Crimson red.

A Miracle



Taemin felt a pair of hands grab him. He was dragged to the ground, his back now laying on the snowy floor. 

"Well, well, I was, right. ................... You really are blind." The figure said.

As Taemin was still going through shock, he noticed he was impaired from using his hands and feet. It only took a moment before he was completely weak. Something stung him, and his body felt very light and had trouble in even lifting a finger. 

"Please, please just stop. Let me go please!"

"Quit yapping ya mouth. Just shut up and be a good llittle boy"

The shaddy man lifted him over his shoulder, very roughly, and proceeded towards the street. 

"Just a little more, hehehehe"  sad the shaddy figure.



Minho POV



As Minho managed to lock up the storage room, he walked into the kitchen and browsed the array of cakes in a long fridge.

Should I get him this one.......... or something less extravagent.....................

He then picked one up from the fridge and walked over to a counter to hand wrap it. 


Turning around to lock the kitchen, he pulled out a long sharp key, and inserted it, insde the hole in the door. 

Arriving at the door, Minho happily but hesitant, turned off the lights in the lounge, not before giving the piano stage one more look, and smiling to himself. 



As the winter air splashed onto his face Minho didn't notice Taemin's absence, for his hurry in locking up the metal door. He turned, and saw............................nothing. Nothing but a few areas of the snowless floor infront of him. 

Where is he? 

"Taemin?........... Taemin!!! Where are you!"


As he made way further towards the street, he still was unable to locate him.


But then.............. in a flash of light beaming at his face, he saw the headlights of a dark old van several feet away from him, light up. He took a closer look at the individual on the wheel, and saw a wicked man grinning at him. It was a grin of pure disgust. 

He knew that face, and wished he hadn't seen it's face. 

Dropping the treat, he ran towards that vehicle, at an attempt to halt it from getting away,  a leaking treat, staining the snow red from it's contents was left behind him. 





"STOOOOP!!!!!" The Brunett made it, only to jump on the vehicle though. Once he jumped he felt a little pain from the impact it had on his right arm and leg. 

Damn it! Stop!!! 


He took hold over the van's roof and held to it tightly.

The Brunett's head was laying on the dirty roof, and he could hear faint screams.



"Taemin!!! Is that you! Don't worry I'm here!! I wont let anything happen to you, got it!"


His whimpers were still there.

Damn it!

The driver drove very recklessely, almost having Minho fall off several times. His hands were becoming stiff and the freezing winds were handing out quite a bit of blows on his body. 


Some people standing by noticed Minho, but the van went pass them too quickly for them to take any action. 

It was then that the Brunett was going to take action. Minho quickly formed a fist and with his left hand attempted to smash the driver's window. Minho only managed to crack it, He then moved in smashing the windshield. 


The brunett managed to shatter part of the windshield, perhaps it was his growing frustration that allowed him to this time. The shattered pieces of glass quickly, through the gushing winds, made a move unto the driver's seat. 

Some of the sharp glass went directly at the kidnapper's face. To Minho's demise, the thief made an abrupt halt, causing the force of the halt to throw Minho over the engine. 

The brunett felt sharp stings on parts of his body, following that a menacing grin from the thief. 

Before the thief could make a move, Minho quickly ran to the driver's door and pulled on the handle.

Locked. Damn it!

He could only see the thief mumbling something between his lips.

Quickly, Minho climbed back on over the van's roof, and clung on.

The thief was twisting and twirling the car trying to get the Brunett to fall off. Minho was tense but committed, and hung on well. 

He wouldn't let this crazy man do as he pleased with Taemin. 

As the thief was getting distracted at getting the Brunett off, he didn't notice an upcoming dead end. Beside the road was an empty park. The thief quickly, seconds before hitting the wall, made a hasty turn towards the park. The van, slamming into the sidewalk jumped half a foot into the air causing Minho to yet again tip over, the van close to also tiping over, kept rushing closer towards the inside of the park. 


It was then that..........

the sounds of a crash were heard.

The van crashed unto a nearby tree. The thief  thinking it was wiser  to make a turn, disregerded a lot of trees on his left, and already from the speed the van was going, made it even more impossible to avoid the tree and stop. 

Minho, now having two bloody arms, made his way towards the site. Leaving a trail of red drops paint the white coating of the park. 

The Brunett heard a click  from the van. The menacing man got out, with a bloody face, and headed towards the back doors of the van. 

Once the man opened the two back doors, he felt a pair of hands grab his shoulder.

The Brunett smashed the thief's face with the knuckel's of his left hand, causing the thief to tip over. 

But Minho wasn't done, as the thief got up, Minho followed up with a swift kick to his gut. 

The menacing man coughed up blood, but neither was he about to give in. The theif got out a a pair of pocket knives, and proceeded in giving  Minho a look of warnings.

"Come any closer and I'll make sure I stab you right in the heart! And then I'll slice up your little friend too."

"Not a chance! Be worried about me first ,scum!"

"HAHAHAHA, we'll see to that!" 


Both prepared. Made eye contact. And then made their move.




A sound of metal penetrating a body was heard, through the silence.  A gush of red coated  part of the cold icy floor. 


"You...... You'll pay for this....."





The chills of the wind took over and crunches from foot steps were heard, making their way towards the van's back doors, insidious to the dark, sky of the crimson red night. 




OMG I'm sooooooooooooo sorry for this late update!! T_______T  

I promise you I wont end this story from not updating, I WILL finish it. I will do my best at updating every week T___T school can be a little hard at times. urrrg, why can't my teachers understand that I must feed the 2min feels of my readers!!!!! ughhh 

Anyways, I hope you guys enjoyed this chapter, and stick along for the next to find out who gets our Taemin ;D hehehehehehe

And again, you silent readers better make an account and subscribe!!! lol JK

I'm sorry again!! ><

I love you all, and see you guys in the next, soon update!!!! <3 <3 <3



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minsagi #1
Thank you for all the kind comments <3
I hate Trish too! lol but we will see what I have planned kekekekek
keep on reading, and supporting my story!!!! Love you guys!!! <3
Chapter 9: I LOVED this chapter!! With the couple necklaces and THE KISS. OMG THEY FINALLY CONFESSED AND ASDFGJJLL. LOL. and I'm glad Jonghyun finally broke up with Trish, but now I'm scared for what she's planning. T-T all in all, great chapter as always! :D I can't wait for you to update soon!!
Chapter 8: Things are heating up! And it's so good! Update soon! I'm anxious for the next chapter!
Chapter 7: I agree with the comment below! I really like the story so far and the things you revealed in this latest chapter show that it's going to get even better~~ I can't wait until you update!! ^o^
JumpIntoMyCore #5
Chapter 3: Minsagi! I'm still reading. :D I thought I'd let you know what I thought so far. And this story is so great! Really! It's so interesting. I hope you can update sometime. ^.^.
Chapter 4: Usagi! :D I really enjoy your fanfic so far~ The plot proved to be interesting from your foreward, and I love all the fluff in your chapters! I love how you describe scenes really well so we could experience what Minho and Taemin are feeling hehe and of course a fanfic wouldn't be complete without diva Key kekeke I can't wait until you update, you left me hanging there with the end >< hehe
Chapter 1: This looks interesting ~ Can't wait for more! I really wanna know how the story would go. And update soon if you can!! ^^
minsagi #8
So guys, there will be more characters soon!!!^^