Chapter 11

Laws Are Meant To Be Broken.


L.Joe’s POV:

We were approaching Andromeda’s gates and I was getting excited. I’ll be taking Chunji on a tour, we can go riding, and we can go to the city market and visit the city zoo and go shopping too...Niel can come too...wait no scratch that, someone else can take that annoying kid. Of course we’ll have to do all this after Chunji’s fully recovered. I snapped out of my thoughts when I felt the body in front of me trembling. ‘Hey Chunji, are you okay? Are you cold?’ I asked, I was worried. He just nodded his head and he stopped shivering. Suddenly, we were right in front of the city gates and they were opening up for us, people were lined up to greet us but that’s not what I was focusing on. Chunji had begun hyperventilating, choking on his breath and shaking harder than before. ‘Chunji? Hey Chunji are you ok?’ The other guys had also noticed there was something wrong and were calling him too but it was as if he couldn’t hear them. He began shaking harder, if that was possible and I tried to calm him down but it wasn’t working. ‘Help! Someone help!’ I called and they probably thought I was the one who needed help because suddenly there were about six arms on Chunji pulling him off the horse and attempting to carry him away but Chunji was kicking and screaming instantly. I tried to stop them taking him but they couldn’t hear me over Chunji’s scream, and no matter how hard he resisted, he was too weak to fight off the three huge guards.

They were carrying him off into the palace and I had to dodge the masses of citizens and guards alike. I could hear the others trying to the same. I followed Chunji’s screams and soon saw them a few metres ahead of me in the corridor.

‘STOP RIGHT THERE AND PUT HIM DOWN’ I shouted enraged, they turned to look at me, confused looks in their eyes. While they were distracted, Chunji’s flailing limbs freed themselves, one of his hands whacking one of the taller ones, Chansung I think his name was, square in the face making him reel backwards and one of his feet hit another one(Taecyeon?) in the crotch making him double over. From the pain and shock, they dropped Chunji onto the marble floor and I immediately ran over to him, glaring at the three guards in the process. I sat on the floor beside Chunji and pulling him up into a hug, began rocking him back and forth, rubbing his back and saying whatever reassuring things I could come up with into his ears. ‘I’ll protect you’ I kept repeating but I was almost sure he couldn’t hear me. His screams were painful, not to my ears but they hurt something inside. Eventually he calmed down and fell silent, I carefully scooped him up into my arms, bridal style and slowly picked him up, worried he would get scared again. I kept walking till I got to my bedroom, there I kicked the door open and laid Chunji down on my bed. I pulled the covers over him and sat on the side of the bed. I looked at him, he had his eyes wide open looking at me but I knew he couldn’t really see me. He looked so empty yet scared at the same time, that I was truly worried for him. Were these effects of his wounds? Did we get here too late? I had only known him for little over a day and most the time he had been asleep but he was important to me. I didn’t want to lose him. I leant forward wanting to pull him into a hug again and comfort him but someone burst into the room, shouting for me to get away from Chunji. Before I could even turn around to even see who it was, I was pulled off the bed and thrown back into someone, L. He straightened me up and I looked back to my bed to see Niel already under the covers, cradling Chunji protectively and glaring at me.

I went to step forward but Niel hissed at me. ‘Don’t come any closer.’ It seemed that Chunji had fallen asleep and so I backed away, not wanting to wake him. Plus, it appeared Chunji didn’t need my help, Niel was better at helping him and giving him what he needed. The thought of that made me angry but I didn’t understand why.

‘I’ll go get the physician’ I said walking out the room. I wonder where Niel stood with Chunji. Are they related? Are they best friends? Or are they more, are they...wait no. That can’t be possible. It’s too wrong.

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StolkerDeer123 #1
Chapter 23: Please Update!!!!
strafield #2
Chapter 3: i was so damn serious until "my unicorn gave birth to chicks-" i creyy X'D
Chapter 20: i hope it's changjo! xD
pls update soon
Kazaria #4
Chapter 20: IS IT CHANGJO?!?!

Update soon!
Chapter 20: Update soon!!
Chapter 19: yay you updated!!
it's okay i'm still enjoyed this chapter~
pls update soon
Chapter 19: oh my god.. kevin???
Chapter 18: oh my god... pls update soon;;