Read my actions

That Thin Line


“Good evening, Ladies.” Jinyoung suddenly appeared out of nowhere giving me and Yoomi a quick hug.

“Oh, you are here too!” I replied sarcastically.

“Of course, I promised someone that I will be your bodyguard tonight, remember?” He said and sat beside me.

“And you suddenly remembered the reason why are you here in the first place.” I squinted.

“Someone is secretly giving me death glares, that’s why.” He looked at Hyukjae and Donghae’s direction and bowed dramatically at them as if he is a slave and they are the masters. The two guys are really good in controlling their reactions since no one can even notice that these three guys are sending signals secretly using their eyes. “I am so doomed. I bet Hyukjae wouldn’t give me that date that he promised me.” Jinyoung groaned.

“Your fault for not doing your job,” I stuck my tongue at him.

“I am a café owner/manager not a bodyguard!” He snapped.

“But you are my friend, you were supposed to look after me.” I argued.

“What are you? A five year old kid?” He said.

“You agreed to that and besides you wouldn’t be here in the first place if I didn’t decide to attend.”

“Aish. Fine. Why do I always lose in an argument with you?” He shook his head.

As soon as their performance ended and after a few hi and hellos for the people around, Hyukjae and Donghae went straight to our table and gave me a quick hug and peck on the cheek. When it is Hyukjae’s turn to hug me, I glared at him first, reminding him to keep it low.

"Nice song you got back there." Yoomi commented. "Is that song dedicated for Hannah?" She bravely asked earning a confused look from Hyukjae. I bet he is not familiar with her, they only met once when I introduced him as my boyfriend to Yoomi. That is way back during their trainee days.

"You've been meeting a lot of persons lately, you must have forgotten you already met me few years back. I guess I need to introduce myself again, Kim Yoomi. Hannah's closest friend during High school---" Donghae and Jinyoung faked a cough, interrupting Yoomi's lengthy speech. She rolled her eyes and continued. "I mean, closest girl friend. And yes, I know the history." She said while eyeing me and Hyukjae.

"So back to my original question, is that song dedicated for Hannah?" she asked again ignoring my nudge on her side. Hyukjae was about to say something but Yoomi opened to say something again.

"Dude, I know you are BFF with JYJ's Junsu and might be close with Jaejoong too but I am tellling you, I have heard a lot of rumors and scandals about you and some random girls out there, I am ready to punch the lights out of you if you are trying to hit on Hannah again and include her on your collection. Just to inform you, I am a black belter in Taekwondoo, second degree." She pointed out. Donghae and Jinyoung are silently laughing on their seats, enjoying the scenario while Hyukjae was stuck on his seat surprised with the sudden outburst of Yoomi.

"What? Are you going to just sit there and stare at me or you will answer my question?" Yoomi raised her eyebrow.

"Sorry but what exactly is the question again?" Hyukjae asked totally lost because of Yoomi's non stop talk.

Donghae and Jinyoung failed to control their giggles catching the attention of the crowd.

"I'm sorry. Please continue, don't mind us here." Donghae apologized to the people on the next table. Good thing we are on the most secluded part and the tables were a little far from each other, no one can hear what exactly are we talking about.

"Yoomi, not here! You know their situation, right?!" I hissed at her. She covered in surprise.


"Oops! Sorry, I got carried away. I am just really pissed with that guy's reputation." She said pointing at Hyukjae. "  But I am pretty sure that the song is really for you." She faced me.

"Will you just keep your thoughts on yourself? I will seriously set you up with Jaejoong oppa without you knowing it, if you'd continue with this." I told her.

"Not a bad idea at all, just be sure that I am well prepared if that happens." She shrugged.

"I will call Jaejoong oppa now!" I said taking out my phone.

"Hey, I was just joking!" She said trying to snatch the phone from me.

"I am not! I will really call Jaejoong oppa now to make you shut up." I said.

"Yah! Not now! I haven't visited the salon today! Park Hannah! Wait! How dare you call him oppa?!" She shrieked.

"We are close, you know?" I stuck my tongue at her. I noticed Hyukjae's eyebrow arched.

"How dare you! Just stick with your Yunho and leave Jaejoong alone." She muttered. Hyukjae glared at me upon hearing the word Yunho. I bit my lips and surrendered.

"Fine. I will not call him." I said and placed my phone back on my purse.

"Gosh! You are really head over heels with that guy! Just a mention of his name you already backed down. Thank God!" She exclaimed. Hyukjae cleared his throat exaggeratedly; I looked at him and slightly shook my head telling him it is not all about Yunho. Obviously, it was his glare when Yoomi mentioned Yunho that made me stop.

"Oh! I think I hit something unintentionally. Did I hit it hard?" Yoomi smirked at Hyukjae.

Hyukjae decided not to come back with something but managed to smile and say a brief 'NO' to Yoomi. A million points for him for trying his best to control himself. I think he is considering Yoomi just as another 'Victoria'.

"Come on, Yoomi. Let's try the desserts!" I dragged Yoomi from her seat before she can even snap back to Hyukjae.

