Chapter 7

Do I Love My Enemy?(HIATUS)


One week later,


" Alright! The preparation is all set! " Chunji said in sastiefied as he looked at the preparation he had made for welcoming his parents home. He had prepared some presents and also, he had decorated the living room with balloons and ribbons to suprised his parents when they came home. He was really happy that his parents would come home that day. It had been a long time since he last saw his parents, it was a year ago. He hoped that his parents could have more time for him because his parents were always busy with their overseas job. It was kind of lonely living in a big mansion with just maids and butlers.

" Err, What is this all for, master? " Haejin asked as she walked into the living room. She was suprised to see the decoration and stuff. Chunji then turned around to look at Haejin.

" It's nothing. " Chunji said. " Oh, and you have to hide from my parents, okay? You have to stay in your room and never come out when my parents is around unless I said that you can. " Chunji told her. 

" Wait. Your parents are coming home?! " Haejin eyes widened.

" Well, yes. Maybe. So, just stay in your room, okay? " Chunji said. Haejin sighed and nodded.

" Fine. " She then walked back to her room. " He must be so happy about it, huh. " She muttered. 


Haejin layed herself on the bed while staring at the ceiling. " Oh, what to do. So bored. " She sighed.

She then heard a knock on the door. She quickly sat up on the bed. " Come in. "

The door flew open, revealing Chunji. Somehow, Chunji looked different from before. Just a minute ago he looked really happy but now, he looked kind of sad and dissapointed. ' What's wrong with him? ' Haejin thought.

" Emm. What is it, master? " Haejin asked Chunji. Chunj looked at her with a serious exspression which kind of scared her.

" You can take a day off. I'm giving you free time for the rest of today. " Chunji said, still with the serious face.

" B-but.. " Haejin stuttered.

" Just go where you want, will you. I already give you free time for today, didn't I? " Chunji said coldly to her before walking out of the room, slamming the door behind him. Haejin was stunned of what just happen. ' What...was that? ' She thought but she decided to just shrugged it off. ' Okay, okay. Just let him be. Now, I got my free time! I want to go visit Infinite oppas! ' She nodded to herself happily.


Chunji went to his room and slammed the door behind him. He then tossed himself on his bed. Without noticing, a tear was rolling down his cheek. He was never the cry baby but he really miss his parents so much and it had been a long time since he met with his parents. " Can't they atleast have some free time for me, today. " He muttered softly and recalled back the conversation he had just now with his mother.


" Hello? Omma. " Chunji answered his phone after he looked at the caller ID.

" Hello, honey. " His mother said from the other line.

" Omma, I really miss you and appa! " Chunji said, smiling already.

" Honey, we miss you too. "

" Omma, you and appa will come home today, right? " Chunji asked excitedly. There was a silent for a while after that.

" Omma? " He then heard his mother sighing at the other line.

" Honey, look. Me and appa really want to come home but, we have to go to Dubai this evening for another project. Mianhae, honey. We won't be home for another next three months. Sorry. " His mother's voice sounded guilty. Chunji's smile fadded as soon as he heard that.

" Ahh. Omma, it's fine. You and appa are busy. I understabd. " He said, souding like he was okay but he was actually not. " I got use to it anyway. " He muttered softly.

" Ahh~ I'm glad you are fine with it. Honey, we have to go now. Appa and I love you, okay. Bye! " Her mother hung up the phone before Chunji could answered back.

" you too. " He said softly, hardly audible.

~End of Flashback~

" I guess they really did forget about it, huh? " Chunji muttered as another tear rolled down his cheek.

" I'm tired. Tired of waiting... "


Sunggyu on the other hand just woke up from his sleep and went to the kitchen to eat the breakfast that their maids had made. The other members were still soundly asleep because it was weekend. 

Sunggyu rubbed his sleepy eyes and yawned several times. He sat down on the chair and took some sips of his milk. Then, the house phone suddenly rang. He groaned, annoyed and walked to the living room to pick up the phone. 

" Hello? " He answered the phone with annoyed tone.

