Sweet dream



Chapter 7


“You are always welcome.”






“I guess we should get back inside the house now, shall we?” said Yongguk after they’ve sitting in the garden for an hour or so. Smiling at the elder’s affability, Daehyun nod. With that, Yongguk moves next to the younger’s side and offer an arm for him to wield. Daehyun giggling a little then reaches out him arm to wield with yongguk’s without hesitation for the first time, thinking that if he is not afraid to kiss the elder than why not wield his hand.

At first they walk arm to arm out of the flowers garden, with the suaveness senses surrounded them. Then change their posture to walk hand in hand and smile at each other a little at their own actions. They walk and walk in a comfortable silence. As they keep walking, Daehyun is looking around side to side to examine the area around the house. He’s been sitting and lying on the bed in the huge room for days which had made him feels very irksome and cramped during those time so he took this opportunity to get in some fresh air and fresh view from the outside as much as possible before having to go back inside of the room.

And because he’s focuses more into the surrounding rather than what is ahead of him, he was unaware to notice something below his feet in front of him and stumbled on it.

“A-” Daehyun exclaim as he fell onto the hard ground in a matter of seconds. But before he could completely make a whole contact with the ground (in which parts of him is already is), Yongguk was quick enough to pull him backward with their still linked hand making the younger stumble back into the strong embrace. Daehyun gasp a little as he feels his back hitting against Yogguk’s strong chest while the elder have his well-build hand circle around his slim waist protectively.  

 “You okay?” Yongguk asked. His voice was gentle and caring and it can be hear right next to the younger’s ear. Daehyun shivering at the soft tone behind his ear, the way that deep voice spoke can easily make his entire body feels lissome.

It’s took him a moments to realize that he wasn’t standing on his owned feet fully. Most of his weight is being carried by the older male’s hand the place around his waist so he quickly apologies to him and then flee out to stand by himself but failed to once he feel the sharp pain on one of his ankle.

“Ouch!” Daehyun yelp out softly at the pain that shoot through his ankle when his weight is down on his feet.

Hearing the younger male’s sudden cry, Yongguk quickly approaching him and places both of his hand back on Daehyun’s waist to support him and prevent him from falling. He then helping the latter to sitting down on the ground first and then went straight to check up on his feet.

“Are you alright? How do you feel? Where does it hurt?” he asked while scanning his eye through the younger’s foot.

“I em- I think I fell on my feet…my ankle’s hurt.” said Daehyun while looking at the older male’s movement on his lowest region of his body. Yongguk work his hand gently on the hurting ankle and Daehyun let out a short pant as he feels an ache spread throughout his feet form one spot to another spot. Seeing the younger’s reaction, Yongguk immediately break his hand away from the boy’s foot, afraid that he would hurt him more. 

Daehyun smile and chuckled a little at Yongguk’s panic. He found it cute and childlike by the way he took his hand out from the thought that he is hurting him. Once seeing the boy who’s just panting because of the pain turning into another different person, Yongguk was quite curious and was going to ask him about it but stopped when he saw an adorable smile marked on the younger’s face. The way that pink lip turned into a beautiful shape of smile and those big-doll eyes turned into a lovely eye smile makes Yongguk melted into that bright smile. It is always a pleasant sight for him so he couldn’t help but smiling along with the younger male.

“Alright, this ankle of you needs to be check up by Youngjae so I think we should get going now.” he said after a while, Daehyun noded and was to pushed himself up to his feet but Yongguk stopped him. Daehyun tilt his head in confusion which Yongguk found it to be very cute before he speaks up; “I don’t think you can’t walk with you ankle sprained like this Daehyun-ah. I’ll carry you inside, think it’s better than let you walk. You okay with it?” He asked and look at the latter for a sign of approval. Daehyun hesitant for a second than give him a nod make Yongguk smile out.

He then, slowly place one of his hands under the younger’s knee and another one pass under his back through the other side of his arm and lifted him up a bridal style.

Feeling a little wobbling once being picked up, Daehyun immediately throw his hand around the elder’s next for a support because he never had been carry by someone like this before. Not when he is conscious.

As they’re on their way, dozens pair of eyes of the workers were on them. Many were curious about what happened to the smaller boy in their young master’s embrace and many were smiling at the sight they see. Daehyun blushed when he notice all the eyes on him. He couldn’t do anything but wished that they’ll get to the room faster. He wasn’t used to a situation like this because he haven’t experience it often.  After his father’s death, he was pretty much isolated from the others because he doesn’t want to sense another loss ever again. Sadly, he still did. 

Once they reach the room, Yongguk gently place the younger back onto the bed then when out to look for Youngjae. Then the young doctor came in and did a check up on him. He said that Daehyun was having an ankle sprain and then put in an ankle splint for Daehyun and tells him a couple tips to prevent him from hurting his angle.

