
A Miracle


Please please please, before you start reading, it's very important that you listen to this song, this song will develop the emotional structure between Taemin and our lovely Brunett.  It's a very good paino song, which happens to be the one Minho shall be playing in this chapter.

Enjoy. :) 



Taemin POV


Taemin felt something grab him from behind.

He was settled back on the seat. 

"Here listen to this, just one more, I'm not done yet." 

Taemin listened. 

His heart................... his heart trembled. He felt two rivers flow down. The spirit inside of him, it was in full view. 

Atlast, Taemin was being more open. He felt the rivers, they occassionally stopped, stuttered, and rushed. They rushed to greet his chest. They rushed to greet his heart's aching pain. He felt so anew. 

His past, it came back.

"Where am I?" 

"Is-s, ......... is this really true?"

His past took a step. A step behind him. Something new has set a new path. Taemin, felt it. It felt warm.

The arena changed moods. He no longer felt awkward. 

His fingers. They were being gently carried amongst the key board. Softly touching the ends. 

Minho. Your hands. They're so warm. So soft. I can feel your emotions. They're no different from what I'm feeling. 

They both were simultaneously becoming, one. Their emotions connected, and joined together to create such a lovely tune. 

Minho kept his hand over Taemin's. Once he felt Taemin's hand becoming loose, he started increasing his pace. 

There they were. Both, expressing themselves with no words. Both were blind to the outside world. 

The Brunett had his eyes closed, as Taemin did. He wanted to connect with him as much as he could, or, as much as the music could connect them. 

This piece has never once been played by the Brunett. It came out the moment he felt Taemin's presence. The moment Taemin gave him the chance. 

Sadly, to Taemin's demise, he knew this song would eventually end.

If this song put them so, why should it end? He didn't want that. This song made a spark. It created an attachment. 

It created future events. Both sad, good, mystical, bad, wonderful......


Minho, you, this song. I can't describe it's feeling. I can feel it. I can feel your frustration, your anger, and your loneliness. Lend me the vision your setting on this tune. 

Is it good? I wonder. Your fingers are pacing themselves in so many directions, it's kinda hard to know which key accurately shares this skew vision. 

No matter. I'll feel it's true meaning, even if it's not now, but I will. I'll see it over too. I know I will. I can see your visions. So, I can see the outside too. 

Taemin never noticed the hands gliding him over the keys becoming tense. He gave them a good firm hold. 

Minho, don't be afraid. Don't be nervous. Show me the rest of this toon. I want to see more. Give me it's picture, and I'll give you mine. 

As Minho continued, he felt the small embrace, and kept going. He kept his rhythm. He kept the tone it set and the Vision he was sharing. And so they both were adding on top of it. Increasing the image. 

Slowly did they both come across a point.

They both had.

The realization came in. Both started a broken road, walking on its surface. Now it changed. A single person. That's all it takes to change one's course. Just one.

This feeling couldn't mirror any other. It couldn't be expressed by anything else. It's something that comes from habit. A habit that stemmed from curiosity. It grows as each note was being played. They could both feel the tree that's carrying them to infinity. They can both be the lights that envision the road. 

And their past can become the fog that gently streams behind the new road, behind the tree trunk, and towards the Earth's soil. 

Minho furthered his feelings. Creating such a piece was something he hasn't done in a long time. He hasn't created a new piece in centuries. He kept on playing at his old songs. The re-creation of his past. 

No more!

This is the bridge behind the past. This is change. 

This is a new beginning, and, as he's wishing, something he could endure with someone. The brunett wants this new fortune to  bind them both. 

Taemin is wishing the same. His stand is firmly placed on his new vision. He can see it now. 

Minho kept gliding. Never loosing his grip on the blind male's hands. 

They both kept gliding past the keys. Taemin felt each note more clearly. It gave him a clue to unpuzzling the ideals of the vision. 

Sadly, even infinity has limits. 

The toon's pace was slowing. 

The river was drying up. The tree stopped and the road came to a hault. 

Taemin opened his eyes. 

The brunett did the same, but kept his hand over the younger male's. 

They sat in silence as the last notes were still vibrating across the arena. 





"Taemin, this song. I really meannt it. I don't know but, I've never played this song before. Something hit me, and my thoughts lost control, and I guess this happened." 



Taemin spoke up and rose, "Thank you."

It was just then that Minho noticed two dry trails over Taemin's cheeks. He chuckled.

"Taemin? Were you crying?"

".....Huh?!? Uh Um no!! I think the snow from the outside stained my cheeks, yeah that's it!!"

