Wish Granted

That Thin Line




“YAH! DONGHAE HYUNG! WHERE IS HYUKJAE HYUNG?!!” Kyuhyun yelled at Donghae who is on the phone trying to contact Hyukjae.

“Give me the face towel!” Jaejoong said to Yoochun who is standing by the door with Junsu, fidgeting.

“Sungmin ah! Hold her hair up.” Leeteuk said while rubbing her sister’s back.

“She didn’t drink last night, did she?” Ryeowook asked his hyungs.

“No, but we ate a lot last night including Hyukjae.” Junsu replied, biting his nails nervously.





9:00 in the morning, Lee Hyukjae is sending his twins to school while all the people in their apartment are still sleeping. Almost everyone decided to stay for an overnight at their place because their small party ended late, an hour past midnight to be exact.

“Good morning aun- oops, teacher Yoomi!” The twins beamed at the sight of their auntie Yoomi.

“Good morning, midgets.” The girl replied while ruffling the hair of the twins, their father holding them on each of his hand.

“How’s the party last night?” Yoomi asked Hyukjae.

“It was fun and exhausting! You should have come!” Hyukjae replied.

“Nah! I was too busy here at school.” Yoomi lied.

“As if I will believe that.” Hyukjae said.

“Hannah is starting to influence your way of thinking!” Yoomi laughed. Hyukjae was about to say something when his phone went off. He excused himself and answered the call. Yoomi instructed the twins to enter the classroom and she waited for Hyukjae to finish the call so she can properly send him off.


“Hyukjae ah!  Something is wrong with Hannah!” Donghae’s panicking voice welcomed him on the other line.

“What?!” Hyukjae exclaimed getting Yoomi’s attention.

“She is –“

“YAH! DONGHAE HYUNG! WHERE IS HYUKJAE HYUNG?!!” Hyukjae heard Kyuhyun’s voice on the other line.

“WHAT IS WRONG??!!” Hyukjae yelled on the other line. Looking at the guy’s distressed face, Yoomi figured out that there is something wrong so he pushed the guy away from the twin’s classroom just to avoid the twins from hearing their father.

Hyukjae is worried sick because Hannah has been vomiting last night before they went to sleep, he thought it is because she ate a lot during dinner and even ate midnight snacks with him and Junsu. Too worried about his wife, he can’t even think of other possible reasons why Hannah is suffering such thing.

“She’s vomiting and she looked so pale and … Hyukjae ah! Just come home quickly!” Donghae exclaimed.

“Arasseo! I’ll be there in a bit. Take good care of her!” Hyukjae said as he fumbled with his car key.

“OHMYGODSUN!!!!” Junsu exclaimed on the other line followed by the screams of….



“WHAT HAPPENED?! YAH!” Hyukjae panicked.

“Hannah… Hannah fainted! Eottoke?!!!” Donghae replied with the same amount of panic in his voice. The phone almost slipped from Hyukjae’s hand good thing Yoomi was able to catch it and she decided to talk to the person on the other line seeing Hyukjae’s state right now.

After hearing Donghae’s explanation, Yoomi ran back to her office and asked her assistant to take over her class for the mean time. She ran outside and dragged Hyukjae to his car while still talking to Donghae on the phone.

“Yah! Calm down will you! Take her to the hospital now! Don’t let Leeteuk oppa drive and no, not you too! Let Jaejoong drive the car.” Yoomi said as she snatched the car key from Hyukjae, the guy is too nervous he can’t even start the car properly. She went out of the car and opened the driver seat pushing Hyukjae on the passenger seat.

“Go to Seoul National University Hospital and look for Dr. Seo Jisuk, … stop interrogating me Lee Donghae and just do what I say!”  She said and gave the phone back to Hyukjae.

“Hannah…” Hyukjae mumbled the first word that came out of his mouth after a few moments of shock.

“She’s fine don’t worry. These things are normal during this period especially because she is working a lot recently.” Yoomi explained but Hyukjae seemed to not comprehend everything that she is saying.

As soon as they arrived at the hospital, Yoomi ran to her bestfriend’s department, Hyukjae following her from behind.

“Oh! Ms. Yoomi!” The nurse at the reception area greeted the girl. Everyone in the department is almost familiar with Yoomi because she visits her bestfriend, Dr. Seo, a lot.

