Chapter Twenty Two

Laws Are Meant To Be Broken.

As if it was his intuition, Niel burst into the room while Chunji and L.Joe were hugging. Immediately the two parted, both of them blushing, and jumped across the room in opposite directions as if there had been some sort of invisible explosion between them. 
‘Chunji! You’re awake! Are you okay?!’ Niel cooed running towards Chunji. Chunji giggled and nodded. Once Niel had looked over Chunji quickly and confirmed that he was indeed okay, well for the most part, he turned to glare at L.Joe.
‘You! What were you doing to Chunji?! Why were you in here?! Why didn’t you come get me?!’ he started bombarding L.Joe with questions.
‘Niel, it’s okay. He was only bringing me food. And he was on his way to come get you but I stopped him.’ Chunji interjected.
‘Oh…okay then. I’ll let you off this time but only because Chunji backed you up!’
L.Joe chuckled shaking his head. As annoying as this fish-lipped boy was, he was a good friend and he was glad that Chunji had him to protect him, because though he tried to ignore it a part of him felt that he wouldn’t be able to fulfil his promise to Chunji and that he might end up being the cause of Chunji’s pain instead.
‘Anyway, Onew-hyung said to bring Chunji down to the kitchen when he woke up so he can give him some magical, healing chicken.’ Niel said pulling Chunji towards the door. Chunji hesitated at the door, hanging his head low.
‘What’s wrong Chunnie?’ Niel turned to face the boy, his voice filled with concern.
Before Chunji could open his mouth to speak, L.Joe moved towards him and hooking his finger under Chunji’s chin he lifted his head to face him.
‘You’re scared of my father right?’ Chunji nodded slowly. ‘Don’t worry. Everything’s okay, I sorted it all out.’
Chunji instantly felt his worries melt away and his heart warmed. They stood there for a moment looking at each other before Niel interrupted them.
‘Yah! What is this?! Paws off L.Joe!’ he shouted slapping L.Joe’s hands away. ‘Come on Chunji, let’s go!’ grabbing Chunji’s wrist and pulling him out the door leaving a blushing L.Joe behind.
‘Ricky, let go of him! He’s trying to eat! You’ll make him choke!’
‘Maybe your ugly fish-lips will make him choke!’
‘Yah! Come here you little brat!’
Chunji smiled as he watched his friends mess around as Onew served up yet another helping of food for him. He looked around the table at all the new friends he had made laughing and chatting, and he felt happy. They had all acted normally when they had seen him so he could only assume that what L.Joe had said was true and that he had sorted it out with the King. Speaking of L.Joe, the boy was sat across from him staring at him but he could tell from the absent-minded look in his eyes that he was actually thinking rather than registering the boy in front of him. Chunji was about to open his mouth to ask what L.Joe was thinking about when the door to the kitchen opened and Taeyang walked in.
‘L.Joe your father would like to see you,’ Taeyang said before turning to Chunji ‘and that boy.’
Chunji’s heart was beating out of his chest and a lump formed in his throat reminding him of the pressure of the hands that had been enclosed around it not even 24 hours earlier. L.Joe walked close by him as Taeyang led them to Jiyong’s private office, with a reassuring arm hovering around Chunji. When they reached the door L.Joe stepped forward and exchanging a glance with Taeyang, he knocked on the door. When Chunji heard the King’s voice calling out from inside he shrunk away from the door and backed away but before he could even take a step, L.Joe’s arm was wrapped around his waist and was pulling him forward.
‘Everything will be okay. Remember what I told you.’ L.Joe whispered into his ear. Feeling slightly braver Chunji stepped forward through the door way into the room.
It was a very dark room, with bookshelves along the walls and a black granite floor, this was not helped by the blackout curtains being drawn. At the far end of the room was a beautiful wooden desk with carvings of woodland creatures on its legs and sitting at it was L.Joe’s father, King Jiyong.