We spent quite a time from getting the desserts because a few classmates approached us for a short chit chat. I managed to pick a few cookies and a strawberry cake from the buffet before we went back to our seat. When we reached our table, there are already about two girls seating beside Hyukjae and Donghae, trying to flirt with them. Knowing the boys body language, I am very sure that they really want to shoo the girls away from our table but they are trying their best to be a gentleman.

"Pft! What a player!" Yoomi exclaimed when she was them.

"He is not flirting with them." I defended.

"And how are you sure about that?" She squinted.

"I just know." I shrugged and went back to the table leaving her eyeing me.

"Desserts? Anyone?" I asked as I placed the plate on the table. Yoomi sat beside me and did the same.

"Have you eaten dinner?" Hyukjae asked not minding the girl beside her who is trying to get his attention.

"I am still full. I just want to try these desserts." I explained while choosing what to eat.

"Such a sweet tooth." Donghae commented while eyeing the plate almost with disgust. The guy is not a fan of sweet stuffs.

"You should eat." Hyukjae told me while looking at the choice of desserts that I got from the buffet. I was about to put a piece of cookie in my mouth but Hyukjae snatched it away from me with wide eyes. In my surprise, Donghae and Jinyoung took the remaining cookies on the plate and stuffed it on their mouths in an instant.

"Yah! That is mine!" I whined.

"Sheckwatshuiten!" Donghae exclaimed in an incoherent manner because of the cookies in his mouth. He ended up gulping a glass of water because he can't take the sweetness of the food.

"Peanuts." Hyukjae suddenly butted in showing me the toppings of the cookies that I didn't notice a while ago because I am too excited to taste all the stuffs. Thank god that I have three boys to save me from having allergy attacks.

"Oh! I didn't notice. Thanks!" I told the guys. I noticed Yoomi was silent in her seat and just keeps on eyeing me. "What?" I asked her. She shooked her head and montioned me to eat the cake.

I was irritated with the way the two girls are trying to get the boys' attention but I tried my best to not show it since the boys are just being civil around them, answering their questions politely. I focused my attention in enjoying the cake and was surprised when someone spoke beside me.

"Finally, you saw something worth enjoying in this event." I looked up and saw Jonghoon standing beside me with a grin.

"Yeah. Finally." I rolled my eyes at him and asked him to join us.

"Uh, I want to but I am sorry, I have to decline, I have a meeting early tomorrow morning so I have to go now. I just stopped by to say goodbye."

"That's too bad. Well, go home safely and thank you for not being an tonight." I said.

"Yeah. Thanks for helping Hannah a while ago and I apologize for being a ." Yoomi added.

"People change, you know. Anyway, enjoy the rest of your night. I hope we can see each other again, maybe for lunch or dinner?" He asked.

"No problem. It is good to have new friends anyway." I nodded. After I said those things, someone slammed our table resulting for a loud noise. All of us faced the person who did it.

"Ant. There is an ant on the table." Hyukjae explained looking straight at me.

"Really?! Where? I hate ants!"The girl beside her shrieked.

"It is already gone." Hyukjae said not even facing the girl.

"I guess I can go with coffee." Yoomi replied to Jonghoon after the 'ant incident'.

"I will just see you girls then."He said and faced the other guys. "Donghae, Jinyoung and Eunhyuk ssi, it was nice seeing you here." He nodded to the guys’ direction and the three did the same, Hyukjae doing it half heartedly.

He was about to give me a hug but there goes the slam on the table again.

"Ant." Hyukjae said with a shrug. Donghae covered his mouth trying to cover his smile while Jinyoung took the glass of water on his lips hiding his grin.

I stopped myself from rolling my eyes and decided to offer my hands to Jonghoon for a handshake instead. He took it and did the same with Yoomi before he took off.

"Oppa, where are the ants? I can't see them." The girl asked. I raised my eyebrow. Oppa?!!! I glared at Hyukjae.

"I thought you hate them? Why are you asking for it now?" Hyukjae said cooly with a hint of irritation.

The girl must be pretty numb because she didn't get the sarcasm in his voice.

"Oppa, can we take a selca?" One of the girls asked Donghae.

"I want a selca with you too, oppa." The girl beside Hyukjae said acting cutely that I want to throw up.

"Sorry, but they can't take selcas with you girls." Jinyoung butted in.

"Why? Are you their manager now?" One girl snapped.

"That is really none of your business." Jinyoung snapped back. Yoomi grinned beside me and gave Jinyoung a thumbs up.

"Sorry but it is company rules." Donghae explained. The girls gave up and stood up.


"Oh well, there is still always next time." She said and placed a calling card on Hyukjae's chest pocket. "Call me."

"I am a really busy person." He said.

"When you are not busy." She winked.

"Okay." Hyukjae shrugged. I suddenly kicked his leg under the table. He gasped loudly and looked at me. I smiled at him sarcastically.

"Problem?" The girl asked and held his cheeks. I kicked him again, a little harder this time before I stood up.

"I am going home." I informed them and stormed out of the hall.

I passed by a vendo machine so I decided to get a bottle of mineral water first. Seriously, I am fuming mad! After I got the bottle, someone placed a bill and got another one too. I looked up and saw Hyukjae beside me. I turned my back from him and chugged the contents of the bottle.

