Chapter Five

Laws Are Meant To Be Broken.


They had been riding in silence for god knows how long and night had fallen upon them. No one had questioned L.Joe when he had told them to keep moving and the prince hadn’t said anything since then.  They had all been wondering what the man had told the young prince in front of them. C.A.P. was worried for his best friend, he knew that L.Joe had lived a pretty sheltered life and so hadn’t really seen any form of suffering let alone death.  But he decided it was probably better to let L.Joe come to terms with it himself and he would explain everything himself in time.

About an hour later they were still riding through the woods, there was still no sign of the prince wanting to stop soon and C.A.P. was seriously considering sleeping right there and then leant forward on his horse however just as soon as he did he heard Ricky somewhere to his right squeak and Hoya say ‘I suppose we’re here’. C.A.P. looked up and saw the definite shapes of buildings in the distance and some lights. It was weird to suddenly hear noises and voices since it had been quiet between the seven young males and so it was a little awkward.

‘I hope there are good looking girls wherever here is’ said Woohyun trying to lighten the mood in his own way. However it didn’t last long because as they approached what seemed to be a village a gust of wind blew their way and a dreadful smell filled their noses, a smell that none of them would be able to forget for the rest of their lives, it smelled of death. Not the peaceful sort where people pass away beautifully in their sleep, but the most gruesome and painful sort. So it’s probably more appropriate to say that it smelled like murder. C.A.P. tried to cover his nose with his shirt and looked around seeing the others doing similar things, looking at L.Joe he saw the boy grimace but he didn’t make any move to block his nose instead he dug his heel into his horses side and began galloping towards the village. The other six followed suit and within minutes they were at the villages gates. The prince motioned to them and they all dismounted. Again at the princes signal they all drew the swords and stepped into the village. They walked past rows of houses and the smell became even stronger, when they looked through the windows they saw disfigured bodies of all sizes and blood everywhere. They all felt ill but they had to search for survivors. They stepped into a clearing which seemed to be a square and before any of them could see what was going on, L.Joe began running towards what seemed to be well and a mass of black which were probably humans and the reason why L.Joe ran. As C.A.P. approached the mass of black that L.Joe was now knelt next to, he could hear sobs and whimpers and once he was close enough he saw that it was a young boy that was making these noises. He couldn’t have been much younger than C.A.P. himself and in his arms was another figure that he was hugging close to himself and rocking back and forth. L.Joe seemed to be trying to pry the other body from the young boys hands while whispering things like ‘It’s alright...we’ll help you’. The boy was putting up quite a fight but due to the condition he was in L.Joe managed to pull the body out from his clasp, walking away with it and instantly the boy began wailing and sobbing harder. But soon C.A.P. had pulled the boy into his embrace and began soothing him, not knowing himself when he decided to do so.

L.Joe’s POV:

As if something was pulling me, as if I knew where I needed to go I was walking past rows of houses, forgetting to look for survivors, signs of danger or what caused this. As soon as I reached the square and saw the figures by the well I knew that they were what I was looking for and I began running towards it though I was already pretty exhausted.

As I approached I heard crying and was able to see the boy it was coming from. He was really pale but what caught my attention was the body he was holding in his arms and clutching to his chest. I tried my best to calm him down and eventually I managed to pull the body from him. He began crying harder but I felt I needed to do this, was this the person that man had said I needed. I picked the body and began carrying it away bridal style. They are really light, must be a girl I thought still not having looked at their face.

I kept walking and soon came to a church, kicking the door open I walked instead and just I had hoped it was untouched and as it should be. Whoever had attacked this village had used powerful dark magic but no matter how powerful it wouldn’t be able to harm a holy place. I walked up to the altar at the front and laid the body down and for the first time I saw the person’s face, or boy’s face I should say. Though he was obviously male he was beautiful in a way I thought only certain girls and angels could be. Though he was bruised and at deaths door, if he wasn’t already dead, he still looked beautiful. Snap out of it L.Joe, this is wrong. Now to help this boy. I leant over him, my face inches from his and I listened for his breathing, it was light but steady. I took off my cape and draped it over him and as fast as I could I gathered all the candles there were nearby and place them around the boy, not so close that his clothes might catch fire but close enough so that he could be slightly warm. The candles threw light over his face and his features were defined and again all I could think of is how beautiful this boy was. However as I was looking, (not staring definitely not staring) I noticed a cut that ran from his jaw line down to somewhere beneath his shirt and what seemed like rope marks around his throat. Curious I pulled back my cape and slowly ed his thin shirt. As soon as his shirt was undone, I was horrified. His whole torso, his whole body to the hem of his trousers was covered in bruises, cuts and burns. Every inch if the beautiful, pale, milky skin was covered in them and the more I saw the more I was angered. I searched in my pocket and found some ointment, as carefully as I could, I applied some to the particularly nasty looking wounds.  I reached the hem of his trousers and was about to pull them down but soon I realised what that would mean and I found myself blushing. What the heck Byunghun!! Then I thought about the abuse he had gone through and whether he had suffered other types other than physical. That thought made me angry. I buttoned his shirt and also pulled my jacket onto him and then draped my cape over him again. I thought that I should go get the others but I didn’t want to leave the boy like this so I decided to stay and try to find ways to make the boy warmer. No matter how hard I thought the only thing I knew that could help was body warmth. My body warmth. And so I took off my armour and lay down next to him, placing his head on my shoulder and draping my arm over him, careful not to put it over some of the wounds I knew were there.

Lying there I looked at his sleeping face, he still hadn’t moved yet but I knew he was alive. I started thinking of what the man had said earlier that day and just how this boy would fit into that. For the first time in a long time I forgot about pleasing my father, being a prince and most importantly I forgot about the three most important laws.

Authors Note: Sorry I didn't update yesterday and that today's is really late. I went to Hyper Japan today with some of my mates. To people that don't know what it is it's like a Japanese convention, with lots of stuff from Japanese culture. I mostly went there for the anime, maga, food and a Kpop stall they have. Please answer the poll because I can't really write another chapter till I know the results. Thank you guys. 


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StolkerDeer123 #1
Chapter 23: Please Update!!!!
strafield #2
Chapter 3: i was so damn serious until "my unicorn gave birth to chicks-" i creyy X'D
Chapter 20: i hope it's changjo! xD
pls update soon
Kazaria #4
Chapter 20: IS IT CHANGJO?!?!

Update soon!
Chapter 20: Update soon!!
Chapter 19: yay you updated!!
it's okay i'm still enjoyed this chapter~
pls update soon
Chapter 19: oh my god.. kevin???
Chapter 18: oh my god... pls update soon;;