Start of the Preparations

That Thin Line



I am busy feeding the kids in the dining room when Victoria and Nichkhun arrived from their meeting with the wedding planner.

“How are things going?” I asked Victoria who went straight to the fridge and poured herself a glass of water.

“Pretty well, there are just some overlapping ideas from me and Nichkhun but we worked it out.” She smiled and sat down beside Jiyoon. “How about you? Is everything set for the first stage of the musical?” She asked me.

“Yes. Finally. I can’t believe it took us a month just because of a person who is full of himself.” I said in disappointment. I failed to go back to Korea after two weeks because of the adjustments and change in schedules. Good thing that Hyukjae is very understanding and he let me stay but of course after making me promise to go back immediately after everything is done.

“I heard from Professor Bynes that you gave the guy a dose of his own medicine.” She chuckled.

“Serves him right. What kind of a professional, as he calls himself, will try to flirt with his musical director? I even lied that I am married and brought the kids with me but he won’t stop.”

“That’s why you didn’t even bat an eyelash when you asked professor to replace him.”

“When I do business, I mean strict business.” I shrugged. 

“That is the reason why Nichkhun won’t let go of you. Both of you should loosen up when it comes to work.” She said.

“Work is work. If we loosen up, we might lose it. There is a tight competition in the music industry so we need to be always on the dot and focus in everything we do.” Nichkhun explained as he sat down across Victoria on the table.

“And you know me, I want everything do be done and over with as soon as possible.” I told her while I try to take the Ipad away from the twins. They are busy with it that I am having a hard time feeding them.

“Eommy~” They whined when I finally took it from their hands.

“Finish eating first then you can go back playing Angry Birds, okay?” I told them and they nodded.

“Aaaaah~~~!!!” Jihoon opened his mouth, waiting for the food.

“But you still amaze me Hannah. You can take care of the kids really well while doing your job. How can you do that?” She asked interested while looking at me and the twins.

“Why Vi? You are starting to think of how will you take care of our kids?” Nichkhun teased. Victoria threw a crumpled tissue in his direction and the guy laughed.

“Well, I need to think about it especially because their father is a workaholic.” She snapped.

“It is all about time management, Vi. Twenty-four hours is a long time, you just have to use it wisely.” I answered and she nodded as if taking a mental note of what I said.

“Anyway, how is your not-so-secret admirer? Still alive?” Nichkhun asked while tossing the apple on the air.

“Close to losing his valued face. If ever the musical was postponed again because of his UNprofessionalism, I will really punch the lights out of him!” I exclaimed.

“No wonder Hyukjae trusts you. You can’t look on or love any other guys aside from him.” Victoria chuckled.

“Of course I do, I have my Jiyoon and Jihoon, right sweetie?” I smiled at the twins and pinched their cheeks lightly, they smiled cheekily.

“Aigoo~ Still, it is Hyukjae’s blood that is running in that adorable kids’ veins.” Vi pointed out while wiping Jiyoon’s mouth with a tissue. Just then, Victoria’s phone went off. She knotted her forehead when she checked who the caller is before giving me a confused look.

“Problem? Who is it?” I asked.

“Eommy, finish!” Jiyoon cheered.

“Pad!” Jihoon added.

“Just a friend. Excuse me.” She said and went to the living room to answer the call.

“Khun, professor invited you and Vi for the first stage. The invitation is on the center table. You should come.” I informed him as I handed the Ipad back to the twins.

“Of course, we will.” He nodded. “By the way, I already arranged your flight back. It will be Saturday next week.”

I manage to thank him before glancing on Victoria’s way and I notice her looking at me with a smile before turning back and she seems complaining on the person on the other line.

“Hey, I will bring the kids upstairs.” I informed Nichkhun and he helped Jiyoon to get off of the chair.

“Byie, Uncle Khun!” The twins waved and skipped across the living room with me.