"Hannah! I'll take you home." Yoomi yelled while running to my direction.

"Don't worry about me, I have a car." I replied when we came face to face. She glanced at Hyukjae and exclaimed.

"Oh good heavens!!!"

"Woah!" Jinyoung and Donghae stopped their fast walking because Yoomi almost hit them with her arms when she stretched it up.

"Yah! You two are not high schoolers anymore! I must say, I enjoyed watching you guys back there but enough of the jealousy, okay?!" She said frustratedly.

"Who's jealous?" Hyukjae and me said at the same time.

"Nah-ah. Don't play that game with a Psychologist like me. It might not be obvious for other people but I have an eye for these stuffs especially because I know you guys personally so I know what is going on." She eyed me and Hyukjae. "Okay, my lips are sealed just talk about it when you guys are alone."

"Are you sure you don't want me to take you home?" she asked me.

"Very sure. I have my car remember?" I assured her before I took another gulp of the water. I looked at Hyukjae while doing so and he is just there, doing the same thing too.

"I am just hesitant to leave you again. You don't know how bothered I am when I left you alone after our night out when you came back for a vacation almost four years ago especially when you failed to answer my calls! I am scared back then that you might meet a bad guy on the streets and get !" She exclaimed.

Hyukjae and I coughed really hard that we almost spitted the water out after hearing her words. Yoomi went beside me and caressed my back. Donghae went beside Hyukjae and did the same to him.

"What's going on with you two? I just said something about she could have been back then. It is all in the past." Yoomi explained. I waved my hands at her telling her that I am fine.

"Don't worry yourself that much Hyukjae, Of course, she didn't get herself . Right, Hannah?" Yoomi assured him.

"Of course!" Hyukjae and I overreacted.

"Okay, chill guys." Yoomi raised her hands with a smile. "I better be going now. Keep in touch Hannah!" She said and strutted on the deserted hallway waving at us.

"That girl, really! I can't wait to see her embarass herself in front of Jaejoong oppa!" I said grinning. It is good to see a really close friend again.

"You are evil." Hyukjae squinted and I rolled my eyes at him.

"I'll take that as a compliment." I snickered.

"I think I just found out something really interesting today." Donghae suddenly mumbled. I look back at him and saw him pondering with his left hand on his chin and right hand on Jinyoung's shoulder.

"You think so? I think so too." Jinyoung grinned at us.

"What is it now?" I asked them.  They walked pass me and Hyukjae but stopped a meter away.

"I'll tell you a secret, Jinyoung." Donghae said.


"I think I might have an idea when the twins were conceived." Donghae mumbled just enough for me to hear. My eyes widened and heat started crept up my cheeks.

"Oh! You got it right!" Jinyoung grinned at us. I lifted my purse and threw it at their direction but Donghae swiftly catched it.

"Nice pitch!" He said and threw it back to Hyukjae. "Jinyoung will give me a lift, see you at the dorm!" He said and ran outside with Jinyoung.  I tried to run after them not minding my stilettos but as soon as I reached the parking space, they were already gone.

After a few seconds, Hyukjae came with my purse on his hands. I snatched it and turned to open the door of my car. I tossed the purse on the passenger seat and went in. Before I can even close the door, he stopped it and lowered his head on my level.

“Let’s talk.” He said.

“Not here.” I replied, he nodded and glanced on his watch.

“Let’s get back to the High school feeling. Han River?” He asked. We used to go and have our dates there during High school.  I thought of it, since it is already late, people in the area are less if not none at all.

“Sure. See you in 15 minutes.”

“Make it 20. Drive safely.” He said with a smile before heading to his own car.

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Chapter 72: I've found out about this story and it's really good. \(^^)/ I watched SS5 Manila too ad we're in the same area/ Hahaahah.
JaeMa4ever #2
Chapter 75: You're also going?! OMG me too! But I purchased General Admission since upper box was sold out and I have no choice and I have not money to buy VIP but still I know I'll still have fun :D

And btw, UPDATE SOON !! I really miss your stories !! :D
ecikurcaci #3
Chapter 75: I thought its an updateeeee~
Just enjoy the showwww!! to bad cant attend the show.. wont ss5 again.. ㅠ.ㅠ
Btw.. iam always re read ur story.. i love it. ^^
Chapter 75: ASDFGHJKL I thought it was an update but then I remembered this fic was finished already. HAHAHA! OMG AUTHOR-NIM, I ALSO BOUGHT AN SVIP 3 TICKET!! I hope I could meet you. hehe :))
Dooo~ne reading!!! Because of this I'm sooo~ subscribing to you Author-nim! Jjang! You did a great job! The best Rom-Com fic I've read for this year! Hehe.
comyfantasy #6
Erm... Can someone remind me who is Nayoung? Hahaha!!! =p
Who's Kwon Jinyoung in this story??
Is it G-Dragon of Bigbang?
I'm really confused right now
Because the picture of Jinyoung in this story is looks like G-D,
And its Kwon, But the name is Jinyoung :\
enna13 #8
A simple yet endearing story! I wonder what Hyukjae's kids would look like! ^^