


Chapter 5


The bright light was hitting Daehyun's eyes making him shivered a little before slowly lifting his eyes up. He blinking his eyes rapidly to adjust with the light and was surprised by the surrounding. He was supposed to be waking up in a warm huge bed but was lying on a white floor instead. Everything was white. Daehyun wasn't sure whether he was surrounded by a thick white fog or a cloud. He has no idea how did he get here. When stood up, he was surprised again by all the strength he had after remembered that he was still limps and weak before he was asleep. Maybe it's was just a dream, he thought. He then, began to take a step and walk around to see if there anything around this place at all. Exploring through his dream, he keep walking and walking through the cloud of fog. After a while, Daehyun began to sure that there is nothing at all, no life, no sound, no smell, or even color. This gives him a feeling that he was in a place of nothing but whiteout... Then he decided, maybe he should just leave.


Just when he was about to slap or pinch himself hard to get out of this dreamland, he was being called by a similar voice, a voice that he’s well known. Daehyun hoping that he wasn’t dreaming at this point. He turned around slowly until the person's face come into a full viewpoint. The person that he loved so much is now standing in front of him. A warm smile that he missed so much is now appearing right here, right in front of him...

“Dad?” he said in a shivering voice “It that really you?”

The man didn't say anything but nodded with a bright smile. Daehyun stood there frozen. He didn't know what to do. All the feeling he has come rushing into him but he couldn't care less. The person that he loved, his dad... is now standing here with him.

Then, Mr. Jung opening his arm out and smile as a sign that tell Daehyun to come over to him and Daehyun did what he was told. He walks over to his dad and stop right in front of him. He didn't know what he do or say. All his knew is that he missed his dad a lot. Daehyun take a moment to examinant his dad. He'd never change. Mr. Jung was the same in every aspect since the last time they're together. Instead, Daehyun was the one who had change. He was a big boy now, he had grown up. The last time they're together; he was still a little boy but now he was as tall as his dad. They both stood there for a while and in the next moment, Daehyun could feel a hand embracing around him before he's returned it.

The hug was warm and comfortable like always… it’s making Daehyun didn’t want to do anything. He just wanted to take a moment to sense in the scene of his dad as much as possible. Right now, he is happy that he get to see his dad again.

“I missed you dad…” Daehyun said in a small voice almost like whispering.

“I missed you too my son.” Mr. Jung answered with a warm smile and hugging him tighter. Daehyun didn’t say anything. There was a long silent between both of them before Daehyun speak up again

“I’m sorry dad… I’m sorry for being the reason why you’re death… it’s should be me… not you.” Daehyun said and looked up at his dad with a watery eye. He hated himself for being the reason why those who he love’s death. Every time he lost one of them, he always wished that there is not going to be a next time or if it does, please let it be him. But fate seemed to not favor him much and let him be the one to stay alive but like death in the same time…

“Don’t be, It’s not your fault trust me. And don’t ever again, blame yourself for this.” Mr. Jung said but how could he not be? Three people… three people that die because of him… it’s was something that he’ll never forgot until the rest of his life... Daehyun thought.

“But how can I not blame myself for it? Mom, you, and your sister… all because of me…”

“Daehyun, listen to me all right? It’s wasn’t because of you… believed me, really.” Mr.Jung said. This time, holding Daehyun’s face in his hand and starring deep into his eyes to express the feeling that he had to his beloved son… that the accident wasn’t his fault… The sensation of Mr. Jung’s touch somehow make Daehyun feel less guilty, so they stay like that; stare at each other, hugging each other, and sharing that deep connection between them...

 “Will it happen again dad?” Daehyun asked after a moment of silent. He didn’t know if his dad would have an answer to his question or not but he just wanted to ask or at least to have an opinion because he doesn’t want to lost anybody again… not even a single one.

“Remember what I’d told you before my son?”




“That four is a lucky number”




“Dad wait!!!” Daehyun shouted in his sleep making Yongguk who’s been looking after him for a while jerk in surprise. He looked at the boy on the boy who’s throwing his hand in the air as he was attempted to get or to grab something.

“Daehyun?” Yongguk called out the younger’s name while lightly shaking his shoulder to make him awake.