" Gyu oppa! It's me, Jinnie! " Haejin said from the other line. Sunggyu small eyes then shot wide open.

" Jinnie? Why do you call? " Sunggyu asked suddenly feeling happy .

" Oh, I was wondering if you guys have nothing to do today?  "

" Emm, we have nothing to do today. Why do you ask? "

" Oh, great! I want to hangout with you guys since Chunji gave me a break for today! " Jinnie said excitedly.

" Sure, why not. " Sunggyu said, nodding to himself. 

" Good! I'm on my way to your dorm now. See you later! Bye! " She hung up the phone without waiting for Sunggyu's answer. Sunggyu was dumbfounded. ' She's on her way here?! Now?! ' Sunggyu suddenly panicked. He didn't even take his bath yet. Moreover, the other members doesn't even woke up yet.

He quickly place the phone back on the table and ran to the other members rooms to wake them up. He went to Woohyun's room first.

" Yah! Woohyun! Wake up! " Sunggyu shook Woohyun's body. Woohyun just groaned and closed his face with his pillow to continue sleeping. Sunggyu continued shaking his body but Woohyun still doesn't want  to wake up.

" That's it! " Sunggyu then went on Woohyun's bed and went on top of him with his arms wrapped around his neck while his legs wrapped around Woohyun's body like he wanted to wrestling with Woohyun. 

" Ahh! Hyung, okay, okay! I'm waking up now. Let me go! " Woohyun struggled in Sunggyu's arm. Sunggyu smirked then let him go and went off the bed.

" Come on. Get your lazy off the bed, Woohyun. " Sunggyu pulled Woohyun off the bed.

" But I'm tired. " Woohyun whined. He  doesn't want to get up from his bed. 

" Yah! We have to wake the others up too! " Sunggyu was still pulling Woohyun. " You are so heavy! " He kept on pulling Woohyun but Woohyun was still holding on the bed sheet.

" Hyung, you're the leader. Just go wake the others alone. " Woohyun hold on the bed sheet tighter.

" Yah! Woohyun! Jinnie will be here soon! " Sunggyu yelled. Woohyun's eyes shot wide open and he immediately let go off the bed sheet when he heard it which made him fell down with Sunggyu to the floor, him on top of Sunggyu. Well, more like sitting on Sunggyu.

Woohyun grabbed Sunggyu's collar and shook it several times. " Jinja?! " He was feeling excited when he heard it.

" Yah! Stop shaking me! Do you want me to die! And get your off my stomach! It's hurt, you know! " Sunggyu yelled and pushed Woohyun off his body. Woohyun muttered a sorry to him.

" Now, let's go wake the others. " By that, they went to Sungyeol's, Hoya's and Sungjong's rooms after that. It was more easier since they are light sleepers. Sungyeol and the two other went to the living room, still half a sleep while Sunggyu and Woohyun went to L's room.

" Here goes one of the sleepy head. " Sunggyu muttered and shook L's body, hardly since he's a heavy sleeper, other than Dongwoo.

" L! Wake up! " Woohyun also joined Sunggyu, shooking L's body. L didn't flinch, even a bit. Woohyun then had an idea.

" I'll go get the something for a while. " Woohyun said and went to his room to grab something. He then walked back to L's room. Woohyun actually had brought his Ipod with him. Sunggyu just stood there, waiting for what Woohyun would do.

Woohyun then smirked and walked up closer to L. He then put on the earphones in L's ears and started to play a rock song, which is a loud song. Woohyun turned up to the highest volume.

Because of the sudden loud noise at his ears, L's eyes shot wide open and he straighten up his body in shock. Woohyun just laugh watching L's exspression while Sunggyu just shook his head at his dongsaengs's actions. L then glare sharply at Woohyun who was stull laughing.

" Yah! Hyung! Not funny! " L yelled at Woohyun which just made him laugh more. 

" Yah! Yah! Stop it now! Get up already! Now, go to the living room! " Sunggyu said and went off to Dongwoo's room. Another sleepy head's room. Instead of waking him up, Sunggyu just dragged the sleeping Dongwoo's out of his room and to the living room. He then took a bucket of cold water and splashed it on Dongwoo's face which made his eyes open almost immediately.