“Where’s my wife? Lee Hannah?!” Hyukjae asked in a hurry. The nurse was stunned seeing a Super Junior member infront of her. She hasn’t recovered yet from the sudden appearance of JYJ and Super Junior members just a few minutes ago.

“Yah!” Hyukjae yelled at the speechless nurse, snapping her out of her thoughts.

“Sorry about that, he is just worried about his wife. Where’s Jisuk?” Yoomi asked instead stopping Hyukjae from scaring the poor nurse.

“At room 502, Mrs. Lee was already transferred there.” The nurse replied and after hearing her words, Hyukjae sprinted to the hallway, searching for the room. Yoomi was about to follow him but when she remembered something, she decided to just proceed to her best friend’s office instead. Not forgetting to hand Hyukjae’s car key to the nurse and ask her to give it to him. She is also reminded herself to give Victoria a call later if ever their hunch is correct. They’ve been noticing the changes in Hannah recently, her mood swings, cravings and even her recent fondness to Jaejoong and Heechul.

Hyukjae saw the other boys waiting outside the room restlessly. He was about to ask them what happened when the door opened revealing a guy wearing a doctor’s robe. Dr. Seo Jisuk as stated on his name plate. The doctor glanced at everyone.

“If not for this circumstance, I would have said that it is a privilege to have all of you here at once. But, I guess I can still say that.” He acknowledged everyone before scanning the medical report. He looked up and his gaze fell on Kim Jaejoong before glancing back to Hyukjae.

“How’s my wife?”

“There is nothing to worry about, Mr. Lee. She fainted because of fatigue and I need to discuss something with you, please follow me to my office.” The doctor smiled, assuring them that there is nothing to worry about the situation.

“Can I see my wife first?” Hyukjae asked.

“Sure, but she is still sleeping. I’ll be waiting for you at my office.” He said before leaving everyone.

Hyukjae immediately entered the room and the other guys are about to follow when Leeteuk stopped them asking them to give Hyukjae some time with Hannah. They decided to wait outside and realized just now on what department exactly they are upon seeing the posters on one part of the wall and the patients walking on the hallway. Their eyes sure widened in surprise.


While on the other side of the door, Hyukjae is caressing his wife’s cheeks feeling relieved that she is fine.

“Babe, don’t scare me like that…” He whispered to her ear before giving her a peck on the lips.

 He totally forgot what the doctor said before he was allowed to see her. It is as if he totally forgot everything when he saw Hannah sleeping calmy, sending relief to his system.  After a few minutes, a knock on the door broke the silence inside the room and Dr. Seo entered.

“I guess Yoomi was right, you really forgot to follow me at the office.” The good doctor smiled understatingly at the worried husband.

“Oh! I am really sorry  Doctor…” Hyukjae left the last part hanging, not knowing what to address him.

“Seo Ji Suk.” The other guy offered his hand for a handshake. “ So about your wife’s condition…”

“Babe?” Hannah stirred from her sleep, opening his eyes just to see two good looking guys, one is her husband and the other one wearing a white robe is not familiar to her.

“Babe!” Hyukjae ran to her side, helping her sit on the bed.

“Where are we?” Hannah asked and as she roamed her eyes around the room, she figured out the answer to her own question.

“You are at the Hospital, Mrs. Lee. You fainted at home and your brother and friends brought you here. Well, I guess it will be better to discuss your condition now since you are awake.” Dr. Seo explained.

“What about my condition?” Hannah asked nervously.

Instead of answering her questions immediately, Dr. Seo said, “Your friends told me that you were vomiting this morning, is that correct?”

Hannah nodded.

“Even last night.” Hyukjae added securing Hannah in his arms.

“And Yoomi told me about your recent mood swings and cravings but she bet that you didn’t even notice those changes. Yoomi is a good friend of mine, by the way.” The doctor said after seeing the couple’s confused faces after he mentioned Yoomi casually.

“OHMYGOD!” Hannah covered with her hands when realization hit her.

Doctor Seo smiled at her gesture, knowing that she realized where the conversation is heading.

“What’s wrong babe? Are you hurting somewhere? Tell me.” Hyukjae panicked again upon seeing Hannah’s reaction.

“Don’t worry Mr. Lee. She is fine it is just that she is 7 weeks on the way. Congratulations!”

