The 'And' XD

That Thin Line


“How are you, preggy?” Heechul asked as he sat down across the table. Hannah called him a while ago asking him to meet her today. It seems like what Hyukjae told him was right, Hannah has been asking for him and Jaejoong a lot recently. Hyukjae even begged him to just give in with her demands of seeing him anytime.

“You’re late!” Hannah scoffed.

“It’s just 15 minutes, Hannah.” Heechul said after glancing on his watch.

“IT IS 15 MINUTES! You, yourself never waited for anyone for more than 10 minutes!” Hannah retorted.

“I always wait for you even if it is more than 10 minutes, what’s wrong with you today?” Heechul asked completely surprised with Hannah’s mood today but the girl didn’t reply and walked to the direction of the washroom instead. Upon seeing the girl standing up from her seat, Jiyoung approached their table.

“Pregnant. Mood swings.” He said to Heechul. He decided to help Heechul out when he noticed that Hannah is having her mood swings again. Hyukjae already warned him about it when he dropped her off a while ago.

“Geez~ and I am today’s unfortunate recipient?” Heechul whispered back.

“Good for you, it is just for today and you rarely see her, I heard Jaejoong is the ‘daily unfortunate recipient’.” Jinyoung shook his head and he even told him how Hannah always asks for Jaejoong and will be all fond of him for one minute but gets irritated afterwards.

“I wonder if Jaejonng is already traumatized.” Heechul chuckled. “How about you and the others?” 

“Of course we experienced it too but she is worst with you and Jaejoong.” Jinyoung explained as he smiled at Hannah when he saw her walking back to the table.

“Aren’t you hungry yet?” Jinyoung asked her.

“I am hungry. My baby is hungry too.” She pouted as she instinctively placed a hand on her stomach. “Jinyoung ah, I want chocolate mousse.” She said excitedly. Heechul was amazed on how her mood shifts after a shortwhile.

Jinyoung took his phone out and browsed an SMS message. “Won’t do.” He said afterwards.

“Why??!” Hannah whined as Jinyoung stood up and went to the counter saying something to his crew. After a few minutes, he went back with a tray of strawberry shortcake, sliced apples and a tall glass of milk.

“Your husband’s order.” Jinyoung told her showing the SMS message containing the list of food to be avoided by pregnant women when eating. Heechul laughed at this earning a glare from Hannah.

Hearing that it is Hyukjae’s order, Hannah decided not to argue but at the back of her mind she is thinking how ironic it is for a café to serve sliced apples and a tall glass of fresh milk. Heechul who is still amused seeing Hannah like this decided to ask for a mango smoothie instead of ordering cappuccino even if he is dying to have one at the moment. He wouldn’t want to frustrate the pregnant girl further.

“So, have you already decided with the name?” Heechul had the guts to finally talk to her again seeing that she is in a good mood again.

“Not yet, we don’t know the gender yet. It just the third month and we will know it on the 5th.” Hannah explained munching on the apple. “But fans are already suggesting a lot of names and Hyukjae has been listing all the suggestions that he thought was good.” Hannah added when she remembered waking up late at night seeing her husband lying on the bed, browsing fans’ replies on his tweet announcing her pregnancy and asking them to suggest names.

“He is really on to this pregnancy of yours.” Heechul chuckled.

“He didn’t experience it with the twins so he is really trying his best now.” Hannah smiled. “Do you think I am giving him a hard time?” Hannah asked.

Heechul was tempted to answer a ‘HELL, YES!’ Just considering her behavior towards him, he is sure Hyukjae is suffering more but of course, he forced himself to control his mouth from saying such comment and just smiled at her. “I think he is enjoying it.” He replied. That is not even a lie, he knows that what he said was right judging from the aura surrounding Hyukjae the last time he saw the guy.  

“I hope so.” Hannah mumbled. She knows how stubborn she is during pregnancy. It is not like, she is doing it on purpose, it is her hormones acting up all the time.

“Stop thinking about it. My godchild will be upset.” Heechul pinched Hannah’s cheeks affectionately.

“Oppa~~!!!” Hannah whined.

They’ve been talking for about half an hour when some of the boys arrived at the café and joined them. Hannah instantly searched for Hyukjae with her eyes.

“Fetching the twins from school, he’ll be here in a bit.” Donghae said even if she is not asking anyone. He just understood the look on her face.