" What? Fire? Where? Where?! " Dongwoo quickly stood up and started panicking, looking around him seeing no fire. He looked back at Sunggyu who was giving him the 'seriously?' look.

" What? No fire? " Dongwoo sighed in relief and sat back down. Sunggyu just shook his head at Dongwoo.


After making sure that all the members were already gathered in the living room, Sunggyu took a glance at the clock that was hanging on the wall. His eyes widened again when he saw the time.

" It took 30 minutes just to wake all of you! " He muttered and faced the other members who were still half a sleep. " Yah! All of you! Get your lazy to the bathroom and take the shower! " He instructed them.

" But hyung, why? It's weekend! " Sungjong whined.

" Guys, Jinnie is on her way here! Just hurry up and get ready! " Sunggyu said which made their eyes became wide open, they were all fully awake now.

" Mwoh?! " They said in disbelief except for Woohyun since he knew it already.

" Jinja?! " Sungyeol asked.

" Yes! Now get ready! I want to get ready myself too. " Sunggyu told them and quickly went to his bathroom to take his shower while the other members also ran to their bathrooms to take their shower as well.


Haejin was walking down the street, in her way to Infinite's dorm. It was not that far so she decided to just walk but still, it took some times too. She was humming and skipping happily. She finally had her free time and she can hangout with Infinite. She was really excited since it was the first time she went to their dorm. She knew the adress from Sunggyu.

She finally stopped in front of a big house, okay, more like a mansion. Haejin looked at the house number and back to the paper that had Infinite's adress. She smiled happily when she comfirmed that the adress was the same. " Yes! This is it! "  She walked up to the big gate and there was a guard.

" Annyeong hasaeyo ahjusshi! " Haejin greeted the guard with a smile. The guard smiled back and pressed a button to open the big gate. 

" Oh, annyeong hasaeyo, Miss Haejin. " The guard bowed in respect as Haejin walked in. They actuallly known each other for a long time. The guard was actually Sunggyu's family guard. She alway met the guard when she was still little when she went to Sunggyu's house so, the guard know her too. 

Haejin just smiled to the guard and went to the front door. She knocked it several times.


Sunggyu and the other members were just finishing with their bath. Since they were in a hurry, they were still kind of soaking wet. They didn't had much time to dry their body nor to done their hair.

" Wait! Look at the dorm! It's messy and dirty! " Hoya said as he looked around the living room. Their rooms were also in a mess!

The other also looked around and they became to panick again. They can't let Haejin see all this.

" Let's just ask the maids. " Sunggyu said and went to the kitchen where their two maids were.

" You both, clean up this house. " He told them.

" But, is it okay, master? Because, you didn't like us touching your stuffs and we just here to make you some food only. " One of the maid said.

" I don't care now. Just go clean this house until it's clean. Now! " Sunggyu instructed and they both quickly bowed to Sunggyu and went cleaning.

Just then, they heard some knock at the front door. Their eyes widen in horor. The house was still messy! They were still in a messy state!

They exchanged panick faces with each other and quickly ran to the front door.

" Okay, what ever you guys do, don't let her go in. Yet. " Sunggyu said and they all nodded. They stood in a straght line, to block Haejin from seeing inside. They then opened the door, appearing a smiling Haejin. They all then smiled back at her, trying to look calm.

" Hye Jinnie! Long time no see! " Sungyeol greeted her.

" Neh! Hye oppa! " She greeted back with a grin. She then notice that they were in a state of mess. Their hair, also that they were still wet.

" Oppa, what's wrong wih you guys? You guys look...wet? " Haejin raised her eyebrow at them. They all just smiled sheepishly at her while trying to find a reason.

" Oh about this, we played water guns just now. That's why. " Dongwoo said, laughing awkwardly. Luckily Haejin just believed them and stopped asking about it more.

" Emm, aren't you guys.... " HAejin tip toed a bit to looked in the dorm but they all blocked her view.

