

Chapter 8


It’s been full four months since Daehyun has stayed with the Bang’s family and everything went well as expected. 

In the past four months, Daehyun has been doing very well. From the shy and scared boy who has built the wall up between himself and others, have turned to be someone who is cheerful and livelier than before. During those times, he has been opened himself up to everyone more and more than he ever does. After arrived at the place for three week or so, all of his sickness was finally heals. Because of that, both Youngjae and Yongguk were allowed him to do more things on his own. That’s when his adventure around the house begins. At first he starts to wander around the house (or a mansion to be exact and with Mrs. Bang and the other’s permission of course), in order to get familiar with it.  Since Daehyun is a fast learner, it’s only took him a short among of time to learn the structure of a large house.

After that, he went around the house to see if there is anything he could help with. Being taking a very good care by everyone in this wonderful place without having to do anything makes him feel somewhat useless. He wanted to at least do something in return for these people. He didn’t want to remain useless like this and even though he isn’t much of an active person, there should still be something that he could do. So what he did is going around asking everyone if there is anything he could do for them.

At first, most of the workers didn’t want him to help them with anything. For a couple of reasons is that he is their young master’s special person and was a small and a weak boy in which they’re scared that in one point, he might get hurt. Not that they’re afraid that they will be punish by their master or anything but they didn’t want him to get hurt just like their master does.

However, because of Daehyun’s strong will, no one could stop him from doing so. Everyone would have to give up to him due to the adorable pleaded eyes he makes and how he plead them and pester them (in a nice way) for him to do or help with something . Therefore, he was assigned by all those people that he’s offer help with to do a small work on the household chores to the point where he could decide what to do by himself without having to bother anyone. This is part of the reasons that made everyone loves him within a short time.

In most of the time when Daehyun didn’t have anything to do, he’ll be relaxing in the flowers garden, sometimes reading, singing quietly to himself, or just simply lying there on the soft grass and enjoy the beauty of the nature. One time after finished singing in the flower garden, the sound of someone’s applause was heard from the behind and its turn out to be no one else but Mr. Bang. This is another talented that Daehyun had in which he didn’t think it himself but it’s what a lot of people has tell him about. The day after that, Mr. Bang then led him to one of the music room in the house that Daehyun didn’t know it exists. Mr. Bang said that it’s a room that he and Yongguk sometimes using to composed a song for fun but that’s was quite a while ago and that it’s a room for everyone who would like to practice in music, that it’s a room for Daehyun too so that he could be more concentrating and more comfortable while singing. From there on, whenever he didn’t have anything to do, he will be sitting by the piano, playing a soft melody and singing along with it.

As time keeps passing, Daehyun had become one of the most important parts of the family. Everyone loved him and was very protectively toward him as he was going to disappear or something. To everyone, he was a light that is shining and brightening up their everyday lives. Since he came in to the house, he has added more colors to it and makes everyone somehow feels as he was here with them from the beginning and eventually going to be with them forever in which Daehyun’s too, had feel the same way as they are. For him, everyone in this place was very attentive and empathizes to him which makes him feel that no matter how much he tries to return them a favors, what he’ll do would still be something that can’t even compare to what he’d receives from them. Thinking about it, it’s doesn’t matter for him right now because all he wants is to be with them… with all of them…especially Yongguk’s… to be with them and slowly keeps pay back to them even though he knew that he can’t. Its might sound selfish but it is what he felt at the moment…that it is something right, something that he’s already make a decision on…


That he will continue to stay with them…


To staying with Yongguk no matter what will happend…




Thinking back about the time he has spent with the Bang’s family, Daehyun recall that it’s had been four months now. Four months since he first met Yongguk and four months since he last visited his parents and Ms. Jung’s grave… When realizing about it, the feeling of guilty suddenly take over him because he haven’t concern much about them during the past time being which again make him feel very bad. Once bringing to mind about this, Daehyun think that it’s now time for him to finally go visit them… and maybe he could ask Yongguk to take him once he’s back from work.

Daehyun didn’t know why he didn’t even bother to ask someone else like the driver or Youngjae who’s doesn’t seem to be doing anything right now to take him to the graveyard… he somehow have the feeling that it’s had to be Yongguk…maybe that’s because it’s the place where they had met. The place where it’s the ending of the lives with his family’s to be the beginning of living with another family where he is very grateful to be with them besides his family too.

And he did it. Later that night when everyone is finished with their meal and dispersed away to do their own errands, Yongguk was offering to walk Daehyun to his bed room which is unremarkable because this is what the older male usually did every day. This led to one thing Daehyun learn about being with the Bang’s family is that not to reject anything anybody offered him because no matter how much he tries, they’ll still do as what they offer him anyway so it is better to accept it the first time so they could feel much better thinking that he did not distrust them and he wanted it to be this way. He was glad to see that everyone happy and that is what also making him happy too. Same thing with Yongguk, Daehyun can’t very decline to what the elder was offering him because if it’s something that would bring the older male and others a pleasantness, then he’ll do anything they wants him to.