“Time to sleep?” Victoria asked when pass on her side. She just ended the call.

“Nooo~!” The twins whined and looked at me with puppy eyes. “Eommy, sleep later?” Now how can I say no to that?

“Fine.” I sighed and freed their hands from my grasp. They plopped happily on the couch and hovered over the gadget.

“Yoon. play Mimi and Ddangkoma!” Hoon said excitedly and that is how they started playing with it again. I shook my head, I need to blame Kyuhyun for this.

“Hey Hannah, can you help me with some stuffs for the wedding?”Victoria suddenly asked.

“I thought everything is already settled?” I asked back.

“Yeah, but … uhm...we still need to finalize somethings so that we can…Uhm… talk to the planner about it ASAP.” She stuttered.

“Okaaay. No need to feel nervous about it, everything will be fine for the wedding.” I answered with assurance but manage to give her a chuckle.

Suddenly, my phone’s ringing tone filled the air.

“Eommy! Appa, call!” Jihoon exclaimed showing me Hyukjae’s photo on my phone which means he is the one calling.

“Thank you baby.” I told him and motioned for Victoria to wait.

“Hey, what’s up?” I said as soon as I answered his call.

“Babe~!” He said and I can imagine a pout.

“What’s wrong?” I asked.

“I miss you.” He said softly.

“Same here. So tell me what is wrong.” I asked because I can seriously feel that there is something wrong.

“I miss you.”

“Hyukjae, what’s the problem?”

“I miss you.”

“Babe~ be serious!”

“That is my problem… I miss you.” He sighed.

“Okay, I know. It is my fault but I didn’t see that postponement coming. Sorry babe.” I mumbled.

“That’s not it. Actually, we have-“

“A problem. I can feel that there is judging on the way you speak.”

“Am I that easy to read?” He chuckled.

“Not for other people, but for me, definitely yes. So tell me about it.” I encouraged him.

“Babe, can you just stay there until after Nichkhun and Victoria’s wedding?” He asked after letting out a heavy sigh.

“I thought you want us to go back after the first stage of the musical. Nichkhun already booked a flight.” I replied confused of his sudden decision.

“That was the initial plan, and believe me that I would want to stick with it because I miss you guys like hell. But the stupid maknae told something in Strong Heart that less than half of us are dating and ever since, the media and some saesang fans started following us like mad. I don’t want to risk your safety so just stay there for the mean time and I will fix things here first.” He explained and I can sense the frustration in his voice that he didn’t want to resort to it if the situation didn’t call for it.

“It’s okay. I understand. Take your time, we’ll be fine here. I don’t want you to feel stressed because of this.”

“I won’t. After everything is okay, I will go there to fetch you and the twins. I promise.” He assured me.

“We will wait for you and please do me a favor. Can you please hit the back of Kyuhyun’s head for me?” I gritted my teeth. He laughed on the other line.

“Why, because we can’t see each other anytime soon? I didn’t know that you miss me that much, babe.” He teased.

“You know I do, but that is not the reason. Your sons are starting to be addicted with playing games, it was his entire fault!” I exclaimed.

“Aish. That maknae. You don’t have to ask for it, I surely will. I told him not to teach them those stuffs.”

“When did he ever listen to his hyungs?” I chuckled.

“Oh yeah, you are right.”

“We are on in 5!” I heard another voice in the background.

“You’re filming?” I asked him.

“Yeah. Lots of things going for us since the comeback.”

“Take care of yourself okay. Don’t be sick, I am not there to take care of you.” I reminded him.

“Yes, eommy.” He said like an obedient son. “I have to go now, I love you babe. Until my next call, okay?”

“Okay. I love you too, babe. Bye!” I said and hung up. I am very sure that we might end up with our what-what-what-what scene if I didn’t initiate to end it.

“Hyukjae?” Vi asked as soon as I get back on the living room. I nodded.