The King raised his head from the papers he was looking at immediately locked eyes with Chunji, not even bothering to glance at the two other people in the room. 
‘Aha, Lee Chunji yes?’ Jiyong’s voice cut through the tense air.
‘Yes, my lord.’ Chunji whimpered bowing in front of the man.
‘Stand up straight, there is no need for that’ Chunji complied.
‘I called you here to apologise to you Lee Chunji and to welcome you into my palace and my service. I was tired from my trip last night and was not quite myself. I mistook you for someone else but now that I look at you, you share no resemblance with that person whatsoever.’
Both Chunji and L.Joe were taken aback, this is not what either of them expected.
‘T…thank you, your highness’ Chunji bowed again.
‘If that’s all cleared up then you may take your leave. I’m sure you are quite busy.’ Jiyong said once again returning his gaze to his work.
‘Yes, your highness.’ Chunji replied, turning to leave with L.Joe in tow. 
‘Kevin.’ Jiyong called out just as Chunji reached the door. Chunji stiffened a little but turned to face the King.
‘I’m sorry, your highness?’ he asked trying to maintain his composure.
‘Kevin. Do you know anybody by that name?’
‘No, your majesty. I do not.’ Chunji spoke through gritted teeth fighting back the tears that stung his eyes threatening to escape.
‘That’s a shame. Anyway you are free to leave.’ 
Chunji bolted out of the room as fast as he could and got to the end of the hallway before he crumpled against a wall, L.Joe was instantly by his side.
‘Chunji! Chunji are you okay?’ 
‘Yeah, just a little light-headed.’ Chunji said pulling himself off the ground after a few deep breaths. Just then Dongwoo ran up to the pair, panting slightly.
‘L.Joe-ah! Chunji-ah! I’ve been looking all over for you!’
‘What is it Dongwoo-hyung?’ L.Joe asked
‘Well…haha…the funny thing is…I had a message for you guys…but because of what happened last night I didn’t think it was the right time and then I could have told you this morning…but I slept in and forgot. And by the time I remembered I had to tell you something I was too hungry to think straight so I had to go get breakfast and lunch!’ Dongwoo rambled on obviously anxious
‘Dongwoo-hyung just shut up and tell us what it is.’ L.Joe was becoming impatient
‘Well last night someone came to the gate. He was acting weird so they put him in the dungeons.’
‘How was he acting weird?’ L.Joe all but shouted
‘Well..,’ Dongwoo turned to Chunji, ‘he’s been asking for Chunji-ah since he got here. It’s all hes said.’
‘What?! What does he want with Chunji?! Who is this bastard?!’
‘Jiyong! What was that?! I thought you finally got that that boy has nothing to do with Kevin?! What were you doing asking him those things?!’
‘Taeyang…you are my closest friend but do not dare to question my judgement. I know that boy has something to do with Kevin, seeing him again and seeing his reaction has only confirmed my belief.’
‘Jiyong, you’ll hurt yourself more. Just let go of this. Let go of him.’
‘Taeyang. I am telling you now, do not over step your boundaries. You can leave now; I have some work to do.’
Taeyang moved to leave the room but just before he did he turned back to Jiyong.
‘Fine, if I can’t reason with you then there’s something you might want to know. A strange boy turned up at the gates last night and since then he has only been asking to see Chunji.’
Jiyong quickly looked up from his work.
‘What is his name?’


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StolkerDeer123 #1
Chapter 23: Please Update!!!!
strafield #2
Chapter 3: i was so damn serious until "my unicorn gave birth to chicks-" i creyy X'D
Chapter 20: i hope it's changjo! xD
pls update soon
Kazaria #4
Chapter 20: IS IT CHANGJO?!?!

Update soon!
Chapter 20: Update soon!!
Chapter 19: yay you updated!!
it's okay i'm still enjoyed this chapter~
pls update soon
Chapter 19: oh my god.. kevin???
Chapter 18: oh my god... pls update soon;;