“Just let it heals naturally. It’ll take a while and make sure not to do anything that would harm your ankle much or else it would get worse okay?” He said in a calm voice. Daehyun nodded and gives him a ‘thank you’ over and over. Youngjae smile at him as an acceptation of thank you then walk up to Yongguk and say “Tsk, tsk, you should be more vigilant watching over your love’s one Yongguk. Be more careful from now on alright? I’ll leave the rest for you toda-”

“And where are you going?” Yongguk cut Youngjae off before he could even finish his sentences.

“I have my loved one too ya know? Got to go out on a date with my Himchanie in short and if you have anything to ask then call me okay? See you later on~” he claimed, saying good bye to both of the two in the room and left.

“Where is Youngjae going Yongguk?” Daehyun ask after Youngjae had left for a while, suspect about why he seemed so happy. Smiling, Yongguk answer “He is going on to the date with his donkey boyfriend, Himchan. These two are…” then he continues to telling more about the couple and how they both are very similar in so many ways such as their playful and cheerful personality, their job, and etc.

“Himchan is also a doctor, well a surgeon to be exact. At first they were inharmonious because they are teamed up together and both always arguing about their general practice and medication stuffs even when they’re in a middle of their operative. Isn’t that funny?” Yongguk stopped to chuckled a little, excused himself then continue “One time, they have to practice apprentice that they receive as a partner in a jungle for three days. Youngjae ended up getting hurt falling off from the short cliff and there is no one to help because they’re deep inside the jungle and they have no electronic device to contact anyone. So Himchan ended up having to take care of Youngjae. Then they’re falling for each other and that is when their relationship begins to develop.” Yongguk finished and looking over at the latter to find out that he’s very paying attention into what he had tells him like a kid listening to an interesting story.

“That’s sound so romantic…” Daehyun speak, eye sparkling.

“Yes it does. But I think it’s too obvious. It’s seemed to me as if it’s being set up by someone or there is a person behind it if you know all the details. I don’t know, maybe I’m just thinking too much.” Said Yongguk, rubbed his head awkwardly.

“Maybe what you’re thinking is right. And it is considered a good thing if someone does very set it up because they’re now together wasn’t?” said the younger male in order to back up Yongguks’ making him smile out.

Then they spend the rest of the day together talking and resting in comfortably where the sound of laughter can be heard from time to time.

When the sun goes down, Yongguk’s finally able to detach himself from the younger and decided it’s was time for him to rest. He then excused himself and leave the room to let Daehyun rest for the day.




“Honey” Mrs. Bang called out when she saw his son walking down the hall way.

Turning around to see his mom walking toward him, Yongguk answer “Yes mom?”

“I’m going to take all the worker to a thank you party tonight and probably won’t be back until tomorrow. Everybody is going to be gone so I was fear about leaving Daehyunnie here by himself. And since you’re not interesting in any kind of a party, can you staying here with him? Is that okay for you honey?” she asked and also not forgetting to ask about her son’s willing too.

“Sure, why not.” said Yongguk while smiling lightly at his mother’s caring habit. Mrs. Bang smile and walk up to her son and give him a motherly kiss on his cheek and then let Yongguk on his own.

Later that night, after finished doing all his personal errands, Yongguk’s unhurried making his way toward the younger’s room. Once he reaches the room, he makes a knock on the door and waiting patiently for a reply. When he heard the answer from the younger, he slowly cracks the door open and stepping inside the room and then closed the door behind him. In there, Daehyun is lying on the bed like always. He was watching a small portable television that they find for him, afraid that he might be bored for having to lay in a bed all day long.

“Yongguk?” said Daehyun tilted his head when seeing who have arrived. “Is there anything wrong?” he asked.

“Nothing, I just want to tell you that everyone is leaving for a thank you party tonight and won’t be back until somewhere tomorrow so there’s just you and me here.” answered Yongguk

“Oh, I see... no wonder the house is so quite than usual.” he said and nod in assent.

“That’s not all. Em- well, because no one is here and Youngjae is not also here, there is no one to taking care of you except me so I- well, I have to be here to look after you… in this room…” Yongguk said while looking away to hind his coy stance and looking back again to see a shocked expression marked on the younger male’s face. “Is that so?…Well then… please taking a good care of me for tonight…” he said after a few seconds of silent and bow at the elder as a sign of appreciation. Yongguk nod his head and smile at Daehyun before telling him that he need to go get a mattress before he could sleep in the room for the night.

Just then when he was about to walked out of the room, all the light in the house suddenly went off and darkness immediately take over every square inch of every space they seen. Daehyun gasped was heard right after the light went off so Yongguk quickly turned back to see if he was ok or not while adjusted his eye to the darkness. He then took out his phone and turns on the flashlight and flashes it over to the latter. He could tell that Daehyun is freaking out and scared at the sudden change. “Daehyun? Are you okay?” he asked while walking up to the latter with the light still focused on him.

Daehyun nodded his head and answered “Yes... I’m just a little frightened.” 