" Oh Jinnie. How about we go grab our lunch together ?..outside. " Woohyun said while putting his arm around Haejin's shoulder, bringing her out with him.

" Well, okay. " Haejin nodded eagerly. The other members also followed, walking behind them.

" You both better clean up all this before we come back. " Sunggyu told the maids and walked up to the others.

They then went to a restaurant and had their lunch there. They were also chatting and laughing with each other. After finishing their meals, they went to the park for a walk. The park was empty because it was still noon. They decided to play tag like they used to when they were little. Dongwoo and Sungyeol had to chase the others.

" Come here! Dinowoo is coming after! " Dongwoo said while chasing after Haejin. Haejin was running as fast as she can.

" Andwe! Oppa, don't chase me! " Haejin shouted while Dongwoo just laughed. Then, Sungyeol also started chasing after Haejin, joining Sungyeol.

" Ahh! Yeollie oppa! Not you too! " Haejin ran faster. " Yah! Don't just chase me! Not fair! " 

Sungyeol and Dongwoo just laugh and continued chasing her around the park. " We're going to eat you! " The other members just at down on a bench whie watching the scene, laughing.

" Gyu oppa! Namu oppa! Sungjong oppa! Hoya oppa! Help me! " Haejin shouted for help but she was actually having fun too. They all just laughed, not helping her but just watch her.

At last, Sungyeol and Dongwoo caught her because she finally stopped running because she was tired already.

" Now, for the punishment! " Sungyeol laughed. He hugged Haejin from behind, not letting her to escape while Dongwoo started tickling her everywhere.

" Andwe.. oppa!..It's tickle! " She said between her laugh.

They really had so much fun together. After that, they decided to went back to Infinite's dorm. Infinite were hoping that their dorm would be clean already. They slowly opened the door and sighed in relief when they saw that it was already clean. Haejin also walked in.

" Oppa! Your dorm is so big! " Haejin said excitedly.

" Yeah. So Jinnie, do you want to see the dance moves that I've told you before? " Hoya asked. Haejin nodded eagerly like a little child. Infinite just chuckled at her cute reaction. They then went to a studio where Infinite always practice dancing. 

Haejin sat on the couch at the corner while Infinite was getting ready for dancing. After some warm up, Infinite started to played a song. ' The Time ' from black eye peas. 

They started dancing and were moving to the beat. They were dancing with their robot moves. It was really robotic! ' They must have practice for a long time. ' Haejin thought as she watched them dancing amazingly. In the middle of their dancing, suddenly the music changed. They started dancing to a different song. ' Like a G6 '. It was really cool how they dance. There was this one dance move that caught her attention. It was really unique. It was the dance move where they would slowly fall to the ground with them facing the floor and then, they would pulled one leg up and used their hands to push them back up on their feets. It was their highlight. Then, it was time for Hoya and Dongwoo danced in the center. It was really amazing how they dance.

After that, the song finally end and they finished dancing. Infinite went to sit on the couch with Haejin while panting.

" So, how was it? " Dongwoo asked between his panting. Haejin just giggled watching them sweating and panting but then, she nodded.

" It's good! Daebak! " She made two thumbs up with her hands. Infinite just smiled at her. She then stood up that made Infinite felt confused.

" Where are you going? " Sungyeol asked. Haejin smiled at them.

" Oppa, you guys wait here. I want to go and get something. Wait, okay? " She told them and went off. Sungyeol just looked at Sunggyu who just shrugged his shoulder.


A/N : Sorry, I have to stop here for a while. I update as soon as possible! ^^ So, is this chap okay? 

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HyuHyunah #1
Chapter 9: Haejin and Chunji fighting! Update soon author-nim
Chapter 9: oh Chunji-ssi. he must be so sad. well even this is not real. but i can feel it. be happy Chunji-ssi. and wake up. she's infront of u.
crissue #3
oh my gosh! this fic looks interesting! i'm subscribing it :D
Chapter 8: new reader^^ Feel guilty too Chunji. poor him.
why those it happen on his birthday. he must be crying all day