Chapter One(Prologue?)

Laws Are Meant To Be Broken.


‘L.Joe get up’...’there I tried. It’s no use. Let’s go back to sleep’

‘No hyung, we aren’t leaving till he’s up. Now try again’

‘Yah. L.Joe get up. NOW!!’  *pulls duvet off the bed, pulling the boy clutching onto it as well in the process*

The boy now lying on the floor, half covered by his duvet he has now let go of, sits up and opens his eyes and turns to the two males standing over him.

‘What part of ‘treason is punishable by death’ do you two not understand’ he asks. ‘How can you act so informally and familiarly with a prince and your future King.’

‘Oh come on hyung. You need to get ready fast.’ the shorter of the two say linking his arms with the L.Joe as he stands up off the floor.

‘ What is it that’s so important for you to wake me so early’ L.Joe asks the boy clinging onto him.

‘Well C.A.P. hyung will tell you. C.A.P. hyu....YAH. Have you gone back to sleep again’

‘Leave him Ricky. What was it already?’

‘Well your father is sending you out on patrol. Apparently there has been rumours of sorcery being performed near the northern borders of the Kingdom and your father...’

‘WHAT!!! Why didn’t you tell me sooner, my first patrol! And it’s in the furthest part of the Kingdom. AWESOME!! HURRY UP LETS GO!!’ the blond shouted running to get to his closet and tripping over C.A.P.  who was curled up on the floor sleeping in the process, effectively waking him up.


Authors Note: They'll probably be longer than this after this chapter. Love Kizu = P

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StolkerDeer123 #1
Chapter 23: Please Update!!!!
strafield #2
Chapter 3: i was so damn serious until "my unicorn gave birth to chicks-" i creyy X'D
Chapter 20: i hope it's changjo! xD
pls update soon
Kazaria #4
Chapter 20: IS IT CHANGJO?!?!

Update soon!
Chapter 20: Update soon!!
Chapter 19: yay you updated!!
it's okay i'm still enjoyed this chapter~
pls update soon
Chapter 19: oh my god.. kevin???
Chapter 18: oh my god... pls update soon;;