“Hmm, there is no signal too?” Yongguk hump as he looked at his phone to find out that there is no sign of signal at all on it. “Well, I don’t think this is going to last long, guess we have to deal with it for a while but I still have to go get a mattress though. I’ll be back very quick so stay here for a while okay.” He said, leaving his phone that have a flashlight on for Daehyun to keep and he quickly make his move but before he could even make a steps, he was being stopped by the other’s voice that called him up.




“What?” Yongguk asked and looked over at the younger male who’s now looking down at his hand to avoid looking straight at him nervously.

“Don’t go… stay here.” He said, eye still on his hand.   

“But what about a mattre-”

“Please?...” he plead, this time looking up at him with a pleased eyes. Yongguk sigh, how can he possibly say no to the younger’s entreating like this? “Okay.” he said, still thinking about a mattress because where would he be sleeping if there is no mattress? Looking into the elder's expression, Daehyun seemed to know what he was thinking.

“You can sleep with me. I- I mean sleep on this bed… its big enough for two people… I think we can sleep on it together…” he said in a small voice and looked down again, blushed. A moment passed, Yongguk is still not moving so Daehyun look up at him once again and then realize that he should be making a space for him. “Oh right… you probably need a space right? Sorry…” he apology and shift to the side to make some space for the older male.

“Daehyun, are you sure about this?” asked Yongguk. Daehyun simply nod. Yongguk stood there hesitating for a while then slowly climbed up onto the bed and sitting next to Daehyun. Both of them sitting there awkwardly at first, then both decided in their mind that they should do something bright up the atmosphere so they turned to face each other to say something surprisingly at the same time.

Even though the room is dark and the flashlight is off, both of them can see each other clearly due to the moonlight that flashes through the window directly at them making they unconsciously attach to each other like there were some kind of an attractive force that bring them together. As they getting closer to each other, they can feel each other’s warm breath against one another and see themselves reflected in each other’s eyes. And they continue to moving closer to each other. Closer… and closer… slowly… finally until their lips met again… for the second time of the day…

The kiss was still exactly the same as in the morning… it’s was sweet… soft… tender… and loving… and they just remained like that for a while…











“It’s already late. Let’s sleep now, shall we?” Yongguk said after they finally broke up from the kiss. Daehyun nod and both of them slowly lie down on the bed; cuddling… having each other’s embrace and warmth before they shifted off to the dreamland… to one of the sweetest one.


-Outside of the house-


“Mission accomplished!” said Mrs. Bang, smiling wildly after sneaking at her son and the other boy in the room through the window by a binoculars all the way across the field.

“Is this the reason why you told me not to go back inside the house for tonight? And you’re the one who make the poor boy tripped over this morning too aren’t you? Ah seriously?! Last time you hook me up with Himchan and this time your own son and Daehyunshi?? Are there any other way that you could do it without hurting anybody? God!” Youngjae complained at his ‘owned’ aunt.  

“Youngjaeshi~ Don’t be mad at me~ At least my plan is working isn’t?” she said, winked at him and quickly walked away before having to listened to his complaints.

Youngjae stood there speechless for a moment and then shaking his head helplessly.

“Well, at lease the plan does working isn’t” he said, smiling to himself and to Mrs. Bang’s matchmaking behavior, and then letting his leg to following her.  





A/N: Hello there lovely reader~ here's another update before school start T.T

l've so busy lately and my life's -_- but that won't stop me from writing even though it's bad -.-

Anyway, hope you all enjoy this update! ~ 

one more thing, I'll be back to fix any error and mistake so there might be some change on this chapter later on (cause I like fixing stuff around)

p.s. do you guys like da git? Well, sorry it's similar to the one on the last chapter but I couldn't find any other gif or pic that go with this chapter so I hope you guy don't mind and getting bored at it.

And as always, thank you for reading~



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Chapter 8: and you said this was your first time writing
bdz357998 #2
Chapter 8: Aww daehyun can be happy!!
Chapter 8: This is so beautiful and sweet~ daehyun can finally be happy with yongguk~ =)
LilithScarlet #4
Chapter 8: I'm happy for both of them, I think is very beautiful <3
XaraKAI #5
Chapter 6: gukkie is such a sweerheart, I'm melting.
Chapter 8: omg im nearly tearing ;_;
this is so beautiful.. how daehyun find happiness!
thanks yongguk ! thanks authornim <3
love this chap!
Chapter 8: OMG! OMG! OMG!
i'm so speechless right now...
this is one of the most sweet as shid chapter ever!
congrats for yongguk and daehyun!
i'm sooooo happy for them!

can't wait for the next update!
Chapter 8: what a sweeet chapter
;-; beautiful... this is very beautiful
good job authorshi
i loved it!
Chapter 8: ahhhhh Yongguk =] You make Daehyun happy and smile all the time.. ahhh this chapter was sooo cute =] Loved it!