Fun & Games [Part 2/2]

Straight As Student.

Chaerin, Jiyong and I spent the afternoon hanging out, window-shopping (for me) while Chaerin goes shopping, using up almost all of Jiyong's money. I wanted to stop her from doing that but I think Jiyong won't listen anyway. He's just so stubborn.

Time check: 6:30PM

"Jiyong, can I have this please?" Chaerin pleaded, making her eyes big and round while fluttering her eyelashes cutely. Jiyong looks inside his wallet and I can see a little 'shocked' expression on his face. He shook his head, "I don't have enough money left, Chaerin."

"Don't you have a credit card?" Chaerin pouted.

Credit cards. Ever since his dad passed away, his mum and himself never use credit cards anymore. Jiyong shook his head, "No, I don't use credit cards." Chaerin rolled her eyes at him, "Why not?"


"It's his problem whether he wants to use it or not. You should go ask your parents or save your own money if you want those pair of leather boots so badly," I cussed, "Now put it back."

Before Chaerin could respond, her phone rang. She gave me one last glare before picking it up.


"But I'm busy!"

"...Do I really have to?"

"Okay fine! I'll come back home!"

And she closed her phone angrily and looked at Jiyong with a disappointed face.

"I need to go home. Something personal. I'll see you on Monday," Chaerin gave Jiyong one last hug before she leaves. And she never looks back at me. So she left in the middle of the 'game' we're playing. Hah.

Jiyong tapped my shoulder, "Are you okay?"

"Huh? Yeah, I am. Why?"

"Since she's not here, let's go take a stroll at the park. You okay with that?" Jiyong suggested.

"That's totally fine. Let's go."

At the park, we took a stroll, enjoying the light breeze and the beautiful scenery. Familes having picnics near the pond, with their kids running around. There's plenty of laughter and joy. The park is really the best place to relieve your stress.

"Those kids are cute," Jiyong pointed at them.

"Yeah. I wish I had a baby brother or sister. Don't you wish the same thing too?" I asked him.

Jiyong chuckled, "I wish."

As the two of us made ourselves comfortable on the bench we are sitting on, a boy fell over and cried because of the big cut on his right knee. His older brother who was running up towards him tried to cheer him up but he can't.

"Ma! Pa!" The boys cried.

"Where's their parents?"

Jiyong shrugged his shoulders, "I don't know. But we should go help them. Come on."

The two of us approached the two little kids. Jiyong studied the cut and rubbed the boy's back, "This is a big cut. Dara, do you have any plaster to cover up this cut?"

The older brother raised his hand, "Plaster! I have plaster!" he said, trying to find the plaster inside his pocket.  He pulled it out and handed it over to Jiyong who pasted it over the cut carefully.

"There. It's going to be alright, okay?" Jiyong smiled at the little boy and hugged him to his chest, "Dara, let's look for their parents."

I nod my head, "Sure. Come on~" and I held the older brother's hands, while Jiyong carried the one with the cut while humming a lulluby for him. The older boy then looked up at me and said, "What is your name?"

"My name is Sandara. And how about you?" I tickled his nose. He giggled cutely and said, "My name is Minho! And my younger brother's name is Taemin!"

"Isn't that a cute name?" I laughed and carried him up too. His laughter was so adorable. And it is honestly my first time carrying a young toddler like him. And it feels so good.

"So, where are your parents?" I asked Minho.

Minho tapped his index finger on his chin cutely. Jiyong and I exchanged smiles when looking at this cute little Minho. Finally, after a pretty long thought, he said, "My parents were cuddling each other."

"Aww, that's so sweet. Where did they cuddle?"

"Near the pond!" He said, raising his index finger.

"Okay, let's find the pond!" I said enthusiastically and put him down on the floor. The both of us skipped with our hands held together. I turned around and waved at Jiyong, "Come on, faster!" But Jiyong wasn't paying attention. I waved again, "Jiyong!!"

"Oh yes?" Jiyong finally came back to his senses. I motioned him to come nearer, "Walk faster! The pond is right up ahead!" Jiyong walked briskly back to my side. Minho then pointed to the pond, "There it is! Let's go, Sadara!" Jiyong laughed at how Minho mispronouced Dara' name.

"Hello, Sadara~" Jiyong teased.

"No, my name is Sandara, Minho!" I tickled his sides playfully. Minho chuckled, "Sadara!"