“Why are you congratulating me? My wife is freakin’ here at the Hospital and what the hell do you mean by 7 weeks on the way? She never left Seoul for the last seven weeks!” Hyukjae exclaimed.

After hearing his words, Hannah laughed out loud, finally on her elements to react about the news. Happiness overtook her that’s why she didn’t react earlier leaving her husband clueless about what she and the doctor was talking about.

“I am sorry about the confusion Mr. Lee but I am glad to inform you that your wife is 7 weeks pregnant and all the changes that she has been experiencing all throughout the day is just a part of the whole pregnancy, although I need to remind you Mrs. Lee to avoid getting stressed with work, fatigue is the reason why you fainted this morning. It is not good for you and for the baby.” Dr. Seo somewhat scolded Hannah.

“I will definitely take care of myself now, thank you very much Dr. Seo.” Hannah bowed slightly. “Babe, you should apologize to Dr. Seo because of your outburst, and say tha-“ Hannah stopped mid sentence when she noticed that her husband is not moving and just looking straight to the doctor. “Babe!” She snapped her fingers infront of her husband’s face.

“uh.. Why? What did you say again doctor? My wife is …pregnant? Hannah is… pregnant? Pregnant… with baby… pregnant..” Hyukjae mumbled as if the thoughts are still being processed in his head. “BABE! YOU ARE PREGNANT!!!!!!!!!” He finally exclaimed earning a chuckle from Dr. Seo and a wide smile from Hannah.

“Yes, I am. You are too slow babe!” Hannah grinned.

“Oh my god! You are pregnant!” Hyukjae exclaimed, happiness is evident in his eyes as she gave Hannah a firm kiss on the lips before engulfing her in a tight hug.

“Babe, can’t breathe!.” Hannah complained.

“Oops, sorry babe. Sorry baby, did appa hurt you?” Hyukjae said while caressing Hannah’s tummy.

Dr. Seo smiled warmly at the sight. This is what he loves the most about being an OB-GYNE, seeing how a new family is being formed everyday.

“Since I already delivered the good news, I am expecting to see you often here for your check-ups Mrs. Lee. I will give you two some time together to celebrate and I will comeback later to discuss everything about your pregnancy Mrs. Lee.”

“About that, does that mean that you will be in charge when my wife gives birth?” Hyukjae asked.

“Yes, I will, including all the check ups and ultrasounds.” The doctor decided to explain all the process during check ups and at the end of the explanation, Hyukjae find it wrong to have a guy doctor, a handsome one to be exact, for his wife.

“I think I need to ask for a girl doctor.” Hyukjae said.

“Babe!” Hannah exclaimed.

“I am not just comfortable with the idea of him doing the check ups and delivery of our child.” Hyukjae pouted and the doctor chuckled.

“I do understand your concerns, Mr. Lee. You are not the first husband to say that. And with all honesty, I have to say that I mostly have single mothers under my care. Don’t worry about that, I can transfer you to another doctor.” He smiled understandingly.

“But, I already trust Dr. Seo because he is Yoomi’s friend. Don’t you know that we need to have full trust to our OB-GYNE because they will help us on the duration of the pregnancy? It is not really easy to trust someone if it is about my life and our baby’s life. Just let Dr. Seo be my doctor babe. Please?” Hannah begged.

Hyukjae sighed and after considering Hannah’s words he finally made a decision. “Okay, if that is what you want.” He said and kissed Hannah’s forehead.

“Thank you babe!!” Hannah hugged him.

“If you are really uncomfortable about me doing the physical check ups, I can ask someone to do it for me and I will just monitor everything. We can do that, Mr. Lee.” Dr. Seo suggested.

“Thank you very much Dr. Seo and by the way, please do call us with our first name. As much as I love hearing you address my wife as Mrs. Lee, it will be more comfortable if we use first name basis.” Hyukjae said.

“No problem with that Hyukjae. I’ll see you guys again later, I think your friends has been waiting outside for a long time.”

“Uh, wait!” Hannah stopped him and he obliged.


“You said you are Yoomi’s friend right? She never mentioned you.”

“Everyone is too busy to schedule a meet up, I guess? But yeah, why haven’t she mentioned me even once? I should scold her for that.” Dr. Seo scolded jokingly.

Hannah nodded, “Where is she anyway?”

“Oh! I forgot to mention, she went back to school to fetch your kids, she’ll be here anytime now.” The doctor Seo informed them before leaving the room.