As Yongguk and Daehyun are making their way to the bed room, neither of them had say anything. They walk in a comfortable silent until they reaches the room. Once they got there, Daehyun was inviting the elder to stay in his room with him for a bit for the favor that he is going to ask him next.

“Yongguk hyung” he speaks up as he takes a sit next to the elder on the soft mattress. Frowned a little, Yongguk answer “Yes? Is there anything I can help you with?”

“Well…em…I was just wondering if I can ask you for some favor…if you don’t mind, can you take me to the place where we first met please?” he asked, looking at the other male with a pleaded expression.

Surprisingly at the younger’s request, Yongguk immediately answering a ‘Yes’ without hesitation. This is the first time that Daehyun ever ask him for something that he has been offering him for what seemed like to be ages so how can he refused to not do so. And even though if it’s not the first time but a thousand times, he would still be willing to do anything the younger wants him to… anything just for him…

After hearing that, Daehyun’s lips curved into a bright smile that can always take his breath away no matter how many times he has seen it. He then keeps saying thanks-you to the elder over and over until he was told to stop. “It’s okay very. Should we go now? If you want to…”

“No, you don’t have to rush it hyung. We have plenty of time…beside its already late; I know you must be tired… thanks you for accepted my request though…” he said and telling the elder that he should be taking a rest now because he didn’t want him to get sick from over working so Yongguk agreed.

“Okay, I don’t have to work tomorrow, so how about tomorrow then? Is this sound good to you?” he asked. Daehyun smile and nodded as he got up from the bed and walk along with the older to the door. Once Yongguk step out of the room, he stopped, turning around and say

“By the way, I’m happy that you trust me enough to do something for you and I’m glad that you ask me about it… Good night.” then stepping closer to the younger male, who’s standing by the doorway to place a light kiss on his forehead, fleeing out and make his way to his own room.

Even though Yongguk’s already left, Daehyun’s however, still standing at the doorway with both his hand on the left side of his chest, feeling his heart beating fast inside of his chest… cheek red because of the older male’s previous actions. Everything about Yongguk can always make his heart beating like crazy… tonight is also one of his best night so far and he can feel that the upcoming day is going to be another great day for him...




The air is cold; Daehyun could feel it against his skin so he bring his hand up and rub it against his arm for a couple times  to reduce the cold he has. His actions making Yongguk who’s currently driving notice it and turn down the air conditioner for him. With this, Daehyun said thank you to him with a smile and then looking out from the window to the surrounding as the car drove past it.

Right, Daehyun and Yongguk’s now on their way to the graveyard. It’s about 10 o’clock in the morning and the weather is very nice. The sunlight was not too bright; it’s warm and has a soft tone flash through every single surface of the outside world as far as it could reach. The air is fresh and everything is just perfect for being out.

During the ride, the conversations between both of them were held from time to time. There was nothing much about their conversation; it’s just about their ordinary days, what they do, and something about themselves that they haven’t shared to each other yet. After what seemed to be long ride, the four wheel machine finally carried them to their destination.

Once the wheel is stopping in front of the graveyard, Daehyun was taking a quick look out the window before slowly stepping outside of Yongguk’s luxury car. As his feet hit the ground, the sadly smile was appearing on the boy’s beauty feature. He was ashamed of himself for not coming to visit him at all in the past four months and even thinking about visiting them either. All he thinks about right now is that he should apologies to them in front of their graveyard.  With this, he waited for Yongguk to finished parking and locked his car and waited until the elder male is standing by his side before taking a step into the graveyard areas together.

As they are walking along the way, Yongguk couldn’t let his eyes leave the younger. He was concerned at the latter’s unexpressed feature. He knew that there must be a reason why the Daehyun wanted to be here and by looking at the location, it’s obviously not going to be delightful much but he still letting his feet following the younger anyway to wait to see what will come up next by himself. 

After a few minute of walking, they’re finally stopped in front of the Daehyun grave target. It’s located on the fastest side of the yard and was place under the tree which makes it cool and pleasant. 

Daehyun then kneel down on the floor, using his hand to gently sweeping away every little dust and dry leaves that are on top of the gravestone. Once he finishes cleaning one of it, he continue to repeat the same process with another one next to it and one more after it as a total of three without knowing that there is a pair of eye watches every movement that he did from behind. Yongguk can’t very do anything at the moment but feeling sympathy for the younger male.

Jung Daewon, Jung Hyoeun, and Jung Gain

These are the name that is carved on the gravestone… these people shared surname with Daehyun which could only mean that they are very important to him. 

“Moms, Dad, how have you been lately? It’s been quite a long time since I last visited you guys… I’m sorry I haven’t come here to visit you guys more often. It’s my fault for forgetting to; I’m so sorry moms, dad… please forgives me for this.” He said with his head down like a children who is repent for what he did wrong before continue “I missed you so much moms and dad… I wish you guys were still here with me…” with a sniff and the eye that begin to tears up.