Daehyun’s eyes slowly opened, bringing him to reality when he felt the warm touch on his shoulder. It’s didn’t surprise him anymore once he saw Yongguk beside him because it’s been a couple times when he woke up with the elder on his side.

Daehyun didn’t know if what happening earlier is real or just a dream and whether what he dad said is true or not, but it’s definitely makes him feel a little better. He look at Yongguk and somehow feeling relieved.

“Do you need anything?” Yongguk asked, curious about the way the younger look at him. Daehyun shook his head immediately letting the embarrassment take over him  when he realize that he kept starring at the elder without knowing. He looked down at his hand trying to stop the feeling that he have inside his chest. He didn’t know how to act in a situation like this because when he’s with Ms. Jung, he never felt something like this before. It’s a strange feeling almost like melting and frightened, well, in a nice way. But in the same time, he was scared. Scared of the only thing he’s scare of…

“Daehyun?” Yongguk called out his name once again when he saw the younger’s nervous action. With his name being called, he looks up at the elder with a questioning expression, wondering how he knew his name and then realize shortly after that he had told Mrs. Bang about it.

“You okay there?” the elder asked and Daehyun just nodded in respond making Yongguk happy because he’s finally open up a little bit more.

“I’m glad to know that. If there is anything you want or need just tell us about it alright? Think of this place as your own home and feel free to do whatever you want to okay?” he said smiling and the latter just nod again because he didn’t know what to say.

“You have a nice voice you know that right?” Yongguk started “I think you should talk more often or maybe just a little bit more…” then continue “To be honest, I very like your voice… its symphonic and sweet…well, emm, you know I’m just saying if no one ever tell you that.” Yongguk said a little shyly. He thinks that he must seem to be very strange to the other right now and he knew that no matter what he says, he wouldn’t get a reply from the boy anyways but he just wanted to start a small conversation rather than just sitting here quietly with things continue stay the same; nothing improve or nothing change. He wanted to get at least a head start to make things better.   

With the compliment Yongguk give him, the light shade of pink quickly run across Daehyun’s pale cheek and he can’t do anything about it but blush ostensibly. He remembered that Ms. Jung used to tell him about it but it’s different. When she told him this, he was happy to hear that. But for Yongguk, Daehyun heart’s skipping a beat, and then it’s begun to beat faster and faster uncontrollably. He actually wanted to say something too but he didn’t know what to say, it’s like his voice is being stuck in his throat, so all he could do is only to nod in reply.

“There is one thing that I wanted to tell you… it’s might be very strange but I think it’s better to tell you this…” Yongguk pause and look down, turning out to be the one who avoid eyes contact this time before used the courage he had to speak the next following words…



“I like you”



With those words, Daehyun eyes widened from what he heard. For a moment he thought that his hearing was indistinct or maybe he just thought to himself. Then Yongguk reaches out a hand to take his making him know that this is real. Daehyun flinch a little by a touch but didn’t take his hand back. He let the elder have his hand because he like the feeling of it; it was warm and comfortable…

“I know this is weird because we only know each other for a couple days, crazy aren’t? Well... how should I start this, well em, I- I like you for the first time I saw you… on that rainy day, when I first saw you I swear my heart had stop beating… I don’t know what happened to you earlier before we meet but when I see that pain in your eyes; I just wanted to comfort you. From there, the only thing I know is that I would always be here for you no matter what will happen. I just know that I need to protect you and make thing better between us. I know is going to take some times and that you even might not like me back but I want you to be happy…”Yongguk said in a serious tone. He looks at Daehyun directly in the eyes hoping that it would help him speak for his heart. “And d- don’t get me wrong, I’m not like this with anyone except you. In my whole life I- I never feel something like this toward anyone until I met you…When I see you, it’s like the worlds stop moving… and when I’m just thinking of you, my heart is beating fast without a reason and even now when I am here with you it still did. It’s seemed silly, but I’m speaking of the truth.” with that, Yongguk slowly moving closer to the younger and place Daehyun hand that he’s holding on the left side of his chest to prove his words.  

Yongguk was right; he wasn’t lying because Daehyun could feel the organ that is pounding fast inside the elder’s chest. At this point he believed the world had stopped, like was Yongguk was saying earlier… then he feel the similar heat run up to his face… Daehyun knew that Yongguk wasn’t lying even if he didn’t prove to him this way. He believed him by the looked in his eyes; it’s filled of confident earnestly which is more than enough to make Daehyun trust in him.