As soon as the doctor went out Hyukjae kissed Hannah’s forehead again mumbling the words ‘Thank You’ and ‘I love you’.

“I love you too babe.” Hannah hugged him. “What do you think, is our baby a girl or a boy?”

“It’s a girl.” Hyukjae answered caressing her tummy.

“How did you know?” Hannah challenged.

“Father’s instinct and wishful thinking. We already have two boys so I want a girl this time but whatever the gender is, I am very happy to have another addition to our family. The world should thank us for spreading great genes.” He said happily.

“You are really something Lee Hyukjae!”

“I know, that is why you love me.”

“Whatever!” Hannah chuckled.

“Baby, grow up fast so that appa and eomma can continue doing your older brothers’ wishes.” He talked to his unborn child while caressing his wife’s flat tummy.

“Babe, I used to do that a lot with the twins!” Hannah giggled because of Hyukjae’s actions.

“And we will do it together for this one and for the next…” Hyukjae counted in his hands… “four.” He winked and Hannah playfully hit his shoulders.

“CONGRATULATIONS! CONGRATULATIONS! CONGRAtulATIONS!~~~” The boys stormed inside the room singing. Kyuhyun and Donghae are busy taking photos and videos with their phones again.

“Yah! Hyukjae ah! Can I tweet it now?” Donghae asked excitedly.

“I will have another nephew or niece!!!!! Kyahhhhh!~” Leeteuk said.

“Knocked out!” Jaejoong pointed his fingers as if it is a gun jokingly at Hannah.

“Bull’s eye!” Yoochun joked.

“Aigoo~ This guy is leaving the rest of us behind!” Junsu complained.

“Eommy!!!~~~ Auntie Yoomi said we can skip classes today because we will have a sister!” Jihoon jumped to the bed beside Hannah, followed by Jiyoon.

“Where is our sister eommy? Where? Where? Where?” Jiyoon asked excitedly roaming his eyes around the room.

“Your sister is inside eommy’s tummy.” Hyukjae informed his overexcited sons.

Both looked at their father surpised with what he said and looked at their mother’s tummy like it is the horrible thing ever.

“EOMMY ATE OUR SISTER?????????!!!!!!!” The boys exclaimed and started whining non stop.

This will be a long explanation, the adults thought.




Presenting our handsome doctor.. DR. SEO JISUK XD






Okay, I shall admit, I became a fan of Seo Jisuk when I watched the SBS drama OB GYNE. He did a great job portraying his character^^ and he is hot. LOL

Anyways, here is another chapter for you guys... i'll update before this year ends, and that would probably be the last chapter.



I enjoyed writing an epilogue of this... LOL... I just love the twins so I ended up writing a chapter wherein they are already 17 year old guys. Lol, don't mind me... I might not post that one because I will write spin-offs.. But maybe I will... I don't know. LOL

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Chapter 72: I've found out about this story and it's really good. \(^^)/ I watched SS5 Manila too ad we're in the same area/ Hahaahah.
JaeMa4ever #2
Chapter 75: You're also going?! OMG me too! But I purchased General Admission since upper box was sold out and I have no choice and I have not money to buy VIP but still I know I'll still have fun :D

And btw, UPDATE SOON !! I really miss your stories !! :D
ecikurcaci #3
Chapter 75: I thought its an updateeeee~
Just enjoy the showwww!! to bad cant attend the show.. wont ss5 again.. ㅠ.ㅠ
Btw.. iam always re read ur story.. i love it. ^^
Chapter 75: ASDFGHJKL I thought it was an update but then I remembered this fic was finished already. HAHAHA! OMG AUTHOR-NIM, I ALSO BOUGHT AN SVIP 3 TICKET!! I hope I could meet you. hehe :))
Dooo~ne reading!!! Because of this I'm sooo~ subscribing to you Author-nim! Jjang! You did a great job! The best Rom-Com fic I've read for this year! Hehe.
comyfantasy #6
Erm... Can someone remind me who is Nayoung? Hahaha!!! =p
Who's Kwon Jinyoung in this story??
Is it G-Dragon of Bigbang?
I'm really confused right now
Because the picture of Jinyoung in this story is looks like G-D,
And its Kwon, But the name is Jinyoung :\
enna13 #8
A simple yet endearing story! I wonder what Hyukjae's kids would look like! ^^