At this point, Yongguk couldn’t effort to just standing there and watches anymore. He quickly kneels down behind the latter and loosely embraces him from behind. Daehyun’s gasped at the elder’s action, he was a little frightened at first but was calmed down when he feel a hand rubbing against his hair. He closed his eyes and slowly sinks down to the floor, resting his head against the older male’s strong shoulder and mumbling ‘thank you’ to him. Yongguk respond by replying ‘you’re welcome’ back while continue to rubbing the latter’s hair. It’s taking a while for a sniffle to fade away and for Daehyun to speak up again.

“Dad, Moms, I would like to introduce you guys to someone...” he said, fleeting out from the warm embrace and grab the elder’s hand in between his own hand. He looks up at Yongguk for a permission of what he is going to do next and earning a nod from the elder shortly after. Daehyun smile slightly and says

“This is Yongguk hyung... he is the person who helps me with everything I couldn’t do by myself so don’t be worries about me alright? I’m doing fine with Yongguk hyung here by my side… I can’t do anything but being thankful to him… he is very important to me moms and dad…” he said, squeezing the older male’s hand tighter and turned his head to Yongguk’s direction and giving him a brighter smile than the last time.

“Yongguk hyung, I think I should introduce you to my family as well.” he pauses for a while and then continues “This is my mom, Jung Hyoeun. This is my dad Jung Daewon and there is my aunt Jung Gain but I called her mom because she preferred me to calls her like that.” said Daehyun pointing out to the grave that is on the left side first and then work his way to the other two graves next to it. Yongguk nodded as a sign that he acknowledge very thing the younger says. He gives Daehyun a quick smile before turning back to the gravestones and greets “Hello Mr. Jung, Mrs. Jung, and Ms. Jung. My name is Bang Yongguk. It’s nice to meet you guys here…”

Then, both of them spend another hour or so sitting back to back in the shade area under the tree that place above the three graves, with Daehyun sharing a story about his parents. While Daehyun is speaking, Yongguk did his best job as a good listener laughing and smiling along with the younger male’s story. As afternoon approaches, both of them decide it is time to leave. They say goodbye to the three names on the gravestone and prepare to leave but before they could, Yongguk step up closer to the graves and pull Daehyun up along with him with their still hand making the latter look up at him in comfusion.


“Mr. Jung, Mrs. Jung, and Ms. Jung, I Bang Yongguk, promise to take care of your beloved son, Jung Daehyun with all the power that l have until the end of my life… I know this sound very cheesy but I very meant it… and if I cannot keep my words, then let’s it worth my life.”


Yongguk said with a serious and a heartfelt tone. His eyes show out an earnest mean and Daehyun could see it. His words are too earnest that makes Daehyun scared.

“But Yongguk hyun-”

Before Daehyun could protest, he was cut off by the elder’s lip pressed on his own. He stood frozen on the spot at first by the elder’s sudden action but was able in clam down in a matter of seconds because Yongguk’s kiss is too luscious to ignore and Daehyun himself have to accept the fact that he like it a lots too. He closed his eye and tilts his head to adjust to the kiss that was given by the older male. It’s was a simple and plain kiss that can always make his heart rate goes up like crazy. It is not a uality kiss or a kiss that develop from lust but it’s a kiss that came from endearment and a pure heart to imply one’s true feelings for another… 

This kiss meant so much to Yongguk and Daehyun.


It’s the sign that they could not resist each other and was attaches to one another with all their heart and soul...


and no matter what will happen... they will never be parted...




Forever... belonged in our heart

Together ... We'll never be parted


.  .  .  .  .


 .  .  .  .


 .  .  .


. .


 "Let's go" Yongguk said as they're finally parted from the kiss. Daehyun nod in return making Yongguk smile and lean in to give him another quick kiss before turning around to bow at the graves. After that he grabbing Daehyun's hand gently to his own and walking out of the graveyard together. 



“Thank you Yongguk hyung…” Daehyun say quietly almost like a whispering.




“You are welcome at any time.”






A/N:  I'm rewritting this chapter due to my dislike and a changed in plot a little. Hope you guys will still stays with me and continue to support me.

Thank You for reading,




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Chapter 8: and you said this was your first time writing
bdz357998 #2
Chapter 8: Aww daehyun can be happy!!
Chapter 8: This is so beautiful and sweet~ daehyun can finally be happy with yongguk~ =)
LilithScarlet #4
Chapter 8: I'm happy for both of them, I think is very beautiful <3
XaraKAI #5
Chapter 6: gukkie is such a sweerheart, I'm melting.
Chapter 8: omg im nearly tearing ;_;
this is so beautiful.. how daehyun find happiness!
thanks yongguk ! thanks authornim <3
love this chap!
Chapter 8: OMG! OMG! OMG!
i'm so speechless right now...
this is one of the most sweet as shid chapter ever!
congrats for yongguk and daehyun!
i'm sooooo happy for them!

can't wait for the next update!
Chapter 8: what a sweeet chapter
;-; beautiful... this is very beautiful
good job authorshi
i loved it!
Chapter 8: ahhhhh Yongguk =] You make Daehyun happy and smile all the time.. ahhh this chapter was sooo cute =] Loved it!