"Let's call her Sadara! Okay, Taemin?" Taemin giggled softly, and nods his head, "Okay, appa~"

"Wait, I'm not your appa!" Jiyong laughed, and pressed his head close to Taemin's head.

We shared laughter as we walked to the pond. When their parents were seen, the two kids rushed to their parents and gave them a hug from behind.

Jiyong's POV

I can't help but awwed at their close relationship between the children and the parents. I wished it was like that now. But I don't think it will happen. I'm lonely...

"Appa! Umma!" The kids and their parents embraced each other. Minho pointed at Dara and myself and smiled, "Umma!" He tugged onto her mum's shirt, "That is Sadara! And that's-" But Taemin finished the sentence for his brother, "Appa!"

I chuckled. Both their parents smiled at us, "Thank you for bringing them back to us. We didn't even realise they were not here," the mum apologized.

"It's no problem," I said then kneeled down beside Taemin, "There's a cut on his knee. Dara plastered it for him."

His dad checked the cut and smiled, "Thank you, Dara."

"But appa, her name is Sadara!" Minho said. Dara giggled, "Aigo you're so cute, Minho!"

"Okay, the two of you say thank you!"

Minho and Taemin bowed, "Kamsamnida!"

Nobody’s POV

Dara and Jiyong waved goodbye to the kids and smiled at each other.

“Hey, I didn’t know you are good with kids,” Dara said, fiddling with her fingers.

“You are too,” Jiyong smiled widely.

Dara nods her head, “Let’s go home. I’m tired.”

Jiyong agreed and walked her to the door step. Dara smiled and waved, “Thanks for walking me home.”

“It’s a guy’s duty,” Jiyong . Dara giggled and waved, “I’ll see you on Monday.”

Dara went home, and was greeted with her mum, smirking, “Who is that? Your date?”

“No, no, he’s just my friend. Why are you saying that, mum?” Dara rolled her eyes and climbed up the stairs to her bedroom, “I’ll have an early night. Goodnight, mum.”

Dara closed the door behind her and jumped on bed. She feels like she’s losing. Maybe in Chaerin’s little game but, she’s losing something else. It felt like she fell for Jiyong because of the park incident just now. She’s losing in her own game as well.

I can’t wait to see him on Monday…

Jiyong went home, and his mum isn’t at home. He sighs and walked up to his bed room and closed the door. All he could think about was Dara. Sandara Park. No, she’s not just gorgeous but she’s really good with kids and somehow that little trait makes him love her. He can see that her personality is gentle, loving and bright. She has that charm.

I can’t wait to see her on Monday…



Okay, this chapter is more like a Daragon chapter ^^

Well honestly, I think this story is really confusing and getting bad D: honestly.

I hope you like it though. I'll make it more romantic in the next chapters.

I don't even know how to end this story hahahaha I should've planned everything before writing lol

Anyway, looking at the bright side.........



They even won ARTIST OF THE YEAR and they beat Psy and SuperJunior! HOLY!

And they have the best stage. Their performance was flawless kekeke.

Top's eyes are monster-fied and Jiyong's red hair :O

And our dear Jiyong won Best Male Solo Artist. I KNEW IT xD


Thanks for the comments and subs!

I'm expecting a better chapter from myself. See you guys on the next update. :)


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Sorry guys, I won't be able to update Straight As Student & Princess and a Dork because I won't be able to have access on a computer except on my phone ;~;


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Chapter 14: Come on top teach her a lesson she'll never forget!
BlackroseJack #2
Chapter 14: update sooooon
Chapter 14: CL stop being mean 2 Dara and wat if she and Jiyong has a relationship, It's not your business!!!
heiress #4
Chapter 14: Go TOP! teach that Chae girl a lesson!

Please update again soon. :)
abya01 #5
Chapter 14: yes teach her a lesson
Please update soon :)
XxtaerilxX #6
Chapter 13: HANDS OFF!! CL!! just go out with sungri and leave jiyong to dara..
heiress #7
Chapter 13: Screw CL for ruining the moment! Aisht!! Go get a life, girl!

Please update again soon. :)
Lakeland #8
Chapter 13: Whoa whoa whoa. Chaerin. Lay off. Things just started goin good for daragon. Back off girl.
Chapter 13: CL please don't disturb them let them be together.
Chapter 13: A little bit too rush but I think this story is still good. Keep updating. :)