Chapter 3

Do I Love My Enemy?(HIATUS)



" The winner is... " Ricky paused and looked at Haejin and Chunji who were standing nervously. Chunji was tapping his foot on the floor nervously whlie Haejin was biting her lower lip nervously, waiting for the result. Ricky then looked at the audience. The audience were silent and were waiting nervously too. They were really anticipating to know the result. Haejin's heart suddenly started beating faster. She took a deep breathe to calm her down.

" The winner is...well, this will be shocking. " Ricky said, sighing.

He took a deep breathe. " The winner is.... " " Chunji! " Ricky finally announced. The audience were shocked at first, but then, they cheered out loud while clapping their hands for Chunji. Some part of them were still dissapointed for Haejin though. Haejin was really shocked to hear it  that she was froze. She didn't do anything. She could only hear the audience cheering and a song was being played to celebrate the moment. 

' Is this a dream?! Am I hearing it right?! ' She asked herself. Chunji in the other hand was really happy. He jumped up and down of joy.

He then looked at Haejin who was still speechless, and smirked at her. He walked up to her. " Looks like you just lose, SLAVE. " Chunji laughed and went down the stage to join with the cheering audience. Then it finally hitted her. She just lose to Chunji! As in Chunji, her enemy that she really hate.

" No. This is can't be true. " She mumbled to herself, trying to denied the fact. She couldn't accept it, especially when she knew what will happen to her after that. She quickly ran up to Ricky and took the card from him. She looked at the card, and it was really written that the winner was Chunji with 502 votes. She got 500 votes. The gap between them was just 2 votes but still, it gave a big impact to her.

She doesn't want to be a slave, not to her enemy. She suddenly broke down, she fell on her knees in disbelief. Suddenly, the atmosphere in the hall became silence again. Haejin looked up infront of her and saw Chunji who was standing infront of her, smirking at her. She stood up and faced Chunji. Chunji then grabbed the microphone from Ricky and faced the audience with a big smile on his face.

" Ladies and gentlemen. If you all can see, this girl right here, just lose to me. " Chunji said proudly. " So now, I will anounce that...Yoo Haejin as my slave for a month from today on. " Chunji stated and smirked at Haejin. Haejin slightly feel embarrassed but she didn't show it. She just sent a glare to Chunji while Chunji just smirked at her. She let out a heavy sigh.


After school, Haejin had to wait outside the school for Chunji. This was the first time she even waited for someone. Especially someone slow and always late like Chunji. Haejin glance at her watch for the 10th times. ' Aish. Where is that stupid Chunji?! " Haejin muttered in frustration. She just kept on cursing Chunji silently.  

Just then, she saw Chunji walked out the school with two girls beside him. It made Haejin really angry seeing Chunji. Chunji was smiling and laughing with the girls while the girls were clinging onto both of his arms. ' That flirty! How could he still be laughing and flirting when he ask me to wait for him?! At the same time, he is super late?! ' Haejin scoffed and crossed her arms, glaring at Chunji. Chunji and the girls walked up to Haejin who was waiting for him.

" Ladies, will you excuse me for now. " Chunji gave a seducing smile while winking at the girls. The girls smiled back at him while giving a flying kiss and went off. Haejin just made a disgusted face looking at them. ' Seriously! What a flirty and a player he is! ' Haejin thought and rolled her eyes.

" Why do you ask me to wait for you when you can just ask those girls? " Haejin asked, annoyed tone could be heard. Chunji smirked at her. ' Can't he stop smirking already?! It's so irritating! ' Haejin thought.

" Well, I can if I want to. But, I don't want to. Anyway, I ask you, not them. So just follow my order, slave. " Chunji said. " Anyway, they were just accompany me to go out the school. " Haejin just rolled her eyes at him, saying watever.