Chuckling, the Brunett replied back, "Taemin, c'mon, tell me. To be honest, I thought that it was cute"

He thought what? Oh my God. Wait what's this I'm feeling. Taemin stop this nonsense! 

"Uh, ok! Fine! I was, there. I was only because the song was so pretty, and it got me emotional." 

"Aww" Chuckling the Brunett continued, " It's ok Taemin, I don't mind it. As long as it's in a good way."


The two didn't move. Minho's comments were a little strange toward Taemin, and he wondered why a total stranger was being so kind to him. Someone with a disability. 

"Umm Minho?"


"Uhhh, umm nevermind."

"Aww c'mon now Taemin, tell me!" said Minho as he stood up from the leather seat.

"Oh no! It really was nothing. Dont worry about it. Umm So, should we get going? Not that I want to leave or anything! If it was for me, I'd love to spend the whole night listening to you play, uhhh but you know, Key will worry if I don't get going." 

"Oh hahaha, it's ok, I get it. Let me just close up ok? Here I'll you out"

As the Brunett led Taemin outside, Taemin was wondering how the lobby looked, and even of the pianist's looks.

He blushed at the sudden thought and put his head down to hide the burning in his cheeks.

"Uh, Taemin, you ok? I'll leave you right outside by the door for only a minute, I promise I'll comeback. So no worries ok!" The Brunett replied smiling.

Taemin nodded, with a smile, but before the brunett could turn around and head back inside the bar, he felt Taemin tuck on his tux's coat. 

"What is it Taemin? Somehting wrong?"

"Oh, umm just please hurry, I..... don't like being alone."

"Don't worry, I'll be back, just stay here, and I'll even bring you a little something too, ok?"

The sound of a present made Taemin jump in excitement, but was it the present, or the person giving him the present?

Taemin nodded and let go of the Brunett.

As the door closed, Taemin turned around hearing the crunch the snow being made at physical contact, and shivered at the weather.

He better not take too long. 

God it's so cold!!!  

So so cold. Hmmm I wonder if Keys still awake. 

As Taemin continued his wait, a strange sound escaped a nearby bush, and echoed through out the area.

What was that?

The sound returned and this time much much closer to where he was. The sound was accompanied by a sound of "crunching".

"Uhh Who's there???" Taemin blurted out shaking.

The sound stopped. 

A moment of silence filled the air. 



And then it broke, as the sound of tape being measured out, and cut.

"Who's there!! I'm warning you! Stay back!!!!"

As Taemin started to get closer to the door, he heard the crunching sound come closer, and this time with a voice.


A raspy sounding figure spoke,............. 

"My my my, it looks like I have....... a little blind boy."


Taemin's body froze. He started shaking, out of fear. And attempted to grab the door's handle. 

But to even greater dispair, he was grabbed by the wrist, and turned around.






I'm sorry for this ending!! ><

It will be alright. Or will it ;D


Anyways, thank you for reading my story, I really do appreciate it!!!! Please subscribe and comment!!!!! If you have any suggestions tell me!!! My ears will always be open to my readers. :)

And for you silent readers out there, I have my eyes on you! o - o

See you next chapter


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minsagi #1
Thank you for all the kind comments <3
I hate Trish too! lol but we will see what I have planned kekekekek
keep on reading, and supporting my story!!!! Love you guys!!! <3
Chapter 9: I LOVED this chapter!! With the couple necklaces and THE KISS. OMG THEY FINALLY CONFESSED AND ASDFGJJLL. LOL. and I'm glad Jonghyun finally broke up with Trish, but now I'm scared for what she's planning. T-T all in all, great chapter as always! :D I can't wait for you to update soon!!
Chapter 8: Things are heating up! And it's so good! Update soon! I'm anxious for the next chapter!
Chapter 7: I agree with the comment below! I really like the story so far and the things you revealed in this latest chapter show that it's going to get even better~~ I can't wait until you update!! ^o^
JumpIntoMyCore #5
Chapter 3: Minsagi! I'm still reading. :D I thought I'd let you know what I thought so far. And this story is so great! Really! It's so interesting. I hope you can update sometime. ^.^.
Chapter 4: Usagi! :D I really enjoy your fanfic so far~ The plot proved to be interesting from your foreward, and I love all the fluff in your chapters! I love how you describe scenes really well so we could experience what Minho and Taemin are feeling hehe and of course a fanfic wouldn't be complete without diva Key kekeke I can't wait until you update, you left me hanging there with the end >< hehe
Chapter 1: This looks interesting ~ Can't wait for more! I really wanna know how the story would go. And update soon if you can!! ^^
minsagi #8
So guys, there will be more characters soon!!!^^