

"Yeah, I think I've had enough of this place" said Jonghyun, jokingly.

As they were on their way, Minho couldn't get his mind off of something. He couldn't stop thinking of his incounter.

Just shake it off already!! This is bumming me out.....

"Minho? ............... MINHO!!" 

Minho quickly snapped out, and noticed that they were infront of the exit.

"OH! ahahaha, sorry!" Minho said weakly.

"mmhhm" said Jonghyun bluntly.

As they both walked to Minho's car, Minho couldn't help but admire the view the weather was displaying. A beautiful sight. Snow lay at every corner.  He's already seen how snowy this city could get, but today's, was just different, it was, dare I say, a little jawdropping.  

"Hey! HELLO!?" "Minho you're really spacing out on me today....... " 

Minho just smiled, apalogizing. He opened the doors to his car,  both escaping from the freezing beauty that lay outside. 

"I know it's not a very big car, but it's doable" Minho stated. Jonghyun only smiled and carrried his eyes towrds the outside of the windshield. 

Minho put the car in motion, and headed out the airport. 

"So, Minho"  

"Yeah?" said Minho, with half interest.

"What was it that made your morning 'weird'"? said Jonghyun.

"Well, I just happened to bump into someone that kinda got me thinking, anyway, don't worry about!" said Minho reassuringly. 

"well ok then." "Wait! Was that someone a girl? OHHH did she catch your eye in that way! Oh! It's ok Minho! It's perfectly normal". Said Jonghyun with a deep smirk.

"NO! You know what, just forget it! It doesn't even matter Jjong. jeez you can be such a dork somtimes.... " Said the brunett.

"Gosh, can't  I have some curiosity". Said Jonghyun in a poor attempt to sound heart broken.

"Anyway, where do you want me to drop you off? You never really told me where you were staying at," 

"Oh yeah! hahahaha" Jonghyun laughed out.

As Jonghyun gave directions, Minho obeyed. Surprisingly, it was near the bar where he worked at. 

"Check again, is this the right address?" questioned Minho. "Yeah, it is! Well Minho, let's get together sometime this week if you have the time yeah? I'd love to stay and catch up with you right now, but I knida have a lot of work to do with my new place, and not to mention getting all of my luggage out and organized" Said Jonghyun in disappointment. 

Now that Minho thought about it, Jonghyun wasn't particularly a very organized person.

Minho only chucled and shoock his head. " Yeah we will! And its a good thing too, since I gotta work tonight, well I'll be seeing ya!" exclaimed the Brunett.

Jonghyun smiled and said his goodbye walking up to the etnrance of his hotel, slowly coming out of sight. 


Taemin POV


 "Taemin!" Exclaimed a young, even more feminent looking young man. 

"Oh, uhh sorry!"  said Taemin.

"Gosh! What's going on with you, you're acting sooooo weird today." said the young man.

"Sorry Key, it's just that..."

"It's just that what?" Interrupting the younger boy.

"It's just that I had an incident at the airport, that's all" Taemin said nervously.

"Huh? Wait were people bugging you again! Ughh what have I told you about leaving me without notice?" Exclaimed the young man in a motherly tone.

"I'm sorry Key! It's just that I wanted to feel more independent, I........ I just want to be like everyone else."

sigh Key hesitated for a moment, but decided to speak up

"Taemin, we both know you can't go around without someone with you at all times, besides you get afraid when ever you don't have someone near you, did you forget that?" Said Key in an upset but worried tone.

"NO! well, I do, but... I did have someone by me! That counts!" said Taemin half confidently. 

"And that was?" Said Key in a sassy tone.

"Just someone!" Sparked Taemin.

"Well if I don't know that person, then it doesn't count" Key said objectively.

"Taemin where are you going?" 

"To my room!" exclaimed Taemin.

Taemin was going by,  not through sight, but through touch. Recently Key has been leaving him home alone while he works, with Taemin giving his word not to leave the house. Key was only allowing this to boost up Taemin's self estem. Key knows Taemin wants to be more independent, but as truth has told, that just isn't a possibility. Taemin's been through a lot more over the past years, losing his vision completely, and his parents, having being left with Key to take care of him. Key brought him to his place when Taemin was a highschooler, Key's parents treated him kindly and laid the basis for his new home, until Key would move out and sustain both him and Taemin. Although Key sacrificed his chances of going to college, he decided he had a commitment towards Taemin, he knew he was Taemin's only chance at survival. Taemin himself knew he couldn't go to a college, he knew his blindness wasn't the problem to this, however. It was his lack in confidence. He just doesn't feel secure around groups of people, let alone thousands. 


As Taemin was feeling for the ends of the walls and heading towards the stairs, key followed directly. Watching from a distance.

As Taemin took his first step on the slightly helicle stair case, he wasn;t aware of how off he miscalculated the steps would be. Planting his foot firmly on the stair case, he slipped, falling on his right hand, slightly injuring his back.


"Taemin!!" exclaimed Key.

"Taemin! Are you alright?! Be more careful! Here let me help you up, wait here" As Key removed any lingering hair strands from the boy's face, he turned and headed to the nearby kitchen.

Taemin started sobbing. Confused and angry at himself, he again attempted to climb up those stairs, this time with actual success. He felt for the door at the nearest door at his left, upon entering the mini hallway he turned the door knob, entering a dark small room. Slamming the door shut he cautiously made his way to his bed, having his body collapse on the flat surace of his bed.

It was then that Key stormed in demanding he help Taemin with treating his right arm, but only to get a face filled with grief, neglecting his assistance.

"NO! I'm fine! This isn't the first time I've fallen down! Please, I just wanna be alone, right now." 