" So now that you are my slave, you have to wait here for me, everyday after school. " He informed Haejin. " And also.. " He snapped his finger to called out someone. A guy then came out, bringing some heavy and big books in his hands. The guy put down the books and walked off. Haejin looked at the books and back to him with raised eyebrow. 

" I want you to carry all this book for me. " He instructed.

 Haejin eyes widened. " What?! "

" I said, carry this books for me. Are you deaf? " He scoffed. 

" I heard you, okay! And I'm not deaf! I just want to ask you, why in the world am I the one who have to?! " Haejin asked, frustrated.

" Yah! You are my slave! So you better do as I ask! " He said sternly. Haejin still don't feel scared though he said it sternly. She just rolled her eyes and carried the books.'  As I expected, this books are really heavy! I can't believe he's asking a girl to do this! ' Haejin thought.

" Since when do you have so many books like this? You don't even like study. " Haejin said.

" That's not my books. I borrowed from the library just now. Since today, I just suddenly feel like studying today. " Chunji said, smirking while shrugging his shoulders. ' Aish I know this flirty is just lying.. He must want me to suffer being his slave. ' Haejin sighed.

" You are a kingkas and you bully? Tsk.. " Haejin muttered but loud enough for Chunji to hear it.

" I'm not bullying. You are my slave so, I can order you to do things whenever I want. " Chunji said. Haejin just sighed. " Now, come on. Carry the books to my house. "

" What?! Don't you have a driver? Why would we be walking to your house?! " Haejin asked in dibelief.

" Since I have a slave, I think walk is the best. You better get use to it. " Chunji smirked at Haejin. Haejin eyes widened. ' Is this guy insane or something?! You got to be kidding me! He is suffering me! ' Haejin mentaly yelled in frustration.

" Yah! Come on! " Chunji called out as he started walking. Haejin let out a heavy sigh and walked behind him. ' First day of being slave, I'm already suffering.. ' Haejin thought.


Haejin put down the books on the table after they went in Chunji's mansion. Haejin sighed in relief after carrying those heavy books. " There, do you need anything more? " Haejin asked, crossed arms.

" Hmm..I think it's enough for now. " Chunji said.

" Well then, you don't need me anymore for today. I'll just be going home now. " Haejin said and walked to the door. Before she could even get out, Chunji blocked her way.

" Yah! " Haejin shouted at Chunji.

" Where are you going, missy. You're staying here. " Chunji said, smirking.

" What?! Why?! "

" Because I said so. "

" No! No way! I'm going home! Move! " Haeji pushed Chunji as hard as she can, but Chunji was more stronger.

" You'll be staying here for the rest of this one month. It will be easier for me to order you around, slave. " Chunji laughed. Haejin who got tired pushing, just stopped and glare at Chunji.

" But my parents would be mad! A-and your parents would too! " Haejin tried to gave reason. Chunji shook his head.

" I already told Ricky about this and he would help dealing with your parents with his reasons. " Chunji said. ' What?! Ricky, why aren't you helping your sister?! ' Haejin thought.

" And for my parents, they are not here. They are overseas. " Chunji said again.

" B-but, how about my clothes? Yes! My clothes! " Haejin said, hoping that she wouldn't have to stay there.

" Don't worry, Ricky had ask your maid to pack your clothes. Your bags are at the guess room. " Chunji informed. ' What?! Okay, that little kid going to get it... ' Haejin thought and sighed in defeat.


A/n   : Hye guys! I ho[e this chap isn't boring or lame. Mianhae... I hope you guys enjoy it! ^^


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HyuHyunah #1
Chapter 9: Haejin and Chunji fighting! Update soon author-nim
Chapter 9: oh Chunji-ssi. he must be so sad. well even this is not real. but i can feel it. be happy Chunji-ssi. and wake up. she's infront of u.
crissue #3
oh my gosh! this fic looks interesting! i'm subscribing it :D
Chapter 8: new reader^^ Feel guilty too Chunji. poor him.
why those it happen on his birthday. he must be crying all day