“I don’t know if you feel the same way as me or not but deep inside, I hope you do…”Yongguk murmur to himself that only he can hear it before quickly hiding his strange gesture so that he don’t look grotesque in front of the younger.

“The reason why I tell you this is that I don’t want to see you being hurt like this. I want you to be happy… I wanted you to know that I am here for you… and whenever you want to start over again, I will always be by your side…” he said.

The way his sharp brown eyes looked at him and those meaning words spoken from his mouth makes Daehyun to think twice. Now, he accepted the fact that he’s actually likes the elder’s too… which mean that Youngguk would be the fourth person. Then he thought about what he’d just asked his dad in a previous dream about it and that he only said that four is a lucky number. He also remembered that once in reality, his dad used to tell him this too, so why don’t give it a try? And of course, he’s still scared about losing anyone again but with all those meaning words that the elder spoke to him, it’s making everything inside him to call for another try. One last try…

“There is no need to answer now. Like I said, whenever you are ready, just tell me okay? And I think you must be hungry right? I guess I should go get you something to eat” seeing no respond from the younger, Yongguk thought maybe he should try to talk to him later and that he might be hungry too so he should go find some food for the latter to eat. Pulling his hand away,  

“Wait…” Daehyun said hesitantly almost like whispering but loud enough for Yongguk to hear as he was about to walk away.

“Yes?” he answered, surprisingly to hear that the younger’s actually speaking directly to him right now! He didn’t know what the latter is going to say in the next moment but this makes him very excited like he was going to win a lottery or something.

“I wanted to…” he said in a low voice

“What?”Yongguk asked because he didn’t hear what was Daehyun trying to say.

“I wanted to… I want to start over” then he said it again, this time much louder for Yongguk to hear. It’s what he been decided just now… that he would give it a try because this time he feel more of hoped ever than before…



“Will you very be with me if I start over again?...” 






Hi there my lovely reading!~ First of all I very wanted to apologies for not updating in a while... i'm very sorry guys, i was so busy in the past few months because I have tons of works and testing at school to do such as final project, final testing, usual testing, ap exam testing, cst testing, sat testing, and much more.

But guess what? Right now I am out of school!! YEAH!!

BUT!!! I have a summer school TTTT^TTTT HOOOOOO~

BUT!!! that shouldn't be a problem cause it's only one classes so I have less work to do and that I should have more time to write my story!~ AND I actually planned out the whole story and it's should be done in 3 or 4 chapter because I'm at writing a chapter story, well, actually everything... and it's should take about 4 months or less for the story to be complete~

Anyway, THANK YOU SO MUCH FOR WAITING TO MY STORY!!! I am very appreciated for your patient  and please keep up with me until the end!~

I LOVE ALL MY READER AND SUBSCRIBER *3*  I know my writing's but I'll try to improve my writing skill so that you guys will be happy about it~ thank you so much for reading!~


Note: I will be back to fix any error in short so don't panic if the chapter disappear alright?

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Chapter 8: and you said this was your first time writing
bdz357998 #2
Chapter 8: Aww daehyun can be happy!!
Chapter 8: This is so beautiful and sweet~ daehyun can finally be happy with yongguk~ =)
LilithScarlet #4
Chapter 8: I'm happy for both of them, I think is very beautiful <3
XaraKAI #5
Chapter 6: gukkie is such a sweerheart, I'm melting.
Chapter 8: omg im nearly tearing ;_;
this is so beautiful.. how daehyun find happiness!
thanks yongguk ! thanks authornim <3
love this chap!
Chapter 8: OMG! OMG! OMG!
i'm so speechless right now...
this is one of the most sweet as shid chapter ever!
congrats for yongguk and daehyun!
i'm sooooo happy for them!

can't wait for the next update!
Chapter 8: what a sweeet chapter
;-; beautiful... this is very beautiful
good job authorshi
i loved it!
Chapter 8: ahhhhh Yongguk =] You make Daehyun happy and smile all the time.. ahhh this chapter was sooo cute =] Loved it!