"Taemin...................... if it starts hurting, please, just call me, and I'll be right over, ok?"

He only got whimpers. 

It was then that Key strolled over Taemin's bed, planted a kiss on his forehead, and adjusted the postiion the blankets were laid in. 

"Taemin, rest a little ok? Your just a little stressed that's all. Hey to cheer ya up how about I take ya' out somewhere tonight to cheer you up, huh? How does that sound? I know a really great place" Key said joyfully. 

"Where would that place be?" whimpered Taemin. 

"It's just this bar I've been too a few times. They have this pianist, and let me tell ya' he's REALLY good. Don't worry though, the customers and workers there are really kind." Key said reassuringly. 

"NO! I don't wanna go out." Taemin said with a tone.


"Take your nap, then we can talk more about this, ok?" said Key


"Sleep tight!"

Taemin nodded.


Minho POV



Minho was heading out of his appartment, his shift starts in 8 minutes.


He frantically headed into his car and started the engine. As he raced through the headlights, he noticed that it was starting to snow again.

In a matter of time, Minho reached his work, with only a minute to spare.

He quickly rushed in. 

He greeted the few servants, and casually made his way towards the stage, where a brillianlty constructed piano resides. The paino was indeed a marvel. It was long, and full of life. The black shining shades taking the attention complemented by a leather white seat. Truly a bueaty.

Minho sat down and looked over the song pieces he had in stored for the night. 

They were slow pieces, very relaxing and in a way romantic.

As customers were being issued to gather their attention towards the stage, Minho started expelling comulsing sounds. He successfully got the attention from the crowd. As the chatters were leveling down, and the deep red booth chairs with the brown granite tables slowly becoming less and less visible towards Minho, he closed his eyes and started getting into the notes, slowly digging deeper into the notes flowing from the instrument. Slowly incaptivating the audience.


Taemin POV



 As Taemin opened his eyes, he noticed something lay directly beside his feet. 

"Who's there?" he asked.

"It's only me, your key" 

"Oh, hahaahha I knew that" Taemin stated.

mmmhhhm Key thought.

"Hey, ummmm Key?"

"Yeah, what is it" Key said, a little surprised at the sudden action.

"About that bar, I think I wanna go" Taemin said with a smile.

"See I told you!!! Your just a little stressed! You took a nice nap and now your more awake and more functional" Key exclaimed.

"Ahahahaha I guess so." 

Key grabbed Taemin by the hand and pulled him out of bed.

"Come one, I'll help ya' wear something nice"

"Ok!" Taemin exclaimed with happiness.

As they took their time, more precisely 55 minutes, they made their way downstairs, put on their thick coats and headed towards the house exit. They both looked really good. Taemin was wearing nice dark red skinny jeans with a leather jacket. Key was wearing a long peach scarf with a trendy red coat with black skinny jeans. As Key cleared each other's shoulders from the snow, they got in the car, closing Taemin's door, making his way to the master seat starting the engine. 

It was a good silent 30 minute drive. Key parked beside the entrance door of the bar. He took Taemin by the hand and guided him towards the dark blue entrance. As they came in, the first thing Taemin felt was a warming set of notes. Taemin, in all his life has never heard someone play the piano as well as that pianist in the bar did. He fell right for the sounds, and within minutes became attached to the rhythme of the piece being played.

As Key helped him take a seat in a long booth, capable of sitting up too 4 people, Key couldn't help but notice Taemin's facial expressions. He looked amazed, in fact Key couldn't remember the last time he saw such a powerful passion in Taemin's eye's.



Minho POV 

As Minho was finishing producing the last set of notes, he was slowly opening his eyes.

The crowd was quick with appluading. Once Minho finished he bowed, and pushed the leather seat under the paino, making his way down the stage. 


On his way from the stage, he couldn't help but take a glance at the audience that so lovingly cheered and admired him that night. Little did he know the subject his eyes were going to be drawn too. 

A pale white face. Vibrant grey eyes. Silky brown hair.


It was him












OMG OMG!!! I sincerely hope everyone enjoyed this chapter!!!!

Keep sticking around for more 2min!!!! <3

Usagi ~

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minsagi #1
Thank you for all the kind comments <3
I hate Trish too! lol but we will see what I have planned kekekekek
keep on reading, and supporting my story!!!! Love you guys!!! <3
Chapter 9: I LOVED this chapter!! With the couple necklaces and THE KISS. OMG THEY FINALLY CONFESSED AND ASDFGJJLL. LOL. and I'm glad Jonghyun finally broke up with Trish, but now I'm scared for what she's planning. T-T all in all, great chapter as always! :D I can't wait for you to update soon!!
Chapter 8: Things are heating up! And it's so good! Update soon! I'm anxious for the next chapter!
Chapter 7: I agree with the comment below! I really like the story so far and the things you revealed in this latest chapter show that it's going to get even better~~ I can't wait until you update!! ^o^
JumpIntoMyCore #5
Chapter 3: Minsagi! I'm still reading. :D I thought I'd let you know what I thought so far. And this story is so great! Really! It's so interesting. I hope you can update sometime. ^.^.
Chapter 4: Usagi! :D I really enjoy your fanfic so far~ The plot proved to be interesting from your foreward, and I love all the fluff in your chapters! I love how you describe scenes really well so we could experience what Minho and Taemin are feeling hehe and of course a fanfic wouldn't be complete without diva Key kekeke I can't wait until you update, you left me hanging there with the end >< hehe
Chapter 1: This looks interesting ~ Can't wait for more! I really wanna know how the story would go. And update soon if you can!! ^^
minsagi #8
So guys, there will be more characters soon!!!^^