“Noona, you still don’t know the gender?” Kyuhyun pursed his lips to point on her belly.

“No. We’ll know it on the 5th month.”Hannah said. ‘Why is everyone excited to know the gender?’ She thought.

“Oh, two months more.” Sungmin nodded.



“I’m bored.” Donghae mumbled slouching on the sofa at the living room.

“Just go back to your dorm and sleep!” Kyuhyun answered, eyes still glued on his laptop screen.

“I just got up and I am just there alone!” Donghae exclaimed. Heechul is still on service and he will not come back until the afternoon, Shindong is having a surprise visit at his PC house and Leeteuk is out with Nayoung.

“Oh~~ scared that aliens might abduct you?” Kyuhyun teased.

“EAT FOOD!”  Donghae throw a pillow at him.

“GO AND BUY ME A BARBECUE!!” Kyuhyun said stressing on the last two syllables.

“Shut up you two.” Yesung reprimanded the younger ones.

“Why don’t we give the family a visit?” Sungmin suggested.

“The twins are at Hyukjae’s parents place and the couple is out for doctor’s appointment.” Donghae informed them.

“Oh! Do you think they get to know the gender now?” Ryeowook asked.

“I don’t know.”

“What do you think? Is it a boy or a girl?”

“It is a girl!” Kyuhyun said, not even a guess.

“I think it is a boy though, haven’t you realize how grumpy Hannah is recently. They said that if it is a girl, the mother is always in a good mood.”

“I think it is a boy too.” Ryeowook said.

“Yeah, maybe it is a boy.” Sungmin nodded.

“It is agirl, 20, 000 won at stake.” Kyuhyun .

“Boy. I’ll go with 50, 000 won.” Yesung said.

“Money down!” Kyuhyun dared. Everyone took their wallets and placed 50, 000 won each on the table. Donghae and Kyuhyun going for a girl and the three for a boy.

“Let’s ask the others.” Donghae said and put the other boys on conference except Hyukjae.

“100, 000 won. It’s a girl.” Siwon said.

“Damn it, Choi Siwon, only 50, 000!” Heechul said on the other line. “It’s a boy.”

“It’s a boy. 5, 000 won.” Jinyoung bet.

“Just go back to your café and make a bet with your crew!” Donghae commented.

“It’s a girl.” Leeteuk whispered on the phone.

“Boy. Why are you whispering, hyung?” Shindong asked.

“Nayoung is around, she might hear it and tell it to Hannah. I am hanging up!” He said and ended the call.



After a few minutes, Hyukjae arrived with the twins. The boys instantly ran to their mother, gave her a kiss and waved at her belly.

“Hello, baby sister!” The twins cooed. Hannah smiled ruffling her sons’ hair before giving her husband a peck on the lips.

“It’s a girl?!!” Yesung asked.

“I told you, we don’t know yet.” Hannah answered.

“But the twins called the baby their sister.” Sungmin said.

“Their father always tells them that it is a girl.” Hannah explained

“Father’s instinct.” Hyukjae boasted, there and then, Sungmin and Yesung already wanted to withdraw their bets but of course, the maknae won’t allow that.

 “Have you eaten?” Hyukjae asked Hannah. The girl nodded and pointed at the food infront of her. Hyukjae gave the food and Jinyoung a nod of approval as he sat beside Hannah.

“Vitamins?” Hyukjae asked tucking Hannah’s fringes on the back of her ear.

“Done!” Hannah said proudly.

“Is our baby giving you a hard time while I am away?” Hyukjae said caressing her tummy that made Hannah giggle.


Witnessing the couples mushy moments again, the other boys took their own seat on a different table, dragging the twins who are busy eating the apples with them. Even Heechul who is seated on the same table with Hannah and Hyukjae stood up, thinking that he might be wrong after all. Hannah is actually in a very good mood when Hyukjae is around.



After tucking the twins to bed, Hannah decided to make his husband a cup of hot chocolate and got herself a glass of fresh milk before joining Hyukjae on the living room. She saw him there flipping on the pages of a book, eyebrows furrowed in seriousness as he read the contents of each page. She extended her hands infront, offering him the drink she made. Hyukjae took it and placed it on the center table before pulling her wife to sit on his lap. He wrapped his hands around her waist and gave her exposed shoulder a peck.

“What are you reading?” Hannah asked as she randomly picks a book from the pile on the table.