“He told me to stay here until your wedding because he still needs to fix things there.” I explained and she just nodded while flipping on the pages of a magazine, not even surprised.

“Hey Hannah, check the wedding gown magazines and tell me which do you think is the best.” Victoria suddenly interrupted my thoughts about Hyukjae as she handed me about three magazines, the latest and most popular ones. I scanned the pages and found something that will really look good on her.

“This one will be perfect for you!” I said excitedly as I show her the photo. She took a glance and nodded.

“I see. But do you like it?” She asked.

“Yup, I like this for you.” I said and placed a book mark on that page as I started to scan the pages again. Another one caught my attention. It is a very elegant one and I instantly fell in love with it.

“This one is better. No, this is the best, Vi! I really love the design of this one! You should take this!” I said enthusiastically, I really like to see the real thing.

“You really love this one? Like really really love this one among the rest?” She asked grinning. I nodded and started encouraging her to take it. I smiled when she placed another bookmark on the page and wrote something on the last page of her notepad where she is writing stuffs for the wedding.

She then flipped the page back to the first book marked one.

“I am taking this one.” She said pointing at the gown which I initially chose for her.

“But the last one is the best.” I argued and she just waved her hand dismissingly.

“Motif. Perfect color for the wedding?” She asked.

“You already have a motif.” I reminded her.

“What do you think about it?” She asked.

“Of course it is the best! You listened very well when I said that pastel colors are the best.” I grinned.

“Now I can imagine your wedding full of pastel colors too.” She waited for my reply.

“Of course! Pastel colors will give a relaxing feeling. But I personally prefer beige.” I said and she nodded, writing something on the pad.

“Venue.” She stated next.

“A wedding in a chapel near the beach is perfect!” I beamed while she is busy writing.

“Nichkhun and I already decided on a wedding at the hotel’s ballroom.” She informed me. “How about the cake?”

“Strawberry is still the best.” I grinned at her.

“I am going for a choco almond cake.” She stated and I pouted.

“You shouldn’t ask for my opinion if you had already decided on it.” I pouted. Victoria tapped my shoulders and grinned.

“I listened. Pastel colors and your first choice of gown for me, remember?”

“Well, atleast consider a strawberry cake.” I bargained.

“You’ll get yourself a strawberry cake soon.” She smiled and stood up to answer a call.

“Yah! Can I have it now?!” I said thinking that she will give me one as a sign of thanks because I helped her, but Victoria just wave her hand dismissingly. Great!


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Chapter 72: I've found out about this story and it's really good. \(^^)/ I watched SS5 Manila too ad we're in the same area/ Hahaahah.
JaeMa4ever #2
Chapter 75: You're also going?! OMG me too! But I purchased General Admission since upper box was sold out and I have no choice and I have not money to buy VIP but still I know I'll still have fun :D

And btw, UPDATE SOON !! I really miss your stories !! :D
ecikurcaci #3
Chapter 75: I thought its an updateeeee~
Just enjoy the showwww!! to bad cant attend the show.. wont ss5 again.. ㅠ.ㅠ
Btw.. iam always re read ur story.. i love it. ^^
Chapter 75: ASDFGHJKL I thought it was an update but then I remembered this fic was finished already. HAHAHA! OMG AUTHOR-NIM, I ALSO BOUGHT AN SVIP 3 TICKET!! I hope I could meet you. hehe :))
Dooo~ne reading!!! Because of this I'm sooo~ subscribing to you Author-nim! Jjang! You did a great job! The best Rom-Com fic I've read for this year! Hehe.
comyfantasy #6
Erm... Can someone remind me who is Nayoung? Hahaha!!! =p
Who's Kwon Jinyoung in this story??
Is it G-Dragon of Bigbang?
I'm really confused right now
Because the picture of Jinyoung in this story is looks like G-D,
And its Kwon, But the name is Jinyoung :\
enna13 #8
A simple yet endearing story! I wonder what Hyukjae's kids would look like! ^^