‘A Guide for First Time Daddies’

“This is might not be the first time for me being a father but this is the first time for me to take care of my pregnant wife.” Hyukjae said and gave her apeck on the lips.

 “Have I told you that I love you?” Hannah asked, she was too overwhelmed that Hyukjae is finding time to read these books for him to be able to take care of her better.

“You just said it. Other than that, I think you did and the last one being 10 minutes ago.” He grinned.

“I don’t care. I will say it again, anyway. I love you Lee Hyukjae.” Hannah said giving her husband a firm kiss on the lips.

“I love you more.” Hyukjae said hugging her closer but then he groaned afterwards. He carefully sat Hannah on the sofa and stood up, walking back and forth while doing breathing exercises.

“Are you okay, babe?” Hannah stood up worried and began rubbing her husband’s back.

“Stop.” Hyukjae said breathlessly. “I mean, I’m fine. You … ah… better sleep now” He stuttered and held Hannah’s hand to stop her from caressing his back.

“Are you sure?”  

“Very sure. Now go.”

“You are not coming with me?” Hannah asked. Hyukjae did his best to shake the thoughts that is entering his mind at the moment away.

“I’ll follow later. I’ll just clean up things here.”

“I’ll help you.” Hannah insisted.

“You need to rest. Go to our room, babe.” He kissed her forehead and lightly pushed her towards the room.

“Okay.” Hannah went inside the room after giving her husband a kiss on the lips earning another frustrated groan from him.

As soon as Hannah entered their room, Hyukjae went to the kitchen and got himself a glass of cold water, drinking it in one go.

“Six months Hyukjae, just six months left… six months… six months.” He chanted to himself.


He marched back to the living room and started organizing the books back to the shelf. One of it was not properly arranged on the shelf resulting for it to drop. Hyukjae picked it up frustratedly not even sparing a moment to glance on the opened book. Too bad for him he failed to see the topic on the page which might have been a very essential information for him now.


After calming himself, breathing in and out, he entered their room and saw his wife sleeping peacefully under the sheets, her back facing him. He climbed on the bed and settled himself beside her, hugging her from behind.

Hannah instinctively turned around to face him, eyes still closed. She snuggled closer and rested her head on his chest. Hyukjae fixed the sheets covering them, he wrapped his right hand on her waist and slipped the left one under hear head for it to be her pillow. After lovingly staring at his pregnant wife, he just realized that she indeed has a rare motherly glow. With a smile, he kissed the top of her head. As he closed his eyes to sleep, he didn’t forget to thank the Lord for giving him the chance to be with her again.

Throughout the years, a lot of things have changed, his sons even a part of those changes but one thing hasn’t change at all, it is how this girl in his arms always makes his heart flutter.

Once Park Hannah…

Now Lee Hannah…

His Hannah…


And he will spend the rest of his life with her… loving her and their growing family. <3




'It is not an End... but an And'  - SJ Leeteuk


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Chapter 72: I've found out about this story and it's really good. \(^^)/ I watched SS5 Manila too ad we're in the same area/ Hahaahah.
JaeMa4ever #2
Chapter 75: You're also going?! OMG me too! But I purchased General Admission since upper box was sold out and I have no choice and I have not money to buy VIP but still I know I'll still have fun :D

And btw, UPDATE SOON !! I really miss your stories !! :D
ecikurcaci #3
Chapter 75: I thought its an updateeeee~
Just enjoy the showwww!! to bad cant attend the show.. wont ss5 again.. ㅠ.ㅠ
Btw.. iam always re read ur story.. i love it. ^^
Chapter 75: ASDFGHJKL I thought it was an update but then I remembered this fic was finished already. HAHAHA! OMG AUTHOR-NIM, I ALSO BOUGHT AN SVIP 3 TICKET!! I hope I could meet you. hehe :))
Dooo~ne reading!!! Because of this I'm sooo~ subscribing to you Author-nim! Jjang! You did a great job! The best Rom-Com fic I've read for this year! Hehe.
comyfantasy #6
Erm... Can someone remind me who is Nayoung? Hahaha!!! =p
Who's Kwon Jinyoung in this story??
Is it G-Dragon of Bigbang?
I'm really confused right now
Because the picture of Jinyoung in this story is looks like G-D,
And its Kwon, But the name is Jinyoung :\
enna13 #8
A simple yet endearing story! I wonder what Hyukjae's kids would look like! ^^